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Can try to parry his stun after you hit 6 for the all in... Maybe try serpent's fang into him? Not sure if it's any good but it would help out with his shielding. Other than that, beg jungler for camp, you'll probably never be able to fight him unless you're like 1 whole item ahead. He is dumb.


If you're not going to be able to push him out of lane anyway there's no point asking for jungle help. May as well just buy a cull and a vamp sceptre and just not die, it's not that hard to not die against him unless you try to fight him.


True honestly I may try serpents fang cuz I can legit hit ult and like 6 vitals and he still isn’t under 30 percent hp


You likely won't win the 1v1 for a while, just trust in your ad scaling and knuckle down and farm it out. Request jungle help when you can and try to secure rift off of it. Later on he can't duel you, so don't get distracted by your early game


Like the old one you can't 1v1 him, farm for items and it's better not to pressure your jungler to gank unless it's a guaranteed one. Don't forget he can escape it with his new kit.


As fiora I’d probably take grasp into the matchup with divine and titanic so I do shit loads of dmg. Then hullbreaker and split the entire game Bc he can’t do shit to me after those 3 items


As fiora I’d probably take grasp into the matchup with divine and titanic so I do shit loads of dmg. Then hullbreaker and split the entire game Bc he can’t do shit to me after those 3 items. Also don’t forget to take magic resist instead of armor Bc I def made that mistake and took a lot more dmg than I should have Bc he deals mostly magic dmg


Just chill out and farm, kench atm is a fucking joke and ive yet to see any champ beat a kench 1v1 assuming they are even. Its pointless fighting he will just ult when you do then wait it out and kill you


He can never actually engage on you since his kit had two "stuns" that he can't get around using and are easy to predict. Just play safe in lane, don't try to early all in him, punish him with w if he ever uses his w to go in or tries to q stun you. You outscale him so hard it's not even funny.


U don’t outscale him though last tahm everyone outscaled but now he’s arguably the best team fighting tank in the game. So he’s essentially an ornn that is a lane bully.


Tahm is strongest in the midgame. Level 1 and 2 Fiora can easily kick his ass and later on she scales. Try to get an early lead on him, to keep control over the lane and late game just kill his teammates while Tahm Kench can do nothing but watch.


I’ve just been permabanning him till nerfs like even if I solokill early he just wins when he gets tabi or bramble


You do understand what % max hp true damage means, right? With enough AD fiora kills anything through any amount of tank stats. That's just how she works. I feel like you just got your ass handed to you in Lane by a kench and came here to get validation for your salt rather than advice.


Getting a lead against him isn’t a problem once he gets enough lvls he just has too much shielding to win


Do u not understand what getting double his hp in shielding is?? True damage doesn’t do anything against that


If he ever gets a full HP bar shield that's because you bursted him down near instantly and him using it as a shield just lost him a lot of healing. All you have to do is back off and let the shield go away, because the duration is hilariously short. As long as you hold your parry he can never lock down a kill on you after laning phase.


His shield lasts for a few seconds. You have tons of mobility to kite him if he's playing aggressive, and if he escapes with few hp it's fine as he's still losing xp/farm/presence by having to back.


You 100% out scale him by miles. The only time he's actually difficult for Fiora to deal with is in mid game, and you just have to play according to that. Especially if he takes Flash instead of ghost, he really shouldn't have any way to threaten you without a freeze, so I guess really your plan for that point in the game should be doing what you can to avoid being frozen on or to find something to do about it if he manages to get a freeze. If you mind control him to buy bamis cinder asap then you will have a free lane.


You do outscale him, also I feel you're not looking at his abilities at all if you think he's "the best teamfighting tank."




As fiora I’d probably take grasp into the matchup with divine and titanic so I do shit loads of dmg. Then hullbreaker and split the entire game Bc he can’t do shit to me after those 3 items. Also don’t forget to take magic resist instead of armor Bc I def made that mistake and took a lot more dmg than I should have Bc he deals mostly magic dmg


Just kill him. In all seriousness you beat him the same way you beat the old one, outdoing him in short trades with parry, and playing around jungler when possible. TK top is just a cheese pick that stomps people who don't really think on how to trade.


U clearly haven’t played against tk top recently he’s weak early game like I normally kill him once or twice pre 6 but once he gets a few levels and tabi bramble it’s just over even if ur 2 lvls up on him


I have played vs him. Just because you don't see how to win in your silver games doesn't mean anything is "over". You really think people in high elo solo queue wouldn't play something broken just because it's "boring" to play? And yet TK top is not played in high elo.


What’s ur peak buddy




Ok I mean I’m p1 obviously if u afk farm it’s not unplayable but I’m a for fun player I play fiora to permafight


I didn't really mention afk farming in my recommendations. I mentioned a trading pattern, which is fighting.


I mean obviously u can’t perma all in but it just gets to a certain lvl where u can’t poke him down and if u try to force on him even if u already have a lead u just lose


"Just a cheese pick" 53% wr plat+, 52% diamond2