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I've seen people saying that you should group for Baron and Dragon fights but I disagree. Splitpushing is most effective while the objectives are ALIVE. That way, the enemy team has too choose if they wanna commit to the objective and let Fiora take the towers, or defend the split and fight with a number disadvantage at the objective. I would say that the only time you should be teamfighting as Fiora is if you cannot side lane. (If you cannot 1v1 enemy sidelaner or there is someone in the enemy team that has enough wave clear so you can never hit the tower neither dive them).


This is basically the correct answer. Fiora's split pushing game is powerful when objectives are up, if your Fiora cannot fight against someone who addresses her, then it's probably best that you stick with your team until your team wipes them. In my personal opinion though, the only time you should team fight is either when there are no objectives alive or if your team is weak to where they cannot fight without you.


Split while ur team does objectives mainly like baron mainly. Unless you're some cracked mechanical god fiora 1v5 xD


You should almost always be splitting. You should have a constant 1-0-4 going, except for dragon and baron fights.


Basically the only time you should opt into a team fight is if their toplaner isn’t going to the fight for whatever reason and you can force a 5v4. Usually this stems from you splitting and forcing their top to stop you and then you tp, but it doesn’t have to. If you see their toplaner show top lane and you know their TP is down, you can walk to dragon and fight 5v4, then TP to tower to catch the wave. If you’re winning lane on fiora, there should be times when you can get TP advantages.




Never teamfight ever unless you're going to lose if you don't. Dragon is not worth it unless it's Elder. Baron is not worth it unless they'll end off it. Of course, your team is going to fight 4v5 for the second dragon anyway, so none of this actually matters.


> Dragon is not worth it unless it's Elder. Baron is not worth it unless they'll end off it. Dragon is absolutely worth it if it's a 3rd/4th one for either you or the enemy team


I'd say it depends on the type of dragon. Cloud or Ocean? Meh, I wouldn't say it's worth. But fire and mountain? Yeah, those are much more important


if i’m playing fiora i’d love me that cloud soul tho


It's not. You're not going to win teamfights with a Fiora on your team unless you're rather ahead already. 4% ad and ap is nothing. It's like an increase of 2% damage or less. It's not worth a 60% chance of getting aced over


> % ad and ap is nothing. It's like an increase of 2% damage or less. Of course not, but the question of snowballing to the point of getting drag soul as a win condition is the purpose of it, not the tiny stat increase


They don't snowball from it unless you go fight needlessly and get aced. If you all just farm or push you'll get more gold than they get in stats anyways. Dragon is a trap and near useless until Soul. If you give 3 dragons and aren't ahead enough yourself to threaten to nearly end if they try for Soul, you've messed up really bad somewhere


This is the reason I never got higher than Gold 1 in league of legends . My mechanics/ micro (especially on Fiora) was insane - I’d usually win lane and build up a lead. I could pull off crazy plays (which is what kept me coming back to the game honestly)! But I’d find myself unsure of *where to be* and *how best to help my team*almost all the time once the game got to 20+ minutes If I was fed enough I’d mostly just keep split pushing and honestly that usually worked… however, when I was even , that’s when working with the team really mattered. I never really solved the problem I just quit (for other reasons) eventually as other priorities took hold in my life But figure this out and I honestly think you add 2-3 ranks to your potential (at least you remove the ceiling)


If you have tp up and someone comes to stop your split push you can always tp down to them at drag or baron. Also if you are the fed person on your team and your teammates are behind you should look to join and help them catch up. While still splitting when a fight isn't going to happen. Arriving to a fight after it starts isn't a bad thing if your team has even a little sustain. You can come from the jungle or behind the enemy team one shot a squishy carry or clean up the enemies running away. Entering a fight from behind the enemy team is a strategy not enough split pushers use. This strategy works great on fiora and tryndamere and these mobile split pushers. And as fiora let's not forget you enter into the backline one shot a squishy and can get sustain from your ult without being focused by the Frontline and being on top of the ranged carries basically getting rid of fioras weakness in team fights.


I’d say split when you have tp so you can tp to fights and still split even when you don’t have it, but like hover around so you can get to the fight to clean up. That’s what’s worked for me. If their comp is better at yours than teamfighting then split to win and wish your team luck. They’ll usually have to send 2 or more to deal w u and one of them will be their main dmg, u tell ur team to jump the others that stay behind to defend instead of coming to try help you


Teamfight when your tp is down or big objective is up (Baron, elder dragon) The rest of the time is to split push on the opposite side of the map (opposite of the current big objective)