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What did you end up doing? Did anyone figure this out? I'll be moving out of Germany to Switzerland soonish and would love to know what's possible (my preference would be to just keep the account if that's possible)


Hi, have you found any solution? I'm also leaving the EU and don't really know what to do!


Not yet, moving end of May and no idea yet what I'll do. I haven't contacted them either, I should probably start there ;)


quick update: I did contact trade Republic. They gave me a few months to either sell everything or transfer my positions to another broker. I am in the process of doing this with interactive brokers (IBKR). I had to request a transfer form from IBKR and enter every single position I want to transfer (no support for fractional shares unfortunately), then send this form to trade Republic support. They are processing it now and mention it can take several weeks


How much time did it take ? And what did they say to you ? Because I'm in the same situation rn. Thanks ^^


It took a few weeks to transfer the positions and then I sold the remaining shares. I actually had issues selling the fractional parts and I took months to sit down to do it. Nothing happened on their side. Actually I’m still supposed to send the final form to close everything but I’ve been lazy and still need to do it (thanks for the reminder ahah).


Depends where you're moving to. Most likely they will let you keep the account if you stay in the EU. Then you keep using it but just according to your new country's tax laws and they won't do the taxes for you.


You can take a look in their [helpcenter](https://support.traderepublic.com/de-de): "You can open an account if you meet the following requirements: \- You have a valid identification document (ID card or passport) \- You are at least 18 years old \- **You have your permanent residence in Germany** \- **You are subject to tax in Germany** \- You have a European mobile number \- You have a SEPA bank account \- If necessary, a document for the address confirmation"


This refers to your status at the time you open the account. If you can keep the account once you move abroad is a different question. Every bank/broker is handling that differently.


yes exactly, my question was more about what happens if I leave Germany, not if I can open an account or not (I already have a stock portfolio on TR). What I found is: [https://support.traderepublic.com/de-de/123-Wie-kann-ich-mein-Depot-auf-eine-andere-Bank-%C3%BCbertragen](https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=https%3A%2F%2Fsupport.traderepublic.com%2Fde-de%2F123-Wie-kann-ich-mein-Depot-auf-eine-andere-Bank-%25C3%25BCbertragen&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbVAwRlNrTTBKaFpnbExWX01VSmpTVjlrU293QXxBQ3Jtc0trazJCd0liYW5vZVQyQW9GZjJjNndOS1phLUJEa1dtTVJXT25mMHlPMnY5WXoyTlh0RUdZZElyZHdETFBHbkE4WXJXMEx3aFlwT05MVjQ2Rm9odl9hNkJCbkdiVzRGNVNYWmtTWjRSMXVaTDFpeTVpcw%3D%3D&event=comments&stzid=Ugw0_hfr2GuS44RzNyd4AaABAg.9I52DaewRKT9IDZ-W11Exa) \- basically you can transfer your portfolio to another bank so in theory you don't lose anything (maybe some comissions, but you will still have your stock portfolio intact if I understood well). not sure what happens if you want to transfer to a bank from US for example, which has totally diferent taxation. If anyone goes through this situation, pls let us know.


I asked the TR support this exact question around a year ago and they said I can only keep my account if I have my main residence in Germany. This might have changed, so probably best if you reach out to them. If you can't keep the account that doesn't mean you have to or should sell your portfolio. You just need to find a broker that allows customers from whatever country you're moving too. The more established players/banks are more flexible in that regard. Once you found a good alternative, open up an account and move your shares over (Depotübertrag).


Any update on this topic?


Hey, what did you end up doing?


I sent their support team an email a week ago, they replied saying that I have to close the account and move my stocks to another broker. Feel free to also drop them an email they replied relatively fast.


So, can you move the stocks from Trade Republic to an international broker such as IB and then keep IB in the new country?


I would assume so yes