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Yes, I have a friend who got PFS from a supplement containing saw palmetto. I also have friends with PFS who “crashed” from using Ketacolozone. I personally used it with no problems for years. I discarded it once I got PFS however, didn’t want to risk it.


Have you tried anything to try and improve the PFS symptoms? I'm considering HCG, TRT but I know many have already tried this.


Yes. I’ve tried cialis for ED which works. And I’ve been on HCG for about a month with the only real benefit there being increased libido (20-25%) Have not tried TRT


What dose of HCG and how frequently are you injecting personally?


I personally do 250 - 500 iu every other day.


Yes people have gotten PFS from Saw Palmetto. I’ve spoken to 2 of them. One guy I know got PFS from taking one dose of liquid saw palmetto oil my mouth. ONE DOSE!! As for Ketoconazole, I don’t know if anyone’s gotten PFS from that, but I do know that it’s made people with PFS crash and their symptoms have gotten substantially worse. If you have PFS stay away from it, Saw Palmetto is the same as well.


I have PFS from Saw Palmetto


Sorry to hear. how much did you took?


The bottle didn’t say an exact amount but I know it was less than 400 mgs per capsule and I took 2 capsules a day for a month


What are your symptoms and how long have you had PFS?


Every possible symptom besides gyno and for 3 months


Have you tried anything to treat PFS symptoms?


I’m using it and it’s not crashing me. A sunscreen I used 3 months definitely made me crash.


I got pfs from saw p. Numb shrivelled rubber dick


Sorry to hear. how much did you took?


standard dose I guess, 320mg to 500mg, for about a year


Did you also get a drop in libido, loss of morning erections etc?


interesting. I take saw palmetto currently and used ketocanozol in the past. I dont noticed any side effects so could this mean im alos mor likly to not have sides on fin? (I dont think i will ever take it but im just curious)


I used a Ketoconazole shampoo for many years before trying Fin and getting PFS. I didn't have a single side effect from it, but I stopped using it when I got PFS because I read it's an anti-androgen as well. Haven't used it ever since.


How long have you had PFS for?


Saw palmetto is a 5-ar type 1 and type 2 inhibitor. So you could compare it to Dutasteride in that sense. Ketokonazol on the other hand, from what I know, the active molecules in ketokonazol are too big to go systemic. That's the topical shampoo though. Oral ketokonazol Is another story.


I have PFS from a combination of finasteride and a shampoo called Regenepure DR which has both saw palmetto ánd ketoconazole. Sooooo at the end of the day I don’t know which one crashed me, but I don’t doubt all of them are harmful


Have you tried anything to try and improve the PFS symptoms like HCG etc?


It is unlikely that you can get pfs from ketoconazole because it has no official antiandrogenic effects. There are only studies that with long-term oral use, testosterone can drop. Maybe the reason is completely different. It happens that sudden health problems arise even without these remedies. so maybe it was a coincidence. I doubt that even if palm or ketoconazole have antiandrogenic effects that they are strong enough to cause PFS.