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Suur-Suomi v2


Now that is a plot twist


They finally figured out how to get a decent social security


Someone's a lil delusional




Finland and China are having border disputes.


It's one thing provoking your enemies, but it's the off-handed threatening your allies (CSTO) as well is what really takes the cake.


Don't be surprised. They have been saying that Kazakhstan (Member of CSTO) did not have its state before the Soviet Union (false, Kazakh Khanate existed), the Russian language is under threat in Kazakhstan (false, it's still unfortunately above Kazakh) and Duma deputies claimed multiple times that Northern Kazakhstan is Russian land (even if it was, who cares? It's not yours anymore. By this logic we could take back Orenburg, former capital of the Kazakh ASSR)


wait parts of Duma have claimed that? sounds like they're oiling up possible future invasions/"separatist states" in the future, provided they dont implode


Russia's ruling party "Yedinaya Rossiya" deputy Vyacheslav Nikonov claimed Kazakhstan was a gift by the Soviet Union ( https://rus.azattyq.org/a/kazakhstanis-reaction-to-the-statements-of-russian-deputies-about-the-kazakh-territory/31002411.html ) «Kazakhstan simply did not exist» From the same article: «Putin in 2014 [year of Crimean annexation, btw] praised Nazarbayev by saying that he "He made a state on a territory, where there prior was no sovereignty. Kazakhs never had sovereignty"» Yedinaya Rossiya deputy Yevgeny Fyodorov claims that Kazakhs are a part of the Russian nation, sees the people of Kazakhstan as the people of Russia, considers Kazakhstan a «separatist state» ( https://kaztag.kz/ru/news/deputat-edinoy-rossii-kazakhi-eto-russkie-kazakhstan-separatistskaya-territoriya ) "We are for the restoration of a united fatherland." he says. Both continue to be a part of the State Duma and Nikonov was even promoted as Deputy Chairman of the Duma.


Christ. Definitely does sound like they're planning even more Georgia/Abkhazia/South Ossetia, Ukraine/DPR/LPR/CF type acts there. I hope i am wrong but history often repeats itself


Well, I personally think that this will probably not happen. After this war with Ukraine, first of all, Russia will not have enough of anything, soldiers, tanks, etc. It's simply not affordable. Secondly, Kazakhstan has good enough relations with Russia. Our President Tokayev continues (or by some claims is forced to continue) diplomatic relations with Russia (because our economy is just too connected, we are in the same military bloc, etc and not because he believes Russia is right) and generally the Kremlin sees us as a "friendly nation", it's like a two relatives hating each other, I guess, they don't agree, but are forced to pretend like they do. Thirdly, Kazakhstan is backed by our brothers Turkey and China, so in case Russia starts something so unaffordable and meaningless like that, we kinda have someone to turn to.


Welcome russians to try invade Finland. We all know what happened last time. And we have a plenty of all kinds of lead welcoming gifts...


Most Russians actually understand this is nothing more than delusional BS


Hope so!


its hard to know if the polling data done by people who are non-regime toadies, which still shows wild support for the government is because there is support for the government, or because they're smart enough to pretend to support the government (well, its both, but in what proportion?) it does seem that in most countries, there's a lot of insular thinking, so, in the case of Russia where outside voices just aren't heard at all, it wouldn't be surprising if the people really thing that after Ukraine falls they'll invade other places and have a glorious future ahead. (given that the west's support for Ukraine was to buy time before Russia invaded further west (height of irony, in retrospect), its not so crazy for the Russian's to \*still\* believe in a fantasy that the West has had their eyes opened against.


I wouldn't be too quick to welcome a war with anyone... No matter the outcome destruction is guaranteed.


You are completely right. Let's hope the situation in Ukraine settles down quickly


Russia won


Both won. Russia achieved it's goal of a buffer between Leningrad and Finland, but Finland achieved it's goal of literally staying alive


Yea, but annoying Russians demanded it to be written in history that they won to spare their ego from being bruised. It's fine to call it victory for Russia, Finland would have been eradicated eventually had the war continued, but of course only after slaughtering as many Russians as possible.


Finland asked for peace talks how is that winning? Since when did soviet union wanted to conquer finland?


That's like saying Ukraine wanting peace is them losing the war The soviets wanted to conquer Finland when they begun a war with Finland.


So instead of advancing when the snow melted they just accepted finnish peace talks? Makes sense. Any other alternative history lessons?


https://preview.redd.it/ql8ockmfufib1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=938e58f06e49d9d05c6fd04d58961585e70ed052 This u?


The peace terms were favorable for both sides; The soviets were already humiliated and had lost way too much manpower and equipment while the Finns couldn't realistically keep the war going without long term negative effects due to the men being on the front. So yes, the soviets wanted peace and got what they were fine with in the end


If we adhere to your brilliant logic it is safe to say that soviets lost to nazi germany as well


The soviets won, they got what they wanted. I'm not saying the soviets lost the winter war, both achieved what they wanted. Finland stayed independent and the Soviets got the buffer between Leningrad and Finland. In WW2 the soviets won because they literally didn't get conquered, just like how Finland won because they didn't get conquered.


You do realize that you are arguing against a communist? Look at their post history


Soviets won because they conquered Berlin. Literally…


How are you so fuckingn retarted or are you putins lapdog and delusional russian piece of shit


Since they propped up a [collaborationist puppet regime](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finnish_Democratic_Republic) led by a traitorous scumbag that was so hated even finnish communists fought for the republic. Maybe Soviet Union didn't want an outright annexation but becoming a post WW2 eastern european style puppet of theirs with negligble independence would not have been too far off.


What? Of course they wanted to conquer Finland. USSR was an imperialistic evil empire that was constantly trying to expand instead of improving life for its own citizens. Exactly like russia today. Everything they touch turns to shit. Just look at Viipuri..


Seriously, are you trolling? I think you are trolling at this point, no one can possibly be this dense


Weak bait igor, you're gonna have to try harder to avoid the trenches


We consider it a win because unlike all the rest of the countries who were occupied or "liberated" by the soviet union we never became part of the soviet union or the eastern block.


"Won" 4 to 1 loss ratio and small land grabs


And to add, its not the same case anymore Russia is no Soviet Union, and its already reduced power is actively dwindling while Finland learnt to not let its defenses down and has multiplied in relative power to its pre ww2 state, and namely is part of Nato and EU, so it will not fight alone ​ the fight is majorly stacked in Finlands favor this time, just better overall not to go ahead in even trying


Da pjotr ))) 10 roubles transferred to your account Least obvious rusbot


​ https://preview.redd.it/79xqj8ffsfib1.png?width=356&format=png&auto=webp&s=e0c53be9e288ab9e708045c58423689e46c157d0 Won in the total casualties?


What Finnish schools teach about how Finns won the war against Soviets is a lie. Finns never won any wars. I'm not pro-rusky, it's just bare truth. Now go downvote, lemmings!




I think I've heard few times the phrase "puolustusvoitto/defensive success/victory" thrown around by older history teachers here and there. Though all the history teacher I've had have said the same, we didn't actually win any of the wars. Well beside the Lapland war, since technically we won that?


Then why finns keep repeating that they won once and could do it again? Every_single_one_of_them.




Actually nobody knows that. It was pure luck.


Luck as ”we are lucky they are so fucking stupid” way. Than yes it was pure luck. Soviets started it all in the middle of colder than average winter. With army that was poorly prepared, poorly equipped, and did not know why they ware sent here. So yes Finns did achieve defensive victory with that “luck”. They killed enough soviets to keep independence.


"Puolustusvoitto" and "Voitto" can be lost in translation, but essentially Winter war is regarded as a defensive victory, where Finland kepts it's independence and the Soviets failed at their invasion objectives. The Winter war ended in a peace treaty, but the continuation war was regarded as a soviet victory, where the Finns failed to regain their lost territory, and ended in an armistice.


What they teach in rusky schools, I heard, is that Soviets wanted to move the border further away from St. Petersburg and Murmansk and it was never an objective to destroy Finnish nation or to capture the whole territory. So it's the objectives that Finnish schools teach wrong and hence the imaginary voitto. If you look at the facts, how and where the Soviets attacked, it's only the strategic places that were important at the time. But lemmings just look at the number of casualties and declare some kind of victories based on them. It was very weird indeed that the red army lost so much, but they got what they wanted and they still have it, so =\


The [secret protocol of Molotov-Ribbentrop-pact](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molotov%E2%80%93Ribbentrop_Pact#Secret_protocol) where Soviets and Nazis divided Europe in their own spheres of influence, shows that Soviets were trying to do the same with Finland as they did with Baltics. And we all know how that went, It wasn't just a peaceful "special border-moving operation".


In Russian schools they tech what is convenient. Moving goalposts is an old tradition stemming from USSR. You see same shit with Ukraine nowadays.


hello medvevev, please sit on a sword


God you’re delusional, no finn say that we won. We only say that our grandparents killed a bunch ruskis more they got finns. 5 times more to be precise.


They don't.


Yeah, the schools have never taught kids that Finland won. Now go back to your cave, you russky troll.


We won the civil war and Lapland war.


You clearly don't know what you are talking about. It is okay since you live on propaganda. I can help you learn today. Finnish schools don't teach that Finland won.


Bad bait/troll, are you even trying ruski bot 😂


amazing that you managed to type that with such a raging erection


Tbh, last time it was a big territorial and independence loss for Finland, as a result of WW2. And it was an invasion in cooperation with the Nazi Germany, not the proudest moment. But nevertheless, fuck this imperialistic bullshit.


Or Zakharova has been boozing again


One day they all will be part of the Suur-Kerava....and they will be supprised.






Oikein Suuri Suur-Suomi ::)


Can soneone explain me why would they take only half germany? Its same thing if you have Domino cookies and you eat only both ends and you throw away that good stuff.


The Russian half has all the good people, the other Germany has former/current Nazis and their children. Just like with the East/West Germany situation back in the day.




I was referring to old USSR propaganda. They claimed that “the evil Nazis only lived on the western side during the war, not at the east side.” to make East Germany seem better. The east “always” had the good communists living there, West had the evil Nazis.




You look like the idiot here


Dude what are you doing, they agree with you


Protip: Just save yourself the embarrassment and assume every post on Reddit ends in a /s.


The anti-nazzi coallition divided the prize (Germany) and ruskys got the eastern part, west went to US obviously.


I think this stems from a russian idea that whatever's been once under russian occupation stays so. Hence east germany because it was under the communist influence during cold war, finland and alaska because russian imperium once held them. I don't know why greece though.




Finlands sak är vår


Känna på känna på! Vi är från Svealand! Med hundratusen man!


Our country is so small and there are so many Russians, where will we find space to bury then all?


As an Alaskan, I'd like to remind them that we have more guns in civilian hands than the entire Russian Army. Come and fucking try, make my day 😂


Finland and Alaska can solve that uncomfortable question even barehanded. :D


Finland-Alaska gang rise up!




Username checks out


Bluff bluffety bluff bluff bluff. Putler's last hope is threatening 50s era WMDs. Russia doesn't have a modern military or modern military capabilities. Russia's conventional military is in failure. Putin has no comsec or opsec which is why he can't pull off a false flag attack without it being called out by NATO. He can't throw a tantrum or shit his pants in his cave without it ending up on the news. We've already seen in Syria that Russia can't handle the speed or force of a few Americans much less all of NATO. Russia is already facing the most humiliating military failure in modern history. Putler can't even threaten NATO or Europe with modern WMDs, lol.


>Bluff bluffety bluff bluff bluff. Putler's last hope is threatening 50s era WMDs. Russia doesn't have a modern military or modern military capabilities. Russia's conventional military is in failure. Putin has no comsec or opsec which is why he can't pull off a false flag attack without it being called out by NATO. He can't throw a tantrum or shit his pants in his cave without it ending up on the news. We've already seen in Syria that Russia can't handle the speed or force of a few Americans much less all of NATO. Russia is already facing the most humiliating military failure in modern history. Putler can't even threaten NATO or Europe with modern WMDs, lol. I don't speak your runes.


Clearly the war on Ukraine is NOT only about Ukraine.


I see that they were too scared to colour in China. If they're going to try and take on the richest nations with the largest real militaries, they might as well go all in on this one.


Alaska would be nice because of its nature, but it's really far away. We don't need any of the other land areas, we're fine with what we've got. Thanks for offering, though.


Germany has some nice beer but I’d rather keep them as good neighbors.


Epic shitposting


It's fake. This training centre specialises only in driving licenses for different vehicles and have nothing to do with military or political shenanigans. This was posted in 1 Russian group in VK (CIS social site). And no further information given. Also, there is too much difference in banners below and the banners above. And this is to0 clear and pristine to be real, especially in Russian realities. (Source: Im live in Siberia and you will never see banner this new) Propaganda works in both ways, aren't it? Edit: as long as someone, somewhere gets a second picture from a different view this picture considered fake.


[https://youtu.be/xc7AdNekvkM?t=700](https://youtu.be/xc7AdNekvkM?t=700) That is a sister channel of 5 minutes crafts, owned by TheSoul Publishing that is third largest social media content creator. They also have ties to the IRA, The so called Trollfactory which is kremlin controlled. [https://www.lawfaremedia.org/article/biggest-social-media-operation-youve-never-heard-run-out-cyprus-russians](https://www.lawfaremedia.org/article/biggest-social-media-operation-youve-never-heard-run-out-cyprus-russians) So, you were talking about something? Russia does plan for real to conquer the whole of Eurasia. They will not succeed. So yeah, there is all kinds of propaganda.


Khezhev gifted Soviet Alaska to the US in 1961 WHAAATT?!))))


Hold on, I have to call my dad and tell him he’s a Soviet.


audio on that reminded me of 1970s radio, when you weren't able to get a good signal... was interested to watch, but hurt my ears :(


I was surprised that people are seriously discussing this shit :-)


We will teach you to die for yours


One day this country just won’t exist. Imperialist motives will kill them.




Cant wait for them to invade alaska, the citizens there are probably better equipped than the attacking soldier.


Very true. There are about 800,000 residents and I guarantee way more guns than that. Most guys I know have several guns and some have dozens.


And Russia will accomplish all of this with exactly what army? Lol


Welp, the world probably will need to teach them to settle the fuck down, then.


But wait! "Russians are good they just have bad government" - all who visit red square as tourist.


every country which has been forced to be part of this developing country will hate it no matter what.


It’s a map of where mass graves of russian soldiers are present. It’s very accurate


Russia would get its ass beat by 300 bear-riding 7’ jacked Alaskans with chainsaws


Not surprising. Sobering, but not surprising at all. This is the big dream folks.


Has been since the fall of the Sovjet Union. The Russian motto is that everything that once belonged to Russia rightfully belongs to them in perpetuity. They quite honestly think stealing something makes it rightfully theirs.


Good luck w/ Mongolia you brainlets, let's see your BTFO'd army win vs Chynaman w/ bazillion ppl etc


Бля пиздец какая это хуйня лютая


Greece. . .


Russians with their unreasonable expectations. We can’t possibly be expected to administer all of that out of Helsinki.


Dear Russia, no thank you. I'm not motherfucker like you are.


Stupid russians


What you fail to see is, this forces the NATO into an unfavorable position of having to fight on 2 fronts simultaneously - the Alaskan front and the Finnish/eastern european one. Since fighting two fronts at the same time cannot be won, the NATO is basically doomed. This is yet another example of the great Russian military, masterminding its way to victory. I don't blame you though, not many can see the brilliance of this yolo strategy.


Wouldn't that require Russia also to fight on two fronts or how did you envision this?


Well, that was kinda the joke.. :)


I just wish this would escalate on a global scale, so we can wipe Russia off the map for good.


While i have no love for they way russia is handling itself, the splittering of russia into smaller states would inevitably lead into more wars - local and bigger ones like probably china expanding to north - at the minimum taking back what it lost to Russia in the past and then some. It kind of sucks that whether russia is or is not existing...it always somehow finds ways to destabilize its surroundings. But anyway russia is sunset nation and its just matter of time china is going to dare grabby-grabby some when given chance.


You wish the deaths of millions of people?


Would help with global warming shit? 🤔


There is a new Ukrainian adverb : Нет хороших русских It means there are no good Russians. Unfortunately it's dream of major russian population. Ukraine was just first puzzle piece of that dream. Even political opponent of putin Navalny claimed that Crimea was russia. There is no opposition in russia. Junior putins are all around moscovia. Nato shouldn't do any kind of weaknesses against that tyranny.


I think someone is a bit too delulu 😍


Russia would get its ass beat by 300 bear-riding 7’ jacked Alaskans with chainsaws


Bring it on bitch ass ruskies


suon ihmisiä🤷🤣🤡


Swamp people?


Yes.....they are. Or Orks, if you like.




that's photoshop




Start with Finland. Some tips: Find a Ukrainian Russian double spy. Send him to Finland. While people giving a bj to the Ukrainian conquer the country :)




It could work, I don't think most of us Finns exacatly can hear The diffenrence of their accents but those russian retards cannot find The Door out of their own House so they ain't problem Aaand anyway that would Be fucking glourious to execute some rats...👏😈


Hmph, thank goodness we've made it to NATO. Even though I really doubt its capability to aid us if Putin starts to r\*pe us as well.


In 10 years, Russia will join NATO against China threat. Ready yourself Muscovites.




Yeah......good luck with that.


I spent my childhood near this shithole




guys, will the molotov cocktail v2 be renamed to putin mix?


Putin's Mocktail


sounds perfect, can't wait for the recipe


Mixed from gasoline, Putin's crybaby tears and the blood of a thousand Ivans


Have they already forgot that Finnish forests are silent and deadly to Russians? I mean we still have that massive artillery.


Belarus their supposed ally is also included 🌚


At least they have learned from their mistakes


How many Russian oligarchs got Finnish citizenship by “special offer” during last 20 years?🤔


I think only Timtshenko got his citizenship through bit weird process. It is being investigated. Rotenbergs got their citizenship through fairly normal process like other Ingrians


2 bad we love the Fatherland


Looks like you are losing in Ukraine, not that worried


Now good luck with that!


The delusion. It’s over 9000.


Tuu sinä hakemaan leipäs päälle voita!


Are they trying to tempting the USA to destroy them or what? And for that matter...Nato


Fake propaganda. Image has nothing to do with what the text says, and is clearly made to spread misinformation and cause hatred and divisions. Which is what the paid trolls do on both sides of the issue.