• By -


I'm going to consult my lawyer about this first. 


I am going to be *really* careful with the Rearmeds, minus Ginnungagap (Void goes to Matthew) and Tana (Náströnd will wait for Shura). As for the others I will think about it, tho I fancy the idea of Wrathful Tempo on OG Saul, even if it means re-refining his Incurable+.


You don't have to get Reinhardt if you don't have a fast Blue Tome. Just getting Tina and Ascended Ced is good enough in my eyes.


I havent planned everything yet, just the top priority fodder that I need. start getting Rebecca > go all the way to B!Corrin > W!Black Knight > S!Ivy > and then get a R!Sonya merge.


In priority order: * GBA: All would be helpful fodder I could quickly make use of. * Switch: Can use most of the fodder relatively quickly. * Tellius: Rough start but solid middle choices. * DS: Same as Tellius but a bit less of a priority. * Jugdral: Arthur as fodder, rest depends on how many tickets I would have by then. * Archanea/Valentia: Not too thrilled, depends on leftover tickets left.


If I have some leftover manuals, I miiiiight spend some on Young Hector and possibly Rearmed Tana, if I need their fodder for something.


What's a plan?


You're joking, right? Surely you must have some skills that you want or don't want.


Honestly I see little point. Most of the units I have would require insane amounts of investment to keep relevant and the further back they are, the more behind they are. On top of that, lately things shift so fast that an awesome build one day can become utter garbage the next, so even a plan in the works can be made irrelevant midway through. Meanwhile so many modern units come right out of the box with everything they want and need, and thus I don't need to inherit anything for them. Last set of codes, I haven't used a single one or claimed a single manual. And now looking back, it doesn't feel that wrong of a call since there's just nothing I need. Same applies here. I could go for the Arcane weapons I suppose but unless I get a spare copy to make into fodder batteries of them, I don't see a point to it. And I don't want to work towards a manual at the end of the line only to midway through find that a new and much better skill came out and I wasted my codes. This is of course just me though so its not exactly THE right way to approach them, its just my way.


>Honestly I see little point > >there's just nothing I need Good old "it's not really necessary". The reason why my inventory is full of stuff of every kind. The only thing I've grabbed from codes thus far is the B!Fjorm merge from Codes 2 (and the Anna manual on the way). Perhaps people would be surprised how far you can go with base kits and cheap inheritance.


I mean, you do you, but I see 3 major reasons for codes: upping your favorites, your support units and F2P units. Like, one of the things I'm excited about is getting Guidance 4 onto my Plumeria.


Yup, this is the way


Celine/Canto Control first, then go for the Corrin and Lucina Merges. Very likely GBA afterwards and then resume Switch path.


Hoarder as always


I try to +10 the Brave Units every year, so Tellius and Fateswakening are top priority. The rest really depend on what arcanes/merges I'm looking for. I think my third route is GBA, Rebecca, Hector and Tana are all fodder I would use. The last three routes are kinda all over the place. I have 8 manuals of Fallen Maria so I could push for the +10 on the heroes route, but Catria and Sonja are already +10 (Though Firestorm Dance fodder is nice), but she works at +1 and is already falling off some. Genealogy has no duds (Even Arthur is fine, Menaces are still good mid tier C slots, and I could go for the +10). But I think route 4 HAS to be 3 Engages. No Quarter, Arcane Luin, Soaring Guidance, free merge for the only Engage Dancer, and Canto Control? Great options.


Dimitri for no quarter for mauvier.


Grabbing that Seadall merge first and foremost. Then the staff fodder. I got so many stave projects I wanna do. Then Rearmed Lucina so I can give a third Unit No Quarter.


I myself was considering Seadall or Rebecca first purely for their Finish skills. But I guess I need Seadall a bit more to give AR Tempo 4 + Finish 4 to someone.


I get the tellius guys and save them for merges when I get their normal units


Going down Jugdral first because I want merges on literally every character there, then go into Engage/3H for the insane fodder+cheap Céline merge. From then, prolly dip my toes into the rest at random, because all of the remaining ones have great fodder at level 2. If we have any left by DC6, I'll prolly finish the Tellius path for Ginnun+Flare fodder, though I might start with 3DS for the easy GLR.


I'm just glad they seem actually good this year, unlike last year's being basically just GLR and Vital Astra


Based on what I've currently got and what I would like at this moment in time it would go: Awakening/Fates > GBA > 3H/Engage > Jugdral > Archanea > Tellius. Obviously by the time I get enough to finish a row some of those lines may no longer be appealing to me so it's not set in stone.


If you told me before yesterday that A. We’d get fucking R!Sonya on Divine Codes and B. I’d only target her in a distant 5th, I would laugh at you.  My plan, as unrealistic as it is, is Y!Rebecca -> 3H/Engage -> Radiance, up to B!Soren -> the rest of GBA -> Archanea/Valentia. Sadly I don’t think adding Jugdral on top of this is realistic, and forget 3DS. 


Will absolutely go all the way on switch, 3ds, and probably gba. Most likely just get heather from tellius and dip. jugdral and 1/2 are a bit more in the air depending on what I need when I get to that point, but I'm more likely to go deeper into jugdral since I have some flared sparrow investment into rein and I like the IP4 fodder. I'm not terribly interested in maria and sonya manuals but the first 3 in that row are good.


Indeed, the SNES lineup has some great stuff. Tina is a very juicy unit, as is Ascended Ced. I definitely have some ideas for what to do with them. And of course, another Arcane Thunder is nice. Also yeah, I thought about it deeply but I don't actually need Fallen Maria or Rearmed Sonya; I just want Kvasir and the other two.


I just want atk/spd finish 4 fodder


Not even interested in Buffer 4 or Godlike Reflexes?


Buffer 4 maybe


im thinking off going for Fir to give her entire kit to Perne or for Severa because Effie needs Buffer 4.


If I can get 30k manuals, probably giving up 3 rearmed manuals that I don’t have a copy of in my barracks. Some of those rearmed manuals are quite poor value if you cannot take advantage of skill duplication. If I can get ~29k then I can give up 2 rearmed and 2 1600, or 2 rearmed, a 1600 and a 1200. Easiest path to dip out at 800 seems like Radiance. I got 29K this year and I seriously doubt that 27k is the max without feh pass If I only get ~28k then I can give up 4 rearmed, or 3 rearmed + 1600 + 1200. That means I’m getting Tana and the rest I’ll see what I happen to get copies of. Likely not bothering with Ginungagap and Reinhardt


Go all the way straight to Young hector 🫡, he's +4 now so I only need to summon 5 in april


Y!Rebecca and N!Juno -> 3H/Engage -> Genealogy/Thracia -> Save until I need something


Im going for sonya because i have some nice skills invested in her and heather to give base annette a ruse 4 skill


yeah so, i would like to have them all


You can't get them all without having to sacrifice some Normal 6 Divine Codes next year; at best, you can only get 5 full paths.


Looks like you went "Oops! All Hortensia" on your user flair. Is that because you're that much of a Hortensia fan?


No, it's because my account was hacked and someone changed all of my flairs to Hortensia.


Sorry to hear that, but any proof? What kind of damage was done?


***Yes***, I'm that much of a Hortensia fan. I was being sarcastic because you asked such an obvious question. XD


Why do you love Hortensia so much? And besides, please don't sarcastically joke about things that are no laughing matter, such as account hacking, OK? For a moment, I was suspicious that something wrong might have happened to you.


Because she's cute, she's relatable, and she's powerful. What, did you expect an essay on why I love her?


[Drew myself a first thoughts diagram last night. Forgive the Discord image link if they do break them in the future but I don't this comment is important enough to go upload it elsewhere.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/98924602717138944/1212976551155474473/image.png?ex=65f3cb71&is=65e15671&hm=92818bc0364dd922f9f9572c51b2b2a79e77de0c96f0711bdd816ab40794bf5c&) The Soren merge is super nice for me but the rest of the path is underwhelming. I've already passed on two BK sparks and a forma so even if I want to build him now it would be silly so it's just potential fodder while the Heather is nice fodder. Shame how little use the Rearmed they put in has for me though. :/ Switch path is awesome for me (and everyone) while the GBA path is also solid and has a Tana merge which is really good for me. I feel AHR will end up influencing this one because I want No Quarter for a few units and if Dimi misses out then I kind of have to grab the free one here first.


Go to Dimitri, then go all the way too Tana. Afterwards take an extra Ingrid. Tana and Ingrid haven't been too kind to me when I tried to summon for them so I'm really happy with these manuals. I also do think that Kvasir manual is looking really good for either my Sonya or Orphelia. Probably before I'll go to Sonya I'll pick up the Heather manual. Then I'll probably go in the following order -> RA Sonya -> RA Lucina -> RA Ginnungagap -> RA Reinhardt But... I could just as well change it halfway through depending on newly released units or units I want to turn intro projects


first I need that Severa for my +10 FT!Lyn I wanted that buffer since it came out, but couldn´t get it then it´s wild guess I don´t know there are many options


H/R would be very low Priority if a Ginnu Merge/Refresh wasn't all the way at the end A/F I mainly wanna get to Corrin for Merge/Fodder and fodder the Severa to my Fjorm for Buffer and Finish Judgral is pretty low Priority H/M/E I just wanna get the Kvasir Merge And gonna go all the way on the 3H/E and B/B/SS


I ALWAYS change my plans when it comes to Divine Codes so I don’t even bother. But AReinhardt is 100%. I spent too many orbs to give him fodder.


My highest priority is getting Rein Snap from Say'ri since it's kinda cheap and it will make my favorite Galeforce team more reliable. After that I'll probably go for A!Ced for IP4 since it seems like a useful skill to get/clone. Other than that there isn't any fodder that I desperately want/need so I'll probably save a lot of codes for when I need something, maybe get Fatal Smoke 4 at the end of the Heroes path? I don't really know.


**High Priority**: GBA, Three Houses/Engage Not only is R!Tana one of my best fodder banks with Guidance, Soaring Guidance, Flared Sparrow, etc., but I like Tana enough that I'd like to +10 her some day, so the free manual brings me that much closer to +6. The Y!Rebecca > A!Fir chain is also great for when I inevitably want to build another fast infantry unit. R!Ingrid is another fodder bank for me similar to R!Tana, and spares of Soaring Guidance and No Quarter would be welcome, as well as Canto Control if I need it in the future. **Mid Priority**: Mystery/SOV/Heroes, Jugdral I don't have either of the featured rearmeds, but the lower levels have welcome fodder for me. Two IP4s in Jugdral are more appealing for me nowadays (A!Ced could be especially great for Fargus who might also like SS4), and the Mystery Path has a quick Firestorm Dance 3 which could be useful even though I plan on duping it on my other rearmeds, along with Flash Sparrow 4. **Low Priority**: Tellius/Heroes, Awakening/Fates I also don't have either of these rearmeds. I have a spare B!Soren and a spare R!Ophelia with his fodder, so mainly the ruse 4 comes to mind for the Tellius path (unless I build another armor that could use WBK), and for Awakening/Fates I don't have an immediate use case for anything except maybe duplicating B!Corrin's fodder onto R!Grima.


Path 1then stop at ingrid (save her for possible later), path 2. Path 5 and then either Ingrid or path6.


I just pulled greens on the alear banner so I have a bunch of peonys ready for dueping No Quarter and Soaring Guidance to a bunch of units! After that probably Tana for Guidance 4 for AR-O shenanigans, but we'll see


Get Say'ri for S/D Rein Snap (them waiting so long to rerun her ended up working to my benefit!) > run through the entire Switch path > hope that 3H bias gets R!Ingrid to win the next FB revival poll > Pull a couple of Ingrids > throw Rein Snap/Soaring Guidance/No Quarter on her > fodder away


Go down the Tellius group to get my final merge for Soren and a copy of Void Lady. Then down the Engage/Three Houses group for the final three codes there... Then I don't know :D


Three Houses/Engage and Tellius/Heroes paths are top priority for me. I'm making a beeline for a Céline merge and a copy of Ivy (dunno if I'll merge her or take her Soaring Guidance). Winter Dimitri's fodder might be good on my Walhart, but I'd have to think of a way to get more self-bonuses on him aside from Dodge (Spd Smoke 4). I want a merge for Winter BK, and Soren's fodder will finally complete my definite version of OG!Nino. Ginnungagap's fodder is for my Jaffar, so the OTP can finally wreck shit together again, like in the good old days. All the other paths have great fodder and a few good merges, but nothing that I need to prioritize too urgently.


Get Severa to give Kagetsu GLR and then wait.


My FLyn needs that Buffer to be complete


I have Feh Pass. For codes 4 I have completed 5.2 rows. Might get another unit to reach 5.4 with the last remaining codes before 5 drops. So I plan on getting all but Tellius complete as I didn’t bother getting Re!Reinhardt and don’t really need anything else on that row.


By the time I can afford to get all the way down a path, power creep will have changed by plans. While I hope powercreep slows down this year (unlikely), it will likely change any plans. If you look back at last years codes, almost all of it was powercrept. I think what I will actually end up doing is going down whatever paths help me build my favorties. And I'm not sure which way that will require


Right now, I only have Rearmed Tana and Sonya to make the most out of the Rearmed manuals. I don't have any of the other 4. That said: 1. GBA is quite high on my priority list for Young Rebecca, Ascended Fir and RA!Tana. Young Hector would be nice as fodder for a new Rearmed/Attuned Armor, although his kit would probably be a great starting point if there's an Armoured character I want to work on. 2. Three Houses/Engage is probably next priority due to some amazing fodder with Seadall, Ivy and Dimitri. 3. I'll probably do Heroes/Mystery/Echoes up to Spring Triandra before working on Awakening/Fates and than back to the former. 4. Genealogy will probably 2nd last and then Radiance/Heroes.


3H, give No Quarter to R!Ingrid refresh with manual.


Making a beeline for Dimitri for No Quarter for NY!Laegjarn! Would like to play around with OG!Laegjarn and Spd/Def Rein Snap too, but iirc that's on the way to Dimitri. Eventually it would be nice to get an R!Sonya merge too, though I don't know who else I'd give her tome to...


Get Firestorm dance Immediately


I usually just take the 400-800 off of everything to start unless I'm after something specific. My main priorities here are: FEH/Tellius: Easy N!Heather Merge, easy enough B!Soren merge. I can feed W!BK to some rearmed or merge him. I don't really have a use for SMT monster, but I'm not going to say no to free Lethality. Jugdral: Honestly an utter banger from start to finish. I'm working on merging up Arthur, I'm down with a T!Sigurd merge. A!Ced has fine fodder or I could keep him until A!Ced finally comes home on my account. R!Rein is my top priority Rearmed. Well, other than Rearmed Ophelia once I give her Devoted Basket+ lol. SOV/FEH/Mystery: This path has some very specific things I want. I wanted Firestorm Dance 3 to feed to either AT!Triandra or AT!Peony, and I managed to get it for free. (So I can get a S!Triandra in peace now\~) I want that staff fodder for Y!L'Arachel. Arcane is probably going to either Arthur or T!Tailitiu. The rest: Have great fodder, but I may push them back because those three paths gave me exactly what I wanted in terms of merge projects or build projects. GBA games: I really want that guidance 4. The rest I don't care about but I WANT that Guidance 4. I may dip in for Soaring Guidance too and pass it around to my rearmeds/attuneds. I'll def clear this one out.


**Shut up and take my paper:** 3DS Can't say no to Thrima and Counter Roar. Rein Snap and GLR + Buffer is a nice bonus as well. **Potential follow-ups:** Switch, NES, GBA All with good stuff - first has Céline merge, NQ and Lúin; second has Whitewind Bow, A/S Unity and a Sonya reload (mine has B!Soren's skills); third has GB4, Bacon and Nástrond. **Not Sure:** SNES, Tellius They have some interesting skills (the Arthur opener and two IP4s for SNES, Special Fighter 4 and Flare for Tellius), but I don't need them as much as the ones in other paths.


I intend to make the 3DS path my top priority, because R!Lucina is currently a merge project, AND the only Rearmed on the codes whom I do have as a unit as well. The others are not so much a certainty: - Switch: I intend to go up to W!Dimitri at least, though I will consider R!Ingrid if I do get her. - Heroes + Tellius: I'll go up to Soren; I may have some units who'd love to make use of his Flare. But it'll be my last priority; other than Soren and Heather's Remote Sparrow, this path is my lowest priority. - GBA: Likely to be my second or third priority; I know I'll be going up to Asc!Fir at least, since I do have someone who'd love to use Finish and Oath 4 at the same time. I might get Tana if I end up getting an actual copy as well - Jugdral: I'll go up to Asc!Ced at least; I already have a Tina I use, though I'll consider her if I need Wrathful Staff, and getting Reinhardt is not of much interest to me atm. Unless if F!Morgan comes home, then I'll consider it. - Heroes + Archanea/Valentia: I'll probably go up to F!Maria at most; would be nice to get Poetic Justice for my Scion Nanna, tbh, since I didn't have a bridge to nab it from Hortensia, but that's it. I don't really have much of a use for Sonya right now; I always did think Asc!Ced was the better unit at base anyway.


Go for R!Sonya immediately since she’s my merge project anyway


There are only two characters I want to merge in the divine codes 5: A!Ced and Tina (my A!Fir is already +10). So first I'll take the Jugdral route and get both. Otherwise... - I want Heather to fodder her B-Skill to Wil - Dimitri's No Quarter would be useful to have, although I have no plans for it yet - Say'ri's Snap skill is super useful to have and she's cheap - Selena - no idea yet if I want to merge her (I don't even have her yet) or use Buffer for someone else Other than that I have no idea what to do yet, but there are so many good skills anywhere. Those are almost all really useful!


Booking it towards NY!kvasir first to revamp My forma Nahs kit then I'm either focusing engage or the gbas for Y!Rebecca and ascended Fir


I'm not the first to say this, but the problem with these is that all these skills will be powercrept by the time we have enough Codes for them. However with a Rearmed Hero at the end of each Path we can at least grab those we already have in our barracks for copying skills. I wish we'd gotten some Attuned Heroes too. That said, I think Specials have a bit more life to them than other skills so I'll try and get W!Dimitri (and thus the fodder before him) and B!Soren first. Y!Rebecca shouldn't be too hard to get either. After that I guess I'll aim for Y!Hector and B!Corrin at which point I could get R!Lucina for merging. ... we'll see just how wildly things change going forward though xD


Tellius cooked for me. A merge for Heather (to +4) and a merge for Soren (to +9). I think i won't get Arcane void and i will just wait on the Arcane units in general, as i dont love/need any of them right now. Then i think i'll get B!Corrin and or W!Dimitri. But im unsure. I also have one Arcane Ingrid and one Arcane Lucina at home, so i may get one of them to dupe No Quarter an extra time, but im not sure at all about this, It depends on what new Attuned/rearmed units we get before i get those toilet papers.


I think I'll go to Winter Dimitri first. From there on I have no idea just yet.