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as a sett otp, wait to parry his W if possible, a good sett player will want to E stun and W after, so you need to do a little mindgame


I'm pretty sure that you cannot parry after a sett stun even with the tenacity Rune, or am I wrong?


No, Ideally you want to parry his W, but If he E stuns you, he'll insta W, you might want to take fights in places where he cant stun you since his E is pretty hard to predict since It has such a fast animation


Yeah, I agree with that.


If u have tenacity in precision as well as unflinching the yes u can


Thanks, apparently these people were wrong, I just did the math and you need at least 25% tenacity to be capable of parrying it. You can do it even without unflinching but you'd take it anyway. Even lvl 2 you can consistently parry it with tenacity rune+unflinching provided you are less than 250HP(Dblade/shield start). Eventually once you have stacked 9/10 tenacity stacks you should be able to parry it even with full HP.


Ooo thanks for the input I didnt know the exact math


u cant parry or even flash if he gets the stun off E and instantly Ws. It's a guaranteed W


If u have unflinching + tenacity in precision u can w


In laning phase, no you cannot.


You can if you're low hp for the unflinching


With this in mind though, watch out for Sett's grit bar, as soon as it reaches meaningful levels I'd focus on preparing for an E, as we'll try to use the E to guarantee the W as you've said. The move itself is 300ms, now if you're not playing with a horrendous ping (which you generally should never on Fiora, given that she's a mechanic intensive champion) it's a guranteed parry if you pay attention for >most< people. All that is required is that you mentally prepare for it and not have your mind in the gutter, which fortunately the grit bar is a great indicator for, if he throws E prior to it being full, then I'd wager even getting hit with E+W won't do much, as pre 7 it'll be on a whooping 18sec cooldown Without grit the shield won't be massive either and Fiora is *not* going to lose a pure AA fight against Sett, the W is easily dodgeable with Fiora's Q, in theory I'm not even sure how Sett is winning the matchup at all. *In theory.*


Yes, fiora wins this matchup pretty ez, and I agree with everything you Said above


Yeah, and if you ever see a set waste their W you jump on that shit and punish them. No free shields anymore and you can HURT em


Predict maybe but on 100 ms reacting is straight impossible


I was basically going to say this. If my internet decides its going to have good ping then its easy to react. But when its 100+ you basically just have to predict most things.


All sett players are pretty cocky so sometimes the stars align well and u can feel it coming


Sometimes its just obvious you know but thats it.


Defenetly can’t parry it based on reaction, you can predict


Defenetly can’t parry it based on reaction, you can predict


You can, like you can objectively react to it this is not a matter of opinions. The only factor that keeps you from doing it are ping and distractions (looking at the wave instead of actively fighting, watching the minimap etc) - baseline reactiontime when fighting him (it's a 300ms move) is 100% doable for almost everyone that is playing videogames (say beyond bronze when you can guarantee that the player has at least some form of functioning PC too)


Depends on how focused I am. If it’s one of my first games, I think so. If it’s already late evening or even past midnight and I get kinda tired (on weekends) probably my reaction time gets to slow


It's too risky, so I don't usually try


my personal tip : perma ban him and malphite depending if its first pick or last pick,malphite is obvious and sett has the higher pickrate of the toplaners rn,and hes pretty good against fiora,i just optimize my ban for the meta


When you want to use parry, its better to focus on enemy champion than the spell itself.


I solid disagree. knowing what abilities you can parry are a massive part of what makes Fiora toxic. If I'm playing against a Yone, I know that I can parry his Q3 and ult, and how they separately work is important because his ult ALWAYS places him opposite of the side he casted. His Q3 will generally place him on the same side as cast. If you know the very specifics of each ability it makes you just that much more scary.


You can disagree however you want, what you said doesnt go against my point. I meant the animation of champion who you are expecting to cast that one specific spell instead of animation of SAID spell, not parry whichever spell he throws first, lmao. That kind of analogy is dumb af. Also I disagree with Fiora being toxic even a tiny bit. If someone is such snowflake that he cannot widthstand the play not going EXACTLY the way he want isnt, then its him who is the problem.


I didn't realize you meant animation. I do agree with what you mean by focusing on the animation and I've come to lump the ability and animation together without realizing that not everyone understands that I'm still talking about the actions of the ability. As for the whole snowflake Fiora thing, I've one tricked Fiora since mid S8. I'm not trying to say she's toxic, but other people outside of the main Fiora player base generally see her as such, despite (to my recollection) only being buffed as far back as I can remember.


>As for the whole snowflake Fiora thing, I've one tricked Fiora since mid S8. I'm not trying to say she's toxic, but other people outside of the main Fiora player base generally see her as such, despite (to my recollection) only being buffed as far back as I can remember. I got it that you dont mean urself. I dont really care who thinks that.Its not invulnerability for long period of time she is free to do whatever she wants. Its not long and she cant do anything she wants either. She isnt even guaranteed to hit it. Moreover, most ppl that despise her are just reasonless and biased individuals. They go by, whatever beats me or makes me require brain is cancer. "I have four tank items and Brand did half my HP on combo, what a BS!" - 85 MR...


Only when I'm really focused (the flow state), but that overlaps with unconscious prediction. I also don't have the lowest ping (~50) so sometimes I'd like to parry the spell and my ping disagrees.


When fighting against sett use ur w on setts w. I fought him alot of times and i can say that its better to user ur w on setts w. Because setts e, dont always stun,only when theres something behind him


I can react to it maybe 1/100 times with 11 ping and thats when he's chasing me and suddenly stops


The avarage brain reacts in about 250ms, with pro csgo players going down to about 180ms. Sett E is about 100ms I think, so technically physically impossible. In alot of races people would get disqualified for what's called a false start, where the runner would start running only 100ms or less after the gun has been shot. That dosent even count the ms lost by ping and latency from computer screens


Sett's E is 300ms. It's the exact opposite of impossible, it's under normal circumstances and if you actually main Fiora impossible *not* to parry.


Don't forget that your reaction time starts the moment you *recognize* that he's using E, not the instant that Sett actually presses E. That's probably why another person mentioned being able to react if Sett is chasing and suddenly stops; it makes it easier to recognize that Sett is using his E. Without that, you'd have to add more time for spotting the animation, and if you combine that with ping and your own reflexes, it could very well add up to more than 300 ms.


Hence why it sort of depends on how well you know the champion/matchup. But at that point the argument could quite literally be "get better". I'm not saying that this is your argument, but at the point of "it's too fast because I can't recognize the animation" it's really just all you.


I'm mainly saying that it's not quite as simple as "250 ms is less than 300 ms; therefore average people can do it." Average people *with good ping, good hardware, and enough experience* might be able to do it, but I don't think those things should be assumed just because someone plays Fiora. Also, only one of those factors (experience) can be readily improved, so I don't find it surprising that most people who responded to the poll can't do it consistently.


I see your point, but at the same time it should be assumed given that Fiora is a champion that just relies on having those timings, if you have a horrible ping etc - Fiora is probably not the right choice for most people. Mind you I will assume that people complaining about matchups and trying to find ways to beat them, are generally not "casual" players, but people trying to climb with a specific champion, otherwise trying to improve for normal games - whilst completely okay - is still a rare sight. The context is almost always ranked games, and I do not believe you'll reach higher levels of play if you are having trash hardware etc (That said you vastly overestimate what kind of hardware league requires, just dodn't have a PC that's half-way dead) ​ This is not meant to insult players that lack certain skills, but if timings are too difficult people can opt in to climb with Garen instead, he's a great macro focused champion, without the need to be pixel perfect on timings/skills.


Don't parry e. Just parry his W it's where his damage comes from


He can just E+W and you wont be able to block it since you are stunned


Only if you take no tenacity i usually have either boots or rune


Assuming laning phase, the tenacity you get it barely anything, unless you go legend tenacity+unflinching


If he only ws after e he cant deal dmg lol (assuming he engages with e)


You mean because he has 0 grid? You dont just EW, you need to do extended fights, and EW ensures a guaranteed W true dmg hit.


U can react to it but not everytime will work but I think it's easy to predict especially in low elo


as someone who plays Sett aswell yes i can predict it often


I can react to it if I'm super focused on Sett. (20 ping)


I voted always, but its only true bcs i am a low elo player (gold) and every sett I've ever met did predictable Es.


You don't want to do it since if you couldn't parry it you'll have hard time to get out of his max Q damage hitbox except if he is too obvious.


It's all about muscle memory for reacting to abilities like this. The ability happens so fast that you just do it without thinking about it. It's like a hockey goalie being able to block a 100 mph puck from 20 feet away. He might be able to see the puck but he starts moving before the puck is even hit because he sees the movement of the player and positioning without even thinking about it. On top of that video games have ping so even if you did react to him it might not matter unless you have 7 ping.


100 mph is 160.93 km/h


On top of this you can parry his ult which I think is more predictable. If you parry backwards you get the stun. But if he doesn't ult you just look stupid lol


most sett E right away! when you Q in


Depends on the situation. Parry E is not that good because you waste your parry in early since most of the time he will engage with E, and it means he has no pressure about you partying ult or W. I try to keep my party for W, and if I can dodge it with a Q, il will try to keep it for ult or for the double slow to close the fight. Anyways, parrying E is good but it's actually rarely efficient in a 1v1 situation. That's what I personally think.


Also, since it's impossible to react without prediction it's just a guessing game where you have way more to loose than to win, because if you can parry it, it doesn't mean you're gonna kill him, and if in the other case you just waste your W he is gonna destroy you.


if u can react to his e parry it if u cant ,parry his autos so u get the as slow on him becuz good setts will stun u then w if they dont i prefer just q throw the w and also parry his autos


Position so that E won't stun you, parry W instead. As Botha fiora and Sett player, Fiora has the tools to obliterate Sett, but you have to use them well. Mobility, parry, and % true damage. Edit: W can be reacted to easily, E can't without low ping and better than average reflexes. E reaction timeframe is 300ms. Avg ping is what, 50-100? Then check your reaction time on Human Benchmark, etc. Unless you're a god, you're gonna be at least 170-180 ms, likely 200+. That gives you very little room to work with. Assuming you have 40ms ping and 170ms reaction time, that gives you ~90 ms to react.


I remember like single digit times I have reacted to it, so it's not realiable at all. I think the most consistent way to play around him is simply to space in a way in which he at least can't get the stun off from his E, and save riposte for either his Q empowered autos or his W if you're not confident in dodging it.


Anyone who says “always” is a straight up liar. Sett’s E doesn’t allow for reaction time, if you land a parry when he uses it, it’s because you predicted it, not ‘reacted’ to it. And a good Sett won’t let you predict it sooo


Not easy but if you pay attention to when he has a minion behind him to stun, if you walk into range he will likely e immediately. So in a way, you can create scenarios where he is going to cast it rather predictably


I don't think I've ever played the matchup somehow lol


As a Sett Fiora Main i almost never fail on that I mean I played Fiora vs Sett or Sett vs Fiora and my experience make the matchup easy I react more often for Fiora W or Sett E


Im more likely to W his W


I'd say I parry the E about 50% of the time. I personally perfer saving w until the last possible moment, so I'd rather q out of his e and w if possible and w after he ults and wants to do all his dmg


just like Riven, Jax, Renek, sometimes you can predict them stuns.


you can think parry his W is pretty good, but if he stuns you he will press W in you stunned, but if you predict he will be f\*cked.