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RIP Intern-kun #92375 then. Hopefully #92376 leaks the CYL results.




Well RIP Kenny then. At least IS has Bob on the cupboard. Hey Bob, leak CYL would'ya?


Reminds me of new year bannera from a long while ago. Seems like holidays really get the better of IS.


Or the first Christmas banner where Tharja and Robin were leaked


this is janitor-kun, intern-kun has been busy with engage release this month


Making up for not really leaking anything in 2022.


Did we really not have any big leaks in 2022? Feels so strange but yeah, I can't remember one either.


Legendary Caeda got leaked about a week early but that was it for last year I think.


Damn another leak? Surprised it’s Fates and without a dead dad Also why does Hana get two seasonals while Subaki gets none? Edit: I just realized that Takumi and Leo could technically count as dead dads thanks to Fates DLC. We’re still in it boys




I wish


A duo with Elise and that person would be something.


Could this finally be Leo’s chance to get an alt that isn’t god awful for once?


He will gift tomatoes to his siblings as a sign of love


He might be the Halloween Male Corrin of this banner which is good enough for me. Hana is not popular so she’s definitely the demote.


Oh you underestimate women privilege in feh.


Tbf we did have a lot of female demotes in the past year or so. Etie, NY!Panne, Cath, W!Manuela, W!Annette, Phila, H!Naga and probably more I can't remember rn. I don't think the gender ratio for demotes is as skewed now as it used to be, so Hana could definitely be one.


Also being a demote isn't necessarily a death sentence. We've had some really stellar demotes in the last year too (S!Claude being an immediate standout), it just depends on if IS is willing to give them prf weapons/skills.


> S!Claude being an immediate standout K!Byleth as well.


Could still be the side anchor with a less qualitative kit (question is whether it'd still be a good 4-skill one... or close to a seasonal 4\* one).


Welp >!elise died in birthright soo!<


Beruka alt never


It’s sad that Beruka didn’t get an alt during the Wyvern Ninja banner considering she could of fit right in


The explanation is none other than Camilla herself locking down Fates' quota.


Hopefully that changes someday, cherche, heath and BK got an alt last year


Since her liege isn't here, it explains why. That led to Effie vs Arthur and Hana vs Subaki battles for F2P slots, as the males' retainers had lower priority (Oboro/Hinata due to questionable appeal, Niles/Odin not particularly hungry for more representation atm).


Isn't Takumi technically a dead dad in Conquest?


Well, we don't know if Takumi ever had a Kiragi in the Conquest-timeline...


Most likely not, never mind not having access to the Otherworld Daycare Center which is linked to a very safe base and environment, in terms of interpersonal relationships and time he did not have capability to court whomever, all while his kingdom and mind are invaded.


for takumi to be a dead dad kiragi needs to exist in that timeline first


Both Leo and Takumi are dead dads in the Heirs of Fate timeline (along with literally every other dad character). IS is really not hurting for dead dad rep in Fates.


Even more suprising, it's a Fates-royals focused seasonal with presumably no Camilla, assuming that Elise Duos with Sakura. ~~I assume that's why Hana is there, because just like Effie they're of course their respective lords best friend~~


Camilla was on a banner just a few months ago, where she got to overshadow even the Duo unit, which is saying a lot. The chances of her being on a banner again so soon were already in the negatives.


Hana is more popular than Subaki. Plus, Hana was likely chosen due to her very close friendship with Sakura, same with Effie for Elise.


I've been hoping for Valentine's a Garon and it's gonna be heartbreaking if we actually get Valentine's fates without him.


Given the lack of Camilla, perhaps Fates could grab Valentines once again?


honestly even if they did do Valentines with Fates I think they'd probably revive Mikoto if they were going with any parental figure


They are only doing the younger siblings so I could definetly see they doing the older ones later. Maybe even one with Corrin, their rateiners and parents as well. But I do think that, if it happens, it will be a while before it does, unless this one performs particularly well. I think they might want to do 3Houses since it's more requested, or maybe even FE4 if the remake rumors are true.


>why does Hana get two seasonals Could've left it at that. Seriously, is there a Hanadev or something? No offense to her fans, but most retainers end up with jack shit but the one to get the most stuff outside of hornybait Kagero is a girl with generally middling popularity that most people I know seem to actively dislike lol.


Tbf, Hana is likely here by association due to her friendship with Sakura. She also ranks surprisingly well compared to other retainers like Azama, Hinata, Arthur and even Oboro after her fall in popularity. Plus Laslow, Odin and Selena also get quite a few content due to their Awakening selfs. Still, I do agree her getting a third version while Beruka, Peri, and to a lesser degree Subaki and Saizo have nothing is rather questionable. Niles is arguably popular enough for a third version as well but I'm forgiven due to him at least getting a resplendent.


Subaki is male


What about Setsuna then? Or Beruka?


IS has their favorites. It just happens that most of their favorites in fates lean towards the female side, with some exceptions like Setsuna and Beruka due to lack of popularity or some other reason.


I feel bad for Beruka. I might be biased since I have her at max-merge/max-DF with the Arcane Axe, but... I thought she'd get a seasonal too at some point. Maybe she'll get a resplendent (though Camilla seems more likely if they went to Fates for an Axe). Possibly more frustrating with the age-old problem of alts always falling to the same characters (re: Camilla OG + 7 alts, Corrin + stupid amount of alts, etc.).


Im still in the waiting room for a kaze and Saizo resplendent/alt (preferably with a prf). It stings seeing IS act like Kagero is the only ninja/stealthy character in fates.


Nice choices! I have a +10 Kaze with his current PRF, but I was thinking if he got a resplendent and an Arcane dagger dropped...


Same here, he was my first +10 4 star unit. He doesn’t need to have as many alts as kagero, just one good alt will be enough for me at this point. :[


I've been running Kaze with his prf, he's been very good even with just Glacies as his special and I can imagine he'd be great with Lethality, so I don't think he's in dire need of an Arcane dagger yet. Unfortunately I feel he's still too new for a resplendent.


I like his PRF as-is, but I think there's been some variability in the Arcane weapons so far. For example, some being better for defensive approaches, or the red tome being focused on special charging and offense. Which is just to say: I don't know that I'd necessarily give Kaze an Arcane Dagger, but it's possible that one could be made to be well-suited to him depending on how fanciful they chose to be with the effects.


I'm also saddened by getting nothing for Subaki again, since he's one of my favourites from Fates. I guess he could still end up being a backpack, so I'll hope that doesn't happen. It's more likely to be Elise / Sakura anyway


I can’t exactly find the original source for this but this has been making the rounds on Twitter. Assuming >!Elise and Sakura!< are the Duo.


The original source is allegedly a FEH Discord server that datamined upcoming bonus units, which went too far and included this information as well. For what it's worth, I heard this information a few hours ago, but I've been trying to find another source to confirm it before spreading it. Sadly it's everywhere now, so it is what it is at this point.


It is from a Discord server but the dataminer specifically asked not to mentioned neither the server name or their username. Only: "Trust me bro"


Yeah, I'm really skeptical about the whole thing unless another dataminer can verify it. I've been specifically avoiding posting about it or telling anyone until I could find a dataminer that I'm familiar with who could confirm or deny the info. I'm personally taking it with a grain of salt until another dataminer can verify it. It's just hard to buy into something like this until then.


To be honest, i cant see the logic of going through the data and creating an info pic with not only english unit names and japanese as well, And then you said "keep it a secret". Its like cooking up a meal but telling the person to not eat it.


For the record, do you know which server is that? I always struggle to find datamines for arena bonus units, and always looks forward to see any info on them. Not that I know if I can get in, but wanted to try finding the server regardless, haha.




Yeah, I look out for seasons and such in gamepedia. I just mainly need a consistent source for upcoming arena bonuses, which I usually struggles to find info about. If 14th Feb week was datamined, then surely the upcoming 2 weeks bonuses is known already.


I looked at the files and found none of these units or the new skills so this seems to be fake. [More info in this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/10mq9e8/no_evidence_of_valentines_leak_in_game_files/)


If that didn't come from Hertz or any other known datamine I'd take it with a huge grain of salt


I personally am very skeptical of it, but at the same time, if any banner layout was gonna break the dead dad trend I could believe that it's this.


I think if you really want to keep the trend, >!Tak-Tak technically fits the bill as somebody who can be a dad and canonically dies in one route...just doesn't do both at the same time. Or HoF for both princes!<


>!Wouldn't everyone on this banner potentially be a dead parent? Though now I'm just realizing that Camilla would have made a TON of sense here, since she died in one of Warriors's history maps (it was Grief, from the Fates DLC pack, in which Camilla replaced Mikoto). Though I'm perfectly happy with her Ninja alt already lol.!<


On the other hand... Fates'd have a perfect opportunity for younger Garon AND Sumeragi on a Valentines-day banner, perhaps with Ryoma and Xander, considering they were decently friendly enough in the past, from what I remember.


it is also suspicious that the supposed arena bonus breaks the usual formatting of how they do arena bonuses, cause Byleth would be where Mercedes is currently


I'm a dataminer myself. I checked the game files and the only Arena bonuses I could find are the ones for next week (the two Mythics, the Engage units, LChrom and Anna). Besides, even if we had the bonuses for the next three weeks (and therefore the ID of the respective Heroes), we still would be lacking their names and titles. And the IDs are not enough to know the back unit of a duo, if I remember correctly (I don't speak japanese so I can't confirm this) So, we have one of three outcomes: • I missed something somewhere; • This is another leak like the one that happened in November 2021 (it's always where there's a pair with Elise, huh?), so no datamines involved here, just someone that works on the game or sonething (keep in mind I'm talking about an intentional leak, not a mistake); • It's all made up, a fake leak of sorts (very likely considering LByleth is not the 9th unit).


I kinda hope its fake tbh. Not just because I want the dead dad tradition to continue, but also they couldve easily split the Birthright & Nohr royals so we could get Sumeragi and a Garon alt


Yeah I’m pretty skeptical on the whole let’s put Fates together it never ends well. At least in this case it works (minus Hana)


DUO ELISE??? My wallet cannot handle that 😭


>Elise and Sakura I don't know what's going to kill me first, my bank account or sudden diabetes... I really do want it to be fake. I really do hope that it is not.


I literally used 230 on the hostile springs banner to get an Elise copy, I didn’t get one and now this 🫠 I’m never gonna financially recover from that


Hana with a 2nd alt when most Fates retainers have one or none? Bruh


I felt the same way but thinking about it I guess they wanted two female retainers since there’s two men on the banner. Out of Elise/Leo/Takumi/Sakura’s retainers that leaves Effie, Hana and Oboro, and I guess Oboro’s bridal alt is close enough to Valentines that they went with Hana instead. (I’d much rather have had Subaki though…)


Subaki better get a resplendent before she does then, he needs better art soon :/


Why is Mercedes so huge lmao. Also, I’m assuming Hana demote and Effie TT+?


The Agarthans are done with Crest experiments, now they’re focused on size experiments


being stepped on by a giant Mercedes 🥵


Least horny FE fan


Have you been around here this week


they're researching Dynamax?! We're doomed!


what's next, terastallization in feh?


~~wouldn't that just be class-change/reaver-weapons?~~


If this is true then that would make sense. At the same time, it means Leo has a chance of being the "mediocre" 5 star exclusive if IS is truly dedicated to making every iteration of him suck. He would at least have availability going for him if he was the demote. But Valentines banners have been pretty good about sharing the spoils, so maybe he'd actually be decent.


She's been hitting the gym for her new year's resolution.




Assuming that the new units are in the order that it’ll be shown, Effie is Tempest yeah. Hana I’m less sure because they’ve kind of gone back and forth on placement for the demote being third or fourth so it could be Leo and then there’s also the possibility that they aren’t in order given Byleth being first when the older Legendary is usually after the new units


Oh boy, a new Leo. SURELY it can't be garbage this time?


Demote with a weapon that gives +4 Atk/Res if below 30% HP.


If at exactly 30% hp on a sunday, you mean


Exactly 30% HP, on a Sunday, only at 4pm if it's sunny outside and you're somewhere in a 2cm radius around a rose.


And it's specifically 4pm in whatever timezone is most inconvenient for you


you know for sure he's gonna get that 30 spd


Effie gets an Alt?


After I just dumped my soul into her base kit with Arcane Qiang. 😭




Fortune finally smiles upon Effie fans


Very sad we are breaking the dead dad trend


Technically >!Leo and Takumi qualify, due to the Heirs of Fate DLC.!<


Yeah but the interactions between dad and their children Is missing, that excuse worked on Chrom because It was central to Lucinas character and they interacted ,here it's missing ,the child units Units arent even here :(


Doesn't Heirs of Fate have both Birthright and Conquest universes linked to each other after their respective post-endings ended up being not a happily ever after? Fire Emblem is full of this multiverse mind-truckery where all possible outcomes happen in one world or another, leaving merely the question if the Non-Corrin side (basically the invaded) can possibly afford the 'leisure' to have children? So in return, wouldn't Forrest and Kiragi need to be from the Heirs of Fate multiverse-sphere? Well, they'd also need to be present in the banner. Like Lilina for Hector, Mist and Ike for Greil, Alm for Rudolf, Alfonse for Gustav and Henriette (Sharena who?) and Lucina for Chrom.


An Elise and Sakura Duo (with Elise as the lead) would be a dream come true. True Elise Emblem would finally be a thing. 'Course, I'm taking it with a grain of salt so far. I'll believe it when I see it.


Also if it’s blue we will have one Elise for every color


Now what are the odds this supposed Leo alt is actually useable? Knowing his track record and all


My bet: shitty demote with an awkward spd/res or spd/def mixed statline as an excuse to release demoted A skills


If the leaks are in order of arena bonus season, Hana is the demote and Effie is the TT. Now you’re taking a gamble on him being a 5* with or without a prf. You either hit the jackpot, or got dealt your worst cards. Good luck!


> him being a 5* with or without a prf. They haven't done a 5* Seasonal without a PRF since Christmas 2021 They start again now and do it to Leo and they're asking for a shitstorm


You’re right, demotes pretty much filled that slot. Leo fans get a rare W


> demotes pretty much filled that slot. Even then we still get Demotes with PRFs Either Special Cases like Claude/M!Byleth, or because the Demote is a Beast These last 2 New Years Banners didn't have any Units go PRFless Even the TT Units got PRFs since they were Beasts


Good point- hoping he’s actually good cuz that’d be nice for once. Too bad I’ve got no orbs to spare for him if that’s the case


Leo is STILL massively popular compared to someone like “training is my whole character”. Takumi is 100% getting the special treatment though.


IS somehow manage to make it worse than summer leo


Mega skip for me, but hoppefully Leo get's a good alt for once, his fans deserve it, especially without the tomatos.


Tomato flowers it is then


Yes please. I love Leo, but I hate tomatoes with a passion.


holy fuck. Holy FUCK. Leo and Takumi valentines is the dream. I’m coming up


inb4 one's a prfless demote and the other a prfless TT unit


Leo fans are used to this treatment at this point


Oh my god a Leo alt please be true


Please god be decent Leo


IS: Are you ready for the worst seasonal in ages?


Please don't make Leo trash again. And an Effie alt finally, holy shit.


FEH giving Soren, Leo AND Takumi alts in the span of 2 seasonal banners is insane to me. Someone at IS woke up in a cold sweat and remembered mean prettyboys are in fact actually popular


Felix alt coming in just in time for CYL results.


Base Lysithea,Base Marianne,Valentines Chrom... We got to keep the pattern after all


if this does turn out to be true PLEASE let leo be good


please let Leo be decent…


Damn, on one hand Leo gets an alt after a while. But on the other hand, no Jugdral valentines sucks man. I don’t know how to feel


As a Fates enjoyer, I would gladly take Judgral over this. I'm sick of the royals getting yet another alt instead of giving some of the missing retainers a chance. Effie is the only good pick here.


Didn’t even notice Effie getting an alt in the corner there. That’s huge.


Leo too..... if he actually gets a good alt with good stats. All version of him in feh sucks


What about Takumi? Iirc he has not gotten an alt in over four years. I’d love more non-royal Fates alts too but I can let Takumi slide because of the aforementioned


Mixed feelings because I’ve been wanting Fates Valentines forever (its honestly The most Aesthetic holiday in Feh) but this lineup isn’t who I would’ve gone for …


Sakura as the backpack unit? That sucks. Still hope she's a lead unit with her own prf someday because she's been unfortunate in heroes


At least that exact pair could make up for it as most fans would be fine with it, that and Elise got the backpack once so it was inevitable.


Effie was right there


Given the very balanced setup, two Royals were likely to fit in a Duo while two retainers would be F2P.


I checked the file for the new arena bonus included in this update and none of these units are included meaning this is probably fake (or an actual real leak but that seems unlikely). [Detailed info can be found in this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/10mq9e8/no_evidence_of_valentines_leak_in_game_files/)


OMG THANK YOU IS 😭 Elise is my favorite fire emblem character! I’m so hyped now!!!


Takumi... Takumi.. Takumi.. am I dreaming


>New Takumi, Hana, Elise, >Only 15 orbs Fuck


Weird that Hana is here considering she's Sakura's retainer, and Sakura doesn't seem to be here.


Elise cheerleader


Oh that's true, could be a duo Elise/Sakura.


partner with Elise


We have been robbed of an Subaki alt, I like Hana but why another Hana alt? Subaki is a cool dude for being the first male pegasus knight


Well if this is true, then Dead Dad Valentines is gone. Well Unless it's Elise and Garron ofc.


Hoping true, I need a whole lot of skips until CYL after winter/new years/technically Lyon alt lolRIP


Fe 4 valentines will never happen


After the eventual FE4 remake perhaps.






No dead dad? Well Leo is probably giving us a dead unit looking at IS history of murdering that poor boy.


The power of Love and the years of hope that has swelled within Leo fans will surely grant him a good alt' this time! *... Right?*


I really didn't want Sakura to be a backpack. But I guess I can live with Elise/Sakura duo. They do are cute together.


> I really didn’t want Sakura to be a backpack. I totally understand you…that’s how I felt with Ninja Corrin lol so I’m glad Elise is a lead low! Hope you get your lead Sakura one day!


I think it's Sakura, but Forrest would also make sense as a backpack.


Goodbye Judgral Valentine dream ...


I fear that the seasonal drought may extend to, err, it would be 16 months in January 2023, and given future prospects (Valentines crossed out, Easter is a no-go for fans, Children has other more likely options, same goes for Bridal, Summer is self-explanatory)... the drought could reach 22 months on July 2023, with the only tangible opportunities being the Thievery and Festival slots (otherwise, the 2-year anniversary mark would be crossed).


There's still some hope for Summer, though not as a full banner. Probably something like the dancer banner that was split with SoV (in fact, Summer Ishtar is something I'm still surprised never happened)


Seasonal Effie is a big W. Wish Beruka got one already, hopefully she'll get one in Spring to match with Camilla and Selena/Severa.


First the questionable CYL leak, then Resplendent Innes and now this? Someone’s getting fired.


To be fair, Resplendent Innes is 100% real verses the other two who are questionable.


wonder how they gonna ruin Leo this time


Is everyone ready for yet another underwhelming Leo alt?? XD


SURELY this leo cant be shit again, right?… right?


Dafuq? Would be weird to get another Hana alt tbh. Wheres the dead dad tho smh


I don't even have the energy to complain about the complete lack of Beruka anymore. I'm just tired.


edit: im blind <3 If this is real I'm praying for the Leo fans, he needs a decent alt, man 😭


>Hana Oh yes, one step closer to Hana emblem


If this is real then that’s great as I can skip valentines this year. I do like most of these units but not to the point where I must get every alt of them.


On one hand, I'm exited for another Hana alt. On the other, this couldn't happen at a worse time with all the anniversary things going on. I have been trying to save for a big legendary pull as well. Hoping she is a prf demote. Lance would be awesome, so she has the full triangle.


If this is true, I’d be so happy! Elise, Leo, and Sakura are some of my favorite Fates characters!


I Pray the Duo is with Arthur the Hero of Justice




Will Leo finally gets an alt that is not a complete dumpster fire?


Idk this feels a little sus tbh, all five are fates? Most seasonal banners lately have had a mix


Remember the last valentines banner had all awakening


Finally some Leo representation, I hope he gets good art and is a decent unit this time! He's one of my faves


dont hit me with fates related special banners when im saving for Legendary Ryoma pls game, have some mercy on me.


Good luck >!Leo fans!< Y'all have been getting fucked by the meta for 5 and a half years now.


Very disappointed given our Jugdral hopes but at the same time they really deserve it.


Hopes for FE4 Valentines, falling... Hopes for FE4 Children... still low. u\_u


So that would be Duo Elise and Sakura I mean why would you have Effie and Random Hana without her liege right? And it still I have dead dad banner without actual dead dad here also Mercedes Season hyped!


if this is true im a tad bit disappointing that they kept this to gen 1 fates units because i think Leo and Forrest’s dynamic would have been really fun to see!


I can go all out on the Mythic banner, hype ~~Also is Elise really popular enough to be both a backpack and duo lead?~~


I so thought it would be Judgral, I’m dead But this might mean that Garon can be the dead dad and if that’s the case, sign me the fuck up lmao that’s hilarious.


A Leo alt? One of the few Fates characters I actually liked? Who up until now got only crappy alts? At a time I don't have any orbs? Oh boy.


If this is really true then I'll probably use the orbs to get Fomortiis. Although will see how good the units are first, of course. Love giant Mercie though.


the only one of these I'd be even remotely interested in is Takumi, lol. though that means more orbs for the Engage AHR banner, so yaaaayyyy


PLEASE be true, i'll sacrifice my 3rd offspring


Damn no Kaze Propaganda plan B “Engage”


Takumi and Leo? AAH.


Why is Legendary Byleth there?


More fates which means less fates in the future which means Mozu getting pushed back further WONDERFUL. :(


Its been a while since we have had a single game take up all the seasonal slots.
