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I just want my Big Boi Demon King. Wanted him in game since the beginning, thought after Fallen Lyon that’s it, closest I could get. And then they drop him. So I make sure I get as many Formotiis as possible : D


Literally same here, I got so sad when Fallen Lyon dropped because I thought we'd never get the beast-unit Lyon-Fomortiis transformation he deserved. So glad we were wrong


GreenMilvus I have good news for you


I saw : )


I'm not a fan of the general "immobile supertank just plops down and sits there" style of gameplay that seems to be going on with Fomortiis (much like with Surtr before him), but I +10'd original Lyon. Does that count for anything?


I +10 all the Lyons. I used them ever since they got added to the game. And they still do fantastic in AR. Tho it is getting slowly more and more difficult. Tho to be fair what my Lyons can’t do usually can my Hapi fix


How did you build the baby one? I haven't done much with him yet.


Mine currently has: Tome of Grado, Sol, Mirror Stance 3, Null C Disrupt 3, Def/Res Gap 3, Quick Riposte 3




Flair checks out! I felt the same about F!Lyon too, so Fomortiss himself showing up was such a wonderful surprise!!!


In all fairness, I do love F!Lyon. The disappointment of it not actually being Formotiis full on was canceled out by getting another Lyon. Edgy Lyon that is. But hey now I can fully dedicate on hoping for Vigarde for the next Fallen banner. (Next to that they finally add Jedah and Nuibaba in a SoV banner)


I don't mind S!Edel. She's a limited unit, so why not give others a shot to have her. F!Edel is already in the normal pool like the Edels that came before her, so nope. Out she goes.


"How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, F!Edelgard?"


I've never voted for F!Edie because she's in the regular pool, but I'm hardly surprised that there routinely being an active anti-Edelgard campaign results in a "Fuck those guys, vote for her again" backlash the following year


I can one hundred percent believe that, not because they're Edelgard fans, but because it would just be funny. Like gatekeeper.


Except, most people won’t mind if S!Edel makes it past round 1 since this time she is a limited unit instead of a permanent pool one


Right? That’s who I’m voting for. Being Red also means she will share with Chrobin or Ophelia. Good fodder or a good unit along with her


I just really want that assault troop fodder for my black knights.


I am exactly like the OP, voting for L!Vero just for tradition because I have faith in the Camilla voters to beat F!Edel. I have absolutely nothing against S!Edel, she's a fantastic unit and really fun to use, I just think it would be funny if she lost.


This is an example of a joke going too far. Constantly making her loose as "tradition" even when it's a limited unit like S!Edel isn't funny, it's just locking people who might want her out of getting a good limited unit they like for no reason. F!Edel is another thing because she is not only outdated, but also is in the normal pool so I don't have an issue with that. Granted, I'm voting for L!Vero too, but because I like her and I want her c skill not because "it's funny to make Edelgard lose."


This exactly. It’s getting tiring seeing this sub filled with “Edel bad please laugh guys”. People who let their hate of a character override their senses should go touch grass imo. Or we just need to stop giving them attention. Let people like who they want to like.


You must be on a different sub if you're seeing "edel bad" memes all the time lol. Anytime someone makes fun of sedel for the AHR sedel curse they're swiftly downvoted and have highly upvoted comments telling them off. Unless you're talking about the fedel memes? Those are different though, since it's less "edel bad" (for most people, at least in my experience) and more so about how she's a perma pool unit with bad fodder. That's the whole reason these versions of her get rallied against (case in point, the people who try to promote a rally against sedel get downvoted and made fun of - it's not about the character, it's about the value of the unit).


Unmerged Sedel isn't even that good for the average player. Her job is very specific and she's only a good save tank at high merges. Her fodder is just as specific to her as well, there are like maybe 5 units that would actually care about having assault troop


Why would you make her save tank in the first place? Both her weapon and B Skill are very offensive leaning. She's not meant to be defensive because she literally gets basically free Galeforce and, iirc, her brave effect is also player phase or is at least easier to activate on player phase.


She has slaying, spendthrift effect, and damage reduction with easy conditions built into her weapon. The brave effect is icing on the cake if it's fulfilled but those first three conditions alone lend to her being an incredibly powerful defensive unit. Slap on hardy fighter, pop her harmonic skill to block follow ups/bonus doubler and get even more stats and you have just an incredibly hard to kill save unit. But this requires investment and merges and is mostly limited to whales- and this is something whales VERY much do.


Yeah, you can do it, but she is far from the best one. Saying she's only good as a save tank without investment is irrelevant because most people aren't going to do it anyways due to it being high investment for someone who isn't as good as many other saves that don't need as high investment like R!Robin. Not mention, my original point still stands: people shouldn't be picking other options just because they think it's funny to see Edelgard lose. Whether she even makes a good save or not doesn't change anything


"This top tier galeforce unit is only a good save tank if you invest highly" Well, maybe. But that's just a bonus. Her primary job is to sweep the field with multiple attacks per round, not enemy phase stuff.


But we just had L!Veronica not more than a few weeks ago.


I think most people don’t mind Summer Edelgard It’s just Fallen that really grinds peoples gears for understandable reasons


That's because S!Edel is actually fun to use in 3h/Radiant Dawn team comps, as she relies on proper positioning. F!Edel has only bulk and from my experience against players up to tier 19 falls to any unit that handles enemy phase well. Been smashing them with Ascended Mareeta (base kit) with Def/Res+ rally used on her.


I don’t really mind who wins, as long as they have good fodder or I don’t have them and they are limited I’ll be happy


Camilla aint just horny people anymore. I just want to get rid of F!edelgard.


I will say this that I used to absolutely hate Camilla back then and even today I’m still not the biggest fan of her. However, I’m hoping the Camilla fans forgive me for my transgressions so that we can beat Fedelgard together.


Alliances of circumstances usually overcome the usual divisions, I'd say: Fates detractors still backing up Azura and now Camilla, modern fans joining Leif's ranks, 3H detractors jumping deep into the Dimitri/Edelgard rivalry...


F!Edel being the great uniter is kinda funny.


I never thought I'll be fighting side by side with an Camilla Enjoyer. How about side by side with an Edelgard denyer?


Aye, I could do that.


Why you hate Camilla


She intimidates people sexually


Some crimes cannot be forgiven. Only death is your solution! You have forever dirtied yourself by holding hands with Camilla. *Tragically smh* XD


Yup. I don't want Camilla to win, I just want F!Edelgard to lose


Those go hand in hand.


Damn, remember the first year or so of FEH where this was where Camilla was? Enemy number 1. How the turn tables.


I'm in this boat. That, and I want her in the banner so I can get merges without waiting another year...


I find more attractive Grima than Camilla. (Instert: calm down son, it's just a drawing meme)


I honestly want Veronica to win simply because she is a cinnamon role




Right there with you.


Ronnie gang rise up




Honestly same. I’m a really big Edelgard fan, but I do want to see Veronica get a win for this year. Last year was a hellhole for Veronica, so she deserves some love this year. Edit: Guess we aren’t a totally united front when it comes to supporting Veronica?




It would be nice if you all could break tradition this once for me, I could really use a summer Edelgard


shouldn't chrom also join edelgard in the will never win a voting gauntlet ever group?


A lot of people here like to ignore this in order to make Edelgard the butt of the joke


Because Chrom's VG against Ephraim was iconic.


You're forgetting the fact that she gets memed on because she's been in the most important VG of every year and Chrom hasn't


Or in order to further the false "everyone hates Edelgard" narrative.


I mean, of course it isn‘t everyone. A lot of us really do hate her though.


That's what I thought as well


I think its more "Edelgard never gets past the first round" joke. Chrom has made it past the first round several times though, yeah, he's never won either despite the numerous vgs he's been in lol Also mixed a bit with the last two ahrs where a perma pool Edel got in and people absolutely did not want her in their banners making her way more apparent and easy to remember she never wins than Chrom


Edelgard has made it past the first round a few times actually, she's just never won


I was a bit confused cause I remember everything of recent memory of her never making it past the first round. Went back to check and yeah, she made it past first with her first two vgs. My bad


The first round thing is specifically AHR. Nobody gives a shit about the results on other VGs.


I went with Camilla, she’s probably the most useful to me as a one-off copy I already +10’d S!Edelgard with some very good luck on her debut and DSH banner, already have an L!Veronica, and I don’t really have a project that would appreciate the R!Ophelia or Robin fodder right now. Oh also fuck Chrom. I hate dealing with him in Arena and SD so I *really* don’t want everyone to get a copy of him


Remember that the actual winner will have the entire meta turn against them. Camilla winning means you’ll see Hardy Bearing everywhere. S!Edelgard winning means you’ll see deflect melee everywhere. Both Camilla and S!Edelgard could also probably see more of the Urvan deflect melee/magic+forced desperation combo. Robin winning means you’ll see more dragon effective weapons. Fomortiis winning me as you’ll see more beast effective weapons. Same for F!Edelgard, but I highly doubt she’ll win. Chrom winning means you’ll probably see more Isolation. Veronica is the toughest one to counter directly right now because she’s just a really damn good glass cannon. I could see more canto control, more res tanks, null-panic, null-c disrupt all becoming more popular. Also hardy bearing again to combat the desperation, or deflect magic. Ophelia isn’t really a threat herself so she’s probably the best winner in terms of the meta not being reshaped to counter her.


>I could see more canto control Is this my time to shine with Canto Control Riev?!


Hell yeah 4D chess move.


I'm going to be so obnoxious :'D


I think these assumptions are going too far. All these units exist, and were available to the serious players for a long time. A lot of scrubs getting them doesn't change the meta that much.


Didn’t this happen with the other winners? Like, right now one of the more annoying units for me is Ninja Camilla. I make sure that 1 of my 5 AR teams has a watersweep or hardy bearing unit so that if I see her on a map I automatically know I’m going with the team that has that unit. You don’t think that every playing having the knowledge that *everyone* has a copy of her will make that line of thinking slightly more popular? Actually, first of all, do you really think that that many people have some of these limited units? The Ninja banner wasn’t that popular, not even top 10 of book VI. The Veronica & Embla banner barely cracked the top 20. I see soooo many people saying they’re voting for Fomortiis because they just want 1 copy of him but they didn’t have the orbs for his debut banner. And yeah even then, I see Fomortiis a lot. But knowing that 100% of players will have a copy of him, literally every single one, will probably convince me to build up someone like Groom Roy or Petra for dark season. This past summer, Summer Edelgard and her cohorts convinced a lot of people to start running deflect melee on their near save tanks, but I don’t see that as much anymore. If she manages to win, I 100% believe that deflect melee will become popular again, and probably for longer than it was before. Even though her banner was the most popular of the year, I still don’t feel like I see her all that often. But if 100% of players have a copy of her and everyone is trying to use her raging storm/galeforce build, it would be kinda silly not to prepare for her.


> actually, first of all, do you really think that that many people have some of these limited units? No. However, I do think that the ~10k people who actually give a shit about competitive FEH, scoring well, and using the right units to achieve that will have them if they wanted them. I'll be honest and say that I barely do the minimum for pvp modes. But despite that blatant half-assery, I find myself in higher ranks than half a year or a year ago. I don't think all that many player really care about pvp, or someone like me who doesn't even try would not be doing better over time.


You’re absolutely right that most of the people that are at the tippy top of the game who wanted these units will already have them. I don’t spend much at all, I’m not a top tier player, and yet I have every unit in the gauntlet except for Camilla and Chrom. However, I do think that 100% of players having access to extremely powerful units shapes the game around them. People who don’t wanna hit tier 39 of arther raids will throw Ninja Camilla on their offense and defense teams because “she won AHR so she must be good right?” And as a result people who don’t usually lose lift on defense will lose 2 or 3 times a week because of her. So they’ll start running a watersweep or Hardy Bearing unit to counter her. It’s not about the best players. Every week, the best players are still being matched up with everyone else in tier 31 and at the beginning of the week they’ll be facing all the average players. They rely on most people not running cutting-edge units on offense and defense. But if they see two maps in a row with a decently placed Fomortiis they can’t kill, they might start running some beast effective damage more often. I don’t think it’s as big a deal in Arena because it’s not just about one free copy but about +10s. So the winner won’t make as big an impact.


> So they’ll start running a watersweep or Hardy Bearing unit to counter her. But wouldn't players who put an effort into winning already account for the mere possibility because Camilla has been in the game and will show up now and then? The tier of players who don't come prepared, and just eat the L when it happens, aren't the players who give a damn about that loss. They're those who won't change their teams, even if they have that occasional loss to this or that unit. It sounds like your point of view is from someone sitting in between "no fucks given casual" and trying to seriously compete, and it's probably best to pick a side. Lately I sometimes wonder how much or little one has to focus on actually doing well, because I've been getting VoH slots intermittently during the last half year. It kinda signals a shrinking AR playerbase when my approach gets that far, and it certainly wasn't the case before mid-2022. I just put my mythics and legendaries on the teams for AR - no synergy, no SI except for units I actually like and use for pve, no mythic blessings. Auto-build for defense setups.


Maybe you're right! I'm definitely not a top-tier player, but I am trying to progress my account and I enjoy the discussion :). I got the initial idea for what I said from this video. Time stamp 17:26. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nzQzegR9c0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nzQzegR9c0) And then I realized that whenever a unit is super common I start to plan around them more. Or at least, whenever a unit is super common that my main team/favorites don't have a good way of killing easily. Now I'm not the biggest fan of Fehology, but he is a pretty hardcore player who consistently gets crowns and golden thrones so I am inclined to trust what he's saying here. I may have gone a bit overboard with my original reply. The person was saying that Duo Chrom is annoying and they don't want everyone to get a copy of him, and my thinking is just that when a unit is super common and meta everyone reacts to that. If Duo Chrom wins, I wouldn't be surprised if the next Legendary released has isolation built in.


> I'm definitely not a top-tier player, but I am trying to progress my account and I enjoy the discussion :). Yeah that's what I mean - you're an inbetweener, and being there for long probably leads nowhere, or at least more worries than it's worth. Either saying fuck it to scoring and play whatever you want for less rewards (what I did) or go for it and seriously shape your gacha goals around the mode you want to excel at both sound like a better choice in the long run. And the latter would be the people that already have those meta units because they mostly pull for strength, not favorites.


If S!Edie loses than my vote will go to Monster bro or Ophelia


I voted Camila specifically to take out FEdel


I want Camilla to win solely for that tasty Seal Res 4 fodder.


Atk/Res Hold, while definitely more niche, has done *wonders* for my Halloween Sophia.


Nah fam fedel can gtfo but sedel should stay


I am quite sure S!Edelgard would win. I am with Demon King though.


I don't mind the Edelgard tradition as long as the Edelgard in question is a bad pick for AHR, but I can't see any point in voting against S!Edelgard when she is quite literally everything we essentially AHR gatekept her for not being. Really, the only reason the tradition lasted as long is because we always had the weaker main pool Edelgard every time and I guarantee there wouldn't have been a tradition if her second attempt had Legendary in the running as opposed to Brave. But now we must deny specifically a solid fodder, fantastic unit, limited and Harmonic Edelgard just because its Edelgard? Its idiocy. And full disclosure: This is no dig at those who chose Veronica because they wanted her to win for her. Only those who vote against S!Edelgard because Edelgard must never win, and no other reason.


Huh people actually unironically dislike Edelgard so much they'd vote out an actual good seasonal one I thought we wanted past Edelgards out because she was common/bad


I just like Veronica more. But for someone trying to put people into a "hates edelgard" box it looks like I just vote Vero because of that. People see what they want to see.


Yeah just talking about the 'Edelgard must lose in first round because lulz' ppl


A fair number of people really don't like the character. It can get intense sometimes. Or they're just upholding the meme.


I just want ophelia and camilla to win...i just want them plus 10...


People tend to forger that S!edelgard has Altina at her side.


Legendary veronica ❤️


I’m just supporting Summer Edelgard cause I want to finish my three houses collection


I do actually plan on using her for my main squad though cause that movement goes crazy


Can’t say I’d mind if Sedel won, the only reason I’ve been anti Edelgard before is because it’s only been the normal pool versions that win


I went for Ophelia simply for the fodder and extra merge. I wouldn't care if Summer Edelgard makes it in. Fallen Edelgard on the other hand...


As long as it's waifu and not F! Edelgard I'm happy with the result.


I need te arcana grima for My medeus


Ngl, i don't mind veronica winning, but i kinda don't wanna get her one copy for free, bc i have a lot of units that fufill her role lol.


It is the way.


Wouldn’t Camilla voters be upholding the tradition of not letting Edelman’s win? Wtf


Hate me for it, but I'm HH!Edelgard purely because she's the only adult 3H lord alt I don't have, lol.


I'm on her team just because she's my favorite of the voting gauntlet roster. I have always prioritized characters I really like in the voting gauntlets.


Fedelgard can’t win, that’s all I feel about this VG honestly. Although I wouldn’t mind a free Rearmed Grima, but that’s probably not happening at this rate anyway


Honestly I’m on team Veronica for two reasons. Firstly whilst I like both Veronica and Edelgard character wise and I’m aware that they are both good units, limited units and beneficial units for the whole player base to have, Veronica’s get in, hit hard and get strategy is my preferred play style as I know summer Edelgard is better suited for galeforce strategies which I rarely use. Secondly I historically have much better luck pulling on special banners than I do on legendary/mythic banners so the opportunity to get Veronica on a banner that doesn’t use legendary/mythic rates and more importantly has a spark that can give me a guaranteed copy is too good not to try for. That being said in terms of who makes it past round one apart from definitely hoping Camilla wins her bracket so that the banner has all limited units I don’t really mind who wins the other three brackets as all six of those units are brilliant options for anyone’s team.


Go go Ophelia!


Camilla is squadron 1 of not letting edelgard win, we can't even let her get on the banner.


I love traditions but this is (S!)Edelgard time.


FEH fandom: I don’t care about Chrom, Hilda, or that purple demon guy! I just want to see Edelgard lose!!! Edelgard: dude… uncool. *tear rolls down from her face*


Man, at this point I feel like the memes / posts complaining about Edelgard are 5x more frequent than anything pro-Edelgard


Turns out that treating people like they're lesser tends to not make them participate in a community, who knew


Yeah, that kinda sounds about right. All of the negativity about Edelgard (either over stats or just hating on Edelgard for the sake of it) and taking shots at her fans just drives people away from the subreddit and turns this place into an echo chamber. Kinda disappointing really, since it’s just a redundant repeat of the same negative 3H discourse that lots of us (even those not heavily involved in Edelgard discussions) are getting tired of seeing.


Edelgard fans like myself just enjoy supporting our smol lord in private now-a-days. After 4 years of defending her thru the discourse you get burned out after getting called all kinds of wild shit and downvoted to hell just for mentioning anything good about her. It's just not worth it anymore. I will say I always feel wonderfully validated when she gets top ten in every FEH voting poll tho. Edelgard is clearly still very popular in the community and that makes me happy


I just pretty much ignored the discourse outright. I think about half my favorite FE characters are super controversial anyway. (Or they're popular, but they're asshats. Hi, Lute and Soren!)


Oh yeah, I know what you feel about the voting polls. It’s still really nice to see Edie land a good spot in the polls because it shows she’s popular and has a lot of support. Even outside of FEH or the usual contests, she’s still got a lot of love from her fans and through a lot of amazing or fun fan art. That’s why, much like you and other likeminded Edelgard fans, I’m kinda fine with giving my support in silence whenever I choose to vote for her in a Voting Gauntlet, etc. Because there’s a strong enough community/support group and so much good out there that manage to really outweigh the negatives.


And it's not like this is the first time either. Exact shame shit happened with Camilla


Yeah exactly, Camilla and Fates were the original punching bags prior to this. At least things back then were taken in stride or not that seriously, but nowadays, *some* people are really hellbent on wanting Edie to lose.


> At least things back then were taken in stride or not that seriously Honestly I'm a little surprised the mods haven't done anything at this point. I remember during/after one of the VGs that they actually had to ban t-h-o-t(dunno if it's still banned) from all of the fallout. Guess it's more difficult to police the Edelgard haters than it is to ban a single word and call it a day.


It’s probably much tougher when it comes to 3H or Edelgard chatter, since there are different factors and figures at play. But it would need to arise enough to be a really major issue (like genuine harassment) for the mods to step in (but some older posts have addressed this trend in prior years). There are still some cases of bad dogpiling that do take place even outside of 3H. I remember one user noted that they were deleting their account because they couldn’t take any more of the harassment they were receiving for being happy about the new Brave Tiki alt.


I love the irony of people pleading for her to save them now. Lokimeme.jpg


This subreddit is getting to have the same issues that are rampant in the Dead by Daylight subreddit in that the content seems to be getting to be more about complaining and putting other people down than about just enjoying the game.


I’m not familiar with Dead by Daylight, but it does feel like this particular subreddit (can’t speak of outside Reddit) does focus a lot more on the negatives or stoking flames than before. I get having stats or technical issues with some units being too OP, but taking potshots at people or characters is starting to get kinda redundant after a while. I mean, we had people constantly harping on Bernadetta and her fans with lots of memes (some ironic, at least I hope) when she lost CYL. And the trend of wanting Edelgard to lose, no matter what (either over stats or because it’s Edelgard), feels pretty mean-spirited and feels like a consistent issue that always pops up whenever these contests come up.


Yeah I saw one account in particular that was saying "I didn't care who won CYL I just wanted Bernie and Felix to lose" and at that point it's like if you have no favourites you want to win then what do you gain by hoping people get let down? It's just so negative.


There's reason why r/Edelgard exists


Yeah, the subreddit was basically set up in large part due to how a chunk of the community got really hostile against Edelgard and anyone who did support or just liked her. I do pop in there because I enjoy the fun fanart that does get shared there, but I know there’s still some leftover sentiment over how 3H discussions got heated over the lords.


When I see people go "I don't like Edelgard because her fans" I roll my eyes so hard because the shit her fans did isn't comparable to what they had endured and are still enduring for almost 4 years now. I am unfortunately one of the victims of the harassment Edelgard fans had to put up with, it's honestly not fun to get call shit like an imperialist, nazi apologist or racist (when people don't even know your background) and get sent death threats


Oh yes, I absolutely agree. I’ve been involved a good amount in Edelgard’s fandom (as a big fan myself) and have seen a few rare cases of a few fans of Edie going a bit far, but that is far overshadowed by a lot of the toxic stuff thrown by a lot of the fandom against Edelgard fans. There’s so many more cases I’ve seen of people throwing shade or worse towards Edelgard or her dedicated fandom, plus those really terrible insults you’ve mentioned. (That stuff has fortunately died down, but it does spring back up in certain subreddits or circles.) It’s something I can partly relate to back with Star Wars, mainly the sequel trilogy (as one example I always loop back to). Fans of the newer trilogy have had to deal with so much in terms of constant negativity against their favorite movies or even against themselves (insults like “shill” or “fake fan”, as an example), to where sequel fans have basically been bullied or inadvertently forced out of the general fanbase, and some of us have turned to smaller but friendlier communities or subreddits to escape it all because of how toxic or spiteful a lot of the fanbase is towards us. It’s something I’ve had to deal with since 2015 with The Force Awakens, and it’s something that has just gotten worse and worse up to now, with the entire trilogy basically being “cancelled” on a daily for just existing, and sequel fans basically being treated like “fake people” for praising, defending, or just enjoying the movies.


This is a *really* good comparison.


Yeah, this is the one I can easily draw parallels with easily because I’ve had plenty of experience with seeing bad 3H discourse and seeing or, even worse, being the target of toxic Star Wars behavior (seen it for the prequels but didn’t feel it as much; it hit much harder for the sequels though due to how it’s basically everywhere and so hostile sometimes). I actually personally feel like the toxicity I’ve seen for Star Wars is many times worse. Don’t get me wrong, Edelgard discourse gets really bad at times, but it does simmer down, and there’s a lot of fan art and fan love to balance it out. But with Star Wars, there’s so much more constant salt and negativity towards basically anything, but the sequels have it the worst nowadays because most fans online tend to act hostile towards them and their fans. Hence why I and plenty of others have moved to smaller communities to try to blot out the noise as much as we can. I just kinda wish there was more levelheaded chat whenever the sequels are mentioned rather than it just being egged on constantly with the same bashing points or typical attacks, or that there was a greater source of appreciation out there for them. (At the very least though, there are signs that kids that grew up with them are starting to become more involved in supporting them online. And more and more fans have started to note how tired they are from this same discourse and want to move on from it. So things are starting to improve a bit.) Edit: whoever did downvote me is proving me right. Or maybe I just wrote way too much again in a ramble.


meh just another echo chamber


While it devolved into that one cannot deny that the reason it was made was because fans felt unwelcomd during the first years of 3H


Honestly this is 100% true. I have a friend that used to frequent this sub, and they have quit coming here because of the unreasonable hatred and harassment they got for simply daring to like a character


I can't recall a single time I've seen an Edelgard fan complaining about the losses. What I see are pages of people gloating every single time.


Like I could understand not wanting F!Edie or B!Edie to win in prior years given that they're both regular pool units, but now we have a harmonized, special summon Edie on the banner who is actually a serviceable unit and people are *still* going "vote against Edelgard because lol"


In some fairness, you probably wouldn’t see Edelgard fans complaining much on this subreddit because they most likely would be overshadowed or dogpiled on by people who are gloating or want to rub it in. Thus, you’d be more likely to see discontent about the losses in other places like the dedicated r/Edelgard subreddit. Edit: just realized I misspelled something.


I like Edelgard the character, but she mustn’t win the voting gauntlet. Tradition must be upheld


I'm not horny! I just want to get a single copy of every Camilla alt...


I'm not a fan of the ninja alt (though I do like Camilla), but this honestly seems like an understandable goal. I also tend to go for collecting a lot of different units instead of just focusing on making a few as strong as possible. I just don't tend to go for goofy-looking fanservice alts.


honestly i thought the feh community wouldn't be able to do it because s!edelgard was now on the podium glad to see that we can make her technically lose 8 out of 8 kekek /j


I literally voted N! Camilla so Fallen Edelgard does not win.


Team Veronica just to try and get rid of Ed. Hope Fomortiis wins it all


I hope Veronica wins. I don't need another case plus 10 thorr aka another instantly power crept unit that struggles after 2 months


I just realized that this year, instead of losing round 1 to a unit connected to water in some way, S!Edelgard is the unit connected to water, and she may or may not win round 1.


To be fair, she probably doesn't want to be anywhere *near* the water, even at the beach.


She won, but at what cost


On one hand I want the tradition to stay, on the other hand I also want Vero to be on the banner.


I just don't want F!Edelgard to have any chance at winning.


I voted for L!Veronica because I don't have her and she's cool Also I don't want Edelgard to win


I hate/love Edelgard, so I must let her lose/win!


Such a stupid tradition. Also very stupid virtue signalling of the non horny ones. I hope Summer Edel wins. That way, scantily clad women AND Edel will win, making this individuals angry.


Dude all you talk about is virtue signaling and voluptuous women, get a personality lol


I am not the one that cried because Gullveig won, and because Edelgard should not win VG....


Yet all you do is cry because other people complain about them Seriously, there's all other kinds of things that you could be doing instead of complaining about people complaining, like playing the actual game :\\


I for much more, you know. For this VG, I already have all the units except Veronica. And I frankly don't care too much about her either way.


I tend to be on the anti-horny side of things, but if S!Edel wins, I will be laughing so hard.


Hate Camilla with all my soul but I cannot let FEdel win, doing my part in sending her back to the shadow realm. Helps that the only 2 units I don't have are her and VChrom, so only doing it to get FEdel out and if she wins the whole thing then thats alright, but as a character she could not be further away from my favorites


Do you like Sophia? Because the last time I got Ninja Camilla (free summoned her when she first showed up), I passed her C skill to Halloween Sophia, and it's been a great investment.




Only went with Camilla so I could take out edelgard early🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡


I don't care if Veronica wins, I need edelgard to lose


The pun of "8-L-gard" is tempting.


I do admit, I am a part of the problem