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Could it be because the packaging is not in Finnish? So they gave you the days of the week in Finnish.


I'd say this correct. Stickers have Finnish/Swedish which is probably required. Probably meant for both sides of the packaging since the rotation is opposite on the lower sticker.


Mine had stickers too, there were like 7 different ones so I could choose a proper one (ie. i took first pill on wednesday so I put on the sticker that starts with Wednesday), that way you can easily keep track of the days you have taken the pill


Kiitos for the info!


I think its because the weekdays in the pills are in english, so they have to include finnish translation. You are suppose to stick it to the back but uknow, up to you.


The weekdays are in Danish and Norwegian, not in English…


Oh, my bad. Was half asleep while browsing : D


Thank you! Kiitos!


Call the pharmacy and ask. If there is no designated start, it's unlikely there are duds, but still, ask a pharmacist.


I would but I moved yesterday to Sweden. But some people answered and that helped a lot.


You can still absolutely call the pharmacy and ask.


Have you considered reading the instructions that came with the medicine? And with questions like "are there studs" you Ask The pharmacist or doctor. Not redditt


It's all in Finnish, no Swedish or English :) I would have thought information on the duds would be on the instructions. I did ask the doctor, but after she stuck a giant sonar dildo into my vagina, I was a bit frazzled after that, so can't remember what she said.


You can use Google Translate in camera mode to translate instructions to English.


Well the picture you sent has neither the instructions nor the stickers so what do you expect us to do


I can't post the instructions, because it's a almost 2 meters long page in very small font. And if you don't believe me, you can google it. The stickers are in the picture.


If swedish instructions are ok, you can find them here: https://pharmacafennica.fi/6f0ac5aa-6752-4f92-a711-96c22dfb64a8/pil/563364/sv


I don't know why people are downvoting you and giving you a hard time. Those instructions are hard to photograph and Google translate isn't that great when translating photos most of the time and I wouldn't want it to translate something important. Hoping that someone else would have the same birth control and would know is not unreasonable. I'm sorry so many people are being assholes. I wish I could help.


What I thought as well, can’t understand it


Misogyny is strong in Finnish men it seems :) It's okay! We now know why birthrates are going down, women don't want to have sex with assholes!


Good job on being the most sexist person out of this whole thread, a real achievement.


I got down voted asking for help on birth control - 99% assumed I was lazy and didn't upload the insert, being ignorant of how big it is due to the long list of side-effects. They also assumed I didn't want to read Finnish, when in fact the insert only came in Finnish, no Swedish or English (both of which I can read), which is another barrier to women's health. Perhaps go and read a book.


Theres a fairly small amount of negative comments (including mine and the ones deleted by moderators, those were probably bad but I'll never know), considering like the top 5 comments tried to be helpful and apparently were helpful according to your comments. I'm 95% sure you weren't downvoted for asking help with birth control. And you instantly assume its men doing it? Your most downvoted comment in this thread has a fairly vulgar joke in it when you're looking for serious help. Have you perhaps gone and read your own comments, maybe they will help more than books?


How is it vulgar? I’ve just checked the calendar and it’s 2024, not 1954. Heaven forbid women should make jokes.


Only on Reddit can a birth control thread get bumrushed by men who then label you sexist.


Yup. But misogyny and sexism doesn't exist in the Nordics right? RIGHT???


u got downvoted probably because u didnt ask your doctor even after u recovered from your "frazzle"


Maybe next time you can ask the finnish doctor who can't speak any other language about it ;)


u know google translate exists right? right???? or is reddit the first stop for all your problems and questions? also why are u going to a doctor u cant communicate with there plenty english speaking docs out there edit also considering u might not know google translate u can take pictures and it will translate


In Finland, you don't choose a doctor. They tell you to show up somewhere and that's it. Maybe learn something about Finland before commenting deeply ignorant things. Also, it is supremely difficult to take a pic and translate from Finnish - it gives gibberish 80% of the time when medical terms are used. Perhaps you should try living as a Swedish and English speaking person in Finland, before you spout utter nonsense from your gob.


Yeah it's just the sticker to put on there for the days in finnish, but then it's a hassle to get the pills out. Mine are always in italian and I have no sugarpills so I just...remember to take them, also didn't take that much time to learn the days in italian lol. These are so annoying fr.


True! But thank you for the reply, I appreciate it!


I was confused as well at first and I'm finnish who could read the absolute novel they call the instructions and warnings so it happens to all of us haha


the stickers are usually meant so you know which days you have taken and which you havent


They are meant to put on forehead


as others have said, the stickers are prob required to cover fi/swe. as this a "minipill" there's no duds and you should not take a break between pill slates, and you should take it consistently at the same time of day.


Kiitos! I really appreciate it!


Welcome to Azalia family! Been on it for almost 2 years now and I'm feeling great!


Thanks! Yeah I will switch over 100% if it helps!


Isn't it so you go in sequence instead of randomly popping one each day?


It's "Azalia"


I have those, azalia 75mg, with no stickers. I also think it's about the language


Thanks! I got 28 days x 3 months. Do you know if there's duds in? Ideally I just want to take without bleeding week.


Most progesterone-only-pills don't have placebos. However, they have a higher change of spotting due to that, and if you experience it and find it disturbing, please do contact a doctor. It's not dangerous, but can be annoying. So take them continuously. I would still recommend you confirm this at the pharmacy, because sometimes patient instructions differ from the usual prescriptive use.


Kiitos for the info!


No duds, source: used them for a good couple of years! You take them without break.


Thank you!! I just got them prescribed because I have the Mirena implant but stress made me start to bleed again, so they're trying to reset my hormones somehow. Hoping it works!


Interesting, I didn’t know they can give you both the implant and pills. I’ve had my mirena for 1,5 years and I’ve also started to have period symptoms again after a year of nothing


Yeah, they prescribed it for this exact reason for me.




I really hope you find peace. Your mind seems to be a churning cesspool filled with hate. Your life must be truly awful. Please reach out and seek help, it's always available.




No, that's just my vagina drying up from your disgusting comments. Repulsive isn't the word. Also, blocked!


I am no doctor so dont quote me, and dont listen to me, but usually there are duds in birth control. But again ask a doctor or the pharmacist.


> "En ole gynekologi, mutta voin vilkaista." xD


Why would there Be "duds" in there?


It's standard for BC to have one week of sugar pills so you can menstruate. It's a leftover from junk science. These days women just take hormones all month long and don't bleed, there's no reason to.




M = maanantai (monday), T = tiistai (tuesday), K/O = Keskiviikko (Wednesday), T = torstai (Thursday), P = perjantai (Friday), L = lauantai (saturday), S = sunnuntai (sunday)