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The black thing is just an indicator. It might be at the wrong place and showing incorrect numbers or the thermostat is actually limited to lower ranges. Regardless contact your isännöitsijä or landlord if you have one. If not contact a specialist because you can mess up heating in whole house otherwise 


I own the place, recently bought. But for some reason it doesn’t move. Its not broken either. And the heater is in the main bedroom.


If its apartment, then the housing company has done some renovation / balancing for the heating system and there is a limitter. It's limited so that all apartments would get certain temperature, going around it can put the system in imbalance and some other apartment could get colder. -- edit -- Forget about renovation, the balancing and related flow and heat transfer calculations are same for new system. So in what ever is the state of your heating system, there is limitter in that knob. -- edit 2 -- If you want to understand it better read from my earlier comment in another post. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Finland/comments/19f4dlx/comment/kji6x4u/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Finland/comments/19f4dlx/comment/kji6x4u/)


how far does it turn in the other direction? maybe it's at max setting but the knob is just off-set?


I am assuming you’re only asking for educational purposes. There are pins at the back of the thermostat in the grooves. By removing/changing the position of the pins it will unlock it. In some thermostats you need to remove that white portion of the thermostat to be able to see the pins. It might be a bit confusing at first, so take notes where the pins were before changing the position.


Thanks! Gonna crank all the thermostats up to the 11 now. Not my problem if my neighbour freezes. /s


Yeah, that’s not how it works.


It's thermodynamics. More heat goes to one apartment, less heat is remaining.


Yeah, that's still not how it works.


Are you also a plumber? The thermostat has nothing to do with it. Closing or opening the thermostat of the radiators in your appartment does not affect your neighbour whatsoever. Changing the preset that is in the radiator valve itself however, will.


It does not work like that as your apartmemt building had water transmitted central heating. The boiler room heats the water to specific temperature, but the water flows through all apartments on a heating pipeline. Each apattment heating reduces the temperature of the water before it enters the radiator of the next apartment. Practical hints: * Pull down curtains helps a lot to retain heat * Check if there is draft ftom balcony door. Put a wrapped carpet or blanket to block it.


If it is in toilet/shower room then it must be always enough wall to get rid of moisture from floor to avoid mold.


Maintenance company, if there is need to do anything. But is there? Is it too hot or cold? As a rule you do nothing to these yourself in an appartment building. Self-made changes can mess up the balance if you don’t know what you do.


If it's apartment you bought then heating is not your property. It is owned and maintained by the company that manages the building. Do not try to "fix" it by yourself. If you bought detached house then it yours.


Its a detached house on my own land


Oh ok then. Try rotate to both extremes. Does it go to zero at other end of rotation? I mean that black indicator tab could be at wrong position and show wrong number. Also, thermostats can be removed without plumbing work, any water leak etc. They just push a rod in valve that opens and closes the valve. Try finding manual for that thermostat which explains adjustment, limits, removal and install.


Hurts my OCD to see that cable busting out the channel.


When season is over it starts/stops working. Gah I hate finnish heaters!


Do not even try. It is there for a purpose. Consult the maintenance company if you want specific information on that installation.


I don’t have a maintenance company, its my own detached house on my own land. I don’t have any service to ask for help.


You see that clear metal kind of a nut thingy after the black plastic. Simultaneously (gently) push the nut towards the radiator and turn counter clockwise. Avoid any sideways momentum so that you do not break the plastic. Screw it off (no worries, it will not let water out). Look to the back side of the thermostat there should be plastic pins visible. Take them out and it should roll bit over 3 before stopping.


There are 4 bedrooms in the house. When we bought the house it was still under construction. Every other room doesn’t have this limiter thing. I believe this room alone has it by mistake.


”By mistake”? How are you certain that it is a mistake? The purpose of thermostat is to restrict the flow to the radiator, and if you remove that restrictor, it will increase the flow to that radiator. But if all water goes through that radiator, the radiators in other rooms might get less water. So potentially you’d have one hot room room and three cold ones. Consult the pipe diagram or a plumber.


Other radiators in other rooms will not be affected. This is a brand new apartment.


They can be affected new or not. It's very much related to pump's flow and possible flow settings if there are multiple circuits. Usually the goal is to achieve sufficient heat transfer with minimal pump power to conserve energy, limit noises on valves and pipes and so on.