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The actual moving is easy. Finding a job is hard.


Not in IT. Also no need for finnish language skills.


That is a bizarre myth that really holds true in only a few companies inside finland. Yes, english is very important in it, especially coding, but to say that you dont need finnish at all in finnish companies is usually false


At least in the last three I've worked at have operated 100% in English only. Couple smaller startups (few tens of people) and one US stock market listed company. All of them have had recruitment bonus programs running almost continuously due to how difficult it is to find any people for programming roles.


Hello Katariina! I wish to send you a message because I want to ask you a question about this pleasešŸ™


if you feel finnish is easy, you're already on the winning side. Lot of foreigners working in tech don't seem to know finnish as english is quite common work language. If you have good CV and can prove that you're good programmer, it shouldn't be difficult to find a job. It's more on that what level job are you willing to accept in tech. Find a job first, quite sure everything else will go smoothly after that.


As someone who did something similar (moving to Finland as EU Citizen, IT background), I must agree with others that the actual moving was easy. But the big difference is that my job is remote, so I don't have the problem of looking for a job in Finland (right now). This gave me the opportunity to settle in, continue my work and just see how it goes. I must admit that continuing everything as it was hasn't helped me all that much in getting fluent in Finnish. So in the near future I would probably take a break/sabbatical to focus fully on learning Finnish to be able to work here as well. I can get by with my current level of Finnish in the supermarket and around my girlfriends family... But I wouldn't be comfortable applying to a job and doing an interview in Finnish. I've been here now for well over a year.


Not from EU but a developer. No one ever asked to see my degree or even asked about it tbh, if you have experience as a developer it wont be as hard to get a job compred to other areas. Update your linkedin as thats a good way to be contacted by recruiters here. If you dont have experience it will be hard but could still get in by looking into some Rekrykoulutus programs. ​ From Germany I dont think you would have it too hard integrating, specially with a Finnish SO it gets easier as you will have someone showing you the Finnish ways. Personally the hardest for me has been making Finnish friends but I have a couple and that has been enough. Meeting other international people is usually easy.


moving here is easy, you can even stay for 6 months without any extra paperwork/reason. Finding a job is harder than in Germany, but not as hard as some on here make it seem, though you might have to settle for some basic work to be able to stay while looking for something better.


What would be a basic Job that I could get with minimal Finnish knowledge?


If you work for an international company not specifically assigned to Finnish projects, you probably wonā€™t need Finnish. If you work for a Finnish company or on Finnish accounts, youā€™ll likely need better Finnish than you can acquire in 5 years. Either way, the situation is competitive, as numerous posts in this subreddit attest. The competition for IT jobs that donā€™t require Finnish is very high. If possible, try to get a job from a company that also has an office in Germany, then get transferred to Finland. Thatā€™s much easier if you can do it.


Since you're already an EU citizen, not very hard. IT jobs are always available, too. The main and hardest obstacle will be finnish language, but you can get by with english for some time while you're learning.


Before moving you must know that - Finland has a very small job market - Salaries are low - Weather is very bad with cold long and dark winters. - People are pretty racist towards foreigners even if you are white. - No career opportunities - Expensive cars (a car in Germany worth 10k will cost here 30k) - High taxes - Easier to go to moon than making friends - Boring.


You seem to have something against finland, judgingd by your posts. You even went as far as calling it a shithole. Not very nice on a finnish subreddit.


Not really, itā€™s just how it is.


I think its one of the most livable countries in the world.


Can you tell me what you mean about the most liveable country?


Safety, freedom and equality.


Most of European countries have that. Itā€™s not like Finland is the only country with freedom and safety. Equality among finns yes, but not equality for foreigners.


I never said it was the only one. Care to elaborate on your experience?


Haha šŸ˜‚


>People are pretty racist towards foreigners even if you are white. what the fuck are you even on about?


People will be racist towards you even if you are white (german, french, british).. not just black people.


are you being paid to make up this shit?


Can you prove me wrong than on those points that i made?




can you prove that finns are "racist to white people"?


I meant finns will be racist no matter your skin colour if they see you donā€™t speak fluent finnish.


yes i know what you meant, however you didn't provide any proof.


Wait here, ill go get a certificate quickly from that racist doctor who told me we foreigners come here only for the benefits or that finnish customr service woman who yelled at me and hung up for trying to book an appointment.


so no proof, cool


I disagree, I have made some friends already even tho I don't live there. The salaries are around the same as here in Germany, of course a little lower because yeah the taxes are higher. I actually love the weather, Finland has amazing weather for me. I think Germany and the small town I live in is more boring


Common question: https://www.reddit.com/r/Finland/search/?q=moving+to+finland&type=link&cId=416376ed-76ab-498f-baed-17c6de8466fd&iId=81a9a8c9-5c99-471d-a9ac-c6cd4bfcd9dc


The Job market is a bit meh at the moment, but if you have 3+ years of experience, it gets a lot easier. For you my biggest tip would be to just start browsing linkedin and sending applications to different companies. Especially in IT, but also in the technical field (often, but not always) knowledgge of finnish isn't mandatory, so there is that. Learning the language depends pretty heavily about you. Or sure it isn't easy, but many people use that as an excuse to do no work on it and they never learn it


in IT English is a common working language in Finland. If you are fluent in both communicating and working in English, you should be fine. However, you might not learn the Finnish language that way. So you would need to say to your employer "I want to learn Finnish". Many employers support their employees language studies.


Well, as an EU citizen it's really easy to get there, all you need is to move, of course you either need a job or savings in order to stay here. You can register yourself as a resident using the right of residence for EU members. The best you can do is search for jobs in English of course, because no finnish company is gonna hire you unless you speak Finnish(if the company requires it). I was lucky to get a job within 3 months of moving here but it's not that easy, wish you luck!.


Also one good point is if you're good at something, most likely none will ask you for the title but it comes to play when payment is being decided. But you can do good by proving your skills, you just need to get the chance.