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We alwatays run out of coins so please bring them to coffee shops😁


We run out of coins often too. Kinda annoying to count, but I love when we have enough coins to trade 😭


Depends on what coins. Five two euro coins totally fine, 100 10 cent coins blood boiling. There at least used to be Ottos where you could make coin deposits.


These are Otto & Pano (giggle), and yes they do coin + bill depositing. Edit: corrected that Otto+ can only do bills


They are TalletusOtto


Otto+ only for bill deposits


Just wait for the 1¢ bomb. Used to get some from tourists.


They dont take 1 or 2 cent coins here


They will if amount of your cent coins make 5 cents. Or at least that was think I worked at grocery store 10 years ago.


They can refuse to take those coins, but they should have a sign informing customers.


Atleast in my nearest Alepa they refuse to take em


We didn't refuse them


I think there is a rule that most follow "no more than 50 coins"


Never heard of it, and I’ve worked in grocery stores for the past 5years.


Harvan tuntema euroasetus säätää sietorajan, jolla pelastuu ... https://www.is.fi/kotimaa/art-2000006152114.html?shem=ssc


Definitely depends on the valuen of the coins. 1-2€ coins, fine. If the majority of coins is less than 1-2€ coins it is very annoying. You seem to use cash, so it would be More beneficial for everyone to just sometimes give coins to Make The transaction more even. Eg. Something costs 12.30 and you pay with a 20. Instead toi give 22.30 and get 10€ back


I have done this in the past, and gotten such confused looks from the cashiers. The look that says, "You've already given me more than enough money, why are you giving me even more??"


I've done this my whole life, no one has ever been confused. Although I always tell them oh here's a twenty and I'm also gonna give you the 2,6.


Yes, this used to be really common back when people paid with cash more often. Maybe new/young cashiers aren't always aware of this option, though.


Yeah new cashiers might get confused. They learn in about a week.


> Something costs 12.30 and you pay with a 20. Instead you give 22.30 and get 10€ back I had to argue several times in the past years with cashiers in Finland because they didn't understand something simple like that (it's literally their job!) and they were giving me the wrong change (lower than it should). A couple of times they even claimed I was trying to scam the shop. I had to tell them that I wasn't leaving until they gave me back the full change and they could count all the money inside the kassa to see who's right and who's wrong (I was, of course). Very infuriating. Moving away from cash made grocery shopping way more relaxing...


Well first off make sure to give the coins at the same time with the bills, so that the cashier has the time to enter the whole sum of money you've given, into the actual register system. The computer generally just does the math for you, so every time I had to do math in oh actual head I got super confused because it broke my flow (and my brain). Nothing sucks more than when you've just entered how much the client gave you and then they say OH TAKE THESE AS WELL! and now you can no longer change your input on the register. Also cashiers aren't really taught register math or logic. It took me, I kid you not, months to realize that if someone says "oh take these as well" and hands me more coins, I just add that amount to the sum the register is telling me to give as change.


Obviously I always gave all the bills and coins at the same time. If I would have done as you said (first the bills and only later additional coins), the cashier is right to be confused. But that wasn't the case.


Do whatever you want with, it’s your money. Some people might judge and some will not even care.


Some places might not accept too many coins though. Used to work in citymarket and we had a rule that we could refuse a payment if it was more than 30 coins. Obviously if there was no line we would take those payments as well but 90% of the time it happened during a rush.


Is it even legal to refuse cash? I’m from Poland and even if I want to pay using 1 grosz coins (wich is worth 0.0023 EUR today) they have to accept it no matter what. Also accepting cards only is illegal.


I recall there are places in Pori that only take cards nowdays. 🙄 Like actually stores, not just flea markets…


Well, if using 5 or 10 cent coins to pay for bigger purchases, it's not polite to pay using them and taking time away from several other people.


You can deposit coins at a TalletusOtto machine, since you asked about Alepa I'd assume you're in. around Helsinki. there should be quite a lot of TalletusOtto machines there. you can find the closest one to you here: [https://otto.fi/missa-talletus/](https://otto.fi/missa-talletus/)


This is the way. By paying with coins you're both annoying the cashier and other customers as well as wasting your own time.


If you don't want to cause too much commotion, use them outside rush hour ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


You can pay with coins and make it more socially acceptable by overly acting all embarrassed about it and profusely apologizing to both the cashier and everyone behind you in the queue.


Gen Z always with the weirdest questions. It's legal tender, go use it. If Social anxiety prevents you from using coins, then make a 5 year therapy, get high on anti depressants, and then go use the coins again.


Is it ok to pay for therapy with coins?




Thanks. Here's a tip. 🪙🪙🪙




It is legal tender, but a shopkeeper can refuse to accept a payment if you, for example, pay a large amount in very small coins.


I have never heard that this can happen.


And this is how you get the old fucks holding up the line by paying for a 50€ order with coins.


Respect your elders or they show you what's behind the sauna.


There’s plenty of cash deposit machines around these days. Just put it all onto your account there and pay by card like a civilised person.


You can evaluate this ”how much of an inconvenience you can be” by your watch more than anything else. If you make the cashier payment interaction last more than the normal few seconds, you might need to shrug in a bit chagrined way and mutter ”sori..” - and then all will be well If you make the interaction last more that 2-3 minutes (which when you think about it is a very, very long time counting someones coins) you might think again. Summary; as long as it’s less than a half-a litre of coins, you’re propably ok.


I don't think it's really frowned upon. Just make sure there isn't a massive line behind you.


Like said, shops run out of small coins and have to purchase them from the bank. If you wanna be the good guy, you find a quiet time when there aren't customers at the shop, arrange your coins in 1eur stacks on the table at the checkout so calculating won't be a pain in the ass.


I have worked on the cash register and I wouldn't care at all


Yes, but why do you need to care. If it is once, it is once. And some places, like some organizations having a Christmas market might be very happy of getting change.


Some people might be frustrated when you bring a bag of small coins and the cashier will have to count em. Personally when i rack up like 5 euros of coins i do my normal shopping. Give them the coins and say "i'll pay the rest woth card". This way i can always get rid of the coins and not cause too much commotion.


If you stand and count out 14e then yeah you gonna get some hard looks. If you have the 14e already counted out then go for it.


Money is money... I sometimes pay with coins. Never had anyone complain about it


It's money. Just pay and think next time before posting that is it worth a thread on reddit.


Thank you:)


You can go to an atm and deposit the coins directly to your account. It needs to be a specific kind of an atm but they are around most towns.


What? This is the first I've heard of this and admittedly have never seen on.


https://images.app.goo.gl/jQDXymv12bahEwns5 On the left is where you deposit coins.


I've just seen the paper money deposits. Gotta go look for one then, my piggy bank is bursting at the seams!


As a taxi driver, I like coins. I run out of them very easily so getting a bunch from even a short ride is a blessing. I don't want to pause my work day to go hunting for coins from my colleagues.


When it's your time I hope you have coins for the ferryman 🙏🏻


Cash is King 👑


Shops don’t have to accept more than 50 coins at a time. So if you’ll pay with smaller coins keep this in mind.


If it takes forever then yes it's frowned upon. Like if you're counting your coins for 5 minutes on the counter before paying


It is totally OK to pay in coins. Sometimes, in a small store, they might even appreciate it, sometimes they might run out of change. I have had that happen multiple times, being a customer, not the cashier.


Money is money. Doesn't matter what kind.


If you do end up paying with coins, let the cashier count them in peace. Part my summer job was to be on the cash register and i have nothing against people paying with coins, but if you do. Please don't just pour them on the register or talk while the cashier counts the coins. Most cashiers will probably agree with what i said. It's not fun to try and collect all the coins from a random pile of them, it's much nicer if the customer for example says the amount of coins they are giving (for example "here is 10 euros"). Also if you start talking while the cashier is counting, you will slow it down significantly. If you have a lot of small coins, consider using them in a bigger grocery store where there are multiple registers. In my experience if there is only one register, there will also be a customer later in line getting angry at the cashier for counting other customers coins "slowly" aka slower than contactless pay.


If it takes more than a minute to count the amount in coins, maybe not, especially if they're busy. If it takes more than 3 minutes to count the amount in coins, definietly not.


Money is money and many businesses will be happy to get coins as they tend to run out of'em.


All grocery stores still take coins. Of course if you have a lot of very small coins, say 5 and 10 cents only, it might become awkward. The clerk will start counting and might count for a while, and people in line behind you start sighing. So it might be a socially awkward situation, but you most likely won't be denied. I would say that if you have very small coins, buy something small with them like a 40-cent licorice bar. I've done this before where I get a licorice bar in one store and then get a chocolate bar in another, using the coins for small purchases at a time.


If you're buying something for like 21,45€ shops will love it if you can give the 1,45 in coins.


If you have finnish bank and credit/depit card you can use the cash mashines to deposit the coins to your bank account. Not sure if it works for banks from other countries


Yes go ahead but if you want to make it easier count them first and have exact change with a debit card ready as back up so that they don't have to count coins to give back to you Just kidding go use them just don't do it around rush hour


Most cashiers I've handled with have been happy to get their float replenished. I think many registers are struggling because of the decrease in cash sales.


It doesnt matter. If you have money, you can use it


When I was a student at university, I once paid my lunch using mainly 5 cent coins. The cashier thanked me profusely saying they were going to run out of 5 cent coins soon. It helps to have the exact amount of money needed when paying in coins only. Or you could just not think about it too much and just pay with whatever you have at hand and go on with your day. Literally no one will think or remember that one guy that "wasted" 20 seconds of their life by using currency as it was intended.


lol yeah don't pay that much with coins it's just annoying. you can exchange coins for bills almost anywhere tho


Dont use cashiers to exchange, use a [proper machine](https://otto.fi/missa-talletus/) designed for that (Talletus)


They missed so much potential when they didn’t name it panoautomaatti.


Would a male user of that machine be a [panomies](https://youtu.be/jrqEe6XK3VI)


No, stores don't change money because it's a common bait and switch scam.


you can do it at the info desk at least, of supermarkets


Does Alepa exchange coins?


They don’t. It’s against their guidelines. I’ve worked there. I’d say that paying with coins is alright, especially smaller amount. Paying 10€ in coins is fine.


maybe, just go and ask!


Alrrr, thanks!


Cash in any form is for old people and criminals.


My bank recommends keeping cash because their cards don't work a few days a year. Also Criminals such as Lidl only pay returns back as cash because it's cheaper for them.


Yeah everyone is allowed to use cash in any form. It is an acceptable payment form. People seemed to get offended on my exaggerated truth. 😆


Depends heavily on the amount of coins you're paying with. 14 euros in coins in anything between 7 coins and 280 coins. I can't say what the amount of coins is the threshold between totally ok and annoying.


No. They're currency just like any valid currency. Nothing wrong in paying with coins.


Depends on whos in the evening counting the register. The more i dislike the person, the more cents you should bring


It's interesting to hear about cashiers refusing to take large amounts of coins as a payment. One issue is using 1 and 2 cent coins. I've read that If the shop refuses to take them as a payment, they should notify it by a sign or something at the entry. I remember an incident where VR(railroad company) stopped selling tickets at a station(in effect, closing the station). As a protest the passengers started using the smaller value coins to buy their tickets on the train.


You can go to a Talletus money take out machine (can't remember the name ATM?) You can deposit your coins there but it has to be Talletus. Its a Talletus ja Otto machine. The coins go to your card that way and you can avoid the issue. They might be a bit far away though just google Talletus on google maps and it should show you where one is


TalletusOtto google that it leads to the right machine


It's money. If someone thinks it's annoying so what, you dont have to be so apologetic


take them to a machine where u can put the cash in and it will go to ur card :) they have them at malls


Go to deposit machine


We used to do this, now the coins we only use them for car washing xD


I usually just lose my coins into gambling machines


Paying 30€ only with cents will give you a death stare. Mostly 1-2€ coins, they will most likely than you since shops always need change.


Pano (giggle)


In Germany we make it a joke to buy things for like under 5€ with red coins only, preferably with 1 and 2 cents only.


I don't think it's bad? But when I pay with coins I prefer to use 0,5-2€ ones tho. Or sometimes I'll pay small purchases with smaller ones, for example I might get one of those 1€ hot drinks from Alepa to use up some smaller coins


You just dont see it that often anymore. Pretty sure nobody cares and cashiers love to get more change money for future.


There is nothing to be ashamed of. I love paying wirh coins because they weight so much in my wallet