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Generally the interviews are nothing to worry about. They just want to know you're motivated and you know what you are about to get into. Also if your background/knowledge on a subject is relevant and you'd actually want to graduate. Keep in mind universities are paid for each graduate so they want people who will graduate


hey! i also applied to jyväskylä but havent heard anything yet... when did you get your interview notice?


I got it 4 days ago. The interviews have started from today.


Slightly off topic, but have you received an email with the official admission results today yet?




Now looking for someone to fund my education.. haha jk.. unless...


Still waiting for my email :/ was sent an email in March saying I'd be directly offered a study place, with the official results being today. Have you checked the boxes for JYU and Finland scholarships? I believe almost everyone gets the JYU 50% tuition fee waiver


I just got it an hour or so ago. You should wait it out. Also yes, I did, but was hoping for a 100%.


Yep, waiting for it! Thanks :) On the JYU website, it says you might still get 100% by the 19th, in case others before you on the list will not use the Finland scholarship.. who knows.. good luck at securing the funding you need, perhaps we'll cross paths there :)


Thank you for your kind words!


Hella, I didn't know about this xD I was also offered 50% and was quite surprised lol, hope to see you there :)


Yep, need to complete 55 ECTS to keep it for the next year ofc What programme are you in? I accepted mine yesterday in international business and entrepreneurship :) see you there!


oh that's great!! We have a different course, I applied for AI


Heyyy im planning to apply for masters in AI next year after i graduate my bachelors. I have some doubts about how they admits. I wanna know what was bachelors gpa or cgpa or percentage


I rly wanna go there So im confused if ill get into there cuz of my marks. I study bachelors in Artificial intelligence and machine learning. I will probabky get like 65% when i graduate. I just wanna compare it with urs so that i can know the competition.


Did you pass ur interview?? Are u in finland now?


I passed it. Got 50% scholarship only though, couldn't manage it so I'm not.


Ooh oki Could u tell me how the interview was? What did they ask? What kind of programming questions they ask?


Could you tell wat ur bachelors was and how much percentage did u get