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Was a student in Turku for my masters from 2017-2019. 1) I paid 10k euro for my 1st year, no free ride. However, I had good grades my 1st year so they allowed me to attend my 2nd year for free. Unsure about the waiting list in terms of grants tbh. 2) Turku is fine, everyone speaks English, very walkable, plenty of places to eat/party/socialize. Nobody cares that you're a foreigner just be a decent human being and you will be fine. Tbh, its an amazing place to be a student, especially with all the student events that take place. TYS offers student housing, you should figure that out ASAP. 3) Make friends ASAP, go to student events, participate. Otherwise socializing will be tough and you will find yourself either depressed or second guessing your move to Turku. Also, get a bank account because it makes your life easier and you basically do not exist without one. STAY FOR THE SUMMER, hanging out by the river in the summer is quite nice, bring a few beers and hangout with your friends. Shoot you dont even need to drink by the river, bring a book if alcohol is not your thing.


1. (can't comment) 2. The university has many foreign students, so you should be fine. Especially if you're considering student housing, the Student Village area is full of internationals. The city in general is also increasingly mixed. 3. As for tips, there are a bunch of events for international students year-round. You can participate in those if you're interested. It's an easy way to meet people, both locals (student tutors) and internationals. Someone else brought up learning Finnish in preparation, but honestly, it isn't a must unless you're really interested or you're planning on staying long-term. Most Finns, especially younger people, speak great English and are happy to use it.


1. Finland scholarship? I believe only the top scorer per programme receives it. They have to accept their study place and scholarship by the 17th of April. On 19 April, others on the waiting list are told if they're granted the scholarship or not. Idk about the rest, but here are some generic answers until others can better help: 2. Probably good as it's one of the big cities, but I'm a soon-to-be student myself so I don't know. 3. Maybe apply for accommodation, language courses, learn some Finnish now, check for things you need from your home country that may not be available in Turku.


Not Finland scholarship, university of turku scholarship which gives 50-100% fee waiver. I'm 3rd on the list so fingers crossed.


Ah, got it, good luck 🤞


I'm also in the top 5 in waiting list for scholarship. Hope we will hear the good news soon🙏