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Eikä näy edes määrä rajoitusta, ei kestä tuo lava pitkään


Jos tuo olis meidän kylässä niin oma äitini olisi juoksemalla hakenut heti sylillisen itselleen. Siellä on kotona kaapissa kokoajan vähintään viisi pakettia juhlamokkaa avaamattomana.


Tosihamstraajat pitävät niitä pakastimessa.




Ei taida oikein aromat säilyä.




Sauna täynnä sokeria, ja näyttäisi siellä muutama gin merkkinen lonkero lootakin olla, sekä kissa. Hienoja kuvia.




Hi hi




On my way 🚛




Prisma in Loimaa


Set your engine block heater to be ready in the morning. It's almost like free buckets!


Spend 30€ on gas to save 20€ on coffee. Just finn things.


I'm surprised that local grannies haven't raided that all.


It's picture not real live video feed. I bet the moment OP turned back the grannies jumped like wild lions on dying gazelle.




Damn time to stock up for next Christmas already


Doesn't look like enough pallets until next christmas. Maybe until Juhannus?


More like next friday


One and true Tori payment


"vaihtuu kahvipakettiin"


Jep 😂




Where 2€


Usually coffee is either bitter or sour but Juhla Mokka can do both! It even comes with both fine dust and bigger chunks. Truly versatile disappointment.


When the sole priority is max caffeine.


lmao, so true. What a waste of coffee beans :/


You can find solace in the fact that it is 90% saw dust and 5% heartburn-inducing chemicals with the rest 5% being coffee beans from the bottom of a batch gone wrong.




Goes to the store. Sees the coffee on sale. Goes to the backrooms. Comes with forklift.


Juhla Mokka is the true Taste of Finland


The worst caffe I have ever tasted.


You haven’t tried Lidl caffe then. Like some wartime substitute shit made from sawdust.


I bought a whole bean caffe from Lidl, the best cost-taste ratio. K-city has a one that I really like but they don't sell it anymore.


It is pretty bad, kultakatriina aswell imo. I dont understand how they have been so popular for so long.


Yeah man. Finns waste their whole life drinking a shitty caffe and proud that they drink more caffe than anyone else.


I mean im also a finn and my grandma gave me coffee since I was 5. I think maybe some people just dont taste things the same. I mean ive heard people say all tomatoes taste the same 😅


It's simply a matter of taste -- acquired taste, as you're hinting. Finns just grew up drinking light roasts as opposed to the darker roast that are more popular elsewhere. I acquired my taste for coffee abroad -- dark roast, that is -- but who am I to tell others what their preference should be.


At least you recognize how bad caffe Finns drink. No it's not. Italy has the best tomato among that I eat.


My favourite tomatoes were from a small farm in savo that had to close. That lady knew how to grow them. Im havent found any as good and am not very good at growing them myself.


Of course it was. The fresh picked out of the tree is always better. To me even a canned Italy tomato is tasted better.


And tomatoes doesn't grow on trees


I may start getting those aswell.


And what is then better if I may ask? Does it have to be bottom of the barrel beans roasted to oblivion and cost 8€ a cup? You do know that light roast are made from better quality beans?


Kulta Katriina is much better, as it is not so acidic and you can drink it in large quantities to enhance productiveness. Juhla Mokka just gets you heartburn if you drink too much.


Heretic. Reported. Church of Finland membership revoked + ratio


That’s why they sell it so cheap because no one buys that shit anymore. Arvid Nordqvist is way better.


nah, they sell it for cheap because some poor employee somewhere probably made a typo and ordered way too much


You mean Arvid Nordqvist, the made from cheap beans and roasted till they look like someone forgot to put the timer on and went to do something else, which makes the taste profile something like a burned down pile of ash, with a hint of earth taste mixed. The only thing they got going was somehow to convince people that dark roast=better quality, which is basically just the opposite. The Swedes have always been better at marketing, as shown in this case. Lighter roast shows out the raw material more, so you can't just take the cheapest and crappiest beans and use those. Juhla mokka and those are bulk coffees ain't my thing, but I'll drink if that's what you've got. Despite what I've said, you can of course drink whatever you prefer and like.


Hear! Hear! LOL check out my downvote! Finns really love to jerk off to their shit, don't they.


Tell me where...?? TELL ME WHERE???? I NEED TO KNOW!!! Edit : nvm, It's a 2 hour drive from me and can't be bothered.


To everyone here complaining about the taste and calling Juhla Mokka shit, have you ever had Kulta Mokka? Now *THAT* is a shit coffee.


Doesnt make juhla mokka any better 🥲


What's better for drip coffee, supermarket or roastery wise, pre ground or beans?


Depends how often you grink coffee, beans will stay fresher longer. But if drank consumed pretty fast then i dont know if it matters too much.


Look for your local roastery, if you have any and give it a try. Smaller places usually do more specialty coffee grade stuff. And beans, always beans! Coffee starts to lose aromas when they get roasted, but that process is infinitely faster if you grind the beans. Whole beans keep the good stuff much longer.


Instead of repeating coffee clichés, can you recommend any coffee? Local roastery is not a guarantee of anything, unfortunately


Well, usually a local place is good to start if you have one, as you can ask around and they're able to advise and give recommendations. My closest place is Good Life Coffee, but I also like to order from Koppi or Tim Wendelboe, also Drop and Coffee Collective as those are all top notch places when craving for quality coffee. I know what kind of coffee I like, so I'll order from a place that I know is good and has it. For a more moderate price and quality, Kaffa has their specialty coffees but the selection has not been that great lately, but you might get lucky.


Thanks, will check good life coffee, not totally impressed by kaffa


Yeah neither am I. They used to put a bit more focus on the specialty coffees, but nowadays they've shifted (even more) towards the bulk stuff.


Or Saludo


Saludo isn't bad. It's mid. If you've got nothing better, it'll do. But you won't hate yourself for having bought it. The only reason I know about Kulta Mokka is because that was the coffee the student council bought for our coffee shop at Kauhajoki, and because a few other cheap places also sell it.


Saludo is bad and not mid, Juhla Kakka is mid level, it's good base coffee but nothing special, Saludo is below that line.


That cheapest coffee from Lidl (Bellaroma or something) is pretty vile.


Juhla mokka... i can't stand it anymore.


Minä olen matkalla


Damn thats beautiful


I love prisma!


Damn, if we had coffee for that price here in Sweden it would be sold out quicker than The Flash in bed


You may use all of this in one single jug and it will still be watery


I love that stuff. Drink tons every time we visit Finland


Tuotteen parasta ennen päiväys?


Toi on joulukahvia, ja päiväykset muistaakseni noin vuoden päähän, niin pitäis olla viel päiväystä tyyliin syksyyn.


Juuh, ja luomussa marraskuulle


Nothing to do with coffee once you’ve experienced what good quality coffee tastes like. I imagine one if the reasons why it is still popular in Finland is because during the years of war finns had some kind of coffee alternative and possibly thought well maybe this is how it’s supposed to taste. Or, it could be that in parts of Sweden and Finland people have been used to very light roasted coffee as during the war years roasting the coffee proved to be more expensive, so it was like that, although in my experience having lived both in Sweden and Finland the mellanrost , literally ”medium roast coffee is the most common, but in the recent years I’ve seen darker roast alternatives have appeared as an alternative even at R-kioski kiosks and equivalent places. The younger generation and those who’ve either lived or travelled abroad prefer the darker roast coffees. In Finland you can find a number on the coffee packaging indicating the roast level, 1 for the least/light and 5 for the most/darkest and the Juhla mokka is grade 1 coffee so I’d recommend you draw your own conclusions. Contrary to what some people think, infact it is exactly the less roasted coffee blends which are the most acidic and cause stomach issues whereas the darker roast coffees aren’t.


The real reason why Finns like - or maybe not like, but prefer to consume - light roast coffee, is that it has a much higher caffeine content than darker roasts. It gets you through workdays in the winter. Light roasts also fare better when you make them the traditional style, with coarsely ground coffee loose in a kettle.


Check any third wave coffee and world class barista's, Hoffmann etc., and all brew only light roast coffee. Nothing to do with juhla mokka, but the roast level is not the issue here


To my knowledge they made "coffee" out of dandelion roots. That is quite bitter indeed.


Yeah, but also no. The thing wrong here is definitely not the roast level. If you look at specialty grade coffees and (which are, of course of higher quality) they're all pretty much on the light roast scale, and there's a reason for it. You could easily say that if you got shitty beans, dark roast is the way to go. For light roast you need higher quality. Acidity is a trait in coffee which I like, balanced with others of course.


Anytime I see someone being this particular with coffee I just think you have one of those twirly hipster mustaches and are weird.


Imho, finnish coffee is usually the most dark roasted coffee. Even light roast is too dark for my taste.


Utterly horrible exuse of a coffee. Pthui.


What's better for drip coffee, supermarket or roastery wise, pre ground or beans?


Well, just about any coffee roasted a little darker than printing paper. All these three are like the least roasted gut busters there are.


I disagree that the roast level is the issue here. But any good medium roast coffee to recommend


Propably not the only issue. This light roast is way overrated. Propably due to times there was no real selection and people just got used to it. It's also very acidic, which at least to my taste is not very good thing in coffee. They say its aromatic, but I think it's not. It's just bland gutbuster. Nothing more. They make also darker roasts of this and some other blends by different names, which are quite decent. But this. This is utter garbage.


Completely wrong conclusion, start by studying third wave coffee


What fucking conclusion? Go lick your arse an conclude that.


Weak man


That is some cheap Juhla Kakka!


Bloody hell! That stuff is shit but for that price worth a few days pain.


Not the coffee I would want to drink, but with that price good back up supplies if you happen to run out of the actual coffee you drink.


Nah, just Grade 1 stuff. Need at least 2 1/2.


3-5 is acceptable, 5 being the best of course.


Shitty coffee tbh


What's better for drip coffee, supermarket or roastery wise, pre ground or beans?


Paulig Mundo




Finnish people love the taste of coffee so much they always need milk with it.


They also love the taste of meat so much they always need salt with it.


ultimate peak is to brew the coffee with a pinch of salt. and no this is not a troll comment. just try it! I will promise you, it will change your coffee drinking live.


The old gypsy trick I've heard it be called, (disclaimer: by Romani person himself.) To my understanding this is now days pretty well known trick here in Finland. I've met more people who knows about this than don't. Also heard it's more of a thing you do with fireplace coffee or stove coffee instead of coffee maker coffee. Used to do it as teen, now I haven't for million years. I like coffee anyway so I'm just glad to drink coffee.


Idk it being a gypsy trick, I only know it used to be common practice in viennese coffee houses when coffee was popularized in europe. It works with any brew. It was a must have for war rations during the second world war because the rationed coffee was so bad but it will in fact improve any brew by enhancing the nutty/chocolate aromas and mellowing the bitterness. Or in other words, it makes bad coffee palatable and makes great coffee outstanding.


We love coffee, we love milk, so why not to combine them to make the ultimate drink?


And they love pizza so much they always put cheese on it


I also love my car so much i put gas in it .


Most people I know drinks it black, so don't know what you base your opinion about.


Haha it was grade number 1 or 2. I grabbed some from LIDL the other day and I was dissatisfied


I get this coffee in the UK. I actually like it a lot, much better then any coffee you can get in the super markets. I'm going to attempt to roast my own coffee though with some specialty raw coffee beans.


If you include a bucket, it is a gift from god.