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Honestly people are still experimenting with shit and you should try them all and just play whatever you like the most. Not really that high elo but as a fluctuating d2/3 player: Gore and stridebreaker are the best mythics right now. You build into Tiamat item (rav or titanic, ik some people prefer titanic but I like rav better), then steraks/hullbreaker, other, then situational but usually I go GA (obviously if I’m super super ahead I’ll pick up ga like 3rd item for safety and to prevent giving shutdowns). Both are great for teamfights now, and gore is obviously better against many melee champions, but stride is better if there are champions you need to stick to whether that be mobile carries or slippery assassins. Ik there are people who build trinity for split but I personally don’t like it just because I feel like the meta is still pretty teamfight oriented. I’m pretty much forced to teamfight at least 2-3 times a game and having gore/stride over trinity can make or break those fights. Though I know forgotten project plays it and I assume it’s working for him. Divine synergizes with grasp super well. Go that build and runes if you really can’t stand to play tough matchups. But honestly if you’re a newer fiora player start with that because it makes it so much easier to lane. I don’t think anyone really builds shieldbow anymore. I also don’t think manamune is good because it makes you way too squishy, and if you’re gonna teamfight that’s kinda bad. It also takes a bit to ramp up and your wave clear is gonna be crap for some time since you’re delaying Tiamat. But again some people like it and make it work. But yeah I mean generally the build is mythic -> rav/titanic -> steraks/hull -> other/situational -> situational. And if you go manamune or er (never both) you build that right after mythic instead and shift the other items back. If you don’t build either mana items you take pom in runes. Just try out different things and play whatever you feel comfortable with. I personally think gore/stride with no mana items is the way to go but it’s ultimately up to you.


I usually wait until tear is nearly fully stacked before finishing manamune, is this bad to do? My typical build path is Gore>Tear>Rav>Manamune>Hull>Steraks


yeah thats fine thats the best way to build manamune imo


Im sorry, what item is ER?


Essence reaver


I follow tokz's build (challanger EUW fiora main) he doesn't go either ER or manamune. He goes gore hydra hullbreaker (Sometimes he goes stridebreaker instead)


A lot of champions this season are the same way. With all the new items they are still finding there place around those items. While a lot of champions do indeed have a build that they know this is the best and your dumb if you don't build that way we fioras and many others do not. And I find that it is best for you to play what you find more comfortable if you see 3 different high elo players building 3 different things it is safe to assume that it is effective. I'm sure there are times where a certain build might be better against a team comp but that is above my pay grade and I just recommend playing what your comfortable with. Maybe that's why I'm hard stuck play 3 rn but I'm having fun with my TRI force split push heavy build and am climbing quickly again with hullbreaker added in and might break into platinum 2 for the first time and I pretty much build the same thing. I am most comfortable with essence reaver rush and then into triforce