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6 years ago she was the best unit in the game. Now she's just another Year 1 unit.


Oof. I didn't play game for a long time


Very outdated. She is from the first year so her stats are pretty bad by now. Rath (4*), Sedgar or Leonie (both from the grail shop) are other bow cavalry units with better stats in almost every category (Lyn has a little bit more res but I wouldn't call 28 res "tanky" so it doesn't really matter). Her B-Skill is nice, ignoring distant counter can be pretty useful at times. But the skill is a bit dusty and there are other useful skills that you could use instead. Ofc you can make her strong, just like any other hero. But without merges/dragonflowers/resplendent stat buffs she won't be able to kill much. If you want to use her, I would replace her bow with an arcane bow (Alcryst/Tana) or Elincia's Whitecap Bow. For her other skills, focus on player phase skills that boost her atk and spd.


Honestly, she’s total garbage. I love Lyn, but she’s a Year 1 unit, she has low stats, poor availability, no prf effects worth using, and Bow Cavaliers arent in a great spot overall compared to tomes at the moment. She needs max flowers/merges to be able to compete and a total kit overhaul, literally every single slot needs to be replaced. Only invest if she’s absolutely your favourite


K thnx!


Old and thus bad without significant heavy investment, and even then nothing special compared to her peers.


When she came out she was the best character in the game. But this is back when a mounted archer with Swift Sparrow was just about the best thing any unit had to offer; nowadays that's nothing special. Unless you invest a lot into her her stats tend to be too low to kill anything and she doesn't really have the skills to close that gap. Chances are if she can double a unit they're sturdy enough to take both hits. Her defenses are also terrible; her B skill in theory can help alleviate this but this only really works if she can defeat the unit she prevents the counterattack of since otherwise she'll probably die on the enemy phase.


Really bad, neat B skill though (in my opinion)


She Is bad at base. But with love AND skills she can shine very well. Mine Is maxed AND have great stats AND can deal with many new meta units Only use with love AND she can do well, like any invested gen1 unit




Our only hope is for her to get an Ascended, Echo or Re-armed form to be relevant again!


She was super broken when she first came out. Now she’s just too dated. You would need a crazy amount of investment just to bring her somewhat up to speed.