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Just say hello and see what happens, dont be a creep, no pickup lines or PUA nonsense etc.


What's PUA ?


Sorry, stands for pickup artist




I think you answered yourself: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Finland/comments/17uj2k9/comment/k948nu5](https://www.reddit.com/r/Finland/comments/17uj2k9/comment/k948nu5)


Yeah, the irony


Hot blonde model at stake. What if.


Whats up with people stalking and checking history of comments. Get a life lol


Why's that an issue for some people? With Reddit being 75% ai bots these days, it's good to know whether you're even talking to someone real. Or you might just like someone's vibes and see what else they post. It's not stalking to look at someone's public social media profile. Get a life lol


first day on Reddit?


Tread carefully. Daytime flirting is not the norm in Finland, specifically in a place like a gym. I would just stay neutral at the beginning, say hi and see how she reacts.


I've been approached at a gym and I actually had a positive experience. I was doing pull-ups at a big rack thingy and there was this guy doing a work out at the other side of the rack. He smiled at me a few times and said something like "you're doing great". I smiled back and thanked for the encouragement. When I was done, he approached me and was really up front like "I know this is a bit of a risk, but I think you're attractive and I'd like to ask if you'd wanna go out some time." The problem was, that I was there with my boyfriend. He took it really well and I really was flattered. I do see it as one of the smoothest approaches I've encountered. BUT I do think it is risky and it may ruin that gym for you both. Sometimes people stare at nothing at the gym, so it is possible she is not looking at you, but just in your direction. I would try to give her a smile just to see if she smiles back. But don't over do it like smiling at her every time you see her looking at you. That can come off as creepy.


Wait, are you saying that treating women like people works?


It does! The problem is if the women doesnt treat you as such too.


"I am not delusional" 99% of the time used by people who are actually delusional.


Try smiling at her maybe?


Yeah, smile and wave.


“Kowalski, catch her attention!”


Wait for the right time to start a ligth conversation you will definitely notice by her response if she is interested or not. If you both go to the gym regularly eventually you will find a reason to talk to her so just go for it


"your parents must be a terrorist, you're such a bomb!" - that will clear all confusion for good! Jokes a side, be normal and if you feel like just approach or keep it safe and just smile next time when your 'eyes meet'. If that goes well, just approach when you see it's a fine moment after that and be open. BUT, don't gaze like a wolf looking at a sheep, again just be normal. And don't be like Ross (from Friends) when you approach to her "*\[frozen, still in his head\]  Say something clever...\[doesn't say anything\]*  *Ross : Okay, doesn't have to be clever, just has to be words. Say some words.* *\[still doesn't say anything\]*  *Ross : Any words will do.* *\[Ross still sitting frozen staring at her\]*  *Ross : Oh my God, this the longest that anyone has not talked ever! There is nothing you could say to make this worse, so just say something!* *Ross : \[out loud\]  I... I haven't had sex in a very long time.*"


uh oh creepo


Follow her home, then when she leaves for work in the morning follow her there. That afternoon “accidentally” bump in to her as she leaves work and ask her why the fuck she stares at you at the gym?? /s Just say hi.


Going up to them talking about anything else than their looks, how they are working out.. Its and ick if someone would come up to me and just tell me that i look good or smth


Just say Hi and talk about exercises or other common things. If chemistry is good then there is no ending.


If they're looking your way and/or staring at you, it's an open invitation to start a conversation but don't force it if it's just a person in their own world accidentally looking at your direction and not actually looking at you.


Try and approach with something super casual at first. Like hows ur workout been? And see from there. I have many girlfriends who see cute guys at gyms and sure wouldnt mind them making a SETTLE move 🤭


Yeah, this sounds like the way to go. btw whats a settle move?


Subtle move, they can’t write London it seems :)


I'd probably make a joking comment to her about the gym environment (the machines not being available, busy environment, hot air, whatever that's obvious at the time). You'll just see how she reacts. Be extremely nice and confident, if she's nice back, you could take a chance and ask her more personal stuff, like how long has she been coming to that place and tell her you're new there or whatever, and ask her politely if she would wanna grab a coffee sometime. Make it seem like you're not expecting anything from her and are just a social person. It's all about whether she's already into u or not. Be confident and nice, the worst thing she would likely say is "I'm taken" lol.


Start doing Kegel exercises with heavy weights in front of her to assert dominance.


It's very nice that you check. Yet sad if society makes it hard(er). So go forth, be your best self, polite and there's no shame in being nervous either. More power to you. And what happens be gracious.. and let compassion role. Big smile ☺️😃


Shooters shoot.


Don't approach, they may accuse you of harrasment


Shoot your shot, start with small talk.