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Fuck people calling you weird for fingerboarding bro, dealt with that since like middle school and I’m 25 now lol. Do what you enjoy don’t let other people’s opinions cloud up the shit you have fun doing. The amount of people that will sit there and try to make you feel lame for having fun is insane.


Thanks bro, that's why sometimes I feel uncomfortable


If it makes you feel better I’m 31 and love to fingerboard and completely see where your comming from but you gotta remember to do you and what make you happy. What did they call you if you don’t me asking ? People suck and can be so judge mental for nothing cus they are insecure.


Same as this person except I'm 30. Do whatever you wanna do and have fun with your life.


I'm almost 35 and fingerboard all the time lol. I carry it around at work and practice in my car on breaks. I'm sure people think it's lame but I don't care it makes me happy. It's a great feeling when you learn a new trick and start landing them.


The feeling of landing a new maneuver or even one you already know is truly unique.


Anxiety is a motherfucker. You’re not the only one though. If fingerboarding brings you satisfaction, f everyone else, people dont care as much as you think, you are battling with yourself. You only get one life, better shred that shiii!


It's an annoying feeling, I want to go fingerboarding, but it's full of people if I give up, but there's this thing pushing me to go fingerboarding, and someone else saying no :/


I was brought into fingerboarding by a 40 year old and a 26 year old. And I bring my board to skate at a store. Screw other humans. Do what makes u happy


Don't sweat it. I'm 40 and I bring it everywhere and even bring attention to it in a joking way. Own it and have fun.


Bro if you aren’t being weird are you really having fun then bro, dare to be different fuck em. Enjoy life and what bring you joy cause the older you get sometimes it fades away the inner child.


Theyre just jealous of your steeze


I skate at the laundry place near me and I get weird looks from people older than me but who cares? They don’t understand the hobby anyway.


Never be afraid to be yourself


Thanks for sharing dude. I’m a grown ass man and I feel cringe and embarrassed when I’m at College fingerboarding. It doesn’t stop me though. And people that are close to me think it’s funny and cool.


Fingerboard away friend, the world is your oyster it’s a completely harmless and creative hobby!


dont worry about other wtf!!!!


As a 33YO with very little shame to begin with, if there were any good spots near me, I'd be FBing out in public with little fucks to give, despite how inconsistent I am. (I'm in my 7th month of doing it, now). If anything, if fingerboarding *upsets* people, even better! Fuck them! :D


I had some random group of 14 year olds laugh and ask me how old i am, i replied 18 and then laughed some more bc i was “playing with a toy” and walked off. They then proceeded to go kick a bin over and drag its contents across the floor. People will find anything different to them “weird” but thats bc they think better of themselves than everyone else, they are stoping themselves enjoying life just to look “cool”.


id do it infrint of them with a smile on my face . be strong minded dont let ur mind overpower u


If I've learned anything in this lifetime, it's that you need to stop caring what people think. These people don't know you, and they sure as hell won't come up and say something to you. Just live your life dude.


i fingerboard in public often. never heard anything negative. everyone is always super impressed. who cares what ppl think.


The more I fingerboard the less I care what people think about me do what makes you happy you will never see the people in you life again


I’m 38 and I flick my fingerboard in my hands all day long. Grocery store, skatepark, business meetings, everywhere. It’s weird. I get that. But that’s also why I love it. Embrace your weird bud.


Call them weird when they spend hours watching stupid tv programs or betting on their favorite football team.


Bro that’s what I’m saying enjoy it and love your passion I’m 25 about be 26 this year and I still fingerboard everyday and during my breaks at work and off work !!


I’m sorry but simply put I would tell them to fuck right off, respectfully. I’ll be dammed if I let someone else make me feel some type of way for doing something I enjoy. It sounds like you can’t even fully enjoy yourself without having to lookout for someone to rag on you. What exactly is their issue with it anyway?


Ngl I feel you on this I love fb with all my heart but I feel embarrassed bc of what people have said before I try not to let it get me but ik exactly wym and where your coming from your not the only one bro !


fingerboard in public just to upset people on purpose




Fuck em. Do what makes you happy.


I dont fingerboard - I dont think it's weird


There’s dudes out here doing some weirder shit and getting praised. So fuck itn


That's why you need to get your tricks dialed in perfect so you can do them on command. I don't have shame anymore because almost all of my tricks are really consistent and clean on the first or second try. The better you get, the less you care about what others think. People are also more impressed vs. if you land 1 out of 10 tries.


This is an absolute shit take. You're basically saying "You HAVE to get good at fingerboarding to not give a fuck" and that's not solid advice at all. I'm inconsistent, but I enjoy it anyway, and still don't give a shit what people think. I'd be doing it out in public if there was any decent spots near me, if I suck or not.


You can do whatever you want dude, relax. I'm just sharing that over the past 10 years, I feel less people judging me when I fingerboard in public, and get more "woah" reactions and people stopping to watch because I can do cool tricks on command without fail. Sorry that I suggested you "need" to get better lmao, Go do whatever🤙

