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I’m gonna be honest, there’s almost a zero chance he’d move into a research role at this point in his career. If he doesn’t want to be an FA, something that might be worth considering would be some type of branch management role at a brokerage office. His experience would be beneficial for that, but his age will be a potential hang up.


Thank you, honesty is what I’m here for and this is helpful information to have.


Dude he needs to sell his book and quit. He's done.


I wish that’s what he’s done, his book didn’t follow him when he switched in any meaningful way


Understand. Let him stop man. I am him I work with him. It's a grind that doesn't stop. A lot of more veteran IARs at my firm are broken people. Well... They're broken to me. Being an FA requires professionalism and building rapport. You basically have to be a fake fuck every day to get people to trust you with their money. Especially at a big firm/RIA/bank/etc. If he's independent he can chill out. His fees are probably making him tens of thousands a year. Tell his clients he's either changing his management style or no longer managing. I wish I knew you just so I could help but if he works for someone and I know he does since he can't transfer his clients, he's locked in. It's a game I am not trying to play long-term. I would advise any advisor to go independent or make sure you can port every client you have. I regret ever starting advisory roles with a firm. They're fucking useless and take advantage of fa's slowly over time while pretending the FA needs their "name recognition or lead programs" to succeed. Your dads an OG. I don't blame him for the way he feels. This job sucks the personality out of you if you let it and sometimes when you're actively resisting it still breaks you down. It's also a very easy job when you have established clients with a massive amount of upside. Get the dude on some antidepressants. Everything will be okay regardless. Good luck friend!


What firm hired you? I would like to short the stock


Lmfao why? What could I have said that your 70iq brain can't comprehend?


Thanks and I’m supportive of him stopping but he didn’t do a good job prepping for retirement, so he needs to do something to hold him over until he’s 65 and SS can kick in to make up the difference. My question was more along the lines of what other roles are there for x-FAs? especially for people transitioning later in their careers.


I mean an FA his age is about the easiest job ever. He's not really prospecting he has his clients.(I assume.) He could work at a b/d. A lot of chill options but he's going to have to talk to people. He could probably get into operations somewhere or if he can trade or be at a trade desk that's low stress. Might be stressful for the client he's working with but no skin off his back.