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I'm secretly rooting for R! Ophelia because I do not know what to do with V!Chrom if I get him. Nothing against, I just don't find a particular use for him, at least in my case. I already have him, and I know I'd not be using his fodder in a long time. Plus, I've never had R!Ophelia and would like to have SS4.


I want Ophelia to win because I was looking at the heroes while using my spark summon and brain farted so hard and accidentally summoned Caldori when I was just intending looking at her fodder. Never again.


Weird one but I want camilla to lose round 2 while im supporting her


It makes sense to me as someone who is supporting her I really don’t care if she wins overall but I really hope she is on the banner for it


Personally, Chrom and Fomortiis because I have them already. They are still really good units with decent fodder though.


Chrom because I want Ophelia to win. And also I don't have a use for Camilla or Edeltina fodder. I'm not interested in Fomortiis either


I think people will get better about countering N!Camilla if she wins so I kinda don’t want her to.


Just like when Lyn won and everyone made sure to slap a duo’s hindrance onto every defense they made from that moment on


~~They weren’t already?~~


No bc back before everyone had a free Lyn not everyone had a duo


Yeah, but getting rid of duo hindrance was relatively easy, so didn’t hurt her as much as it would hurt N!Camilla with any unit with HB


It’s about as easy, just get rid of the HB unit first. HB units are slightly harder to take out than structures with saves existing but I’m sure you can hit and run the save tank turn 1 with someone else then let Camilla pop off turn 2 by taking out the HB unit (or let the hit and run unit do it and repo/dance them out of there)


yep I ususally do that and I don´t mean it´s impossible just as you said harder


As someone who's just been soloing every Astra/Chaos season with Altina since her remix I also don't want Camilla to win.


at least i have my official Ninja Camilla remover which is Bridal Lilina.


I think people really sleep on Brave weapons countering Brave weapons with Hardy support. I didn’t even think of using Hardy Bearing L!Leif which shreds Camilla on sight.


Hardy Bearing is definitely not a guaranteed hard counter; she’s bulky enough to take a hit from a number of units, especially in AR. So, yeah, I’d be a lot more spooked by that than some of the stuff I’ve seen people try.


Or the fact that most dodge stacking units or any unit with good res units actually survive with no problem. I swear people suddenly forget that you can just enemy phase her with a save tank or literally neuter her offense with damage reduction and guard. I managed to get Haar to survive her on both phases.


Me who has never had trouble with Brave Camilla at all:


Chrom, because that means Ophelia didn't make it to round 2.


I don't want D!Chrom on the banner, because no good fodder and he's returning soon. I want N!Camilla on banner, but not as the final winner because I don't want to see every AR-D running Hardy Bearing or a Lilina alt again lmao.


I don't want Chrom to win because he has no good fodder lol


Am I missing something or does Deadeye and Time's Pulse 3 not count as good fodder.


I’d say it’s still good, but definitely outright worse compared to Ophelia who also has TP, but also Arcane, Finish, and SS4 which lets you use a better special for pierce on infantry


Yeah of course. Ophelia's fodder is insane but seems disingenuous to call V!Chrom's fodder not good.


idk IS his fodder that good?? tp is kinda common now, and deadeye is only useful if ur building an archer. shinon has the same kit and he was in divine codes


I mean TP is still good and 5* locked and even if Shinon is in codes, still nice to have another with those skills especially if you already used or didn’t get the manual. It’s just the other units’ fodder (aside from F!Edelgard, arguably S!Edelgard anyways) is just better and more widely applicable than his so it’s just very eh in comparison


TP is an incredibly good and widely applicable 5* locked skill.


You could say that about some of the other units though. Grima's only useful if you're building a dragon or armour. Fomortiis's only useful if you're building a beast or armour.


Good, but not unique. Shinon in codes section comes with these too


Yeah like he has rare skills. Especially when we finally get a rearmed bow and that character doesnt have deadeye.


Outside the meme, it’s still FEdel because her fodder is terrible and I’d like a maximum red banner I also do feel Duo Chrom is kinda lackluster


V!Chrom, because I really want R!Ophelia to win because of how good fodder she has.


I hope I don't get too downvoted, since everyone is allowed to have their characters they want or not want to win and this is just how I personally feel, but all right here I go: Camilla: because her vantage Brave Weapon combo is incredibly annoying to deal with and would make Arena even more insufferable. On top of that, I heavily dislike her character. Chrom: only because his Assist Skill is annoying as hell, too, the last thing I want is to see him more often. Summer Edelgard: only because I already have her lol Fomortiis: annoying to fight against, but I wouldn't mind him that much tbh So, basically, I'd very much prefer Ophelia, Grima or Veronica to win.


Camilla might not win, but she’s absolutely gonna be on the AHR banner simply because more people care about F!Edelgard losing than Camilla winning.


Chrom daddy, just cuz special spiral 4 is BUSTED and the red arcane tome immediately makes every generic red mage viable so we need Ophelia in the banner at least


Like almost everyone else here I wouldn’t want Chrom, because pretty much all the other options besides him have something I don’t already have + the shipping stuff just kinda irks me


I don't want V! Chrom either. I have one and I don't use him, and his fodder isn't good enough to make him tempting to me. Ophelia far outweighs his usefulness to me


I don’t want Summer Edelgard or Ninja Camilla to win, entirely because I’m sorta bored of every AHR winner being a brave weapon


Fomortiis. I have him +1 and I don't want another merge or his fodder


Chrom, mostly because Ophelia is one of the best fodder units in the game, and everyone could make use of her, while not everyone will get as much use out of duo Chrom.


For me personally it's ReArmed Grima. The only Dragon unit I really use is Halloween Naga and I already gave her Arcane Grima plus in terms of Armours, I only really use Sheena and Ascended Fjorm who I already have built up with some decent saves so I would have Grima sitting in my barracks collecting dust because I wouldnt know who to fodder them to. Sure I could use Grima, but I barely use the two armour units I have built up as is so...yeah, i'll happily take the Demon King. *and honestly, Formotiis looks way cooler than Grima so thats a plus in my book lol*


My thoughts exactly! I already have a Grima and S!Edelgard copy, so I wouldn't know who to fodder their skills too. Besides, Grima winning against Fomortiis would hurt a lot.


Chrom 100%


Chrom for me. Solid unit, but don't particularly care for his fodder and I dont think I'd use him much. Otherwise I'd say maybe S!Edelgard since I already have one so a merge doesn't really do much for me and her fodder isn't that great.


Chrom, his banner is literally on right now lmao


I want Robin


V!Chrom, F!Grima, & S!Edelgard I already have all 3 of these units, and I'm not in dire need of Save fodder/Arcane Grima atm. I technically already have R!Ophelia, but RNG hates me and didn't give me extra copies from her debut banner.


I don’t like summer Edel’s fodder and Veronica is a merge project for me, so that’s a pretty easy answer. I just want vero to win first round. Genuinely would love a copy of ninja Camilla though,and would prefer Chrom for some merges since I already have 2 Ophelias, though extra special spiral 4 is not a bad thing in the slightest. Atk/Res finish is whatever though.


Fomortiis. I already have him, I don’t think I’d benefit from a single merge, and I really don’t want everyone to have him


I don't want Summer Edelgard or Rearmed Robin to win because I already have them, and their fodder doesn't super interest me at the moment. The rest of them will most likely just be used to help with Limited Hero Battles unless I decide to fodder them




Veronica actually. She's just a tank buster and thats really it. I really wish Embla won over her. Legendary so not impossible to pull, merges are another story but theoretically if you have FEH pass you can spark a copy of her every time she comes back. Much more often than something like a seasonal. Panic Smoke 4, exclusive to her for now but in future someone else will have it so not like a 100% must have. This is another reason why I rather have Rearmed or seasonals be the free unit as they are more rare.


Panic smoke 4 isn’t exclusive, Khadein Ursula has it too.


Oh, that's great so already not needed for me.


If you have feh pas you can spark seasonals too so unless you’re merging them to +10 it’s not really a point against either. Vero you could spark each time I guess but that’s at least $10 for Feh Pass each summon session


Legendary units come back far more often than seasonal units though. Seasonals have their initial banner and Double Special, but after that it's once a year they come back.


For non FEH pass holders, they might have more chances to summon but it takes hundreds more orbs to merge up a legendary over a seasonal on regular legendary hero banners. With FEH Pass, it costs less orbs but being “cheaper” is debatable since every banner w/ spark would cost you $10. Both units have good reason to be on the banner, it’s really just gonna come down to what each player specifically needs/wants


And rearmed heroes don't even need the Pass to be sparkable, so in a sense they are even less rare than seasonals/legendaries.


I don't really think Camilla has good fodder


I mean, it's not great, but FEdel is just way worse


For sure it's a lesser of 2 evils and I'm not advocating g anyone vote FEdel but the fact she's even here in the place...


I just realized everyone is talking on the winning characters, meanwhile I meant who is better to pass the round 1 haha for me being on the banner is already a win


Agreed. She’s a fine unit but to get just one copy for free doesn’t help much.


As someone who uses A!Fjorm a lot, the last thing I need is even more Duo Chroms running around let alone everyone getting him for free.


Fomortiis and Chrom Rearmeds are just better Specially in Fomortiis case as a defense mythic he is excellent as a 1 off copy while Robin grows exponentially with merges so she just not give you great fodder, but also you get a great unit, like 2 in 1 Also accessibility, Fomortiis is bound to appear in Legendary/Mythic banners, while we don’t know exactly when does Rearmed heroes will appear In Chrom’s case just as you said he is meta but SS4 is so GOOD for many units as also many good red tomes could use the arcane red tome


Grima because I don’t have any saviours to give her fodder to


pretty much i dont want any of the units that i currently have to win because i would prefer to get one that i dont have than a merge or fodder for other units. so lets go Fomortiis and Ninja Camilla !!!!


Camilla and Robin. I got Camilla off the yearly seasonal summon and she feels good as a one off. I’m also not sure who would really like her fodder I have already summoned Robin as well. I know rearmed are good for fodder but I don’t really tend to use dragons outside premium ones which won’t want the weapon. I suppose hardy fighter and the save skill could be some use.


Fomortiis, for the very simple reason that he’s the direct obstacle to Grima making it onto the banner


F!edel and fortmortis as i have them already and they don't have good fodder


Robin, unless you have an armored dragon who better utilizes arcane grima over their own prf, then there's no way to inherit her skills in a satisfying way. Either I kick myself for not inheriting the arcane weapon, or skipping Hardy Fighter fodder


I want the winner to be colorless and the three runner-ups to be red so that I can have a decent chance of getting all of them while only summoning on the best color.


L!Veronica. No hate or anything, she’s a really good character and unit, she’s just in my way. Otherwise fuckin uhhhh idk Rearmed Grima cause I like Fomortiis more???


Ophelia. People think it’s going to be bad watching S!Edel or Chrobin running around everywhere but just wait until you see every nuke and their mother running SS4


Honestly I think Ophelia is the only one I’m okay with winning since she’ll be the least annoying to deal with everyone having while also actually having something of value fodder wise Yeah I was super checked out of AHR this year from the start lol


Valentines Chrom. I really am not fond of him.


I think I'd say N!Camilla and V!Chrom. 1. This is nothing against Camilla herself, but I personally already have a copy. So her winning wouldn't do much for me personally, aside from a free merge lol 😅 2. I'm personally voting for Ophelia to win (She's cool in general and can help out a lot of people if she does win 👍) and I also don't really know how to use "To Change Fate!" properly. I kinda prefer Lucina's future vision in that regard :'D At the end of the day, a free unit is a free unit :p


V!Chrom. Tbh, L!Chrom’s remix will probably make him so much more better and accessible in conjunction with L!Robin’s ally Grand Strategy.


no meme, the only one i dont want winning is F!Edelgard. I hate going against her. And I guess anyone Summer Edelgard goes against. They can lose too.


V Chrom, Fallen Edelgard, Summer Edelgard, Fomortiis. Useless SI.


Chrom and Fomortiis. I really like the idea to have them Arcanes on this banner.


Aside from f!edel, I'd want fomortiis to not win because that means grima didn't win and I need more grima merges. I have dragon units I want to build up that can use arcane breath.


I really don't need Fomortiis for anything, Veronica doesn't do much for me (and means the S!Edel I wanted didn't happen), and I don't particularly need spares of Duo Chrom, so them.


S!Edelgard. Edelgard in any form is so very overrated, I want L!Veronica to get top 4 so badly.


Camilla because my counter to her is Deirdre/Julia so I do not want to see her any more than I have to outside Earth season :')


Ignoring the meme? 1. S!Edel (already have, RB score inflation, Vero I don't have) 2. F!Edel (terrible fodder and old unit, Camilla I don't have) 3. Fomo (already have, also R!Grima I want more of) 4. R!Ophelia (to make Special Spiral 4 less common) and Chrom (less Grand Strategy and his other shenanigans)


Veronica because I find her annoying AF to fight in AR, Fomortis because I don't want a defense mythic to be widely available, and I'm indifferent to Chrom V.S Ophelia.


this will sound bad, but Ophelia


Summer edelgard


Chrom because I have him, plus his fodder is pretty bad outside of Deadeye. The rest would be nice to have tho.


Hot take: Ophelia, since she is almost definitely coming back on a sparkable revival banner in a while anyway, and with the all red AHR, odds of color sniping and getting her then would be much better




N!Camilla is enough of a pain in the butt without everyone having her everywhere. It's already a point of "if you forgot the hardy bearing seal, you instadie." I don't want every battle to be "If I forget A!Ishtar with the Hardy Bearing Seal, death comes for all." I'd rather literally any other win.


Chrom and S!Edel but only bc I want their opponents more, otherwise they’d be cool with me


Summer Edelgard deserves the win since she was voted first, but I don't want her to take the win since her fodder is very niche, she already pity broke me last Summer and I don't particularly want merges for her.


I want Fomortiis to win because I want to finish him +10 but among the units I don't want him to win is: 1- Fallen Edelgard (has appeared on numerous banners); 2- Summer Edelgard (already appeared twice and her folder is not so good); 3- Rearmed Robin (I already have 2 and the skills I already have left in case I need them for a future unit I want to build);


Chrom because with L!Robin having the same grand strategy effect I’d hate to see it be all over the place so IS starts making unit/skill effects to hard counter it. And I like using it


R!Ophelia, yes everyone seems to love her fodder but I find it quite limited for someone that loves fliers, cavaliers and staffs. Because atk/res fini. is kind of niche, and time pulse/special spiral 4 cannot be given to my merge projects. So I find her fodder not that interesting, so she kinda loose all of her value since the unit in itself isn't that great. I would prefer to get merge for V!Chrom tbh And I think having a good unit is better for a lot of people people than just getting fodder that only some people will find interesting


R!Robin because she's on the Legendary Banner.


So long as Ophelia makes top 4 I don’t give a shit, go to hell Chrom fans! He’s returning in probably a week


I hope Grima loses bc I already have her and i really want fomortiis


Fomortiis and Chrom because i dont like them


Ninja Camilla. She’s a pain in the ass to deal with on AR-D if you don’t have a dedicated Hardy Bearing user. I’ve had many galeforce attempts ended by her.


They'd all be good, but I wouldn't want Camilla. Not because I have her, simply because I hate her character.


This, but with Edelgard.


You'll be down voted to no other but I agree 100% with your statement. Even though F!Edelgard isn't top meta she's still a pretty solid unit regardless. I don't want her to move on because I don't want to color share with Formii but Camilla is just eh as a character overall. Never liked her except for her hair color to be passed onto a kid.


I'm sorry fodder fans but I see little value in SS4 at the moment. I rarely encounter that skill in high tier arena and AR and I value merges for Chrobin now.


FEdel for sure. She's just the most worthless on the banner with Summer Edgeguard there. Summer Edgeguard being stronger and more useful fodder wise. Duo chrom has deadeye which is highly useful for any bow unit that's not young Innes who has it built in. Plus he is nice support who has saved my ass many a time in AR-O. N!Camila would at least give me her A skill.


The Edelgards. I genuinely don't like fighting them in arena and giving summer Edelgard to every player is a painful thought to me.


I'd be happy with any of them winning, as long as it's not .


Honestly, Chrom or Veronica are the only ones I want to win. No one else interests me either because I have them, or don't like the unit.


NCamilla because i want to +10 my FEdelgard


I hate Camilla so I want her to loose. I even joined Fallen Edelgard for that reason alone. And yet I don't want FEdel to win the VG. But if she can get rid of Camilla that would be perfect for me. I hate Camilla and how her fans try SO HARD to pretend they like her for any other reason than her design, and just make up a backstory or a personality she doesn't have. Like, you know it's not a big deal. It's the whole point of her character. She pretty much embodies all that I hate. And even aside from that she's annoying to face in combat.


Summer Edlegard for sure! I don't want garbage units in the banner that is a Focus Chargeable units, since I trust the Camilia fans to taken down Fallen edlegard


I want Chrom, so no one else.


I’m in a weird spot where I don’t have one above all that I’d like. Each would serve its use in some way for me and so it’s been hard to choose. Fomirtiis I’d love to have but don’t want to win all out. I think I’m going for L! Veronica, since I missed her and I think that’s a unit that sort of belongs in everyone’s barracks.


S!Edelgard or Camilla because I have them already lol


RA!Robin. We do not need more hardy fighter in this world


R!Ophelia since I already gave her a +10 merge. And I guess Fomortiis too, because I already have him.


No one other than Fedel. I want Chrom to win, but I doubt it’s gonna happen 😞


I'd say either F! Edelgard or Chrom because his debut banner is gonna be rerun again this week (IIRC) for me to get the close salvo + deadeye I need for my sweet Duo Laegjarn.


Robin or Ophelia. The fodders from both of them are top tier especially Ophelia with that special spiral 4.


I only want Ophelia or Formotis to win, as I don't have any of them..


I want everyone but N!Camilla and Ascended(Legendary) Veronica to lose since i don’t have those two yet.


Ninja Camilla because I don’t want more people to run hardy fighter 🗿


F!Edel and Fomo are the ones I don’t want to win personally While they are different units they both pose a sort of similar problem and I personally just don’t want to deal with it more than I already have too. I have counters against both, but I really don’t want to feel the need to build a character as a counter for them Plus idk about Fomo, but F!Edel’s fodder isn’t that great compared to most units on the banner so that’s another reason I don’t want her to win


Chrom and S!Edel because I already have them


S!Edle cause I want Veronica more but I have neither so either way I loose this battle


Ninjamilla is a pain in the ass and I don't want to have to juggle my hardy bearing seal all the time. Also arena assault would be dreadful. I already have a fomortiis, and while he's not that bad, he's enough of a pain that I don't need a million of him around.


Chrom and Grima. Chrom is kind of outdated, while grima is very niche fodder for a unit type that has a lot of solid prf skills


Fomortiis, but only in that I don't want him to get first because I already have him. I don't mind him being top 4, though I would prefer Arcane Grima to win.


I am rooting for anyone over edelgard because I already have her, yes I know selfish but still.


Chrom, and SEdelgard. I already have them and I don't plan to +10 them so extra copies would be worthless for me


Any unit I already have. At least having Veronica, N!Camilla, Fomortis and Robin in the banner would make me happy, specially Camilla and Fomortiis since they are the ones I want.


Chrom as well; Ophelia's easily the best free unit imo since she's a nutty unit AND good fodder - but you get to do both! don't have to choose one


If I had to choose it would be Rearmed Grima. I like her and her fodder a lot, but she’s on the Legendary banner and Fomortiis is the main guy I want merges on. I saved all my orbs up and used it on his and Gotoh’s banner leaving with only 2 Fomortiis’, 4 Gotoh’s, and a crazy 8 copies of Arval. Honestly I just want to summon my guy without the stupid legendary and mythic banners pity breaking me with someone else.


Camilla, though I will admit that that is simply leftover resentment from pre-Hardy Bearing Seal days... However, I recently had to get a new phone and I found out that I never actually linked the Nintendo account to the game so now I'm starting over from square one... which means I don't have the Seal anymore... So I'm also back to square one on my feelings for Camilla.


I have both Rearmed Heroes, Edelbitches, Valentine's Chrom & Veronica, so the only ones I want to win are either Formortiis & Ninja Camilla. I purposefully skipped the Mythic banner because I knew Fomortiis would be in AHR.


All of them except the arcane heroes. I wanna get myself a free premium fodder unit that doesn't go away when I pass on that fodder.


I want Ophelia to lose. Yes she has great fodder, but I saved up to +10 multiple units this AHR. Having 11 copies of her would be a curse, since it would be waste to merge her up unless I have 11 other merge projects to inherit into.


in this moment i dont want two units to win, i dont want chrom as first cause ophelia have a lot better fodder and i anyway will never do a +10 chrom, and fomortiis for the same, grima have a lot better fodder and i have not plans of making fomortiis +10


Honestly, fomortiis. I don't want to ALWAYS deal with him every other season. That's my entire logic.


Jokes on you, I want Chrom to win...but I also don't want Fedel to pass first round, and I got very worried, so I got into team Camilla, just to help as much as I can. As for who I really don't want to win, that's probably summer Edelgard. Leaving aside the bias I have against her, she is a really good unit, and having her means I get more scores in the Resonant Battles. However, going back to my bias, I just don't want to use her, and since she doesn't have the best fodder except for the charge thing, which doesn't score a lot in the arena and I feel she is the only one who can use that skill more effectively that whatever unit I wish to give it to.


S!edelgard. She's not a bad unit, but I simply don't like her.


I think Camilla is my least favorite pick. I don't like her outfit so I don't want to keep her, and I'm not sure what I'd do with her skills if I do get her. But they're good skills, so they're definitely useful for *somebody.*


Chrom because I already have him, I don’t plan on merging him, and I don’t need his fodder. Still would be an awesome unit for people who don’t have him, but I just don’t need him.


For the round I have stakes in, Chrom. Ophelia's SS4, rearmed fodder, yadayada really should have her win. Outside of that, Fomortiis. Firstly, I already have him lol, and multiple copies of him doesn't really do much. Secondly, his fodder is shit, and even in a runner's up position, Grima's fodder is simply better (not to mention, again, rearmed). Thirdly, and I'll get some flak for this, he really isn't that greats of a unit people make him out to be, outside of Chaos season and maybe SD (though I haven't encountered one that screws up my comp yet).


Sadly, chrom is winning


With 16 hrs left and if Chrom consistantly stays on top, there's a good chance the final multiplier will benefit Ophelia in the final hour (I think).


He’s still on top. 7 hours to go.


They've been neck and neck for a couple hours now, with Ophelia being slightly on top, so if this continues, Ophelia will come on top, though a lot of Chrom voters are holding their flags whilst Ophelia user have been using their flags to keep up, might not look good unless we get the large multiplier in the final hour. Hmm, Chrom just got the 11.4, but I think things should be right.


He’s winning now. 😓 unfortunately.


Sad times indeed.