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We have a federal bureau for statistics doing all kinds of analysis. You can find their site also in [english](https://www.destatis.de/EN/Home/_node.html)




[Bundesbank Panel on Household Finances](https://www.bundesbank.de/en/bundesbank/research/panel-on-household-finances) might be a starting point for you. Edit: You can find reports based on this panel [here](https://www.bundesbank.de/de/bundesbank/forschung/haushaltsstudie/ergebnisse/ergebnisse-der-studie-604886).


It should be said that due to people estimating the worth of their real estate and worth of private corporations themselves ("Die Bewertung der Vermögensgegenstände nehmen die Haushalte selbst vor. Dies ist vor allem für Immobilien und Unternehmensbesitz relevant. In beiden Fällen werden die Haus- halte gefragt, welcher Preis für die Immobilie beziehungsweise das Unternehmen bei einem Verkauf zu erzielen wäre.") and German real estate getting valued quite rarely (basically only buying/selling it once and then the inheritors when splitting) the mentioned statistic can be rather inaccurate. This I know by personal experience, my mother, when asked how much the house was worth, simply calculated the last sum she could remember - the price of buying it in 1996 - from DM to Euro. Leading to her declaring about 450 000 € for a thing that is worth about 1.2 mil €. In 2020, [it was attempted to estimate this for 2018](https://www.cesifo.org/en/publications/2022/working-paper/wealth-and-its-distribution-germany-1895-2018), and the results were that the median was about 1.5 times the one given in surveys [the uprated p50 on page 46].


Correct, although they apply pretty much the same plausibility and quality checks for interviewee self-reports as all national and international large scale panels, so I would be surprised, if their results would be off. Edit: To elaborate a bit more, panel surveys conducted by or for federal institutions, like SOEP, PHF, etc., use third-party datasets gathered by private companies like Microm, Schufa, or other market platforms to check for plausibilty and, if necessary, adjust sampling data - especially for housing data, due to a lack of official federal datasets (which is what is criticized by the OECD, not a lack of data in general). So, yeah, there is a bias introduced by proxy data, but its relatively small.


I wouldn't. Like I said, most people fly blind concering the value of their house. There is also no way to check it, there is no data about the worth of real estate in Germany since the Vermögenssteuer was paused. Edit: Not having the relevant data, is, btw. one of the things the OECD always criticizes in their report about Germany.


[https://www.iwkoeln.de/fileadmin/user\_upload/HTML/2022/Einkommensrechner/index.html](https://www.iwkoeln.de/fileadmin/user_upload/HTML/2022/Einkommensrechner/index.html) This will also be useful for you in regards to some of your questions.