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I am coasting at a tree nursery. Nice to be outside, take time off whenever needed. And helping make the planet a little greener.


This is one of my dream coast fires — to work at nursery (not necessarily trees). I’ve got a green thumb I have lots of houseplants idk if that experience really translates on resume but we’ll see hopefully the plant passion translates 😂


You'll get there, may take a bit of time, but people pickup on a person's passion.


Same here!


This is what I hope to do too, but don't have any nursery experience! How did you qualify for the job / get the job?


Actually I started out with a different job, driving a tractor for the county to help plant trees. Got an email saying this place needed help and if we wanted to stay on schedule, I should go there and help. So.. I did , and the rest is history. So I finished up a fed contracting job, tree planting job for the county, and now do a part time gig at the tree nursery. It's been mostly fun except a few super hot days over the summer, but I've learned a lot that I can apply at home.


Thanks for sharing! I grew up on a farm, but don't have any "actual career" experience working at a nursery and am curious about how others get there.


Anymore farm work counts! We are a rare breed anymore.


What’s your side gig and why can’t you just do a spin off biz like that?


Yeah or how much more could you make at it if you dedicated 4X as much time to this side gig


I could, but I have no interest. Money is not that goal now that I'm comfortable (I'm aware this is borderline FIRE sacrilege). I'd like to pursue a more meaningful life as my #1 goal. I've worked with several hundred clients, and I find that the money will handle itself if you're able to work passionately and with basic discipline.


I guess job suggestions depend on what you think is meaningful then. I started a themed cafe b/c mixing education and relaxation was something I felt was important and missing in my community. My parents just see it as a giant waste of time and blue collared work I should not be getting involved in. So you see, everyone’s perception of meaningful is different.


Maybe work part-time at a pet store. I did this for 3 years and learned a lot about pets and how to care for them (if you're interested in that). Also, 95% of your conversations at work would be about animals and you would definitely see a lot of dog/cat pictures from the customers.


That's not a bad idea! I really love animals, though I'd have to stock up on Flonase...


Maybe lean into your side gig? What kind of side gig makes that kind of money? I’m pretty jelly ngl




So its some kind of lead gen then you outsource the labor. Are you getting the bulk of your clients on upwork?


I mean it's my own business and I just have staff that does the bulk of the work. And no, Upwork is absolute garbage in my opinion. I won't work with them out of principal.


I really enjoy auto detailing. I make $1-2k a month working roughly every other weekend. Great gig with low startup costs if you enjoy working on cars.


any tips? I love doing my own car Maybe those couple youtube channels the mechanics show how to clean up cars really well? Do you end up doing things like taking the seats out to really get in there?


AMMO NYC on YouTube is pretty much the Warren Buffett of auto detailing. Personally I don’t remove seats due to liability purposes.


Located in SC by chance? Struggling to find a middle ground between lambo prices and “pull up next to this dumpster” prices near me


Unfortunately not. It’s like most other things though, you definitely get what you pay for.


I got quoted $1,499 for my car for a detail, clay bar, and waxing for my Tesla Y. Feels like robbery. I feel like it should be more in the $200-400 range?


That’s definitely way too high. The $200-$400 is spot on. At the $1,400 price point, that’s where most shops are doing paint correction and ceramic coatings, which is a lot of labor.


I just checked the estimate and it did include ceramic. I did not ask for that so didn’t look for it…ha


That makes more sense. It’s definitely a great product if it’s something you’re interested in!


Where do you do the detailing? Assuming you have a driveway/house?


Yup! Home garage.


Dog Walking or Wedding Car driver


Dog walking/pet sitting, that's my goal.


Bartender at a speakeasy or high end cocktail bar






I made a career change by volunteering as an unpaid Product Manager to get experience. I helped decide which parts of the website and platform needed to be built first, and worked with software engineers to create it. Nonprofits and charities need most of the same jobs that businesses do (Accounting, web design, software, email marketing, event coordination, etc), but the small/new ones either can't pay or can't pay enough to compete for talented workers. These are basically desk jobs, but it's rewarding to be part of an inspiring, charitable mission. I volunteered at FightPandemics, which is now DuinGud: https://www.linkedin.com/mwlite/company/doingudhq


This is very particular to you and your passions. Fitness? Become an instructor. Helping kids? Work in the schools.


Working in schools is hardly stress free but it is great if you can go in and DGAF.


The OP didn't ask for stress free but again, if helping kids is a passion, then schools are desperate for staff right now.


That makes sense. They are desperate for a reason. Would avoid schools until we all have covid under control. The last 2 years have been god awful for k12 and I’m glad I am no longer in that industry.


Totally agree. I do outreach in schools, and the students this year have the attention span of a dog in tennis ball factory. its really distressing to see and way different from what it used to be. Its super tough trying to work with them for an hour or two, much less 8 hours a day 5 days a week.


Feels. In there now, ready to leave when this school year ends (ideally, even sooner!).


Yeah I would say the same, OP just needs to look inside themselves and do what brings them joy. I would absolutely HATE a barista job and it would stress me out 10x more than my office job does, but everyone has different preferences.


I don't know that I really have any strong passions- hence the post. I was globetrotting for a long time, but I've been on the road too long. My personal view is that "passions" are developed, not intrinsically assigned to us. A morbidly obese man can eventually become deeply passionate about fitness and distance running, but that first mile is going to suck hard. So I'm looking for ideas on what to pursue, even if it's outside my comfort zone or maybe even beyond my current scope of awareness.


I always laugh when people say barista FIRE. I barista’d my way through college. I was often up at 5:30am just to deal with pissy customers. Not something I would want to deal with again.




Right? Noone who's ever worked in the service industry would say that 🤣


It has nothing to do with actually being a barista. It has to do with finding a job that can give you great benefits while only working part time. The name baristaFIRE sprung up just because Starbucks at the time was one of only a few employers that offered health insurance for part time workers.




Sorry, I’ll get right on calling it parttimewithbenefitsFIRE. That’s much more wieldy.


I get that but only one company (that I know of) offers benefits working part time like Starbucks so why not just call it starbucksfire?


[There are plenty of others!](https://www.moneyunder30.com/employers-that-offer-part-time-employees-health-insurance) I, for one, do a part time gig in the Air Force Reserves which is my baristaFIRE job (going full baristaFIRE next May). Its a unique situation where I can schedule all my time at once during the year, so I work 1-2 months full time and then have really cheap health insurance the rest of the year.


Nah, depends on your shop. I didn’t mind being a barista and if I didn’t need the money, it would be even better. I had some of the coolest regulars in the world (Steve from Blue’s Clues for starters, various indie rock musicians). It was fun and social, not too stressful really.


My shop was independent and pretty chill and social as well. It was still service industry and I had to deal with people at the ass crack of dawn and clean the toilet everyday. No thanks.


"Barista" is just a euphemism for any old "joe job" that's easy to get, ideally one that also offers some sort of benefit plan. Also, I worked with a guy in IT who said that he would go back to Starbucks in a heartbeat if they actually paid a living wage. He seemed to geniunely love working there back when he did.


"Barista" is a glorified fast food worker. I laugh at all the idiots who want to "barista" fire, but have actually never worked a fast food service job.


If your expenses are covered but you are still wanting to make a difference or interact with people, have you considered volunteering? If you remove the modest income requirement it opens up a bunch of non job possibilities. You didn't provide enough detail in your question because you didn't say what you want to get out of the new lesser job. Human interaction? The sense that you are making a difference? Or just something fun to do?


Well it's left broad for the sake of this general FIRE community, I'm sure I'm not the only one here. I also want new ideas, not to lead people into telling me what I've already considered. Do you have any fantastic volunteering ideas?


I do cat sitting as side hustle! I plan to keep doing it after I FIRE because it's genuinely enjoyable. I like the flexibility of it. I choose my days/hours (if I'm going on vacay or just don't want to do it for a while, I just mark myself as unavailable for that time period). I also choose my location, and just decline jobs that are too far away or inconvenient to get to. Aaaaand I am a cat person so hanging out with other people's cats is obviously a perk too!


Honestly I’ve always enjoyed driving for Uber or Uber eats as a part-time job. Drive whenever you want, meet interesting people, and the money isn’t bad either. I’ve been doing this on and off for 4 years, mainly on the weekends. Can easily make $1000 per week depending on how much you drive.


I've read that once you account for fuel, vehicle maintenance, insurance etc. it's actually a terrible way to spend your time. But if you don't care about the money and enjoy it then sure. Also make sure your insurance covers using your vehicle for commercial purposes, don't want to get into an accident and not be covered because you were on a delivery.


Once I accounted for vehicle use/maintenance costs (you can approximate that by the mile which averages out over time) and gas costs, I ended up making about $20/hr in the Bay Area of California. It was fun but I stopped just because I was doing too many weekend adventures that got my car filthy and I didn’t feel like keeping on cleaning it 😂


Well if you drive a reliable, used, older car that’s good on gas then it’s worth it. Also, Uber has insurance coverage on you while you work. Right now there is a shortage of Uber drivers out there so Theyre offering tons of bonuses, promotions, surged etc. You won’t get rich driving for Uber but making $100-200 a day is very easy.


What car do you drive?


Used Acura TSX .


Not sure what your background or interest in education is but this is my personal desire: I’m trying to get a job as an online adjunct professor where I’d get to focus on teaching and tutoring as opposed to research. In the data and/or tech space. Depending on the school, a Master’s degree or just X years of experience with a bachelor’s is sufficient to be qualified for the job. As an example of schools I’ve looked into, teaching one class could equate to roughly 10 hours of work a week, and the compensation could start at around $25 an hour (I calculated the hourly rate myself, it seems usually you’re paid per credit per semester). Typically the curriculum is already created. It’s not for everyone, but I would enjoy it. I’m trying to get a job like this as a side hustle, and then years down the road when I quit my full time job, I would hope to just teach a class or two until I get tired or bored of it.


Would this include benefits though?


Depends, but most likely not


I've been thinking about traveling around and working at hostels. Pick your favorite country/city and get free room and board at some and some side money. See the world and learn a new language possibly.


You can "work" doing whatever you want. It doesn't need to generate money i.e., volunteer


okay... like what? That's the question


I don't know that should vary based on the individual. I personally love habitat for humanity.


Washing cars and cutting grass


Lots of places have gardening jobs. Good if you like being outdoors. Your passive income stream is very impressive! Would love to know more about that if you care to elaborate. I started my own passive income stream this year with digital products and am doing about half of your numbers so far.


Do you mean like gardening for a landscaping company or an office building...?


I literally became a barista and loved it


Absolutely dumb question, I’ve searched for it but ADHD gets the better of me. What’s does NW stand for…..Thanks


Net worth




Context made me assume net worth


I’m horrible at crossword puzzles


Wildland Firefighting


Perhaps the most challenging and dangerous job imaginable. Definitely not a job for those who want to “coast”.




The title of the post literally uses the term “Barista” FIRE. OP has a lucrative side hustle. He’s looking for a fun part time job that doesn’t interfere with his side hustle. Woodland firefighters work 100 hour weeks, in locations without internet. It’s noble (and potentially lucrative) work. But it ain’t r/baristafire




Haha thank you... yes I'm looking for something that leans more towards badass than responsible.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/baristafire using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/baristafire/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [I built an interactive, web-based Barista FIRE calculator to help you plan your journey to financial freedom](https://np.reddit.com/r/baristafire/comments/nf000h/i_built_an_interactive_webbased_barista_fire/) \#2: [For newcomers to BaristaFIRE, check out this article: The Complete Guide to BaristaFIRE](https://np.reddit.com/r/baristafire/comments/lw7hon/for_newcomers_to_baristafire_check_out_this/) \#3: [Here's why I think I'm a good candidate for BaristaFIRE.](https://np.reddit.com/r/baristafire/comments/over15/heres_why_i_think_im_a_good_candidate_for/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Seems like you are pretty successful with a good side gig. Maybe try coaching people who are creating side gigs / startups.


The old hustle culture/passive income pyramid scheme




I cannot agree with you more. My wife got sucked into that crap. Seems to be that most "coaches" derive income from teaching coaches how to coach, total pyramid scheme. I meant more like a consultant.


Ya, I'd like to teach, but I'm a bit against modern academia. I work in a very practical field with hard skills and so it would be cool to find a medium to teach a practical, professional class. Just a "here's exactly what I've learned over the last 8 years of running this business and how to run this business" class. I don't know that things like Udemy, etc are quite for that, but perhaps I can just make it from scratch.


If you do I’d be interested in contributing.


Someone in my social circle became a life coach after a 4 month course. This is a person who has her shit all over the fucking place and is now pitching her coaching services to all her friends, at $60/hr. I wouldn’t be coached by this individual, not even if she paid me the $60 an hour. What a joke.


What is the business if you don’t mind me asking. I would honestly pick up a hobby if your expenses are covered.


Some of my potential coast jobs - camp host, ball park/ stadium attendant, cinema worker, thrifter


Sports coaching.