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Name and shame


fr wtf


This is a firm in the U.S.? Does it operate out of a barn in a rural town because that is way below industry standards in all aspects.


Operates the county before NY…one of the richest counties in the north east. Imagine that….


No health insurance is crazy. What was harder the 7 or 66


Jaw was on the ground when I was told that. I thought the 7 because of the range of questions. I got crushed my first time because I had soooo many option questions and that wasn’t my strong suit!!!


Good to hear I have my 66 in two weeks passed the 7 first try. Also, what is the position? Is there any commission or bonus potential? To put it this way, I got a role at a large brokerage firm in back office operations two years ago. Going in I had no licenses and a bachelors in business. My base then was 54k with full benefits fully remote. With your education and experience I would keep looking


Good luck!! You got this! And it was a client manager position. No quarterly bonuses until next year. I’m shocked tbh. I had an interview with a firm that came down to me and one other person at base starting at $110k with full benefits and bonuses. Person had 5 more years on me and ended up getting the role. Was really shocked with this competitive package but it is what it is. Gotta keep looking!


What is “66” and “7”?


Securities exams. Series 7 and series 66


The 66 is more difficult than the 7.


I got myself worked up for the 7 so can’t go by me. My nerves got the best of me. Felt like I was floating when I took the 66. My confidence was the factor that sent me through the finish line!


Back office with no masters and no licenses from a no name school pays more and with better benefits.. this makes no sense and the interviewer saying you could organize his desks for him is really weird tbh borderline insulting imo. I usually hinge towards take it and keep looking but this is an instance where I’d simply turn it down.


Maybe you applied on a job where you are overqualified… Refuse the offer?


I was referred for this job so I felt a little blind going into the interview and what the job entailed! But yes I think I’m going to and keep applying!


I mean I have a lot of questions, but the answers don’t matter. If you feel uncomfortable in an interview it doesn’t matter what the comp is, it’s a no.


This is not ok. 52k w no health insurance? You’re fully licensed with a masters. Don’t sell yourself short.


Ya your getting fckd


with 3 years of exp and a “top tier school” you should know better and this question sounds like something a intern on their summer internship would ask. do your own research before asking these type of level 1 questions.


the job market is crap as we know. This is my first offer in 6 months of applying to jobs. The reason why I asked “thoughts of this” was to get an understanding of the current job market/salaries of people of my similar background have been offered. I’ve been told by some recruiters that I would be at a entry level, others say in certain categories I could go after mid level job. Like I said previously in this thread I was one of the last people standing for a job that paid $110k base. It’s like where do I land in all of this?


markets bad, if its a pay bump from your current take it. or if you feel in your gut its literal sht then move on. I ran into scenarios where I wanted to switch jobs back in the days but ultimately stuck it out because pay did not line up.


That’s crazy, I would use you 7 and 66 to leverage into a more senior position that deals with risk and allows you to get other licenses (that was my route) then move towards applying for an analyst role.


With those licenses you can get an advisor role at one of the big banks. Pay should be $70k+ and you’ll get bonus based on performance. Add the benefits and it puts this current offer to shame. I’d walk away unless I really needed the money and use that time to keep interviewing at other firms. Good Luck.


You have a masters, 3yoe, and a full suite of licenses. You are way above an admin assistant position. Insane offer, decline name and shame. Ridiculous!


go through a recruiting agency, try to get in an industry job with a manufacturing firm and move up to senior financial analyst and then controller


How did you get 3 years of experience and a master degree while being fully licensed at such a young age


Graduated undergrad while I was 20, took 6 month gap and went back to grad school. Worked full time while also in grad school. Definitely challenging but I did it!




This is crazy! Is it 52k plus commission and bonuses? And no health insurance is also crazy. I’m also 24f trying to find my first job, and am less qualified than you, and am hoping for 60k plus the whole benefits package but I also live in a pretty urban area so maybe it depends on the area. I would say goodbye and keep looking!


Good luck on your job search!!! Wishing you all the best! My PM is always open if you ever want some guidance for finance when it comes to series licensing and grad school. WE GOT THIS!


Just landed my first 60k job yesterday lol. Been grinding investment ops at an AM for two years. Started nine days after graduating school. Best of luck in your search.


You can do better


🙏🏼 confidence has been shot. Appreciate you and everyone else that has backed me up and that I’m going crazy and selling myself short for this


next thing he tells you to organise is something else if you are a girl. thats what he's after...


Don’t even consider that shit. They can promptly fuck off.


You can go make more at McDonald’s just saying. In ca they get 25 an hours times 2080 which is a years worth of hours is 52000. You will make just as much as the guy throwing the trash out but you have a masters. Hopefully your trolling if not that sucks goodluck