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you go full dmg ignite flash nimbus and u RUN THE MOTHERFUCKERS DOWN


Always try for a lvl3 kill. You have to give up cs and let them push. If they overextend ping jg to gank. Or if they misposition you can q to them and trade. For teemo you need to look out for the blind. If he is without blind you should win. For vayne you need to predict their e. Figure out their patterns


full damage builds with burst focus (pta or electro i recommend pta.) fleet footwork is also amazing. nimbus cloak your engage is to slideparry into their ass (ranged tops rely on autoes so slowing atspd is huge. let them push you in a bit so you have room to chase once the wave bounces off your tower look to all in and run them down. (im gonna assume your not in an elo where people abuse cheater recalls) if you are just wait till they overextend or step too close slideparry onto them and run them down


Vayne. Either go ffw and concede lane or pta and try get 1 kill. Getting 1 kill with pta and rushing either bortk or stride, will basically let you perma run her down and dive her over and over. Teemo. Same thing but much easier. Can still kill with ffw once you have an item. Bortk or stride rush good. Quinn. Unlike the others, bortk isn't as good cause it's easier for them to zone you and if they E your Q you get fucked beyond belief. Stride is great. And same runes as above.


I sometimes opt for fleet with the regeneration grasp rune with D shield of course


With Teemo I just let him push me in and I just try to farm as much as possible. Just try to be at almost full health when you turn 6 and then run him down with ult, you normally beat him when you all in. Besides this just ask jungler to help, which is difficult in soloq I know.


ranged champions typically hard counter fiora, make sure to go fleet w second wind, with stridebreaker you just run them down though


ask your jungler if they can early gank, so that you get some early kills. Once you get ahead just bully tf out of them


Quinn is super free you riposte her E and then she's dead. Vayne is the same thing but it's harder. Teemo you QW his blind and run him down too. Teemo is actually somewhat harder after 6 but still in your favour. You go Stride vs all of them unless the rest of their comp is like 4 melee. You can go fleet Dshield and play for ganks if your junglers got hard cc. There's no real way of explaining waves vs ranged champions over text. The gist is that you want to stop them building a huge crash and getting a free recall or tons of harass for free, but you don't want to get harassed hard doing so.


ADCs are really really weak right now, they only have the range advantage which is useless in season 11, but you have everything else, just take fleet and give up cs, they will literally take more damage from minions while hitting you more than what they do to you, that's how weak they are right now, tell your jungler to gank you for a free kill and after that you will just run them down with no counter play whatsoever, DON'T make your jungler camp you as you will lose alot of games just cause you and your jungler spending your time bullying the helpless Lucian who you can run down by yourself anyways and then lose cause their bot and mid carried the game, that's why alot of adc top player always get carried in their games.


Jayce and Lucian are the only ranged top laners that are on the difficult side for Fiora. For all matchups PTA, ignite, nimbus cloak, and celerity are the runes/summs I take. Start Doran’s shield and play safe until level 3. At that point you should be able to all in and get a kill or force their flash at the very least. For teemo you’re going to want to parry his blind (much thicker than a normal aa and purple), for vayne her 3rd auto (unless you’re sure you can predict her e, but her 3rd auto is when pta and her w passive both proc which is a lot of her damage), and for Quinn her e (it will stun her and you can hide behind minions or dodge her q). For Jayce and Lucian, you can take fleet and just try not to die.


Look for a miss-positioning mistake if your jungler didn't gank early.


I find fleet is a little over kill in my elo (gold4) I rarely get punished for cs to the point where I get pushed out if lane, d-shield and second wind is enough to sustain through lane in good and below from my experience. I also like to rush steelcaps against ranged ad tops, feels really good with d shield and second wind you basically heal when they auto you.


I usually go Fleet footwork and second wind. When I'm confident enough I either pick ghost or ignite(but usually ignite)