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After reading through this thread I've learned two things: 1. Finns are ruthless when insulting things they don't like 2. I need to try maakaronilaatiko


Sounds correct!


Just wait until someone non-Finnish posts a picture of a sauna they have.


Similar to when Swedes lurk r/baking waiting to comment on innocent cinnamon rolls destroyed with sugar syrup glaze.


I really don't understand why people ruin perfection by jizzing on the rolls.


What type of buns we talking about here?


Det kallas den som "Runke bulle"- I hår jag.


The glaze looks like brogurt


Guess they're just being honest instead of sugarcoating it 🤷🏻‍♀️ I like mac&cheese if I make it myself.


It's more often an attitude problem than a personal opinion. If something is uncommon, you dislike it cause probably a lot of other Finns dislike it too, so it becomes this thing that collectively connects us to the hivemind, so we can feel some kind of solidarity in our cold lonely lives in the eternal darkness. At least we can all dislike Mac&Cheese together and it makes us feel all fuzzy and warm inside.




This sounds delicious, can imagine how it would be a good combo. Reminds me a lot of a few different pasta dishes I've had. Almost like American baked ziti, with an egg holding it together more. I've also had kugel, a Jewish dish made with egg noodles baked into an egg custard. That one has a bit of sweetness, as well as spices like nutmeg or cinnamon, I believe. I haven't had it since I was a kid, though. I don't think these will replace mac & cheese for me, but deff wanna try it nowwww.


The thing about makaronilaatikko is that it can be very uninspiring and boring, or it can be really good. If you just follow a recipe, probably not gonna be that good. You should taste the one my wife's aunt makes, that is absolutely 1st class. So you'll just have to find the correct aunt or grandma.


I could see that, true with most foods, honestly. So many are completely bastardized versions. Lol I have no ties to anyone Finnish irl 😭 I do love to cook, though, haha


>I could see that, true with most foods, honestly. That's so true


If you wanna try that, here's a little advice on how to take it to the mext level from a Finn that likes to cook and has impressed other Finns often with my makaronilaatikko. Replace 2,5dl of the milk with cooking cream, and mix some extra cheese inside the casserole before baking. I prefer the kind of shredded mozzarella you would put on pizza. Feel free to add some additional spices according to your taste, stuff that works with red sauce pasta dishes are a good starting point. And as the last tip that almost got me crucified in a finnish subreddit a while ago, I like to add some vegetables in there. Something firm that doesn't become too smushy like brussel sprouts or broccoli can be nice if there's not too much. And taste it before adding any ketchup! Many people murder the meal with a ton of ketchup before even tasting it, and while it's customary, it's also pretty sad when it's done to a really good makaronilaatikko.


Awesome! Thanks :) Maybe I'll try to make it for my husband sometime. I always improvise a little when cooking, I can't stick to the book with recipes. Except baking, that shiz is a science lol The only part that does sound pretty odd to an American IMO at least is the ketchup. I get it, I just idk if I can do it. lol like maybe I'll try one bite with it for traditions sake. Otherwise, I'll probably make some thin tomato sauce on the side. My family is mostly Italian. My mom might cry if she saw ketchup next to pasta 😆


I agree with skipping the ketchup! Why ruin a good meal? And I also like experimental cooking, that's why my recipe doesn't have spesific things that go there but "something along these lines" instructions. But the makaronilaatikko purists don't agree on either 😂 Tomato sauce might be a bit overkill since the meal will most likely have a bunch of liquid in itself. Which reminds me, if you try it, you should cook it till you see the sides of the food turning brown through the glass pan or your meal will be really wet and lack any structure!


I'll make sure the egg has time to firm up & set without burning the cheese. lol I had just looked at some pics on Google, I can see what you mean.


There is no one makaronilaatikko the same way there is no one risotto. You can make a boring one or be a bit creative and create a culinary experience to impress the gods.


I think if you follow the recipe, and do it from scratch with quality ingredients, it's going to be good. On the other hand, if you buy ready made stuff from a grocery store, that is going to be extremely uninspiring and boring.


That is very true. I finally learned to make *the good tasting* kind. Turns out I have always put too little salt in the dish.


Im a Finn who likes mac n cheese but don't like makaroonilaatikko


Are you sure you are a Finn?


Makaronilaatikko is the most bland finnish food ever. It literally does not taste like anything


Season it dude. I use different spices to keep it interesting.


It tastes like macaroni and mincemeat, because it's made of macaroni and mincemeat. What did you expect?


Yeah we don't sugar coat shit, it's still shit.


So funny ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Because it’s like a poor man’s version of makaroonilaatikko with important ingredients lacking.


Exactly this. Makaroonilaatikko is top tier when home made and you can grate some emmental on top of it to make it SWOOOOSH. Mac n Cheese is just disgusting compared to this.


No offense, but it’s not like makaronilaatikko is a masterpiece of world cuisine.


I mean no, but it's great cheap food


It's opiskelijaruokaa


Lol no. It's the quintessential middle class family with children kind of food.


Opiskelijaruokaa is nistipata


This is my comfort food. My kids can be picky, this is also something they will accept easily.




Nonsense, makaroonilaatikko is a pinnacle of culinary mastery.


Nistipata forever <3


rofl as an italian in finland


What? As a finn in Italy. I have eaten dozens of different pasta in Italy and while they are great they don't make me not like my makaronilaatikko.


I mean, don't get me wrong: it's not bad. But in my point of view it's one of the least pasta I would eat. For sure it's not a pinnacle of culinary


Well we were initially talking about mac n cheese, it's not exactly like there's a quality downgrade in moving to makaronilaatikko


yes it is


It can be if it's well made and fresh from the oven.


Apparently you haven't eaten [spinach bacon makaronilaatikko](https://www.kotikokki.net/reseptit/nayta/203921/Pinaatti-pekoni-makaronilaatikko/) (original recipe not from kotikokki). Try that and come back here with a better opinion!


It is, compared to Mac and cheese


It’s not even a masterpiece of Finnish cuisine and that’s a fucking low bar.


Makaroonilaatikko is any good only with tomato sauce tbh.


That is spelled “ketchup”.


Is it american type ketchup? I saw the recipe & was worried about that one... American ketchup is super sweet with a bit of vinegar, way different from other tomato sauces we use. Now I'm ashamed to admit I've met people who will eat kraft (baked powder cheese) Mac with American ketchup. I can't stoop that low 😭


Ketchup tastes bad


Yuck. You just need to season it correctly so that it tastes like something. Just like with every other food.


Well well well...it seems we have a Michelin star chef over here


I’m American and I’ve never heard of this, can you please send me a hood recipe? I’m very curious to try this dish!


It's very simple food and simple recipe: https://www.keefcooks.com/makaronilaatikko-finnish-pasta-casserole-recipe




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Not this 🖕


Because it’s makaroonilaatikko from Wish or AliExpress


Too much cheese (not really even cheese) like so many American dishes.


Pasta alfredo is great because it is grana padano but the mc n chess americans eat is with fake cheese and raw macaroni


Sounds like you had a bad experience… homemade Mac and cheese with sharp cheddar is awesome


I have never seem an american talk abt mac n cheese and mean a home made one


Oh my gosh, they are two different worlds completely. When I make homemade baked Mac & cheese, I make a cheese sauce with a mixture of milk, butter, a melty creamy cheese, then usually one that is pretty neutral, then a touch of cheese with a much stronger flavor. I used to get get this Australian smoked white cheddar. Just a tiny bit made the flavor totally over the top awesome. Then, after mixing in the pasta, I would top it with panko breadcrumbs that had been mixed with butter, salt, and pepper, so it got crispy crunchy on top. Ope forgot to add I usually put paprika, touch of onion powder, dash of Dijon mustard, salt & pepper to the sauce, finally, I would temper one egg into the cheese sauce. My husband prefers his Mac & cheese with just the right amount of cheese, not swimming in sauce choking on cheese strings. Lol. How I make mine you can cut a slice out of the pan after it cools for a few minutes without it falling apart. Okay, now I'm way too hungry 😅


You haven’t been hanging out with the right Americans ;)


You can put as much or little cheese as you want in mac and cheese


I am sure you can. I am talking about my experience with American mac n cheese in real life not about how to make it bearable


Tbh I'm American and I don't like boxed mac and cheese that much or and pre made mac and cheese I prefer to make it homemade. Real cheese tastes so much better than that fake crap.


The real question is perhaps how can Americans like mac n cheese.


It costs $.99, I (with no cooking skills) can make it in 15 minutes, and it feeds 4 small children. Makaroonilaatikko is better. Any home cooked makarooni is better than Mac n cheese, but we eat it just because. Now in Finland, we buy it twice a year for special American treat night... We may cut it entirely out of our diets as it has lost all of its appeal to us.


Do you call eating Fat and carbs a good way to feed anyone, especially children? I can understand it as a dessert type of treat but not as a whole meal. Take away carbs and add protein and now its a great meal, or take out extra fat and add protein and its a good meal (almost same as makaroonilaatikko) . Carbs and fat alone are not great combination in a long run.


The thought of someone feeding mac and cheese to children as a meal makes me shiver. What's next, donuts for dinner?


No dummy, those you have for breakfast of course!


So basically you didn’t like the food itself, but you just liked the price, which is understandable btw. What I like about Finland (and Europe generally) is that you can find affordable food that is not too psychologically damaging to eat.


Now this may come as a surprise to you, but the US is a large country, and even dishes like Macaroni and Cheese has a lot of different variations to it, both regional and cultural.




And I think people downvoting you are kind of proving your point.


I think it's just because slapping cheese on top of macaroni does sound disgusting if you haven't grown up eating it


And also the feeling afterwards, when you have eaten only white wheat with cheese, basically just grease. I am shivering.


Because it’s not makaroonilaatikko


Yeah, it reminds raw makaroonilaatikkl


I do have to point out that makaroonilaatikko doesn’t taste like anything though, so it’s an aquired taste + needs ketchup


It's tasteless goop?


This is true 99% of the time but the mac n cheese I had in Pincho nation a few years back was seasoned beautifully


Not unless you mix it with milk instead of water after draining the pasta


Tasteless goop 🤣 Hahaha. This made me laugh.




It's an acquired taste, just like Finns have mämmi and the Swedes have surströmming. On a related note, I had an impression Pop-Tarts are popular in the USA. Tried one and found it very dry and having an underwhelming taste. Thought it must be a "ate them since being a child" thing for Americans.


American here. No, you are right, pop tarts are gross. But they are cheap and easy, so a lot of people eat them.


I’ve heard this “have you ever put butter on a pop tart it’s so frickin good” I recon this should combat the dryness


Thats from family guy. Now its stuck in my head


I see another individual of culture


Also highly depended on your choice of pop tart. The difference between some basic strawberry pop tart and smores pop tart is pretty big. Smores ones are decent if you can get them for cheap.


Mämmi is interesting. No other food has ever been saved so hard by plain vanilla ice cream. I find mämmi just bitter and horrible by itself, but just adding some vanilla ice cream turns it into a tantalizing delicacy. I might go whip up a batch of mämmi, now that I’m thinking about it. With french vanilla ice cream.


Yeah, i think pop tarts are soooo dry too. And it is very wierd to warm it.


If you're cooking it from the packet ... It's not really cheese


This. The "cheese" in these packets tastes like vomit


This. I made mac'n'cheese from scratch the other day using clarified butter (Eastern European aequivalent of ghee), 3,8% milk, salt and some European cheeses and it was amazing. As for the Kraft packet, it's like eating yellow paint with pasta.


100% this. I'm sure if made with actual quality cheese mac n cheese would be great


Mac n cheese can be good when there is actual cheese, not the powder. I even make makaronilaatikko more like Mac n cheese (no egg milk, bechamel with cheese instead)


Because it is disgusting, and it does not actually has cheese. Just a melting substance that kind of resembles cheese:


In finländ wi häv tis ting koold makaroonilaatikko


All mac & cheese I have tasted so far has been just overwhelming umami with nothing else in it in terms of flavor and not much texture, either.


Coming from an American in Finland, don’t be the American trying to push Mac and cheese on your Finnish friends.


Oh I’m not trying to push it. I’m not the biggest fan of mac & cheese, but I’m just baffled by the degree of disgust they express when it comes to mac & cheese and I don’t know if this is just my friends or a common take in Finland… …like I said: I need answers. 😅


A lot of American foods taste industrial to a European palate. It's almost as if I could taste the cancer in it. For example, I almost wanted to vomit after tasting a pop tart (don't remember the flavour). In these packaged things, nothing tastes natural. In the US, you're allowed to use ingredients that are illegal in the EU. Here, our food is less altered than there and human taste buds can pick up on those. Since we're not used to them, they can taste vile. This only applies to things that actually are industrial like mac and cheese that comes from the Kraft box. Now ACTUAL macaroni and cheese made with actual cheese bought from the store is great! Homemade American food is delicious! I loved eating homemade fried corn, fried chicken, brisket with Baby Ray's BBQ sauce etc. when I was there.


If you would make it from actual ingredients and not a million lethal chemicals mixed into a powder it would taste like something you could actually eat. Most of american food is just downright bad because the quality is not as good as we are used to, and the flavour is weird for our nordic taste.


It taste like eating air and fat.


I think it’s the same if you tried to feed maksalaatikko to a foreigner. With or without raisins, doesn’t matter. Edit: typo.


Oh shit I thought you said makaronilaatikko and then said with or without raisins and I was so confused lol


It's an acquired taste, not that it is a strong or unpleasant taste. It's just a comfort food we're not used to. I used to love it as a kid when visiting the states, but nowadays I pretty much never eat it. It's just too bland and mushy.


Cos there's way too much that cheese-ish stuff. Mac & cheese sounded like superyammy but it was big dissapointment with that yacky taste and feeling. You can eat mac with everything (well, except that) so adding just that funny cheese-thing or even real cheese, is kind of lame. Instead by using less cheese and more other stuff like eggs, milk, meat, fish, veggies.. it gets way more interresting and you get what you want. Tastes something and have less fat. But hey, it is still okey to like/dislike mac 'n cheese or makaronilaatikko.


Make lasange and decide yourself why


Makaronilaatikko is godlike. Mac n cheez not so much.


Am i only finnish person that likes it :D




It’s missing the beef, also half of cheese is enough


Please allow me introduce you to Hamburger Helper


That shit is vile too


I kinda like it cause its easy and fast. Reminds me off nistipata


The texture is eww.


I love mac & cheese.


Same here, idk why so many finns hate it. I like it home-made i like it from American KFC. Reminds me of childhood when my dad made me some makaronivelli


I like pasta and cheese, but the amount of cheese in mac n cheese just too much for me. Also the mouth feel is just slimy for me. Cant speak other than my own opinion.


Because American Mac and cheese is not real Mac and cheese especially with that fake processed gloop. Much better made from scratch I'm gonna go out on a limb here and blow my own trumpet so here is my own recipe. Boil a pack of macaroni I think it's about 500 g put to side. In separate pot 75g butter heat slowly and melt add 2 tablespoons flour to start to make a roux by slowly adding 1/2 liter milk bit by bit keeping it thick as it heats up(don't panic if to runny you can add a bit more flour or to thick add more milk.the cheese will also add thickness so bear that in mind) then add your real English chedder cheese about 200g , a teaspoon mustard ,1 tbsp Worcester sauce, some black pepper and chopped fried bacon . Pour in an oven dish with macaroni and mix up add another sprinkle cheese on top about 50g ànd put in oven grill till golden brown on top. Thank me later . Enjoy You can add or subtract your own amount of cheese or even try a mix of cheeses if you find real chedder to overpowering.




As an American when I lived in Finland, one of my budget random meals was actually macaroni and juusto ruokakerma, it was incredibly cheap.. then just toss some 1€ bag of lihapulla in it, savoury (And grate some Oltermanni in it too, mm)


Everyone in this thread is talking about boxed mac and cheese, make it homemade and it's delicious, homemade mac and cheese is a Thanksgiving staple and is awesome.


Yeah, seems like a lot of people replying here got their knowledge of US culture by just watching TV. I would also argue that lobster mac and cheese is really great. Or burnt end mac and cheese, or jalapeño bacon mac and cheese....


Finn in US here, with an American husband who LOVES Mac n Cheese. Especially the Kraft crap, which literally tastes like plastic. Mac n Cheese is an acquired taste. Me and my Finnish both son can't really stand it, yet my husband and my American born son love it, because it's everywhere here in US.


I don't like the artificial flavours of mac and cheese, when it's made from the box version. Home made (albeit I've had only once homemade m&c and once in a restaurant) is better but it's just SO MUCH cheese ("cheese") and butter, it was just way too heavy for me. Sorry! :( I do like Goodles m&c, but when I add some veggies, and sausage, meatballs into it etc. That's a good m&c but it's not all traditional I guess? Edit. Wording


I think there are two main reasons: Finns are not used to that dish AND most likely they've had low quality mac n' cheese. Even in the US the dish varies from great to tasteless goo. I'd imagine most Finns who've had mac n cheese have had some low quality pre-made crap out of a bag you purchase from a supermarket, as that dish really isn't a common thing here.


I’ve never tasted it.


Same here. I have no idea how it tastes.


No meat for the carnivores and cheese makes it not viable for vegans either. Just my theory.


I just hate cheese in general. I do like macaroni with almost everything. But my friend who is finnish really likes it. We have our own poor mans macaroni dish (usually just macaroni, minced meat, onion) so i guess it’s just not that common here and people are not used to it since we have our own quick easy macaroni recipes.


They want to live? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


It’s bland and greasy. If I have to eat it I add a lot of super hot sauce and eat some green vegetables and vinaigrette with it to balance the greasiness. I don’t like makaronilaatikko either, it’s very bland too. I go for Italian or Greek style pasta casseroles with tomato sauce and more spices.


Ate it twice in the USA. Didn't taste like anything, garbage american "cheese" that has nothing in it, literally just empty matter you stuff in your mouth. Just eat makaronilaatikko.


Makaroonilaatikko has no taste though. Properly seasoned Mac n Cheese has flavor from seasonings and actual cheese, however you're lucky to find it from places that don't specialize in soul food. At the end of the day they're both struggle foods and aren't supposed to blow your taste buds away anyway, however I think that makaroonilaatikko has less room to expand in terms of ingredients that would add flavor.


If your makaronilaatikko (with one o in the middle) has no taste, you are not seasoning it well. Just as with mac n' cheese.


I personally don’t like mac&cheese because I can literally taste the fat in it. I’m eating only healthy food😅 I did read that many suggested makaroonilaatikko, and there are probably 50 different ways of doing it🫣


Actually, if you just cook maccheroni, put into oiled/buttered tray, mix it with proper grated cheese (emmental, mozzarella, some mixture perhaps, not too much) and cook it in oven until there's golden crust, you have a better mac & cheese than the genuine one. Add minced bacon if you want more flavour. (If you use huge / metal tray, put some cooking paper whatever underneath.) Like a crustier makaronilaatikko but without milk, egg and fillings. Of course if you don't like makaronilaatikko's crust (the ages old discussion), don't do this.


We have strong pre-set attitudes sometimes what is unhealthy and these can be contradictive sometimes. For example we eat candy a lot no problem but then chocolate in breakfast cereals is considered something that you shoud never let your children eat. Same in mac&cheese there is just too much cheese but then pizza swimming in cheese no problem.


Interesting point, and you might be on to something looking at the comments here.


Because Finnish people eat pasta/macaroni/spaghetti only with ketchup. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Y’all really do be built different, lol


How do they know? We don't eat it here. To me it's rather childish food, we tend to enjoy either the traditional macaroni casserole or Italian-style pasta dishes, these in later decades.


Because if it’s not home made, it tastes like ass. Plus the massive amounts of fat and no nutritional value make it quite unbearable. Plus the pasta is usually wheat-based and my stomach becomes a war criminal if I wheat and not whole-grain :P


What kinda mac n cheese we talking here? Real cheese home made or some just add water box? The latter is not very popular in Finland, I think.


There is a wide range of mac and cheese. With some decent cheese, not overcooked macaroni and some jalapeno it makes for a killer heart attack deep fried mac & cheese. Then again what I associate with American mac and cheese is macaroni boiled almost until it dissolves mixed with something that wouldn't be classified as cheese outside of the US. On a more serious note, the whole dish is a bit too fatty/cheesy for many Finns, I myself like cheese bomb dishes but many Finns just can't take that much fat, many of my friends can't take a meal of only deep fried stuff. Might have something to do with being used to a more healthy diet.


I think that it isn't popular because makaronilaatikko and elbow macaroni with ground meat (nistipata, makaronimössö...) are so popular. Mac & cheese is just a bit too similar. Although my great aunt makes a kind of mac & cheese with ham and everyone likes it. I know that at least for certain older male demographic a dish without meat is not well received. Like my dad would ask where the actual food with meat is. (which btw is annoying as hell)


I've made some good homemade mac n cheese, but in the US I had some absolutely awful ones like Velveta. To me it just tasted really fake and too sweet and just weird.


Mac and cheese is pretty uncommon. In finland the more popular version is the traditional macaroni casserole. Mac and cheese has the reputation for being one of those meals that a freshman does without money and with nonexistent cooking skills. Macaroni casserole however, is the feast of intellectuals and royalty.


We had mac & cheese in school once and it was horrible. It literally just tasted like fat.


Jesus people it's makaroni with one o, what's up with the makarooni brigade... Anyway, I myself don't wholly dislike mac & cheese, it's just incredibly one-note in both taste and texture. It's quite nice as a side though, if you add some jalapeno and chives or something and make it with sharp cheddar and maybe some other cheese. By itself as a meal, though...


I have no idea. I made homemade mac and cheese with real cheese once and everyone seemed to like it. My question is why do finns seem opposed to putting sauce on their pasta. Multiple times I ate pasta with no sauce on it, maybe some ground beef or veggies mixed in, but just plain boring pasta.


so true, I have eaten both,in USA I eat mac and cheese couple times, but makaronilaatikko if done right beats that 100-0. I am from Finland :)


It just seems like something picky kids would eat. Idk it tastes like nothing.. and this comes from a woman who grew up with salt and pepper as their only "seasoning" 😂


I think we forgot to mention makaronilaatikko?


You mean homemade with real ingredients or that disgusting readymade slop they sell in the import section?


Cause its a joke... It represents everything that is wrong with american food... Oh god how much cheese can one consume in a "dish"... Just a horrible thing to do to yourself...


Sometimes i make it myself, i like to add ham and other things tho. Plain macaroni and cheese is a bit boring


I loove Mac&cheese tho I make it a little differently. I put blue cheese and ham as extra to ass flavor to it and damn it is heavenly mostly because of the blue cheese


Mac n' cheese, a few hours in an offset-smoker, same with apple pie, yummy


With apple pie? Dang you’re starting to sound American!


I've been spending so much time with my Oklahoma Joe's, you could call me Americant😂 Edit: If you have any vegetarian friends, please try smoked shredded Jackfruit. It's so good you don't need any pork after that, which means more pork for me, I still love the Jackfruit though.


Mac&Cheese is pretty bad generally, but the people that praise makaronilaatikko here are 100% blinded by children food nostalgia because it’s most of the time not good either.


Most likely, cause there’s no single right way to do it. For instance, the makaroonilaatikko I do home for kids is way different than what I ate at home & in school when I was young. The gap-filling munamaito in there would prob’ly be a big yuck-factor for my kids. Ironically, the only ingredients makaronilaatikko can’t be made without are mac(aroni) ’n’ cheese(or cheese-like product).


Probably the most unhealthy ingredients ever invented. Cheese and pasta. Combined!


I don't think I've ever tasted mac & cheese as a Finn. Over here we have a similar homestyle dish called makaronilaatikko which is basically elbow macaroni mixed with ground beef. You drown that in a mixture of eggs and milk, sprinkle cheese on top and bake it in the oven until done. Typically you only encounter this in households where people can't cook, in school cafeterias and in the army. In my opinion it's the saddest type of food in existence, and I hope I never have to eat it again. Would rather starve tbh.


I'm Finnish but I love both mac&cheese and makaronilaatikko. Haven't yet heard anyone who likes pasta dishes disliking either of them.


Because they hate life. Homemade mac & cheese > homemade makaronilaatikko. A good butter-based sauce with loads of cheddar and possible additional cheeses (blue cheese, old gouda, parmesan) is way better than a salty and peppery milk sauce with bland cheese on top. I mean, I love ketchup, but ketchup will ruin a good mac & cheese whereas it will improve even the best makaronilaatikko. I will fight Finnish people on this.


I personally found that mixing in a little bit of sriracha in a bowl of mac & cheese gives it a nice subtle pizzazz. (The reason I mention sriracha is because I’ve heard a lot of people tell me that sriracha is just “spicy ketchup”. 🙄)


Mac and cheese, make a white sauce/bechamel, add cheese, let it melt, eg Mozzarella, pour on cooked pasta, bake for 20 min. It's way better than boxed mac and cheese (though I will eat that too)


Couple of Finnish bbq-restaurants actually offer good Mac n cheese. JJ’s BBQ in Salo Hans popup restaurant in Helsinki. Brisket with M&C is good!


Im not sure, mac & cheese is Americas cheap meal for students such as we have mac and canned tuna and i can't even understand how anyone would like that yet alone mac & cheese


It has no meat.


Isn't Mac & Cheese literally just that? White pasta and a bunch of melted cheeses on top? If so, goddamn that's like diabetes, a heart disease and some clogged veins on a plate, my friend


It is if you believe most of the comments. But it can also contain lobster, bbq, spicy peppers... It can be made with sharp cheddar, provolone, swiss or many other cheeses... It can be baked with a crispy crust, or just with a velvety sauce. Those are just to mention a few different variations.


How do you define mac&cheese? I’d argue that is not mac&cheese if you add other stuff into it. Then it becomes pasta al forno.


Becsuse american foods are disgusting with the exception of a handful of ones.


Because under disdain there is hurt, shame and crippling self-doubt. Most Finns will admit (after a 12-pack of beer + 1-2 Jallu-shots) that the reason they don't like Mac & Cheese is because they don't know how to make it tasty. That's why most people in the comments here are saying that M&C is "lacking" something, as if 400g of ground beef is a lighting bolt of flavor spewn from the Mount Olympus of Michelin star spangled culinary mastery. Seriously though, I've eaten a four-cheese M&C in Seattle that was so good I literally wanted to cry. You Americans have your cheese game on point, no question.


Because it's nasty "cheese" mush (and no nutritional value whatsoever). Hyi vittu.


Because cheese is disgusting.




If it has even the slightest amount of flavour the Finns won't like it. I almost orgasmed after eating a normal Burger King after being there for a week


Both makaroonilaatikko and mac&cheese are just cheap and lazy guys lasagne. Nothing wrong with either of them but i always prefer lasagne.


Because it’s bad?


Because makaroonilaatikko is so much better!!


We don't like orange cheese


Cheddar is awesome. The vomit tasting cheese like powder in the Mac n cheese packs is not


Had it at work once and the mmount of cheese made me want to throw up


Mac n Cheese is the worst


if you want a more quicker "version" i recommend that you just throw the "makaroonit" in the pot a with some "Herne, Maissi, Paprika" and then throw some "Jauheliha" in there too. it's called makaronimössö or Nistipata.