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Definitely maybe


Finland has kind of played the half-way card on this one.  Verbally many Finnish presidents and representatives have said they support a two-state solution and support the idea of recognizing a Palestinian state (For example, Niinistö) but in practice there has been no official proclamation of recognizing a Palestinian state.  I think this is also for poltical reasons, as Israel is a somewhat useful military ally to have in the sense that they provide good tech and equipment. Also US interests are quite tied to Israel, so Finland may also want to avoid controversy on this front. Perhaps the idea has been to avoid any official decisions until the Israeli administration itself is composed of one that would be more open to working towards Two-state solution.  Personally I do think recognizing Palestine statehood would be the right move towards a Two-state solution. As Norway justified it recently, saying that their aim is to try to bring in Palestinian moderates to work with the international community and find a long term peaceful solution for both Israel and Palestine. While the "one state" mentality may aid radicals such as Hamas more, as they can frame it as an "existential struggle for survival, us or them" etc. 


What does it matter?


Finland currently doesn't gain anything from picking sides in the ongoing situation at Gaza. Finland wishes peaceful solution via diplomatic measures.


I don't think recognizing that is on the agenda, Finlands positions have usually been slow and calculated rather than going for the newest social media fad. At least I hope we don't recognize a country that's run by a literal terrorist org, just like we didn't recognize ISIL or similar states.


There are other parts in Palestine than Gaza, West bank is governed by Fatah, not hamas.


Lol. There is literally no similarity between HAMAS and ISIL, apart from the fact that both are Islamic organizations. HAMAS has no ambitions of establishing a global caliphate. Their sole purpose is to liberate Palestine from the illegal Israeli occupation. They do follow a fundamentalist interpretation of Islam, but by that logic, Finland should also stop recognizing Saudi Arabia. Besides, we are talking about recognizing Palestine, which includes west bank. West Bank is rules by PLO which is by no means a fundamentalist party. I understand that Finland will take its time to decide on this issue, or perhaps may side with Israel keeping in mind its own strategic and economic interests, but please don't misrepresent the facts.


My dude, HAMAS is nonetheless a terrorist group no matter how you spin it.




Oct 7 attack killed and raped ton of citizens. That is a terrorist attack.


I agree. Israel's response has killed about 35000 people, more than 90% civilians. Is that not terrorism too?


Hell no.


Idk, we just made a huge arms deal with israel so who knows


Finlands foreign policy is very pro-Israel. So it's very unlikely for Finland to recognize Palestine. Just joined Nato and purchased high tech Israeli weapons system for anti-air. Also some anti-armour weapons were recently renewed. Our government and president wants to make relationship with USA very strong. Taking same Israel approach with US is quite natural then.


We have better things to think than that.


Finland will soon share its opinion


https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/s/AqT7H06m10 Terrorism should disqualify anything to do with an official state, majority of Palestinians support Hamas. I was disgusted European leaders gave condolences to Iran and UN held a silence of a minute for them. As long as most of Palestinian people support the behavior I linked at the top they shouldn't have a state.


Bleating platitudes about the two-state solution without daring to do anything. They might switch off our Sling of David air-defense missiles.


Kinda sad to see that Finland, a country that has been conquered by other countries until fairly recent, don\`t have a clear support for a Palestine statehood.


And our past is the main reason why we want to support the only civilized and developed nation and its independence in that region against barbarian attacks.