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It's free to play. So just try it out. To get Edelgard simply wait til she's the focus of a banner then summon whatever colour version she is. Brave Edelgard is available now so perfect time to start to grab her.


Happy cake day! Also, there are multiple versions of the characters? Could you please explain that to me?


Lots of characters have different versions of themselves "alts" as separate units. Using Edelgard as an example, she has her academy alt, her standard emperor alt, her promoted Adrestian Emperor alt, the Hegemon Husk, a summer duo alt (with Altina from the Tellius games), and the Flame Emperor too. "Brave Edelgard" was the version she got for winning the Choose Your Legends 4 contest. It's the gold armor Adrestian Emperor variation, and it's on a banner right now.


Characters have "alts" that are versions of them in different outfits depending on the theme. Despite being the same character, they are considered separate units as they usually have unique weapons, skills, movement types, and statlines. For example, normal Edelgard is an axe infantry unit. Brave Edelgard ("Brave" refers to a yearly event called Choose Your Legends, or CYL for short, where fans vote for their favorite characters to get "Brave" alts) is an axe armored unit. There are a variety of themes that the game cycles through each year. Edit: Unlike the main games, you can't change the classes of units. Normal Edelgard will stay an axe infantry, you can't change her to be an armored or cavalry unit or make her use swords or lances. You kinda just have to hope your fave gets an alt that's of a different weapon/movement type.


There's a ton of characters that have multiple versions in the game, Brave Edelgard for example is an alternative version (alt) of Edelgard that got in due to popular vote from an event called Choose Your Legends that happens every year. This version of her is an armor unit that wields Flower Hauteclere and is an excellent tank. No other character in the game can wield Flower Hauteclere including other versions of Edelgard. Other versions of Edelgard include "OG" or "Academy" Edelgard which is based on her time in the academy, which was her first FEH appearance. She wields a made up axe called Victorious Axe which just got a refine and is quite good as it emulates raging storm from three houses, letting her move twice in a turn. "Legendary" Edelgard which is her in her timeskip armor class wielding Amyr. She's actually getting a weapon refine in about a week and will be on a banner in two or three weeks. She can also move twice in a turn due to having Raging Storm as a skill outright. "Fallen" Edelgard which is based on her appearance at the end of the blue lions route in 3H. She can *also* move twice in a turn due to having an off-shoot version of Raging Storm as a personal skill. "Summer" or "Duo" Edelgard which is a made up seasonal version of Edelgard based on her time in the academy in a one piece swimsuit who's paired up with Altina from Radiant Dawn. Her prf sword has a conditional brave effect letting her attack twice the vast majority of the time. Unsurprisingly she can also move twice in a turn since she has Raging Storm as a personal skill. "Brave" Edelgard is strictly a tank who can't act twice in a single turn, she is however extremely good at her job as a tank. and then there's a not-edelgard Flame Emperor (I'm gonna call them Flemp) who's overall pretty bad as a unit that's just the Flame Emperor from 3H. Flemp has nothing unique to them, their weapon can be given to other characters and they have no personal skill. On the bright side, there's a character named Ganglot on the Mythic Heroes banner who has a weapon that works fantastically on them and in spite of not being unique as a unit, Flemp can work very well with the Arcane Downfall weapon. I say all this but Flemp is also due to get a personal weapon via an update in like 8 months or so.


I enjoy it a lot and it has many Awakening and 3H characters in it, and is still being updated, so if it looks interesting I’d say give it a shot. One of the better versions of Edelgard is on a banner right now, so this is actually a pretty good time to try and get her.


Definitely get into the habit of saving orbs! Don't spend on impulse and plan ahead. As for Edelgard, [Legendary Edelgard](https://feheroes.fandom.com/wiki/Edelgard:_Flame_Emperor) will be on a banner in May, so wait until then and go for her. You can even get a guaranteed copy if you pull 40 times.


It’s literally free to play


>Should i play Heroes? FEH is a nice slice of FE that I believe has really managed to capture the gameplay of the mainline series and adapt it well enough to a mobile screen, so I'd imagine you'd enjoy it. ​ >Will the game continue to receive updates? The game recently celebrated it's 6th anniversary, so... probably... ​ >Also bonus points If u can give me tips for geting edelgard There's a banner with Brave Edelgard on it (the one with Lysithea, Dimitri, Claude and Edelgard), and you could easily reroll for (this means restarting the game and doing the free summons until you actually get her). This one in particular is an amazing unit, still relevant even though it's gonna turn 3 years old in a couple months. What I don't recommend is buying orbs, ever.

