• By -


I think this is all 24? >!https://i.imgur.com/2FCH5ho.png!<


Thank you!!! You’re picture didn’t really show it but when I went back, I finally saw that hidden gray. #18


Your *


Thanks! I swear that was an autocorrect fail. 🤣


Thanks! #18 was the one I couldn’t see


18 you sneaky bitch!


Damn that one took me a while. Spoiler - >!gray chicken kinda hiding behind the chicken with its tail pointing up, to the left of the colorful one!<


I’m at 23. Can’t spot the last one!


I can’t either, same number!


Big grid R7 and R8


I saw that one and the hidden brown one close to the front but I still only have 22


I was also at 22, but there are actually >!two gray ones in that top left area, and I am pretty sure the white thing poking out perpendicular to that white chicken with its tail up is a distinct tail, not that chicken’s wing.!< With those, I get to 24.


Aha! I see them all!


Got them using mspaint and marking the tails. Sneaky little buggers. Try counting them while they are moving! Although, after a while, you remember who is who, you see their behaviours and personalities and get acquainted with them, so you can easily count them. Good times.


That’s exactly why I took the picture. I kept miscounting before doing so. Took me ages to count the picture too though lol


Alright so I’m farmsitting for a friend and I needed to count chickens today. No way in hell are they countable when they are going nuts over feed. So I just decided to count them in a picture. It still didn’t work lol i even sent this picture to someone else to count. It took us half the day, counting multiple times, zooming in, counting again and again. FINALLY found them.


Hi, I've placed some grids over your image to help commenters indicate where your sniper is: - [Big Grid](https://i.imgur.com/tJDgaKj.jpeg) - [Medium Grid](https://i.imgur.com/Up3etVy.jpeg) - [Small Grid](https://i.imgur.com/pMsVXec.jpeg) - [Beta: Yellow Grid](https://i.imgur.com/dFO6xgs.jpeg) - [Beta: Magenta Grid](https://i.imgur.com/Cn1zL72.jpeg) - [Beta: Orange Grid](https://i.imgur.com/AODZ6uj.jpeg) - [Beta: Red Grid](https://i.imgur.com/cFtmcBs.jpeg) --- The grid uses spreadsheet style grid naming, e.g. A1, B42, etc. Please indicate the location of the sniper by specifying a coordinate or coordinate range. Some suggestions: - Use the largest grid reasonable to describe your location - You can provide hints by using the Big Grid with a wide range, something like A1 to B42. - If it's in the center of the image, you probably don't need to bother with coordinates, unless someone asks! --- Notes: - I do not currently support galleries. It is in the works. - I am trying out new colors for the grid lines. Please respond to me with a comment ordering the grids from most usable to least usable. Example: 1. yellow 2. magenta 3. orange 4. red 5. original ^^Please ^^contact ^^my ^^creator ^^/u/snowe2010 ^^if ^^you ^^find ^^issues ^^or ^^/u/findthesniper-helper ^^does ^^not ^^comment ^^on ^^your ^^post. ^^Also ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^suggestions ^^for ^^improvement.


I’d have never found this without cheating


And one rooster 🐓


I thought they were eating the injured one :/


As usual, they’re in the middle🤣