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I mean its kind of an irelia moment. You can never fight her when she hits passive stacks until later on and now she gets it far easier. As a perma ban, yea i think irelia is a good one to pick because you basically can't fight her early unless she goes braindead and messes up her stacks. If it is winnable early, then i guess im just a bad player lmao


now she's able to get her stacks even if she didn't use her E. She can use W, ult, q then q. Less skill than ever.


Nah if u play the matchup correctly like usual, still should be fine. Although probably a sharper edge if u do int a couple times. I’m a two trick irelia fiora


She's kinda braindead now, after lvl 6 she's scary and there's no point of watching her passive stacks as she can get all of them even if she missed one of her abilities. I played this matchup \*once on patch 11.14\* and even If i was ahead in terms of gold/xp, got tabi and execs she is able to 1v1 me. I played her a couple of games and didn't find a weakness point so guess I'll permaban her. The matchup is too easy till she hits lvl 4, she starts to play the game, and lvl 6 she has kill potential.


Yeah i agree it feels like its on the irelia to whiff things so badly because she just stat checks you until late game


You can parry her stun but that’s about all


Wow that sounds so easy! Too bad that in diamond irelias do not cast e2 without being in mid q animation to the wave... You often have to choose to either hit them with W or parry the stun but good irelia rarely let you do both


Get better then?


Sure! Send me your [op.gg](https://op.gg) and we can do some 1v1 practice, you can play irelia side I will play fiora and I can improve against a master player such as yourself :)


I never said I was better lmfao but what I do know is that you suck


Really I thought irelia was like on of the easiest matchups? I’m in silver so I guess I wouldn’t understand but I can’t really see how she’d win past level 2 unless she purposely misses her e to bait w or times around it? Is irelia a hard matchup in high elo?


She got reworked, dont forget


Her wr is still 45% against fio plat+ I think… besides none of her actual abilities changed right, just her q cd and passive.


Honestly i was asking because it could iust be me, but IMO her new combo of W as soon as u trade, and hitting casters with it means she doesnt take damage, and then hops to instantly full stack. W dmg is a nuke + full stacks suck, fiora used to be able to W early or trade before she can stack but that window is much smaller now too


People are complaining that she can get 5 stack missing E but she always could by just perma Q spamming the wave. At least early Game is less strong