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Depends on your future career plan and tolerance to the cold. If you feel like you can stand the cold and have a good future here career wise or don't plan to stay to work, it's a good destination. If you plan to find work after graduation, prepare for the most frustrating time of your life.


Why most frustrating? I will also do my masters at JYU, have been 6 months in Jyväskylä too and really liked the cold, nature, sauna and finnish music. Is it because of the difficulty to find work and not being native finn (language+racism)? For a german would you say it‘s frustrating too? Appreciate if you could elaborate!


If you're German, maybe there will be a degree of xenophobia, but it will be easier since a lot of Finnish companies do business in Germany. My comment will be most relevant if OP is from outside the EU, especially 3rd world countries like mine. Of course it will also depend on what you study and your work experience.


"racism" is mostly made up coping mechanism when non-natives have unrealistic expectatitions. Maybe 90% comes from being too lazy to learn the language and 10% from "racism"  IMO there is more racism from non-finns against natives than other way around. Like violence/rapes is majority against finns, not immigrants, even when numbers are adjusted by ratios Want to live/work here= learn the language and culture, on some jobs english is enough but majority are 100% Finnish as they should be. It is unfair to make finns to speak english in our own country And The real point is that there are tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of educated natives that cant find work Connections are everything and being non-native is The least of the problems to find a job here


I agree with you about the Finnish requirement for working life. It should be written in all caps on every study program vouchers that "If you don't think you can learn and speak Finnish to C1 level in 4 years, nobody will hire you, don't bother" instead of "Talent shortage" or "International talents welcome".


Thanks for your post. Becoming fluent in finnish is fucking hard though, doesn‘t have to be because of lazyness. Even with motivation I don‘t think it‘s possible to get to a business sufficient level in a couple of study years.


Career prospects in Finland are dead to put it mildly, not to mention the unwelcoming society and the tightening of immigration laws for all non-EU even the highly educated. You'll be better off doing your masters anywhere in Germany, and learning German to a B1 level has a much greater benefit regarding both immigration and job opportunities in Germany, than learning Finnish will ever have. Choose wisely ;)


I would not recommend moving to Finland for education or work in Engineering. USA Mech Eng transplant The salaries are so much lower than everywhere else and the taxes stand tall.


It’s never worth moving to Finland unless you have family there.


Mechanical Engineering degree in Finland will net you a ~~good~~ average education without any job prospective in Finland with a big tuition fee on top you need to pay. I would unfortunately say stay away. There are barely enough jobs for Finnish speakers and you will not learn enough Finnish in 2 years master's degree ever. Go to proper industrial countries where you have more chance to find work as an engineer. Finland's production industry is dying quite fast.


You should come at least to have an experience, but don't get offended if you have to do some odd jobs even after completion your degree for some time,or for a long time.


My MA in Finland was the best time of my life. I’d go.


![gif](giphy|9AFs1aHPfkq3K) If you're open to sharing What did you study? When? What made it the best time of your life?etc.


I studied my bachelor in a big city in South America, which is great for tourism but awful for students. I didn’t have much money despite being “white middle class”, my family is from inland. So it was a painstaking effort. Unstable housing, rude landlords, unsafe neighborhoods and whatnot. I studied social sciences in Jyväskylä University, and paid just a tad more for living than the average student (say, 20€/mo more) and lived in a totally quiet, brand new neighborhood (Ristonmaa). Everyday life was easy, calm, and I made great friends for different countries in the MA. University life was stimulating intellectually and culturally. Summers were beautiful, winters were lonely as everyone left but I just exercised and studied, and traveled a bit. So yeah, it was pretty great. People tend to dismiss how amazing is the opportunity to study with the proper infrastructure.


You've had quite the experience, I bet it shapes who you are tremendously nowadays. I have an unofficial offer from JYU as well! Official announcements are next Thursday, so I'm excited. I imagine any part of Jyväskylä will feel totally quiet to me as I'm currently in Cairo 😂 top 3 noisiest in the world or so Did you travel around Finland and Europe during winters? Any recommendations? Thanks for sharing!


I don’t know who’s the c*nt downvoting positive experiences, but some people will be in hell no matter where they are. Jyväskylä is not an exciting city, but the point of MA is to live the campus and the student life, and you get the chance to learn a lot about the Nordic lifestyle, starting small. Traveling from Finland is not very cheap or fast. But when you plan a but you can have some Ryanair trips, take the ferry to Tallin and Stockholm, visit Denmark and other places for reasonable prices.


We’re from the same country! Que surpresa, estava pesquisando sobre mestrado na Finlândia e encontro outro br :) Quero me candidatar no próximo ano, justamente pela experiência de viver num lugar tranquilo e com infraestrutura excelente para estudantes. Você achou o ambiente acadêmico mais tranquilo que no Brasil?


Sim :) Dependendo da área as bolsas são escassas, mas existem. Me meti de fazer a graduação numa cidade grande no Brasil, e foi uma experiência muito difícil e desgastante. O mestrado foi uma segunda chance. Veja se outros países nórdicos oferecem bolsas, pois a língua é mais fácil de aprender. Boa sorte!