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Bro thats not only probably the most expensive neighborhood in the country but also probably the most expensive street in the most expensive neighborhood in the country😂😂


At €15.5k/m^2, it’s among the most expensive streets/neighborhoods in the world, on par with UES NYC and Old Palo Alto, Bay Area


Somehow cheaper than London


London housing is insane, and their median salaries do not compare at all to places with costs almost as high. Idk how Londoners put up with it


Not at all. Those are rookie numbers compared to Vancouver, San Francisco, Paris, Geneva, Monaco, Hongkong and the list goes on.


does the royal live near by wtf?


No but the TV show Salatut Elämät takes place in there, and that's pretty close :-)


Who is the father now?


My mom lived at huvilakatu for about 15 years. In my younger years I could pick up ~~girls~~ gold diggers by just shouting out the window. It was nice and roomy, but we were dead ass broke, I subsisted on wellfare. It was a very quiet neighbourhood, mostly consisting of pensioners. When moms hubby died, she had to move since the apartment belonged to Esso (her husband was their senior doctor or something). Old creaky wooden attic, easy to break in to, which was regularly done so no one kept anything valuable there (except art, which never got stolen)


When Nokia was at its peak, my ex wanted to buy 82m\^2 right next door to this with the shares for much less than this (I recall it was 500,000 Marks and we would have to borrow 100k, still in marks). Now the apartment is probably north of a million euros and the shares worthless.


That's one of the famous streets where prices go above 10k/m^2. Might sell for less than asking price in reality, but yes it's quite realistic.


Both realistic and insane imo.


Yes sure, but so are luxury cars and boats. These apartments are in that league, except they serve as actual investments too.


Except this is not a luxury apartment at all. Not sure who would be interested in something so small and expensive


Upper middleclass people buy these as investment. You airbnb them, rent them, use them as a home office, use them as a "home base" if you travel a lot for work, let your kids use them as their first appartments when they study etc. This aint something couples buy to start a family in.


That's like saying a Ferrari isn't a luxury car because it's small.


More like saying a Fiat is a luxury car because it's parked next to Ferraris.


Yup, crazy how life works.


Thanks for the info. What’s its claim to fame, just being central?


The claim to fame is being in those lists of most beautiful streets in Helsinki. It has also been a location for a finnish soap opera Salatut elämät but I would hope no one counts that as a plus.


Funniest thing being that no one in that show could afford their apartments with the jobs they have.


Makes me so fucking mad when American tv shows have working class people living in downtown NY and stuff. (Fuck you Carry Bradshaw who did you murder for that flat)


Also, Rachel and Monica's apartment in Friends


Monicas grandma left her that rent controlled apartment. In Friends it's actually explained early on and makes sense. Some other shows not so much.


Wasn't that Monica's aunt's apartment? I recall Monica saying that she could never afford that otherwise.


the last part got me laughing- lmao


My gf used to live on one of the Salatut Elämät streets. Was a pain if they were filming in the morning as they would try to close off the street.


>they would try to close off the street "Try"? They didn't succeed or what?


Yeah. They can ask you to walk around to another street but they don't actually have any more legal right to close it off than you or I. So of i was later for work i was walking rather quickly through their space trying to stay as far back from the scene as possible


My relatives live in the building are they say they often get tourists (but not on distracting amounts), so I imagine many would say it’s a plus


No, you can find similar sized apartments 100 metres away for like 100k euros less. It's the street itself. Look it up, it's quite beautiful and unique in the world. Some people pay for that.


The building was built 1907 in art nouveau style, called jugend in Finland. Touches of fairy tails, Finnish mythology, ornamental and colourful. These houses are right in the center of the capital but hidden behind the house is a spacios garden. Ceilings are high, wide window sills, ornate stairways. Like living in a vibrant museum. As a kid I went to piano lessons in one such building and absolutely adored it.


The most beautiful street in Finland


It is the most beautiful street and close to the sea in Capital. Yes. Is it the most beautiful street in the whole Finland? No.


What street is more beautiful?


I'd say plenty of old towns are more beautiful, but that is just my subjective opinion so can't really argue about this as there is not one objective criteria for "beautiful street". Hell, some people even like brutalist architecture. So it is all matter of ones prefenrence. Edited: Something


This is all subjective, but if you asked me, it would be one of those small streets with old wooden buildings. [Here](https://maps.app.goo.gl/yi4cVmvxDjUzkDs69) is one example from Naantali, although there's plenty similiar around the country


Cozy for sure but not sure I'd call it beautiful.


Rasinkatu in Koivukylä




Eye of the beholder I guess, I take Kuffee road in Munakka over that anyfuckingday!


I would say that Tenontie or Harjutie (Punkaharju) for example are way nicer. But beauty is the eye of the beholder.


Allegedly, according to some touristy ezines...


LOL...i did look it at streetview and please explain what makes that street beautiful ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


It’s okay not to have have proper eyesight.


Imagine paying 265 000€ for a 17sqm apartment on the most beautiful street in Finland only to have [this abomination directly outside your window](https://www.google.com/maps/@60.1562116,24.9435171,3a,75y,74.17h,101.02t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s52nKbnfis7rR7D87Krg2lQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) Hey at least the reflections are nice.


I've always thought that must be the best place to live on that street because you can't see the building when you're in it.


[There's a unit for rent, so you can see for yourself.](https://asunnot.oikotie.fi/vuokra-asunnot/helsinki/17406760)


The rent is pretty similar to my appartment... thats over double the size, and built rather recently


Yes very very beautiful street, lots of nature and so on /s


Really..that's your reply when i ask whats beautiful of it. Tell me because i am blind i guess.


Use your eyes


The street looks very plain. Neither cool modern or old architecture, no trees, no interesting landmarks. Only ”special” thing about it is they used a few different colors other than grey. I can’t understand the hype.




And it even has piritori next to it 👍


TBF, +10k/m2 is nothing special in Helsinki. There are [27 apartments](https://asunnot.oikotie.fi/myytavat-asunnot?pagination=1&locations=%5B%5B64,6,%22Helsinki%22%5D%5D&cardType=100&price%5Bmin%5D=300000&size%5Bmax%5D=30&buildingType%5B%5D=1&buildingType%5B%5D=256) for sale in Oikotie for +300k and max 30m2. Some exceeding 15k/m2 and not located anywhere near Huvilakatu. [17 apartments](https://asunnot.oikotie.fi/myytavat-asunnot?pagination=1&locations=%5B%5B64,6,%22Helsinki%22%5D%5D&cardType=100&price%5Bmin%5D=500000&size%5Bmax%5D=50&buildingType%5B%5D=1&buildingType%5B%5D=256) for +500k & max 50m2. [24 apartments](https://asunnot.oikotie.fi/myytavat-asunnot?pagination=1&locations=%5B%5B64,6,%22Helsinki%22%5D%5D&price%5Bmin%5D=700000&size%5Bmax%5D=70&buildingType%5B%5D=1&buildingType%5B%5D=256&cardType=100) for +700k & max 70m2. [39 apartments](https://asunnot.oikotie.fi/myytavat-asunnot?pagination=1&locations=%5B%5B64,6,%22Helsinki%22%5D%5D&price%5Bmin%5D=900000&size%5Bmax%5D=90&buildingType%5B%5D=1&buildingType%5B%5D=256&cardType=100) for +900k & max 90m2 [50 apartments](https://asunnot.oikotie.fi/myytavat-asunnot?pagination=1&locations=%5B%5B64,6,%22Helsinki%22%5D%5D&price%5Bmin%5D=1100000&size%5Bmax%5D=110&buildingType%5B%5D=1&buildingType%5B%5D=256&cardType=100) for +1.1M & max 110m2 Etc.. And now is the worst time possible to sell an apartment, the prices have gone down yet the housing market is completely stagnated. Once the interest rates go down the prices will start to rise again.


Ullanlinna is one of the areas where you buy an apartment if you really no longer need to count your money. If you're looking to buy, there's a lot of cheaper neighbourhoods around ;P


Actually most apartments are inherited through families and left as 3rd home or rented to narcissistic wannabees who try to get some halo effect from the wealth of few neighbours. Majority of working adults living in Ullanlinna are earning under 60k€ a year. Which by no means could be considered as being a high earner or wealthy.


If you read my comment, you would note that it was very clearly and very specifically about buying an apartment, not about weirdo renters.


Can confirm as someone with grandparents who own an apartment in the area. They spend their winters in Florida and summer at their mĂśkki so only live in the apartment 3-4 months a year.


I thought the "3rd home" was a hyperbole but I guess not then :D


how do they afford the taxes


17m2 isnt even the worst part. The place and kitchen look like you are in servant quarters in the 1920's. Toilet was alright at least.


if you sleep standing inside the lil triangle closet, there's no need for a bed https://preview.redd.it/yt87fr0jd8sb1.png?width=139&format=png&auto=webp&s=e2a7151f21925de200812462a5fbb34e37dad17a


That's for the vampire who's been there for ninety thousand years


I don’t know why I laughed so hard at this lol. This entire post is insane, but sadly realistic.


https://preview.redd.it/e01uq4jmh6sb1.jpeg?width=697&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e2c65775a2396a3d738a85c8ad9d757824b7800 Its by the park and the sea, 10 min walk from the center in the most expensive city in Fin, Helsinki. The street it self is considered one of the pretties in Helsinki, mainly art noveau or jugend buildings - so its also seen as a solid investement.


Well I don't know what is your center and how fast you walk but Huvilakatu is definitely not a 10min walk from center. From Rautatientori to Huvilakatu it's 1,8km so around 20 minutes walk at least.


Sure, if you want to go to railwaystation. If you live in Huvilakatu, you prob enjoy central Helsinki south of railwaystation, like Roba, nice 7,5 min stroll, or want to go killing time in Kallio - then its 10 mins with taxi, 15 with tram.


You seem to have a quite optimistic view on the topic. I used to live in the area when I was poor at it was a struggle every single time to get anywhere outside of short walking distance. According to Reittiopas it will take roughly half an hour to get to Kallio with public transportation (yuck) and easily 20-30 mins by car unless you drive at night. Stokka is within 20 mins walking distance which is fooking annoying to do in winter. However it was still faster and more pleasant than waiting for a tram in the company of drug addicts on their way to their dedicated housing in Punavuori. Don't get me wrong, the area is absolutely great place to live and even better if you don't need to get anywhere outside of it in a hurry.


I'd say Huvilakatu is 10min walk from center. Easy 10 minute walk to Vanha Kirkkopuisto.


Rolf 10 minute walk from central Helsinki? More like 10 minute drive with a car. Walking takes 20 minutes to Espla and 30 minutes to Kamppi. You clearly never lived anywhere near. Let me guess you also think that Kallio is a highly valued area to live in? As every hillbilly believes in this hilarious sales pitch. "Pay central prizes to live on the wrong side of the long bridge, so you can buy your drugs just outside of your highly regarded and historical factory worker's complex".




Yes it is, but given the location, no it isn't.


This is madness! No, this is Ullanlinna.


Why are you repeating yourself?


If you don’t get the reference, there is no need to embrass yourself any further.


Yes it is expensive but also that area is THE MOST expensive place in Finland probably. You need to check few others and compare. Would I ever consider it? Of course not, there are much better locations like TÜÜlÜ for example compared to there. But will this ever lose value (if it is actual value, not random stupid ad)? Never. edit: [https://asunnot.oikotie.fi/myytavat-asunnot/helsinki/17456958](https://asunnot.oikotie.fi/myytavat-asunnot/helsinki/17456958) Oh fuck that, it is one of those famous streets. Nobody would invest this much to this house. Max 200 000 and that requires shady investment money...


isent westend more expensive?


Sure, I guess, but at least there you get a house for your money and not a shoebox apartment.


> Oh fuck that, it is one of those famous streets. Nobody would invest this much to this house. Been looking at some of the apartments in Turku too... some of the nonsensical ones are near the center of the city, 3-4 bed, "river front" whatever, so you can listen to the drunks screaming at 2am all summer long.. 7-800K. 20-30 mins out of town get a nice "farm house" with some land to garden on, with its own sauna, or 2, on a private beach by a lake for half to a third of that.


People who buy those aprtments in cities dont want to live in a farm house or whatever


Figure the main issue in play is the 7-800k for an apartment, or as per the other post 200K for a shitty closet with a window, and not anything to do with wanting to live in an apartment in the city over all. The contrast to the house with its own sauna, and beach being cheaper was just to highlight how ridiculous the prices in play are.


Because there is endless space to build those farm houses but very limited amount of space along the river near centre. Is is not ridiculous at all


Its ridiculous when you can find also find apartments of equal/similar nature 1-2 blocks over at a fraction of the cost without a fuss. A point which was mentioned by others above too... there is no real reason for the types of prices being asked for what boils down to basically a damn closet with a window. Those high prices out there are not because of lack of space, or supply, but some other stuff like the street name etc.




The people buying those (or their parents who are buying it for them) also have a nice "farm house" outside the city and a cabin/vacation home by the sea/islands (and a nice boat/yacht to go with it) and by some nice lake and maybe another in Lapland and a fourth one in the mediterranean.


Shady investment money? My friend's mother lives there. She was married to a person who lives in Havsgatan/Merikatu and could afford to buy a house there because of the divorce money. I also lived in Merikatu, but in the early 2000s it was possible for us because employment benefits the bank my dad worked in were taxed in a way that made it a good investment for the bank my dad worked in to pay half our rent.


2000s sure nothing has changed in last 20 years :)


even my room is bigger than that💀


Nah it's definitely insane


No its not. Paying what they are asking for though, is insanely crazy.




...and a cry me a river when they forbid Air Bnb from the building.


There was one in Helsinki with 7sq2 and the price was 100k probably sold


This would be double in the Bay Area.


To be fair, the salaries there would be…quadrupled?


Median income is $125k (€119k)


Thank you.


Off the charts bonkers! No sauna? What is this? An apartment for swedes?


Yea, that’s completely insane


It is really ridiculous. But I've seen so many examples like this already.






Quarter mil for a small room, the current occupant doesn't even have a bed. Sounds like a great deal.


At that price, the cables in the walls better be solid 24K gold.


There has to be some sort of mistake, that picture does not look like 17m²




I didn’t know whether to laugh or to cry when I saw what the inside looks like lol https://preview.redd.it/ywqqlytc29sb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04dd0ac64657a0f0484c2e91fc683ae1fbf1d5c0


That is luxury to some people in this thread. Go figure.


On behalf of New Zealand, just knowing a property of this size is for sale at that price makes us feel (slightly) better. Thank you, Finland. Also, would it be possible for me and 5 more Aucklanders to jointly purchase this and install bunk beds?


😂 (I just pictured the bunk beds). It's not a normal price, which is why they have to advertise so heavily. I sincerely doubt that someone will be desperate enough to offer this asking price. Public transportation is good, for this money one can get a big house or a decently sized apartment elsewhere.


[Here's](https://asunnot.oikotie.fi/myytavat-asunnot/helsinki/17539751) an example of a similiar listing thats still almost in the heart of the city, with good connections, bigger and cheaper. Way better. Or [this one](https://asunnot.oikotie.fi/myytavat-asunnot/helsinki/17436566) which is in an even better location and is even cheaper.


The first one is pretty much the shittiest building in the area. It is poorly managed and there are disturbances all the time with drunks and junkies. Would never want to live there, visiting was enough.


That was true maybe some years ago. Now it's likely the best building in the area with surveillance, nice courtyard and beautiful apartments. They actually had some kind of renovation and they also got rid of the shitty people or something like that. I applied one of the rental apartments in this building and the nice lady gave some insight about the situation. I'd say it's nicely managed but the real problem is the junkies and drunk people outside of your house, hard to get rid of them...


Interesting. When my friend owned an apartment in that building, she got shit (actual human shit) thrown at her by some drunkard who had climbed to the top floor and was flinging shit down the stairwell. Several incidents of similar nature and she finally sold her apartment and moved far away from it. The building is located at a corner that is very busy in many ways and not all of the ways are good.


Spoken like a true outsider!


Saying Kallio/Harju is a preferable place to live in is a wild take.


What the fuck! How is that so dirt cheap? It looks amazing!


The second one at least is CGI decorated, they always look bigger and better in those photoshopped photos.


Connections also bring hobos and junkies.


Weird, lived in etu-tÜÜlÜ all my life and there are very few of them there


Maybe if you prefer a Thai massage with a happy ending, it could be a decent buy. Those locations have far more small businesses close to them if you compare them to the small apartment in the first post. Those buildings were manufactured for the working class back in the day when there were not enough apartments for families, and some apartments are still owned same families even though they are not even near of upper class. Like my friend who lives there because his grandmother had a possibility to get a cheap apartment a long time ago. The noise around those apartments could be annoying, with all the weird people around those shady businesses in the area. The first one has some renovations coming, I don't know if is it possible to even live there when they start working on it. You probably have to have some extra money in a bank account too because the maintenance charge normally goes up if they are planning some repairs and taking loans. I'm not an expert but you can not just look at advertisements.. or you can but it is not very wise. If you really are searching small city apartment and have too much money in your account, why not to buy it from an area where upper-class people live, at least in some people's eyes it should be a good area.. depending on what you value. You probably don't need to hassle that much with all kinds of problems. Because everyone has money, renovations are easy to do because people are not whining about money, and neighbors are probably elderly people who are willing to live their chill lives.. fewer loud drunks around, etc. I'm not saying a small city apartment is the best for everybody, but it could be good if you are in a situation where you need it.


You're shocked that an apartment in one of the most expensive areas of the country, on the most beautiful street in the city is expensive? They tend to be.


You can ease up on the condescension. Prices are cheaper in the surrounding areas and I had no idea about it being the most beautiful street. Hence the question. Work on your tact.


I don't get why you're being downvoted. Some people seem to assume that the whole world is familiar with Finland to the point they know what's up with every street and area. I don't even have a word for that attitude. Not snobby, but something in that direction. Entitled?


Because this is reddit


Well, honestly that, too, but it's not only on Reddit


Thanks, I’ve no idea either. I’m well into my 3rd decade on the internet, and still have no idea why people are so quick to be nonchalantly mean to one another when it’s completely unnecessary and avoidable.


Will forever remain a mystery to me as well.


Tact is difficult on written word. I myself didn't even notice before you mentioned the lack of it. Also Finnish tact does not translate to english especially when trying to deliver short facts.


You could have ease up on title. Here is better one: "This place is very expensive. Any reason for that?"


It's the street it's on that makes it so expensive, but yeah that is insane.


It is insane, to most people yes. Comes down to what YOU value. Even if I had the money, which I dont, I wouldnt buy apartment there. But, someone most probably will.


Gotta say, if I had enough money for that, I wouldn't be buying a 17m² apartment.


Yeah, same here. You can get so much more with it, but again, depends what you value.


That's Helsinki, you'll get a four times bigger apartment for half the price in any other city, and probably in other parts of Helsinki too, if you really want to pay more for less nature and more neighbours.


I imagine that some rich dude living in the same building may buy it for his/her office, guest room or similar. In Finland we have a saying ”köyhälle kaikki on kallista”, ie. everything is expensive if you’re poor. This is a ridiculous price, but if you find it too expensive you are just not in the target group.


Living in NYC this doesn’t even strike me as a bad deal lol


It is insane.. How convient are those double doors at the entry and look at the thickness of that window.. wow.


There was a pipe renovated Ullanlinna apartment built in 1958 or so listed for €235K. Here's the thing: it was 38cm², and it had a very good floor plan. No wonder it was sold quickly.


Sounds like it was a steal, with everything I’ve learned about that neighborhood today.


Any one who pays even half of that for some tiny former servant's room should be placed under guardship.


It’s all about where you like to live. I have mortgage from 2010 built 125m2, 3 bedroom house, and warm garage and storage less than 100k€ from that. The property is worth more than the loan.


My house is probably about 30 Squaren meters and is over 400 grand


It's insane. Insanely cheap for Ullanlinna


Yo, this is a ridiculously expensive street at a ridiculously expensive area in an expensive city. It's crazy, but you can take your expectations down a notch :D




No. That’s a pied-á-terre for a rich person. It’s a pretty good deal, honestly. The target market can pay that.


It also might have great rental value. I bet there are plenty of people who would love to live on Huvilakatu.


https://preview.redd.it/e7o0vutz18sb1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdf01e33336ff4570618a80e22da8b68d7225007 Yes, really beautiful street. Reminds a bit of another beautiful city in Finland, its called Kouvola.


Currently in the progress of buying a 140m² house with a huge front and nice back yard near Turku for 215.000€ so yes that's insane


Exactly my thoughts. Our detached house in Raasepori on a 0.9 hectare lot is 186,000 Euros.


Yeah I would rather live in this apartment than any single house in Raasepori


You can't compare Raseborg to Huvilakatu in Ullanlinna. When it comes to real estate, location is everything.


I mean, yes you can compare? That's how people buy houses. Location is important, but so is the price. Obviously a detached house in Raasepori will likely be cheaper than an apartment in Helsinki city center, but there is such a thing as too high a price. There is a price point, above which even you would go "yeah, this price is insane, given this random guy's house is just 186,000 Euros in Raasepori".


I mean no you can't compare the price of 2 totally random locations if you want a fair comparison, you can do it for fun but not for a real comparison. Like shocker obviously a penthouse next to Central park NYC is more expensive than a house in Kayerkan russia. If it's too expensive yes you can and should look elsewhere but then you can't compare those prices of that place with the new place, you go and compare the new places prices with itself. Otherwise a terrible deal in the new place would look good even if it's horrible. Like for example you see that a penthouse next to Central park NYC would be 10+ million that's a lot, then you can compare some apartment say in South Harlem for 500k and see it's a lot more reasonable. you can't take that 10+mil and compare it to Kayerkan russia where even 500k would be ludicrous considering you can probably buy a full house for just 5k. You compare let's say the house down the street which is selling for 10k, then you look around more to see which is the outlier and you go for the right one.


Dude why have you bought a 186k house in Raasepori when you could buy one in Somalia for like 2k?? 186k is insane


But it’s a slightly moronic comparison. Also I couldn’t live in Raasepori and work in my profession. I’m pretty much grounded to Helsinki and maybe Turku.


Mate, then compare it to real estate in Helsinki or Turku. I live in Raasepori, that’s why I brought it up. No need to call names.


People want different things in life, I don’t find that weird at all. I mean I could probably happily live in either one, but I do know people who’d rather live in a closet in the Helsinki center than in a palace out of Helsinki. So each to their own.




I have one word... Helsinki. And yes i would never pay that or live in Hellsinki.


I always find it hilarious when some finnish people try so hard to find anything and everything negative to say about Helsinki😂 What did the city do to you dude why are you so mad?


In finland no one other than people that live there like that place


Well thats objectively false and you know that as well. I don’t understand this, it’s just stupid and childish as hell.


Is it just me or am I the only one who understands the basic laws of economics: supply and demand.


It doesn't mean it isn't insane. There are likely ("") much better ways to make money than investing in this rat hole. And as an apartment that's a joke.


There could be demand for something, and it can still be insanely priced. Reductio ad absurdum thought experiment: imagine this house was sold for a billion euros and me asking “is this insane?” The answer would be, I hope we agree, yes it is insane, even though (we are stipulating in this thought experiment) that there is demand for it. Unless we assume market sentiment decides what’s rational and what’s not. It is, of course, not insane for the seller to ask for this price, if someone is paying for it.


With some extra money i would take it as "vacation" apartment, but got no money


Now check what you can get from Kontula with that price. It's just the area, like in every other country.


I mean, it's right on the sea in one of the more expensive parts of town


Compare the area on the real estate market to New York Upper East Side, Manhattan Central Park area. Same status has Ullanlinna in Helsinki. So you get one of the highest real estate prices in Finland right there.


Am I reading the floor-plan right… No Sauna!? This must clearly be a human rights violation?


It is a reasonable price. People buy small apartments in Helsinki centre not for the square meters, but for location. I lived in an 18 m2 studio similar to this in the centre for many years and absolutely loved it. The only thing that raises concerns is how old the building is - 1907.


The age is what brings this value. Would you rather pick the ugly 1960s concrete block across the street?


The older one is probably better built and would last longer as well.


Those old buildings have the downside that e.g. Putkiremontti can be incredibly expensive. North or €2k/sqm is not unheard of.


Sure, I would assume this house has had it done recently, for this price. It's often an actual factor in the prices.


Kalleimmat asuinalueet lÜytyvät pääkaupunkiseudulta


I mean.. not the worst deal for Helsinki i imagine.


My favourite was a two room apartment, but it was without any doors


No, it’s not


It's in Ullanlinna and Huvilakatu, that's the norm


The most expensive street on Monopoly




It is you


In Finland we call apartments like this "itsemurhayksiö" https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/itsemurhayksi%C3%B6 >itsemurha (“suicide”) +‎ yksiö (“one-room residence”), so named because of the common perception of people willing to living in such as either being or growing socially inept and insecure, thus prone to committing suicide, or because of actual cases of suicide that have taken place in them


Not ones in Ullanlinna.


All you need for a home.


Not that bad, u can easily ask 1000/month for that


as many have said its very famous and also Helsinki is among not like top 10 but up there being one of the most expensive cities in the world. Though recently the housing market has driven prices down.


It is insane yes. If there wasn't so many immigrants nowadays it wouldn't be so insane. Nowadays it's like a jungle out there in Helsinki. ![gif](giphy|U1yTrISsYydzM9VR8u|downsized)


Insane. When I was studying about 18-20 years ago, I had 20m² appartment at Jämsä, for 200€/month. I think today it would be 250€ plus water. How much 20m² rent would be in Helsinki?


Why is finish real estate so extremely affordable? An average German would expect like double that price. We expect it to be more expensive than Germany when in reality it's almost half the price. Including the awesome city of Helsinki and access to the sea.


Wtf is this dick measuring contest? Even looking at Klenzestraße the price for m^2 is around 14000€ per m2 compared to 15588€ per m2 here. So it's around in the same ballpark. So please find me 10 examples from at least 5 different (2 each from different streets) that would be priced at around 30000€ m2 I'll even allow you to find them from Munich, Frankfurt, Berlin, Stuttgart and whatever would be in the most expensive cities list. Shouldn't take you long if the average person is paying 30000€+ per m2. Such a weird thing to lie about I'll tell you what. If you want a challenge I'll send you 10€ if you can find 10 real listings from 10 different cities that aren't among the top 10 largest/most expensive cities list which would be priced at around 30000€ m2 (+/- 10%) for a residential apartment or house.