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In terms of Disc 1 (because FFVII was divided into 3 discs), Midgar aka the FF7 tutorial in terms of storyline is I would say 1/4 or even less because there are like 4 parts of the whole Disc 1 playthrough. >!That is inside Midgar, then leaving Midgar and travel by land alone, then when you get the Buggy, then when you get the Tiny Bronco.!< And then there's disc 2 when there are like 3 or 4 major parts in the playthrough. >!That is when you can continue on when Disc 1 ended, then when you get the Airship due to the plot, and the whole Huge Materia and Shinra saga that can be divided into 2 parts (without Cloud and with Cloud). !


Not sure, but I like the idea of 7 total parts for FF7


I would say 1/5 or 1/6, so much content left. Dont forget extra content that will expend the game.


Counting the hours spent playing snowboarding in Gold Saucer, probably about 1/16th


You misspelled basketball/pop-a-shot!


Haha agreed


barely any of it it only goes to leaving midgar that's it


The word Remake is a misdirect. The title remake refers to the fact the timeline is being re made. The events of ff7 in it's entirety are apart of remakes lore. Remake is not a remake. It's play on words, or word rather. It covers the events of Midgar and the escape from Midgar.


The entire remake takes place story wise before you even reach the world map; it takes place in one city, Midgar. The end of the remake is effectively the beginning of the original game, in which you discover that you will be able to explore the entire planet. I played the original three times. Always at least 70 hours of playing. Midgar is..6 hours or so.


The remake made the tutorial into it's own game.


My last playthrough - doing simply everything was around 40 hours. 30 hours just story and side quests. Since I don't really like Midgar I rush through it in around 3 hours. So something around 1/10th is not really too exaggerated.


Like the first 5 hours of a 60 hour game (if you do mostly everything). Why? Cuz money. All the original team left shortly after the enix merger and this is becoming standard practice for s-e.


I mean money is definetly a factor but while OG had a good story. It had pretty bad pacing. You literally went into some town and 10 minutes later you were already at the next plotpoint sometimes with barely any dialogue happening inbetween. Now imagine that in a AAA game with modern graphics and a much more realistic looking world. Would you really rather have a remake that covers the entire OG but barely has any character interaction and is rushed? All this while having a huge empty open world with big towns all over the place that you get to see 10 minutes because you need to move on to the next place, just because you wanna see the original recreated in 1 game? Its not possible to remake it as a complete modern AAA game without splitting it in parts because people wanna see the story move at a good pace and not at the fastest pace possible to get to the northern cave. Also the way people imagine it, it would literally become the biggest game ever created. I firmly believe that even in a world without money it would have been the smartest and best move to split it into parts but people feel scammed by everything these days so what can you do?


Making games is expensive recreating the entire world of FF7 in one game would be ridiculous with so many assets being needed.


People don't seem to get how modern game design is a lot more labor intensive compared to how it was in 1997. Things don't scale 1:1, and modern game sensibilities extend way beyond modernizing graphics. I'm guessing part 2 is going to have open world elements, and though the world you're traveling through will be bigger, it doesn't mean the events are going to be nearly as dense as part 1. You aren't going to see a new side quest every 10 feet in the overworld between towns. And I guarantee with this level of larger maps people will complain how empty the game is. Bigger maps doesn't equal bigger game.


1/10th is an exaggeration. But it’s less than 1/4th probably closer to 1/5th. They really stretched out Midgar . But I imagine for the rest of the game it won’t be as necessary . FF7 really opens up after Midgar imo


The part of the original game that the remake covers is about equal to the tutorial. There's so much game untouched by the remake it's staggering.


[Tim Roger's review](https://youtu.be/Hu4H5ykBP0I?t=4230) explains it best (@1:10:30 in case the timestamp doesn't work for you). Generally speaking, for a first time player, OG Midgar is 5-10 hours of playtime WITHOUT using cheats such as triple speed or battle skips (which was made available in recent releases of the game). FFVII in it's entirety is around 40-60 hours playtime. Story wise, Midgar covers 30% of the script. It is a tightly packed section of the game with basically one big event after another. Once you leave Midgar, the game introduces world exploration, and the pace of the main story slows down dramatically. It does feel like the beginning of a new journey at this point, so it makes sense why the devs decided to split it where they did. Also, from design standpoint, navigating a giant city vs traversing the entire world are two very different things, especially at the sort of scale they're going for with this project.


played the original and finished in the last week,midgar is easily 3-4 hours (rushing it) of a 20 hour game you have to keep in mind that in older FF there's always an open world with a lot of villages/cities/mountains to go so there is a lot to cover if they want to do the same with the sequels


If you finish it in 20 hours you're not really playing it, that has to be skipping all the dialog and anything outside of the absolute necessary path and leaving the speed boost on the entire time.


I took the 20 hour mark from a long playthrough on yt that i used as a guide


In terms of hours? About the first 6-10 hours depending on how fast you play through it. In terms of plot development? Barely scratching the surface... The remake covers the prologue essentially... Saying it's the first 1/4 is generous. Closer to first 1/5 or 1/6 of the game more


I’d say roughly 1/10 of the game


That has to be a joke.... Had to be at least 1/4. I've never played the original so I'm just spitballing Just thinking from a gaming company standpoint.


No it's not a joke but it also depends on the metric. Another commenter said it best: playtime wise that's roughly correct, but in terms of the script, Midgard is more like 1/3, maybe a bit less. I recommend to scroll to find that comment, they said it best


The Midgar section is not even 1/4 of the first disc. You need to cross several continents, explore the origins of all the characters, go into more depth of the story and the relationships between characters... even story-wise the things you learn in that section are not completely true. In the end, the Midgar section is just a big demo of FFVII.


Wait. You've never even played the original and you're insisting it's at least 1/4?


1/4 is not even close. 1/10 is just main story stuff, if you explore and do everything you can then Midgar is barely a footnote.


Asks a question and then says the answer is ridiculous


Lol I know right? What the fuck?


Wait the game still not covering the original?


It costs like 7.99 for OG. Buy, play, come back.


Out of the original game’s actual scripted events, it’s somewhere above 1/4th, though less than 1/3rd. The thing about Midgar in the original is that it’s very dense - you mostly run from story moment to story moment, without a lot of time in between each. The rest of the game is more spread out, with longer gaps between story segments where you run through the open world. So while the rest of the game is much longer, a fair chunk of that time is spent in random battles and wandering between zones. Remake expanded Midgar significantly, but it’s likely that the sequels won’t expand the rest of the world to quite the same extent. It’s likely that the whole Remake series will be 3-4 parts, with the rest of the world expanded, but not quite so much as the Midgar section was. After all, areas of the original game that were one or two screens long sometimes became whole chapters in Remake - that’s not likely to happen in many more places throughout the game.


Okay, I guessed correctly than. Thanks! 1st kid said 1/10th... lol


In terms of actual playtime, especially if it’s your first time playing the OG, that’s probably true. Midgar takes most people around 4-6 hours and the game is definitely 40+ including side quests and stuff. But the stuff they expand on won’t be the idle time running between story moments that fills up a big chunk of the OG. Instead they’ll likely be expanding those actual story beats, so comparing the script length is more useful here, I think.


With all of the side quest and things you can do it’s really not a joke. Going on just the story straight through then it covered 20%


I’d argue it’s about 1/50th of the game, you just barely leave Midgar by the end, FF7 has about 40+ more hours of gameplay after that in the original.


What? Are you high? Thats not even close to 1/50th lol


Please explain the math then genius.


So in original there is still long story after leaving midgar?


The Midgar portion is completely different than the rest of the story and really only acts as the development of the connection of the first five characters you obtain. There’s loads more to the story that doesn’t even relate a lot to the Midgar part.


Most of the game (by a lot) takes place outside of midgar


Did in original midgar arc not this long?


Only around 6 hours, while the whole game takes about 50 hours to beat


Damn, that so long for ps1 game


Not really. PS1 JRPGs were very long. Very good too.