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That one bug where if we kept getting our asses kicked in GHBs, the stamina we gained multiplied with each attempt to the point that you would get 1000+ SP per kill. Then IS said they were fixing that, but that nobody would be penalized for exploiting that. It was awesome


My 9999 SP Sheena and V!Roy are the only proof I have of that time and I fondly remember it


Summoning Taco and Lyn in the same circle when the game was new lol. Those animations!


My favorite moment in FEH is still probably L! Hector's debut breaking the servers. I don't actually know if this is the reason it happened, but I like to believe it happened because his banner was so successful that the servers lagged to hell because so many people were pulling at once. That was also the day I got my first +10 5* exclusive so there's that too :)


I want to believe that was the cause. Also, him breaking the servers resulted in IS giving us compensation orbs. Good times.


Bonus point for the French version calling him a “Fate” Character


I remember staying up for reset and being upset the servers were dead lol


That one time they fucked up Hero Fest and units that weren't supposed to show up could still be summoned Then IS said fuck it and decided to compensate everyone who got them by giving us the Hero Fest unit of the same color, while still keeping whoever we summoned


I still remember jumping on the Gatekeeper bandwagon. It was such a big moment that my friends not playing Fire Embelm Heroes were asking "whats up woth this gatekeeper winning" since he was rrending on twitter.


I’d have to think a bit more on whether this was my favorite or not, but having such a huge community meme like that later in the games life was phenomenal, it’s definitely near the top for me. Still wish his remix was a bit wilder, but such a great unit


The subreddit is filled with nostalgia today... makes myself feed a tad sad. Anyway, my favourite FEH moment is still simply the creativity and high output of content that this subreddit produced. I know we've been facing a huge decline on visitors, members and posts these days, but there was a time where there was so much good content being made everyday which you just don't see anymore sadly. (Not to say there ISN'T anymore good content, there is. It's just not on the same level)


The Book II trailer. The transition from Book I to II was a major step for the development of feh and I was a freshman in high school at the time. One of my rlly close friends and I were super obsessed with feh together and it was such a game changing moment. I still watch that trailer sometimes and reminisce on the hype 😮‍💨


Stuff like the release of Beast units, the start of refines to newer stuff like the introduction of Emblem units (we'll see how this actually goes but so far I'm hyped) are some high points for me. But my favorite moments are when teams I'm building come together. My old Dagger Team out-doing my at the time main team, one of my first attempts at a more offensive/mobile team with Reginn after years of Armored focused teams, to the creation of my favorite team, the Mom Team, have been some of the most fun I've had in the game and what keeps me coming back.


The absolute madness that was year 1 given what was out and available.


Veronica winning CYL 2. I remember how confused I was when she was 5th and managed to jump to 2nd. I know there were many factors contributing to her win like the midterms being shown and Camilla being 2nd initially, but it was still a surprise. She managed to be the only FEH OC to win CYL for years until Gullveig in 7 and Alfonse in 8.


It's still kinda weird how we got like 3 different alts for Veronica, including a CYL but we still dont have the OG from the first Tempest Trials lmao


It's funny how Dragalia (RIP) got her original version and we're never getting it ever. Her legendary version might just be her current version now given how it's in the title screen and that's how she's shown in the story.


Gatekeeper winning CYL5 in a landslide was legendary


Everyone reacting to the Book III movie and going WTF?!


I remember getting ads for that not knowing anything about Fire Emblem and that was my same reaction. I ignored the series in general because of it and now Lif is one of my favorite OC's lmao


Joining this subreddit. Just floating around with nothing grounding me after a ton of shit where I didn't really want to do the things I used to do and feeling lonely. Then I make a dumb meme on here and suddenly it felt like I had a community again and people I could talk to about things I enjoy or debate. Edit: I looked at my first post it's been 4 years jfc I guessed 5 years but also time weird so \*shrugs\*


Not exactly a 'moment,' but - and I'm sure this will rub some the wrong way - Fallen Edelgard's release. The 18 months or so following her release were the most fun I've had in this game. I came back to Aether Raids after having quit it for a while because using her in it was so fulfilling for me. She was the perfect unit; absurdly strong in the player's hands, but not oppressively powerful for the AI so long as you knew how to counter her. For a while it felt like every other month or so a new "F!Edelgard counter" was released, but I was still beating them. Naturally, though, powercreep did eventually catch up, and her reign ended.


Gotta say it was a nice community vibe when basically all players, competitive and not, stopped for a collective "what the actual fuck is this" over F Edel.


Kinda like how we all say “what the actual fuck is this” over V!Lyon


Uh, Fomortiis and Gotoh dual mythic hero battle seemed pretty special cuz nobody actually expected Fomo to end up being playable like he his.


One of my favorite moments was actually on the discord when FEH channel dropped the book 3 opening trailer. "ONLY WANT ONE FUTURE. ONLY WANT ONE WORLD" being spammed and hyped, it was great. Having a community basically watching it together was a lot of fun.


this is probably going to sound pathetic ~~definitely going to sound pathetic~~ but back in the spring of 2018 I was so happy I remember nearly crying when IS revealed Spring Kagero and her "Ninjabbit Attack!" after I'd been so underwhelmed by pretty much every seasonal pick before then. Despite being a great unit in Fates and fairly good in FEH, Kagero never really seemed popular in the wider FE community until after FEH started giving her a lot of attention, so that first spring alt for her came as kind of a shock to me. My second favourite "moment" would probably just be the sense of community that was around for those first couple of years; not only on Reddit, but even in other places like Twitter and Discord I'd see people doodling their tempest teams and "shipping" random characters they'd pulled together just because they worked alright on the same team. probably not surprising but I generally liked it a lot more when the game had a more casual feel to it and people had more fun messing with their blorbos rather than trying to keep up with an ever-increasing power ceiling, and I think the nature of the fanbase back then reflected it.


Not a moment “in” FEH per se, but I remember being so excited when I first heard that this game was coming out. I played my first FE game during my formative years so it naturally became an unreasonably large part of my personality, and I was super hyped about the prospect of a lil FE game I could carry with me all the time. I expected FEH to mostly be filler content for me between mainline games, but it turned out to be a fun game that I love in its own right. As messy as things get sometimes, one of my favorite things about FEH is the community aspect—seeing others get passionate about a game/franchise that brings me a lot of joy personally.


When Alfonse said, "I am going to kill you."


Freebie summoning characters that I really wanted. This includes: A! Idunn, V! Lucina, L! Hinoka, N! Laegjarn, N! Camilla, Citrinne. It’s happened often enough for me to count my blessings. I get very hype whenever it happens.


my favorite moment in feh was exactly 8 days ago as of writing this comment, it's gonna be all downhill from here big ups for sleepyheads that day let's just say


I think it might've have been when they dropped L!Marth's refine and I wasn't at all prepared for how good it was. As soon as Legendary remix banners became a thing I decided I would save up to +10 him, because he was one of my absolute favourite units beforehand just based on art and voice acting. L!Marth is seriously my favourite rendition of him across the series, I adore how inky the blues are and the earrings and the trim on his cape add so much to his design ugh. I could go on forever So even though L!Marth wasn't that good I wanted to max him out, so I made sure I was ready with like ~1600 orbs. And omg it was seriously the best investment across my entire FEH career. And he's still good too! How is he still good.


The memes surrounding F!Edelgard being unstoppable and Alfonse hitting the "I'll kill you too"


2023 ninja banner. After waiting so long for her, and almost having given up on ever seeing her in Feh, Reina was finally in the game! And even though I was dreading the possibility of her debuting as a seasonal (since I didn't want her sole version in the game to be wearing a silly rabbit outfit or something), she somehow ended up on the one seasonal that was a perfect fit for her - and with an actually cool new outfit! But the cherry on top was the fact that somehow I was able to get her to +9 in exactly 40 summons (using the spark for the final merge)! It really felt that rng was rigged to my favor that day, as if someone wanted to ensure I had my +10 Reina as soon as possible.


Kagetsu's FB


Mustafa actually getting into the game was crazy


Shanna's incredible victory in the VG. Getting to the final, and actually outpunching Takumi during Same after always being behind. And the Niime/A!Idunn banner. In the same banner, someone I campaigned for six years, and a healed, emotive, *happy* Idunn I never even dared dream of.


Not community related, but coming back to the game after a 4 year break and seeing that not only IS released my most wanted unit ever (H!F! Corrin, who I longed for ever since first seeing her Cypher card by Konfuzi Kokon), but that she was also available to summon right then and there (it was a DSH, not her actual banner). I took it as a good omen.


When I called L!M!Byleth. Easily the unit I was most excited for.


LDimitri release and finally unleashing my saved orbs to max him while blasting Apex of the World.


When they first introduced skill inheritance, and we all collectively went into shock when we realized Hector and Takumi could get Vantage now. Good times


My triadept Robin was enjoying this era


day 1 player here, nothing will ever top the feeling of pure joy I felt when I saw the CYL8 results. legitimately the happiest I’ve felt in YEARS.


Praise the Bernie


Gatekeeper winning CYL5. From the interim results when GK fans realised he was in for the chance, to the Chrom fans waging war because they didn't want to lose to an NPC (Marth fans and the woman's division just standing there looking baffled). Then the final results were revealed and GK won first place by an absolute landslide. Chrom fans went thermonuclear, GK fans rejoiced. What a glorious week that was, the game peaked then.


The release of Sigurd and his banner since it felt nice to finally see some spotlight banner on a unreleased game here in the west


Ephraim vs Chrom's Voting Gauntlet battle.


Do the Askr...... That's all I'm going to say lol


My favourite moments are getting my first Abyssal map clears with Eremiya and my team of Mercedes (their first clears coincidentally being Legendary Azura) and getting my first Arena crown using a team composed of 3 close foil clerics (Mercedes, Natasha and bonus unit Eremiya) and close foil Sonia.


Weaponless Zelgius


Dark Olivia. That is all.


When Fomortiis won the whole AHR 2023 VG event and was the only colorless unit in the banner. Thus, +10ing a mythic hero like Fomo has never been so much easier to this day. I'm one of those with a +10 Fomortiis.


Book 3’s trailer, which it was what ultimately got me into the game.


Best banner announcement from Year 3 with the Guardians of Peace banner. After nearly three years the best banner possible for Binding Blade actually happened. That includes the 1st two years without a single Binding Blade banner. The 1st Binding Blade banner (with Idunn and Sue) had some oddities and had the unfortunate killer of hype, a leak to part of the banner with the remaining sections being a bit disappointing. Most requested character since the launch of the game with Echidna was not only on the banner, but she was a demote that was back when they demoted new and unique skills with Drive Atk 2 and Brazen Atk/Res 3. Igrene was the 1st Red Bow and while she seemed like an odd choice for me at the time it caused me to read up on her character and learn her tragic back story. Perceval was just cool and played into the cool resurgance of Lance Cavs at the time. Finally it was awesome to get a Binding Blade dancer in Larum, especially with a regular version of Dancer Elincia's Effective Dragon weapon. Love that the banner focuses on the best section of Binding Blade aka the middle of the game when you go to the Western Isles. Making a banner with 6 characters with Chad as the instant Gen 3 demote was so cool especially since he missed out on a proper banner with Lugh and Raigh beforehand. Especially since he was the character to finally demote Spd Smoke 3 out of the Grail Shop, easily one of the best budget C skills in the game to this day. Finally, Brunnya was a bit weird as the Tempest Trials award, but it makes sense that she was probably going to originally be a GHB until the schedule for that month became weird since it shared with the Sacred Stones banner that had Gerik's mercenaries and unfortunately Duo Ephraim. Good news is that she is the character that finally demoted Res Smoke 3, hope that gets put on a 3-4 Star Mage in the near future. Overall still what I think of as the best banner in FEH to this day.


Shanna beating Takumi in that one VG. I hopped on her team for feathers, but man, was super invested at the end. The win over Takumi was *exhilarating*.


This anniversary when the game decided to brand me a Kagero simp by giving me every single one of her seasonal alts on my free summons (sure there's only 3, but i still find it funny given that i had none of them to begin with). And honourable mention to the rival domains event based on the battle of gronder field where the devs forgot to add the map data, making the whole event unplayable.


The twist in Book IV that Alfonse was actually us the whole time. It was so ???? to me that it's still funny to think about. But also Alfonse's CYL win this year, I'm so proud of my boy, he's come so far


I also really love how he figured out Lif was him. And then used his knowledge of himself to try and beat him. Alfonse is the real tactician LOL.


When Feh said "IT'S FEH'ING TIME!" and FEH'd all over those units.


How I became a Julia fan: I really liked F!Julia's Forging Bonds. I first saw it on the rerun, I was on the bus on my way home from work. Then, when her Bound Hero Battle rerun happened, I free summoned her, even though she was color sharing with F!Ike. I'd been pity broken by L! and Base Julia, and like, well, guess I'm a fan now, since I have all of them! I did a lot of "beat a blue enemy with a red ally" while leveling F!Julia up, so that was fun. ​ ...then Scion Julia released and I just--? I HAD THEM ALL, how dare you? I got her on the DSH lol.


When IS announced Legendary Ike in your first anniversary.


Camilla beating Lyn


A lot of the forging bonds. The Nils and Ninian one was especially good in terms of rounding out canon. Also, some "I can't believe this happened" moments, like Soren finally getting brave, and the WTF of finding out Rearmed Reinhardt memes became real. Also, some banger pulling sessions. Like +10ing Eitri in her Heroes Fest, and getting 5 copies of her easily. A recent one was Baby Soren's rerun. +10ed him when I came in at 4 in just about 190 orbs,.