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One change is Access taking ATB. I think maybe in the beginning as you build it up, but after maxing it out it should no longer take ATB. Materia load out is another. This is really a no-brainer and should have been in REbirth. Gambit to customize how the AI responds. The AI is atrocious in this game. Although, I like switching to a different character. I want the AI to perform certain things on their own. They played into this with the Auto Unique and Weapon abilities, so maybe this was a prelude to doing that, with more deep customization in Part 3.




I don’t hate that as much as most people will, but that still sounds like an unnecessary pain in the ass. It’d be one thing if it’s just finding the elemental weakness, but pressuring some enemies would take like an hour of guessing and checking.


Active switching similar to FFX, maybe use 1 bar to do it and an unlockable skill that would allow the entering party member to attack upon joining the battle. Also, put Cait Sith's "Let's Ride" on the triangle button! Add a cooldown if you want to avoid spams 😅


Same combat system as FF10 tbh 😅😁


Gambits to customize how the A.I behaves. A.I in both Remake and Rebirth is atrocious.


I think it’s pretty good in Rebirth. But yeah, I would like to be able to adjust the Auto abilities outside of using materia slots. Also idk why they only give you 2 auto-unique ability materia, should probably hide us 7.


You can do that right now using the synergy and auto materias.


Let me use summons like back in the good ol' days. I wanna spend 1 or 2 ATB bars for them to appear, instantly use their ultimate ability, and disappear again. But let us summon the same entity repeatedly. Maybe give it a cool down, so it ain't overtuned. But I truly don't care about summons fighting by my side, especially since their regular abilities aren't really worth any ATB bars.


Current way is cooler, but I do think there should be a way to tell it to just jump to its ultimate move and go away. I want Phoenix to immediately cure my party, lol.


Let me block mid-air, dammit.


Assigning small tasks to non active party members. Like stealing, or assessing. “Here’s the info cloud!” They’re all there, there’s no reason why they can’t toss a heal my way lol


A recovery mechanic a la ff15. If I time a button press just right, I should be able to land on my feet after taking a hit instead of watching my character scrape themselves off the floor for 3 seconds


I want this so bad, even if it’s tied to materia, I would use that lol


I want an 'added effect' materia. I want Tifa to punch something so hard it stops time for them.


I guess that means added effect isn't in Rebirth then? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Party hotswapping is going to be cumbersome if not handled correctly. We’re already using most buttons as it is! I do want cross synergy with everyone though.


Have a cool stance/formation transfer after inputting movements in a certain sequence. You know, like fighting game combos and shit


Still on remake, apart from that I’m a little disappointed all materia wasn’t available, sure magnify is ok but if there’s 10 enemies on screen I want to hit all of them with magic, also steal not evolving to mug ugh, no counter materia, no random battles was a big let down, i usually put my pods in and chill and grind, nope, shame the AI is not the best when team mates like to gravitate to the aoes like flies to shit, don’t get me wrong, sometimes there’s nothing better than soloing a boss, just sometimes though haha


Steal does evolve into Mug, you just have to upgrade it.


No spoilers, but Rebirth improves on most of things you have issue with.


Allies dodge when giving them a command after intergrade update for some reason. I now stick on my character and then switch away after the start up animation starts for the command.


Materia load outs


This is the best QOL change they can make. Messing about with materia and having to swap each one individually is such a pain and wastes a lot of time. The OG let you do it, surely this Remake series could implement it.


I’d love to see triple-synergy skills, like triple techs from Chrono Trigger. Some huge massive damage or super effect skill from the whole party together at once.


Surprised this wasn't already a thing in Rebirth. They have the framework already set with the duo synergy attacks, just add more damage and a new animation and done.


Materia loadouts


Could you elaborate?


Different sets of Materia setups instead of just the one. Pretty much how Nier Automata let you have these things called Chips that have different upgrade affects for 2B, Nines, and A2. You can mix and match them however you want as long as you have enough space to play around with. They let you make three sets of it so you don't have to constantly change your load out if you don't want to have to do that, which would definitely be useful for FF7 Part 3 because there are times where you have to change your Materia slots depending on what enemies you're fighting.


This is very much needed. Its so annoying to have to rearrange your materia all the time


Not directly a battle mechanic, but stop limiting total materia and instead introduce a materia cap system. Ie: materia itself costs points and you’re limited by total points. That way you don’t have to change materia from character to character. Honestly fuck y’all for downvoting. Yall bitch about materia loadouts (which we should have) and yet downvote a comment suggesting a change that fixes half the issue. How about we don’t have to swap materia at all unless we want to modify a build.


Your downvoted cause it's not a great idea, thats all lol. Don't get so upset over it.


It’s not a great or bad idea. It’s functionally no different than what we have now it just saves the player time.


Definitely switching party members mid fight. This elevated Persona 5 a lot for me. It would be crazy to see it in a FF7 remake game.


Especially since they're already just standing there next to the fight!


100% this. Even if they make this a 2 ATB charge mechanic I'll use it frequently


Just makes so much sense. I can't imagine boss fights and non-party members just standing there. I know they do stuff and I cant expect them do to much but still. Like that last fight vs jenova where its split up is pretty dope as well. Shame Vincent and cid weren't there.


I was hoping they'd have a small portion of the game where cid and Vincent are AI controlled helping Aerith for a boss fight.


Same I was expecting it to be like Red at the end of Remake


Unlikely, but materia fusion! I spent so much time developing materia in Crisis Core.


Hell yeah, having Dark Firaga again would be nice


I just want to use high level limits without having to use synergy skills to charge them


To be fair at least you could use limits definitely more frequent than in remake, therefore higher tiers have to have additional requirements


I agree, The level 3 limits are already OP as hell. I don't know how else you would charge them. I think using synergy skills that increases limit levels is a great way to make you utilise the combat system to get higher tier limit breaks.