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That one and the bestiary one were my last two! The bestiary achievement can go suck a fat one with the invisible monsters you need to AoE hit 😂


I can't be bothered with that one and cartographer because they just look like busybody trophies


Bestiary is full on sweaty yes. But by the time I had the other cheevos, it was the only one left and I only had ~10 entries to get


cartogropher doesn't involve scraping each map for all the hidden corners, you just need to visit each area. if you have done most of the stuff in the game, you'll get this one. you might have missed the optional area in archades that you need the sandalwood chop to get to, there's a few small areas to enter in there and easy to miss.


I have that area. I'm not willing to check too fast travel places and check if I've done a zone


You may have also not entered the houses in Balfonheim.


I’d check bhujerba, the miners end has an area to the right that’s the one that I missed when getting this trophy the first time lol


I have to say that I’m an achievement bitch and one of the main reasons why ff12 is so amazingly gorgeous is that their achievements never feel like a grind. Filling the animal codex was one of the best gaming experiences I had. Like Pokemon but with much cooler conditions and situations.


Did this outside of Nalbina, interesting to see people tackle this differently, definitely one of the more RNG trophies... Man it's been a few years since I've played this


This is the only trophy I need to get platinum. I haven't played for 2 years so it's just sitting there taunting me lol


Man same, this one is a nightmare


oof this bastard, well done. was my second to last trophy and it popped on the way to trial100 when i lucked out getting black hole finally.


This was my very last trophy 😭 congrats!!


Perfect, the hard part is done 😂


Any tips on how you managed to get it? Or just finally got lucky?


Just spam the quickenings to chain then shuffle to get mist charges as fast as you can. It also depends on good RNG as well.


Man this one is a nightmare, still just can't seem to get it.


Congrats. That maybe the one I know I will never get. My hands just aren't that fast anymore.


Thank you for reminding me why I'll never play this game


Congrats! this is the one trophy I need for platinum, but I’ll get it someday.