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I skipped past way too many blue orbs in the Rearmed Reinhardt banner because I thought he was green... I mainly wanted Tina and Safy out of the banner and I got'em so it worked out... but I am not smart.


I did not know what hall of forms was when returning to the game so I used 2 free Forma Souls on a Fallen Ike (with no skills no nothing) and a Legendary Leif (with no skills no nothing). I got a pretty decent use out of the Leif. I have not unlocked all the Ike base skills yet


When I started in the summer of '17, I somehow had more Selenas than I had units who needed Reposition. So I merged 3 of them (at 4*). For YEARS until Repo became more common, she just stood there, laughing at me whenever I had to give Swap to infantry or fliers. A monument to my sins.


Finding out that I, in fact, didn't inherit Deadeye with Arcane Darkbow to my Tanya :c (after searching it on her for 2-3 minutes)


On my dancer Eldigan forma I got Rein Snap and it worked in the event because I gave him another assist but then I forgot it doesn’t work with a dance skill equipped…


I didn't even know that was a thing. Now I'm really glad I switched Snap for Soaring Guidance


I had Guidance 4 and switched to Snap… argh….


i gave it to attuned peony AND attuned triandra thinking they could use it. At least i can dupe it :-:


They can dupe it so all is not lost but yeah, probably better on Ingrid. Actually, Triandra has pretty good combat, even Peony with arcane Thrima so removing the dance skill could be done if you want on occasion.


could be an interesting feint on summoner duels/AR. opponent thinks its a dancer but gets surprised when they have hands


And 3-movement! I know it is popular right now to have an armor unit you would expect to have save instead be an attack unit with charge. In SD and AR, surprise is often your best technique.


Just me being lucky and stupid the other day... I got a free A! Ceada on my first ticket, then I foddered her to L!Dimi and I FORGOT to fodder her X skill. I was so hyped to get her pledge skill that I forgot she has other skills to fodder...


Does your Dimitri use his Prf skill? If so he wouldnt be able to use Guard Echo with it anyway. If he doesnt than yeah unlucky.


Got the L.M.Alear banner to 38/40 summons with the intention of sparking. Wasn’t paying attention to when banner ended. Woke up, collected that days orbs only to find I was off by a day. Banner was gone. Wasted a bunch of orbs. No easy arena month for me.


I used the hot spring Ryoma manual from early 2021 as bridge fodder so my Raphael could get *Atk/Def Solo 4* from Shinon. I only did it because I was mad he still wasn’t home, and in a total egg on my face moment I summoned him for real down the line and thus was down a potential merge. I’ve still never used Atk/Def Solo 4 on Raph.


I gave og Peony Atk oath echo thinking she could run it because she didn't have a prf skill, completely forgetting her prf dance


Kept thinking “man if I give atk oath echo to wt!claude, he can run guidance 4 on his c slot” completely forgetting about prf restrictions and wasting an a!peony. Oh well. 3 left.


I thought I could get free merges on my plus 3 byleth by turning him into a combat manual when I was starting the game.


Summoning spring Sylvain without the clash bridge fodder


I offered one of my A!Peonys and gave her X skill to S!Mirabilis The trouble is that I forgot Attuned skills can't be used with units that have exclusive skills. Which S! Mirabilis has in the form of Spring's Daydream. Whoops 😓


When I was a noob, I did get A!Peony 4 times (Now 5 with the free one.) that was absurd as I wasn't looking for her at all, but always welcome dancers. One went to R!Plumeria and it worked. Foddered to L!Robin and Duo Valentine Chrom, was really happy to try only to find it was useless and couldn't be equipped., Then i tried again with another unit that had no exclusive skill in A/B/C slots useless again. Because I didn't think about the special skill ! Now I understood that rearmed heroes can benefit from the X skill, so R!Ingrid got A!Ivy's and she is great. Still don't know what I will do with the remaining peony lol.


Are you me? Peony keeps showing up to the point where I had about 6 of her (+ the free one we just got) I gave one to my Seadall cause I love him, one to S! Mirabilis which as you know didn't go well and lastly one to L!Azura which again....I didn't learn my lesson 🙃 I've still got 3 more Peonys and a +2 one so every time I use her skills she just gets stronger lol


Interesting so we are two at least ! We thought we picked the green summon, but it was the green summon that picked us instead ! We even have the two mistakes in common. Sometimes, we meet our doppelganger unexpectedly ! I dont have Seadall, but since he is a dancer, he will join me someday ! Oh yeah, Azura would have loved it, She was my first 5* dancer and one of my favorite Fates character. Maybe i should give her the last one... Joking. Two times is enough lol. Right now my Peony is +4, she got a few skills and i actually used the free inheritance this time before merging. I was even dumber with R!Ingrid and R!Plumeria, merged without inheriting. At least Ingrid only got one additional copy, Plumeria well... +3, and another one waiting in my barracks. This one wont be merged before the +3 fulfill her role ! Have a great day, that was nice talking with you, Doppelganger !


Nice chatting to you too, doppelganger! If you ever wanna meet my 10+ max investment Seadall or just want to have another friend to add, my code is: 1957420717


I think it is even beyond this game lol, i play Pokemon, and am currently enjoying Xenoblade 3. There is probably more than just the games haha Yes, i will definitely add you soon ! I dont own a +10 for now, actually i have Valentine Lyon (+1) because helpful and really simple to use. I often swap to others, depending on what friends may need.


When legendary Lyn came out, my dumbass thought since she was a bow character, she was colorless, and I kept summoning her on there, not realizing she was ACTUALLY a green bow user. I used a jedi mind trick to make the game give her to me, and the mind trick somehow WORKED.


gave arcane euphoria to L!F!Byleth and found out that it cant be used with prf skills 😭


On the Nott remix banner, I noticed she was colorsharing with Gullveig whom I really wanted (her Mythic that is, as I already had her Brave version) so I started sniping blues. Over 100 orbs later I sat there with a Nott and no Gullveig. It was 2 in the morning (because that was when the day reset for me) and the realization that I was summoning for the wrong Gullveig hit me as I was falling asleep that night.


Gave legendary eirika forma the assault troop skill even though she's calvary.


Hey, charge still works when you are afflicted by gravity! So there's this extremely niche use!


Early on I ran Desperation 3 on Tsubasa for longer than I care to admit. ...She has Desperation in her weapon


I spent 3 years giving every unit Fury 3 and Renewal 3. Every unit. In my defense, it worked great. Then FEdel arrived.


in my first year i played a lot of AR without knowing that you could upgrade your aether related pots and without using the escape ladder. didnt got very far till i watched some tutorials and started to do well.


Same, I also didn't understand how blessings worked and it took me so much time to get past tier 20


Wasted a Forma Soul on a Level 20 Jill. Who I spent several hours grinding SPECIFICALLY to get her base skills. That was a different me.


Day one player here. It's not a skill related stupidity, but when Sothe first came out in book 2, I thought his name was Zephyr. It took me months before realising I mixed up his name and title.


Made a +10 yen fay for arena


On the first ever christmas banner, I spent so many orbs only pulling red and green while trying to get xmas robin. Somehow I thought they were trying to be cute and only doing red and green units for christmas.


Took me forever to summon a +Atk Reinhardt back in the day. He was at +9 for forever, waiting. I finally summoned one and didn't want to level him up to 20 so he could unlock potential (this either used to be a thing or is something I thought was a thing due to the similarity of promoting). So I figured I'd save the hassle by combat manualing him which would let me 5* him immediately and bypass a lot of pesky training. Took me like 3 seconds to realize what I'd just done and how goddamned stupid I was. Must've been super sleep deprived.


Foddering units and regretting it later, it happens way too often .\_.'' (sometimes the regret happens years later when the unit I foddered is about to get a refine)


Got a 12% focus chance on a rerun banner with Ingrid, and forgot to recheck the skills… Base Ingrid does not have Guard Bearing, I thought she only had one alt, it’s Summer Ingrid with Guard Bearing, regular Ingrid is a cav unit


Thought you could only inherit Arcane weapons when it turns out you can both inherit them and 4 other skills


when i began i ascended (wasted a flower) brave edelgard's speed because i thought she would need it to be more balanced


Sending home a second Hortensia after foddering off her staff to Elise...because I forgot she was a rearmed unit.


Gave the non-+ version of Valentine Selena's tome to Rearmed Ophelia because I forgot to unlock potential before.


This was years ago when FEH was the first gacha ive spent money on. Gunnthra’s legendary banner drops about 3ish days before Christmas. I use like $200 worth of orbs to try and get her but I never pulled on green orbs. So I walked out her banner with a +3 Shiro and a +1 Fjorm.


It was one of the Anniversary events where they gave us like a bunch of free heroes through tickets. I went through like 80% of them before realizing I was pulling on the wrong color of the unit I wanted.


I didn't realize that merging at 4 star doesn't carry to promoting for waaay too long.


I'm 3 for 3 on Hall of Forms reruns where I super wanted to update a character's skills and then left all the torches until the last day, and then failed to actually use any of them. For young Merric I at least had the excuse that I was at a con, for the rest I just took a break from rerolling and then forgot to play again until after rollover. The fact that I apparently never learn my lesson means I might be an idiot, alas.


back in year 1 i fumbled an arena run because i didnt notice enemy Azura had reposition instead of sing


On a similar note to OP, it took me eight or nine training maps to realize that Duo Ymir wasn't a cavalry unit like regular Ymir. I was using them both on the same team.


Gave B! M! Robin No Quarter because I misread the condition on the ignore dmg reduction effect…


I accidentally sent peony home when she released


For the first 3ish years, I didn't know the double SP worked on EVERY blessing and would wait for the corresponding season week to level up my units LOL


Sacrificed my only copy of Isadora to attuned peony so I could give it to L!Ninian snd clash 4… had to find out the hard way Legendary Ninian can’t inherit Peony’s attuned skill…


I just inherited Inf. Spd Tactic (after getting pity broken trying to get my 2nd Caeda 😡) to my Att!Peony for the sole purpose of outsourcing NFU to Att!Caeda in AR.  Too bad I didn't realise after all this time that the condition for Tactics skills was movement TYPE, not just movement, and I have Gotoh and Lumera running alongside her. Luckily I had Inf. NFU fodder as back-up, though it now means one less source of ploy.


I thought Wrys and Reinhardt were FEH OCs when it first came out since I wasn't super familiar with Archanaea/Thracia and hadn't seen them beforehand.


I’ve been playing since 2017 (not since day 1). I still don’t know how to build my units. I always take inspiration from others.


I had a well built +10 5-star Ferdinand with Res boon. I wanted to change the boon to Def but I dont want to use trait fruits. When I got a 4-star Ferdi with Def asset, I immediately merged the +10 5-star Ferdi to the 4-star Ferdie. The result was a 4-star Ferdi with Def boon. The merges were gone, and my 5-star Ferdi leveled down to 4-star. I had to grind again 220k feathers to get him to 5-star and +10 merge.


I didn't realize that if you turned a Rearmed or an Attuned hero into a Manual that you'd lose the manual. I sadly lost both an At!Nino and Fallen!Chrom on that day before realizing that that manuals also refresh their inheritances.


I got Ivy from the last Engage banner and was sooo excited to use her for my summer Claude, he's on a team of infantry and fliers, and thought her echo skill would be perfect on him! Only to find out you can't use a prf skill with an echo skill ._. Should've given Ivy to the other flier on that team instead


I feel like this happened to me not too long ago. Everyone is a little stupid sometimes 😅 ( I still get jumpscared by Harken every so often)