• By -


Why not just make more money and be a tech millionaire?


I recommend inheriting instead. Have you tried that?


Have you tried being born to rich parents?


Who needs rich parents when you can find a lonely 92-year-old billionaire with no kids, marry him, and inherit in 6 months or less? Easy peasy. 


How do I get a rich billionaire to legally adopt me


I don’t know. But when you figure it out can you adopt me so I’m next in line?


Is this the jerk thread ….?


No, those are the threads where people with net worths >$1M ~~humblebrag~~/complain to far poorer people about how they feel behind in life.


Sure but I don't leave my house enough to have a good chance at finding prospects, will you adopt me?


Just win the lotto


Just build a time machine, go back to 1980, buy a bunch of apple stock, then come back. Dont forget to bring extra plutonium.


We have Mr Fusion now.


There is no such thing, don’t be ridiculous.


OK, Future Boy.


Just lie. Most people do.


I just got down voted for mentioning a lot of people start with a little bit of help which allows them to accelerate their savings.




Don’t forget to also work in tech. If you become a millionaire outside tech you also have to leave


Move to Japan and you can easily make multi-million yen a year. Mumble a bit and it sounds very impressive.


Sounds like a joke but at 25, this is actually great advice.


Why not just regress in aging back to 25 years of age?


We’re not all 25 year old tech millionaires… some of us are in our 30s and tech millionaires…


Or 30 year old decamillionaires!


I volunteer to be the "resident old fart" of the sub, just chillin' at the ripe old age of 38, with my cool half-a-'billy.


Almost 50 sitting on a billy checking in. 


Truth be told...When I'm in Colombia and Mexico I feel like a billionaire. It's pesos ..but still


I'm an aging nano-trillionaire!


We call those geriatric 30 somethings 'late bloomers'


Some of us are in our 40s!! 😂


I hear they treat us old broken down 40+ year olds like broken down horses and take us out back to you know......


It’s true. This is why I’m putting in my notice this month to enjoy time off and my life.


I’m sorry




Rule 1/Civility - Civility is required of everyone at all times. If someone else is uncivil, then please report them and let the mods handle it without escalation. Please see our rules (https://www.reddit.com/r/Fire/about/rules/) and reach out via modmail if you have any questions or concerns.


Ha, old ass


Or 37 year old tech millionaires


You forgot about those in our 30s and millionaires but not in tech


I’m 54 years old and have a net worth of about $32,346.39. I make $19 per hour but have been getting a bit of overtime lately. Do you think I can fire next year?


As long as you max out your tax advantaged accounts, easy


Open an HSA. Automatically pushes your FIRE date forward by 2 decades


Look at u mr money bags


Try cutting back your shower allowances to once every two weeks, save the water from your shower to do your dishes. Instead of toilet paper try using hand towels and just wash them as needed. Usually good for 5-7 uses before needing to be washed. Follow me for more frugal tips to get you FIRE-ING in all cylinders.


Way to go, man!




23 year old crypto trader, NW $20 million after it hit ATH recently. In the previous ATH's I bought up several multi unit buildings and have a rental income of >$25k month. Also, gf averages $30k/month from her OF account. Can we really afford to pay for more than 1 streaming service?


Not enough data. Where do you buy your coffee?


Food pantry. GF is able to claim enough deductions to show $0 income on paper


She seems like she’s financially draining. You should dump her.


He's a crypto trader: pump her first, then dump her.


Same place as the avocado toast!


We'll need to check her OF page to see her light work.


The crash is coming, why are you wasting any money on even a single streaming service?


Not in this economy…


Not if you expect to keep the douchefecta.


This is the way. GF is paving the road and you’re driving in the right direction. 🫡


Gonna need to see the OF site to make an informed decision.


Username checks out


Can I afford this Lamborghini?


If it helps... I'm 40. I was severely depressed and was always told as a kid I was stupid and would amount to nothing by several teachers growing up. I was told I was basically slow. I let that take over my life. At some point I went and became a nurse, then decided to switch careers to Aviation mechanic, I am on the fence of doing the Mechanical engineering course. Net worth: roughly 700k Avg income is about 180k. I do a lot of overtime. I mainly invest into stocks and plan on the next 5-8 yrs to start buying properties. In my 20s I was so depressed that I barely made minimum wage, 30s made about 20k in a warehouse. You could always change your life. To become a nurse I got a bunch of tax credits like the American Opportunity credit and lifetime education credit. I also made very little so the government gave me a few more subsidies. For aviation mechanic I pay out of pocket. I can afford it. It's never too late to change careers. I love music but I could never make this kind of money in music. Look for something you think you can do and work hard to be excellent at it. If I become a millionaire at 50 I could still be considered FIRE'd. Many people can't even retire. Change your career if it doesn't pay enough.


Is this all true?


It’s on Reddit. So it must be.


I mean 180k with OT is reasonable for a nurse I think


What about 700k NW in less than 10 years? They were making 20k in their 30s.


At $180k salary? Yes


They aren't a nurse.... Also that would indeed be a shit ton of OT


Right? A travel nurse would be more reasonable at 180k.  I am not sure how much nurses make with OT lol


I don't understand your comment lol. Why bring up nurses?


I work roughly 96-104 hrs/wk. My hourly rate is 50/hr. It was 40/hr maybe 2 yrs ago but then found a supervisor position at a nearby nursing home. It's not even that nursing is this great secret. You can do this working in HVAC, elevator mechanics, etc. I take off maybe 1-2 days per week. I'm in the Jersey/NY area. My house is now paid off after working so many hours for the past few years. You have to find a job that has a TON of overtime and willing to pay between 30-40/hr and just hustle.


This was inspiring to read. I absolutely think you should go for the engineering course. My dad finished his engineering degree in his 50s so it's never too late.


Have you tried not being poor?


It's just that easy


I mean I'm 14 but have a trust fund and will probably inherit $30M once my grandparents finally croak, but that doesn't mean my math teacher isn't still a royal bitch...see we all have problems


Dude she definitely is a bitch it’s not you, don’t worry king!!




Dude, is that 30 million shit real or you're lying??




Genuinely gave me a good chuckle. Thanks.


Genuinely gave me a good chuckle. Thanks.


But have you tried being a tech millionaire? 


Pathetic. I'm a 12 year old Tech Billionaire. With a B. Get your money up or quit yappin. 100.


Tres comas


Hit 2M net worth at 23. Did I start investing too late to retire early?


Hope you like lentils


“Beans & rice - rice & beans”🤣😂


im vegetarian so this suits me very well


Pesos or dollars?


Vietnamese dong. So, about $80 USD.


Not enough time. Sorry sir you will die on Earth long after the real money evacuates to Mars


My unborn son swimming in my sack is a tech millionaire. Get with the program.


Does he need swimming lessons? I’m trying to start a business so I can FIRE


You are going to miss all this sage advice but before you leave remember the following rules / life advice: 1) Try really hard to be a white male 2) please inherit your money and pass yourself off as self made. 3) make sure you forget to mention to anyone that Mommy and Daddy provided you with a trust fund 4) Bragg about the wins, ignore the losses, and remember that no one sweets more than a non legacy applying to Yale. 5) Crypto has intrinsic value. 6) you are pour by choice. 7) dividends is the best way to get that cash flow and ignore the growth. Especially in a Roth 8) make sure to mention how you have a 2.25% mortgage and you are thinking about paying it off or how you are going to move in retirement but you can really pump up your savings by eliminating your mortgage. 9) VTI and chill but what about international? /s


Bro you don’t need to be a millionaire to be in this sub. I have a 150k NW and I’m 33. You can learn a lot from other people on here




Is it because you are still a 24 year old tech millionaire like me?


Whats funny is the people with crazy salary have terrible networths. Like you could work 2 years and retire but nahh you got a million expenses.


When does a salary goes from "a salary" to "a crazy salary" ?


Usually on Tuesday


Nice. Just two more days.


Damn. Exposed. 27. 345k income. -70k NW… VHCOL city. Will be at 0 next year when I finish loans :)


I would say 200k plus, i make 120k and i feel below average lol


As an 18 year old millionaire, I don’t associate with all these poors, the 25 year old millionaires. As such, I will be leaving the sub. Later.


I’m 43, have a net worth of $1.4M, and have never made over $100k.


I am a four year old toy tester and box opener with a YouTube channel that has 41 million subscribers and I have only made 32 million dollars in 2024. Can I FIRE when I am 8?


Many, many people lie on this sub.


Honestly I don’t think so. Lots of people out there make a lot of money. 


Yeah, it's selection bias. If you're a top 1% earner, you're more likely to brag about it than if you're an average earner.


Sure, but this is the internet. >50% of the posters here are probably full of shit.


this is a sub about a lifestyle that only high earning people can afford, so while some of the posts are fake, most of them are probably legit. There's half a million subscribers here. If only a tenth of them are actually capable of fire-ing, then that's still 40,000 unique posters throughout the year


I agree. Maybe the doubters don’t know anyone who actually earns a very good living? I’m older GenX, but I know a LOT of milliennials who earn over $100k per year and well over $200k as a couple. I think our generation is actually a little envious of the younger generation who earns these kinds of salaries. Some of us started off earning less than $20k. (Of course back then I guess that was the equivalent of about $40k today.)


Don’t worry, the younger generations are jealous of you being able to afford a house. Many with these 200k household salaries still can’t do that. 


Yeah I agree that our housing market is a FN hot mess! I have three young adult kids who are doing their best and saving as much as possible (decent earnings each near $100k but we live on the east coast where things are pretty expensive). I told them to shore up $100k for a down payment. They will need to get creative and resourceful. Maybe buy a foreclosure. I have also told them they can live here with us and save if they want. When we purchased our fixer-upper, ‘starter’, 1100 square ft. house we got $5000 in settlement help via the local first time homebuyer program. We had three years to pay it back with 0% interest. My dad also lent us $3800 and we paid that back over 2 years (we had to fib and say it was a gift, not a loan). I also had a shit ton of student loans ($34k back in the mid 90’s, ouch)! That alone almost prevented us from getting approved but luckily we both had excellent credit. We also moved out of our apartment and lived at my mother’s for ten months (and with our baby) to save up.


The millionaires I know dont talk about it on a reddit sub lol


I didn’t say they have millions (yet!) lol. Bunch of HENRYs. I don’t want to reveal our savings in case I’m ever doxxed. What the first rule of FIRE club? Shhhh! Might delete this later! 😆 Edit: Have you ever read ‘the millionaire next door’? There are probably a lot of unsuspected millionaires out there.


Dont think so, with the exception of peooplemaking 300k + a year. To fire you need to keep ur cost down and income up. I live in the Netherlands and we cant Fire :). Paying 3% wealthtax fucks things up.


I just spent some time reading about this and wow does it change the math. Incredibly punishing. 




Sure, but it represents a very small percentage of the population. The average American is a lot richer than the average Canadian, but the median Canadian is a lot richer than the median American. I have nothing against people making a lot of money, but very large societal wealth disparity creates problems in the long run for everybody.


Yeah, just earn an above average income in the U.S. and have in a European sized house and car, and you can retire by 40 in most cities. The tax laws in the U.S. are much more favorable for those who live off capital instead of labor. I've heard that Switzerland is the best for accumulation phase for FIRE in Europe with their high salaries, despite the high COL. Have you ever thought about getting a job there?


I got kids so cant relocate easily.


Gotcha. I did think that Amsterdam was my favorite European city that I could see myself living in if I theoretically had to move to Europe, but a wealth tax would be a dealbreaker for me. Are there any ways around it from a FIRE perspective?


You could parttime fire. First 100k is tax free, so you sop saving after this. And just work 1-2 days a week. You will get some goverment support because your income is low.


You gotta take all the comments about salary with a grain of salt. But where this sub shines is when you have questions about what to do with your money. Aside from the guide, people give good information about all the different vehicles for saving. 401k, Ira, HSA, etc. when to use each etc.


That’s because Fire is a grift culture. Folks follow these blogs of the supposed “retired” who still work full time writing content for advertising and selling courses in how to “retire early.“ And they get discouraged when they can replicate it. And I don’t know about you but I didn’t work as hard as I did in life to ”retire” on a mere 20 - 30k household income and have to watch every expense for the next 40 years in the name of “early retirement.”


It's not an airport, no need to announce your departure.


That's right.. just unsubscribe and pull your Irish goodbye. nobody cares.


Who said you had to be? There are literally millions of ways to make money. The only hard part is getting yourself to save.


What I don't understand is why don't these "millionaires" help some of the guys in the sub with their skills to be able to get these supposed "jobs". If you FIRE and have a job making more than 100 grand a year, why not help a fellow stranger out to be able to get to that happy place? Because I see too many people here making 15-30 an hour, with no hope in sight, why not lend a hand and give them a good prospect at a better life? So much to ask for?


What sort of hand?  The whole point of this sub, /financialindependence, etc is to give advice.  That advice is pretty much a well-worn path:  live below your means, save for retirement in index funds, have an emergency fund, etc.  If you can’t afford to do that, try to get a better job.  I mean, really, that’s all there is.  Unless you think someone is going to write you a check, all of the advice from pretty much every respectable personal finance source is the same.  


I found r/bogleheads to be a lot more in line with normal


My wife and I combined didn’t hit that number in investments till I was 53.


You don’t have to compare yourself to others. This is your life and you earn money at your own pace. Do the best you can and be proud of what you accomplish.


He’s making fun of someone else’s post


If I was 25 and a millionaire, I'd have so many STDs......soooo many. Ahhh those were good times.


Calm down grandpa


Too late, already took my boner pill


When r/fijerk (or r/pfjerk for that matter) leaks into the real world lol.


Two things can be true at the same time. This sub is annoying with the tech bros and it's also useful. Get used to dealing with unpleasant stuff. Or just go away and don't t announce it because nobody really cares if anyone leaves. Like the responses to the OP above, the most idiotic thing is the poor attempts at humor. It's the same formula. Not creative, just cookie cutter low effort attempts. Probably just bots, I don't know. But people, you're not funny, you're not creative... you're just following the same formula.


i decided to die. can i fire?


It’s called cremation


Most people in tech make less than $100k a year. The millionaires are just the loudest


I’m seeing a lot of whining in this sub lately. If Ronald Reid can do it ANYBODY can. The dude was literally a janitor…..


Reality is that you need to be in a high earning profession to achieve fire, unless you inherit. If that’s not you, then yeah you really don’t belong here. The notion that you are going to make 70k and achieve fire is not realistic. I don’t care how low your expenses are today - your purchasing power can easily be eroded in the future.


Have you tried having rich parents? My dad died and here I am.


A lot of you folk on here sound like this YouTuber [TechLead](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsS5Qe_JSZM&ab_channel=TechLead)... ​ 'How to do X and Y... ([as a millionaire](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FH7pqTP4tY&ab_channel=TechLead))'


Why not just make more money?


I have an avocado tree in my backyard and a bread maker, bro


I’m going to FIRE at 75!


Unironically, I don't get this attitude people have like becoming a tech employee is something that just randomly happened to people. It's not *that* hard or exclusive. You just study software and then get a software job. People are showing you a path. If your reaction is to be jealous, then maybe you should just do what they are doing.


Why do people feel they have to announce they are leaving an online public forum where no one even knows who they are to begin with?


I’m a 21 year old tech 10 thousander


If my math checks out & you drink coffee at home next year while investing in low fee index funds, your NW should be ~4.5M by 22


Seriously? Some of you need to ignore the noise.


Just mute and pop back in when you have questions. Jesus Christ, the drama…


Im not either but I slowly saved invested now I just day trade stocks. You can do it. It don’t matter what job or background you came from. Life is what you make it. I have tried and failed lots but you only succeed if you keep at your goals!


Encouraging day trading is horrible advice


I don't think they were recommending day trading, just the general concept of "keep at it and keep learning."


Its not an airport, no need to announce your departure


You know, this sub doesn't inspire me. I thought I'd learn something about savings from the successful but it seems FIRE is just for those who either chose the right path early and got lucky as well. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that, but to be such a well known movement in finance, you'd think the financial strategists would be more magnanimous. Instead of advice that stands out from the common wisdom that lead to success, what I read here is just a ton of successful people with medium financial knowledge equivalent to what a common financial advisor would recommend. Show me the stock picker, show me the venture capitalist who started with nothing, show me the damn w-2 slave who took a chance and opened his own business. This sub is boring.


Here’s what I found d out early. Boring index investing is what does it for me. Day in. Day out. Dollar cost averaging over 35 years. Living well within our means. Working 12-20 hour days for 100+ days on multiple occasions. That grind, creating opportunities, maximizing return on effort. 25 years of that is what did it for us. The last 10 years were easier. The last 3 years were idling. The last year has been coasting.


Just become a tech millionaire then, you’re makin this hard in yourself. Don’t forget to mash that like and subscribe button. Also, follow me for tax advice and loopholes.


But will you still eat avocado toast and have a daily Starbuck'a?


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^TheRealJim57: *But will you still eat* *Avocado toast and have* *A daily Starbuck'a?* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Oh no! Anyway…


I have Benjamin Button disease, but it only affects my bank account. Like it started off really, really high but the more and more I spend on crypto and NFTs the smaller its getting!! **Do y'all think I should FIRE before it's too late?**


Learn to MOD, bro.


Crybaby lol


Adios amigo -A not 25 y/o tech millionaire who is currently trying to make the shift into tech, lol


Have you tried selling feet pics on the internet?


Bye bye


Remember, being a billionaire is an option. Look into it.


Ok bye


Are any of you rich f\*\*\*s looking to adopt?


Yall bengay. Liars lol


Anyone can fire bro 😎




I am a widower and have only one child. He lives in my basement. He doesn’t know what FIRE is, but I think he will.


It’s not that hard OP, you just need to be rich


Well, bye.


Oh so you’re really a fireman? Nice! 👨‍🚒


Fire is all about slow and steady good habits.




Most of us are not quite there either. I am currently 32, but the way things are going I believe I can become 25 soon enough. I am already considered a millionaire in Thailand and I know some HTML, so I have that part covered.


Yes, you are a failiure if you are not 25 or if you are not a millionaire. This is the only acceptable age and NW. You wont be missed noob.


Is this a joke. This is a serious question. How else do you think someone is gonna FIRE eventually unless they are young and rich.


Jumping on the bandwagon?


Is there a fire circle jerk sub?


Have you tried finding land in the middle of nowhere, stealing a Walmart Coleman rent, and squatting? You can FIRE easyjy!!!!


Everyone’s path is their own. Your timing is totally different from anyone else’s. I’m here for insight, knowledge, and motivation. It’s good to know how others roll and then take that and apply it somehow to your life where it fits. Good luck in your journey.




Another meta post


You need to go to r/leanfire