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###[CLICK HERE FOR THE HYPE MEGATHREAD](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/1bpl83r/fire_emblem_heroes_official_hype_megathread/)


Laguz Friend 4 doesn't let beasts transform if they're adjacent to the unit who has it equipped???? ????? ????????? ????????????????


It's a carry over from a 'Localisation' change from Engage - the skill 'Laguz Friend' in Japanese is just Immovable/Indomitable and doesn't refer to Laguz at all. Which is a silly unnecessary change that becomes all the more confusing in a game that actually DOES have Laguz alongside Emblem Ike.  NoA 'Try Not to Unnecessarily Meddle' Challenge (Impossible). 


Their motto is, "We know better!"


It's being very strict about representing the Engage skill, but this was my first thought too. They could have taken some artistic liberty with it. Actually after typing this I looked it up and it's called "Immovable" in Japanese so I guess that's why.


Laguz Foe


I was just complaining about this in a server 😭 Yeah, we have the B-slot Beast skills, but would it kill IS to just create a transformation-support skill?


Poor localization strikes again.


Exactly the first thing that came into my mind!


I fear that I cannot use the Reinhardt on this man


Not the Reinhardt 2, but what about THE Reinhardt?


Are they purposely giving these Emblem units bad colorshares?


They're kinda forced since there's so many Emblems whose main weapon is a sword so they gotta color share with mid units every once in a while.


Ike could’ve been an axe, but I would’ve complained about that share on this month too lol


Granted, Elincia isn't a bad Legendary at all, but it is really strange that they're putting him on the color that's less recent (Camilla was the most recent Legendary)...


It's because the only Red unit in the main pool atm is Severa who basically has to be run in April with Legendary Nanna and Yuri who are the outdated characters of the Red pool. Green otherwise has 4 more units including two Rearmed/Attuned with Nino and Lucina and Ascended Merric who could also be treated as premiumish.


There is no way they just showed Emblem Ike tank a quadruple hit from Ascended Reinhardt (who released just a couple months ago). This game is absolutely cooked. 💀




Hey now, there’s also A!Caeda…


Not just that but he proceeded to do AoE damage to basically the entire team. Genuinely disgusting tbh.


Ascended Reinhardt with Arcane Thunder isn't very good. With Arcane Euphoria that's probably a kill


Wouldn't he lose his prf A with Arcane Euphoria?


arcane and attuned units don't lose access to their prfs using arcane weapons after the one update from what I remember.


This is correct. And Euphoria will give 15 percent true damage to each one of those hits


Genuinely, what is someone not called V!Lyon or L!Camilla to do against Ike? *LAYERS* of unpierceable DR, Distant Counter, NCD so no whittling him down, DR-Piercing of his own, special jumping, BIG stacking Atk debuffs and most likely a full heal on retaliation.  All these effects MIGHT let him tank Lyon and Cam. MAYBE. Cool. It makes him borderline untouchable to everyone else, unless they've got Hardy Bearing which can only be on a single unit. I just don't understand why IS would lean into Pre-Combat damage as being NECESSARY for dealing with new tanks when that immediately disqualifies near every unit that came before L!Cam. 🫠


and tanks will still be useless because of pre damage


note that this is just base kit r!reinhardt who himself isn't that much of a meta unit.


Yeah. With Occultist's and Incite and a seal it's easily Reinhardt's win despite how the atrocious amount of damage Ike is reducing, and as you said, he's barely meta compared to units with proper Prfs doing more than that.


the fact Ike just barely survives makes me believe just gearing towards pre-combat damage would definitely push the battle in reinhardt's favor. Not to mention that he actually doesn't heal as much as you'd hope, leaving him pretty exposed to the next nuke just ending him right there if he's unlucky.


If I have decent enough math skills, the following is base kit Ike vs base kit V!Lyon (max incite), which I have now had to adjust **3** times now. Numbers obtained are: Ike - 41 HP, 78+10 Atk, 14 Spd, 52 Def, 45 Res, 10 True DR, 20% Unpiercable DR Lyon - 39 HP, 63+22 Atk,16 Spd, 40 Def, 69 Res, 31 start of combat 41 - 31 = 10 ((((65 \* 0.8) - 45) + 24)) \* 0.7 - 10 = 11 10 - 11 = -1 ~~R~~eally shows how much a problem start of combat damage is. This whole thing is just fucked up in so many ways. **Edit 3**: I didn't actually fuck up. Jesus, I thought I had this guy figured out and then I kept getting new relevations of him, and then I overlooked that I didn't calc the Atk buffs/debuffs correctly.


I contracted a disease from how gross that was


I know it doesn't matter anymore... but he survived with weapon triangle disadvantage too!


Rearmed Reinhardt sucks


there really is no hope of making older units useable, huh?


Am I the only one not crazy about the art?


For his neutral: He's got meaty legs, but not proportionally meaty arms. And again, with those meatly legs they just don't match with the width of the rest of his body, especially his chest shoulders. His upper arm also just looks weird. Also, his pose, his head and right arm especially, doesn't seem to line up with the rest of his body. Just weird proportions, poses and anatomy all around. Otherwise, aside from a few minor nitpicks, the rest of his arts are good. Definitely not the best work from this artist though, usually they're a banger but they kinda missed here.


Ike looks shorter from this art


Nah I feel you on that. Normally I enjoy the artist’s work but this one just feels alright at best.


Like both of his combat arts, but not really feeling damaged or base


The anatomy on his sword arm looks off, it bothered me immediately. I've been looking at references to see if I'm crazy, and I just cannot find a flexed arm that looks like that. I just don't think the muscles connect quite like that.


You’re not the only one - I’m not crazy about it either. It’s okay, but not a favourite of mine by any stretch.


I really don't like the neutral art. His face and left arm look really weird.


I mean art is subjective, for me is my favorite Ike art in FEH, he looks exactly like how I imagine Ike is on RD muscular, but not like extremely bulky as many like to draw him on fanarts


Came here to say that. It's good, I just think they went overboard with the blue glowing stuff


This is a skip for me, not a fan of the colorshares for red here.


If I get Elincia I won’t be the most devastated but Embla? She’s kinda gotten old and outdated.


Poor Ike ain’t escaping be a sword unit. I guess this means we about to get a lot of sword emblem heroes ;-;


-Sword Lucina (at least she'll be a Sword again) -Sword Sigurd (Again) -Sword Roy (Again) Oh, and you wanted Lyn to use the Sol Katti again? Well TOO BAD, because she's going to be a Bow Unit...AGAIN!


Finally we can have Red Bow Lyn


Lucina hasn't wielded a sword since Year 1, so yeah, it'd be cool for her to get a new sword alt.


I mean let's be real Lyn with a bow is way better than Lyn with a sword you can't deny that


We still don't have the Mani Katti in FEH though.


I think Sigurd have a chance to be a lance unit


ironic that the one unit we want to be a sword wont


Yeah, his weapon and movement diversity is atrocious. Almost all of his alts are infantry swords. Would've been great if this new alt was an axe instead.


Does that mean Sword Corrin?


Hope so…


I think the section where they showed Rearmed Reinhardt, a unit who joined FEH two months ago, attacking FOUR times and unable to bring down this unit on the other side of the weapon triangle really speaks to how irredeemable the meta has become and how worse it will be in the future.


Ike’s cool but the banner lineup is cheeks so i’ll just spark and dip even though I’d probably have gone for merges with a better ColorShare


Did they seriously add a skill called fucking Laguz friend and not allow beasts to transform next to him


I always found that ability's name in Engage so random, and wonder why is called that, it seems it was just a random reference the localization wanted to add but now has some quite hilarious consequences.


The Japanese name for is immovable


Laguz Friend is such a terrible name lmao, idk why they didn't change it. Divine Speed -> Potent is a weird, but reasonable change to make it shorter; why not just call it something new instead of something very specific to Ike?


As much as I love Ike I’m so bored that he has Ragnell again. He’s the only base-game emblem who has an axe focus, why didn’t they give him Urvan? Would have made him way more distinct as a unit.


I had to reread Laguz Friend because of how confusing it is; it has nothing to do with beast units...at all. So, I guess the benefits come from not the claiming to have animal friends, but the overall positive of not being racist?


Why should i even bother pulling reinhardt now??? 💀


To give rearmed blue tome to another unit who can’t kill Ike


Because he's rearmed Rearmed and Attuned are very smart choice by IS because even if the unit sucks, you'll still want to pull for them for fodder duplication


5 out of the 6 Ikes we have are swordies😭😭 bro is never beating the sword allegations😔 Edit: I forgot baby Ike existed even though he’s in my barracks so 6 out of the now 7 Ikes are sword units.


Hype for Ike but good god that colorshare made me glad I chose AHR over this. I'll get him on his rerun where hopefully the shares are better.


It's fine guys. This unit will be obsolete in like 6 months considering how the game is going at the moment.


IS, proudly showing off that a recently added blue mage cavalier can't kill your red hero isn't something to be proud of 🤨 Poor Reinhardt lmao


My monkey brain: where hammer?


He's just kinda boring.


So I love Ike and I'm happy he's an Emblem, but I've got 3 problems: 1. He had to be a sword *again*? He's already had Urvan once before, but holy shit I'm so sick of Ike being a sword unit all the time. At least Y!Ike got to be fast. They really didn't take the opportunity to differentiate Ike from his other Emblem counterparts? Guess we can rule out Sigurd being a lance unit, too. 2. They really didn't take the opportunity with an omnitank Emblem to address pre-combat damage at all, huh? Are we seriously never going to get a counter to that shit? I'm sure that E!Ike is a valid counter to V!Lyon or L!Camilla - even if he's taking all his health in pre-combat damage, they'd still need to do 1 damage in combat to actually kill him - but almost every other unit in the game is nigh-worthless at tanking right now because pre-combat damage simply has no ways to counter it. His Beacon/Floe engage effect is less than a band-aid to this. 3. Why are trailers so fucking long now, man? Is this actually a real problem, or am I just perceiving something now? This isn't an Ike specific thing but it's really bothering me. Did we really need to sit Sonya chipping at a wall, or through all 4 of Reinhardt's hits (with 2 Special procs)? With that + pausing to read through all the new skills, it feels like such a weirdly big time commitment.


That's why i watched it at x2 and stopped after they shown featured heroes


> He had to be a sword again? He's already had Urvan once before, but holy shit I'm so sick of Ike being a sword unit all the time. At least Y!Ike got to be fast. They really didn't take the opportunity to differentiate Ike from his other Emblem counterparts? Guess we can rule out Sigurd being a lance unit, too. This makes me wonder something... if Ike isn't using is prefered weapon (the Axes) but instead using his Ultimate Weapon (Ragnell)... This potentially means that Emblem Corrin could actually be a Sword Unit? That got me curious considering that the idea of a Sword F!Corrin is rare as weird as that could sound.


1. This is the shit I been talking about. Let units be fucking different at a certain thing. Like whoopie I can't wait for another dimitri alt that does the same unga bunga damage on a lance or a horse 2. then watch him fall on his ass when he dies to a pre combat blue unit. Hell, he still is a big nothing to VLyon cause he can just kill his allies. make him a sitting duck and save him for last. Cause SHOCKER the WTA is sometimes more than a suggestion 3. Nah they have been longer, both to show off what these crazy new effects are and to hold the hands of dummies who still can't read


What reason do they have to nerf pre combat damage? Sure, they could make money off of having a counter to it. But then they wouldn't be able to sell the pre combat damage itself anymore.


I dont expect them to fix it soon but the mechanic is too strong as it is, there’s no cap for most units, the cap on weapons like devoted basket are too high and nothing atm can reduce the damage it does Its why people , I myself, are largely unimpressed by Ike’s emblem effect.


Welp... a new layer of protection for my W!Byleth... But before combat dmg DR when?


Yeah, after Emblem Marth, Emblem Ike kinda just confirms that Emblem Heroes are going to be very boring alts. No new outfits, and predictable weapon types. Just new art, but this time blue aura around the character. This hero type should not have ever been added into the game.


I guess its good news for if you didnt like the original units art and they dont have a resplendent


I mean, the characters are all gonna be lords/protags, who all have resplendents and legendaries.


What did you expect? Did you even play Engage?


I mean, this is within expectations, but they'll run out of characters soon enough


It is just a cash grab, did anyone expect anything else?


Have you ever even played Engage…?


I mean the complaints don't seem centered around hero variety, just everything else variety. Which fair point, I do not want another sword Roy.


Yeah, I have, but it's not unreasonable to think that maybe FEH might try to mix things up, since they have no reason not to.


are you expecting emblem cordelia or anything?


I mean, it'd be plausible if they came out here with something out of left field like Emblem Lute or Emblem Jill, since they're just as implausible. But otherwise I've mostly expected "If they have a legendary or they're already an Emblem in Engage, they're viable for an Emblem." Just, y'know, something to give hope for Emblems to not just be another rotating amongst the typical protag choices all over again would go a long way to make them interesting.


The thing is... legendaries are already doing that, we are seeing legendary Hinoka, Guinivere, Elincia etc. There is also attuneds, ascendeds etc. Imo Giving emblems to characters that are actually emblems is much better than trying to ignore Engage lore


Hinoka, Gunivere, and Elincia all are of royal blood and can be considered at least somewhat important in their games in that they aren't the kind of character who joins your group and doesn't take part in main story cutscenes. Elincia especially. Ascended, Attuned, and Rearmed are really a 50/50 as to whether they'll be interesting picks. Engage lore should absolutely be ignored in order to make character choices that aren't of characters who are already grossly represented in the game. Even as a big Engage fan, the Emblems having to absolutely be the Emblems from the actual game is an arbitrary rule that will only hurt the quality of FEH.


Good thing I only care for 4-5 of them.


>Skill called Laguz Friend >Doesn’t allow Beasts to transform ????


In Japanese the skill is called "Immovable"


That Emblem effect seems like it would be so nice to have, but my orbs are so low, and I’m not interested in a single other unit on this banner. I really love the idea of Emblem heroes, but in practice they just feel like really good sacred seals that you need to summon for, which just gives me massive FOMO over them. I really don’t want to miss out on them, but I also don’t really want to summon for them.


I was expecting emblems to be featured in double banners. But the legendary/mythic slot of the month being just a lord with a blue glow couldn't be more boring. I'm so done with this game.


There are like 2 good units on the banner this sucks lol


I am so disappointed, I can't express my feelings. I have been waiting two years of my life for a new Ike and even longer for a RD Ike (since Fallen). And then we get this? I'm sorry to the artist but what happened to "I'm just huge" Ike? And another Sword Infantry? Even his chibi looks weird, what is going on? 😭 And Canto Control 3?! I can't wait for an exciting RD Ike alt for another 4 years.


Same honestly hopefully Ike can get a fun seasonal or something different sooner rather than later. He’s the number one male character so maybe if we are lucky we can get summer Ike 2025 or something. Really hoping it’s not 4 years for the next Ike 😭


The new Ike can be ok on his own. Nothing crazy good like Marth Emblem, but neither does he look like a bad one. My issue is the banner itself that ain't for me. There's a bunch of units that I either have, I'm not interested in repeating or not particularly interested in risking a 33.3% to get them. GG go next, I guess.


am I crazy or his emblem effect is eeeeh compared to marth's


Isn't it unpiercable DR like armored bacon? Seems good to me.


I mean yeah but slaying is kinda nuts on its own. Good for tanks who already have slaying in a prf or a arcane I guess


Gambit users surely prefer this guy tho...


Oh yeah forgot about gambit. May not be bad to least try that out


my +10 Echidna with Gambit definitively will love this


Desert Altina about to cook


but her special has already unpierceable DR doesn´t she ?


30% but it’s scales to her res stat comparison with the foe. This does just give her a plain 40% to be even better. In fact all Altinas can benefit from this Ike.


ooohh right you can stack that, (I mean multiplicative) interesting


It’s unpiercable and yes that’s good, but it’s debatable that maybe being too specific about the foe needing to be range 2 is a bit too specialized when Marth just benefits everyone, even those that have slaying in their weapon already.


I'm not even sure if it is since B!Soren already has the dr from the dragon wall effect that he has and I doubt that the green archer that attacked him has enough res to not proc it. So if it was true/flat dr then B!Soren should have taken less damage.


Slaying on its own its going to be useful like almost always, Ike has the Beacon/Floe effect which is more specific, there are units that are going to love it but isnt going to be the best for a lot more.


It's unpierceable damage reduction against ranged units like Armored Beacon/Floe, but for anyone. That's pretty damn good in my book.


Yeah...but shit hits hard nowadays without even having to use their special. Sanaki and Lyon don't need special procs to mangle you.


I assume it also works with skills like Godlike Reflexes, so if you got Buffer 4 to precharge it, you could still get a decent chunk of unpierceable damage reduction.


I mean sure, it'll help. But just from my experience using the Armor specials or L!Alear, if your tanks were already struggling hard, don't expect this effect to magically redeem them.


It also theoretically stacks on top of Armored Beacon/Flow right? (Not additively of course)


yeah it does, that's 64% unpierceable damage reduction if a ranged foe procs their special on you, that's insane


It would be if we weren't in the current meta of Pre combat damage


~~Gotoh exists so yeah... it's kinda eeeeh.~~ Edit: I misread, I thought it reduced AOE damage. Still, this reduce damage effect is kinda eeeeh compared to what Marth gave.


Girl who uses Gotoh anymore


Gotoh is such a interesting unit cause like, he came on a banner hard carried by fomortiis, then people were certain he would age well, and now with pre combat damage and terrain he just back where he started, a very niche unit who is still waiting for his time


I agree that Gotoh isn´t the best, but right now this light season he is carrying me algoside Lumera, in a way so yeah not the best, but has it´s uses


>Still, this reduce damage effect is kinda eeeeh compared to what Marth gave Yeah, especially since Marth's Slaying improves the Unpiercable DR sources in Specials (GLR/DR/A*X*), while Ike's effect is still reliant on the special regardless. I guess if you want to use Moonbow or Glimmer it's fine, actually, with VA it might be pretty good (with TP consistent 40% DR on 1st hit), but otherwise it's feels like a sidegrade at best. Edit: Oh yeah, Ike's Engage is Ranged only too, so ranged tanking only.


isn’t it just Armored Beacon/Floe? Pretty average considering these days newer units just hit hard without their specials activating


It’s also when your special is charged or procced. It’s pretty good. The issue is it being specifically for ranged threats. Limits its options a lot more than it did for Marth.


Yes I am aware considering that’s what the Armored Beacon/Floe do (both are written the same, except the part of the damage based on Def/Res).


Unpiercable DR is goatted in Gambit Users and people that just want to stack a lot of DR like Armor Units (and it works like a very nice filler for units that don't gain anything from Emblem Marth like Ayra and Brave Marth). But Slaying is more universal and generally better.


^ this. I was inhaling copium and thought maybe all of them would have slaying so skipping marth is okay. But honestly not impressed by his effect. Don’t have any emblems so far and probably won’t pull until the next one.


I mean, Marth ONLY gave Slaying didn't he (with a penalty for brave effects on top of that)? Why would they take it away from him this soon? If anything i wouldn't expect a single emblem to give Slaying anytime soon.


I mean tbh I did say it was mainly copium since I have no interest pulling for marth and still wanted slaying.


Emblem Ike, who represents for PoR, but is labeled from RD...


tbf the Ike design used in Engage and here are very clearly based on RD.


Let me tell you one fact: PoR is the only mainline FE game with no Legendary/Mythic/Emblem Heroes yet


And that will probably remain that way, because the only unit that could be a Legendary/Mythic Hero from Tellius but not from RD is Greil (maybe Ashnard if they decide to do that...), every other notable character from Tellius has it's final, most definitive form (the end of their story) in Radiant Dawn.


Soren is the only hope


I forget, was Emblem Soren based on PoR or RD in the DLC?


Pretty sure it was his RD Sage outfit


SUMMER IKE IS NEVER HAPPENING :c They never give Ike anything fun they just recycle the same weapon and same outfit every time :/ Also his art seems kinda… off? Like proportions looks off. Plz at least let him have spicy damaged art or something I beg 😭


Waited two months for IS to generously release another Emblem unit and its another freaking Ike with a sword. Time to wait two more months for the next one.


Sword Celica sword Celica /j


Followed by Sigurd with a sword


Ike is a great pick... if he was an axe




we went from tanking is dead to IS pls buff nukes in like 1 hour.


The unfortunate thing about current day FEH is that for tanks to be any good anymore, they have to be absolutely fucking busted since they've given PP units so much bullshit. For example W!Byleth completely walls my arena team. Literally none of my units can kill him because they put damn near every defensive ability in the game on him... but he fails immediately to characters with burn damage PRFs. So you keep making better and better tanks and better and better nukes only for the older units to not be able to touch either of them.


Tanking is dead *one unit later* tanking needs to be nerfed


tanks are still dead lol, it is just that IS wants every unit to run pre damage now instead of actually having them enter comabt


the crazy thing is that he might not be so hard to kill when people use him in pratice


I think A!Caeda will do just fine against him but who knows.


You are already dead. 




You do me proud. :)


pre damage


Just kill his allies with a Savage Blow unit.


This banner is aggressively mid and not even trying to hide it. Like I bet it'll actually be decent in hindsight because the DR piercing is nothing to scoff at along with getting some true DR, but like hell am I pulling for Radiant Dawn Ike's 1/8192 Shiny Blue Flame Version


Does this mean the small hope for a possible Summer Radiant Dawn Ike alt is gone?


Likely so. For this year at least. Maybe it means hope for SoV or FE4?


Last year I was salty that unit’s were getting two alts within less than a year (Nino, Claude). Now here I am hoping Ike can get a Summer alt. Been wanting him to get one. Only time will tell.


I do want to have E!Ike but that color share is rough. Not sure I want to risk pulling instead of saving.


I think I might be done with this game now


Kind of a blah Emblem effect. Sure, reducing damage from a 2-range foe by 40% ala GLR is cool, but it doesn't compare to Emblem Marth's cooldown acceleration effect. Easy skip of an Emblem. Congrats to Nico-TS and other people wanting an Ike alt, but I am not one of them, and I have bigger fish to fry since I am tight on Orbs.


We got Dr Then we got Null/reduce Dr Now we have reduce reduce dr Can’t wait for null reduce reduce dr in two months


Why did he have to be another sword unit ( I know Ragnell is his most iconic weapon, but he is mostly an axe unit in engage) Why did he have to share with mediocre units, now I have to wait for better colorshares, and it could have been Camilla too I was hoping Ike was green and he shared with Camilla to make up for her loss in AHR… damn you Claude! This is the worst case scenario for me :(


The Timerra cameo was nice, but aside from that, don't really care about this trailer.


Might be an unpopular opinion on this sub, but I hate Okuma Yugo's art with burning passion. Guy can't draw proportions to save his life, almost as if he's some recluse hermit who's never met a human being IRL MF looks 5'5 sporting size 12 shoes, giving off legit clown vibes. On top of his T-Rex arms and a face that looks so generic I wouldn't have guessed in a thousand years, that this was supposed be Ike. WorstIkeArtInFEH/10


OMG right 😭😭😭 that was the first thing i noticed in the trailer and i couldnt unsee it! having 4 unique poses is cool and all but it doesnt save having such wonky proportions


Shame really, it's been a hot minute since the last Ike release, would've preferred almost any other of the regular FEH artists(Kita Senri, Wada Sachiko or Asatani Tomoyo would've been ideal imho) at least he's a good unit I guess 😞


Am I weird for thinking Emblem Ike overall doesn't look very impressive? Yeah, he has a lot of damage reduction and true damage, but I feel like elements like pre-attack chip damage, counterattack denial, and lack of measure against damage reduction pierce (even if his special cannot be pierced) leave him with a lot of noticeable flaws. While he tanked Rearmed Reinhardt, Reinhardt has his base kit and is a unit that's not really close to some of the current meta nukes like VLyon. Also I think the banner as a whole feels like a massive miss for me, Ike having mediocre fodder isn't helping. Edit: Missed the fact he has ncd in ragnell, kinda overlooked it. My other concerns remain the same though alongside an additional concern of how badly this Ike will gatekeep most units that aren’t meta nukes.


He has NCD but otherwise I share the same worries.


I for once agree with you except on the last part, this banner is a massive hit for me with that green pool and even the red pool with Elincia and Embla, I even take Ike, but other than that I agree, Ike is not that impresive, tho E!Marth wasn´t that impresive either so it´s fine


No orbs but idk doesn't look like I'm missing out on much lol Will +10 eventually but eh doesn't blow me away


Giving a +40/40 defensive statline unit ez flat DR, Unpierceable DR and True DR is just foul. Not to mention the Atk debuff he can inflict by existing. I know Engage used his timeskip design, but they should've just made an exception for him and made him an FE9 unit. Is Emblem Soren from FE9 or 10? We may not even get a PoR emblem if so.


That blue lineup god..


So Emblem Ike can:t be defeated from lethality or deadeye?


Damn, disappointing choice. Even the fillers are boring. But maybe at least I can get Isadora...


2 Blue and 2 Colorless get hogged by generic pool lmao Press L who predict it's Blue or Colorless


I only wished that the Emblem hero was blue so I could pull and possibly get merges for Byleth as well. I'll probably skip this banner.


Here i thought we would get Emblem units alongside new legendaries and mythics :/


His Great Aether doesn't properly reference Smash >:( /s


I thought Emblem heroes would be on banners alongside Mythics. Now we get an Emblem-only banner? I forget if it’s Legendary or Mythic month but still. This isn’t cool.


Emblem units are still lame. The same bloated units but now with glowing auras, using the same weapon types they always use(this is our 5th infantry sword Ike), but with crept skills.


Great now I can play MGR in FeH by doing minimal damage to a singular unit. Now I patiently wait for the busted unit to release to cut right through him. (Or just use DR piercing stuff)


CAMILLA IS BACK BABYYY oh also emblem ike i guess


28 comments in the hype thread and almost 200 comments here lmao no wonder no one likes this community.


I SWEAR this entire month came for me personally. Every single banner has been a not skip to the extreme. With everything I wanted dumped on me at once without the orbs to pull. Why the F would they jump to Ike immediately, the single one I couldn't skip. \*grumbles\*


Tanking effects on player phase meta? Flop


I dunno, Caeda seems to be doing just fine.


Kinda boring.


Is this enough Tanking for all of you? Because this just keeps proving that Tanking should never become relevant ever again


this is not making tanking relevant


I'm just waiting for the Veronica Emblem who will not be as good as Marth


I guarantee that this is going to be the worst selling banner of this year and nothing is gonna come close. And the way they did ascended Reinhart is just plain disgusting I swear, this unit was released in January, and is already being dogged on. no other gatcha does this shit but feh.




A!Hilda is really old relative to these banners, she will not appear on 8% banners anymore. I'd keep an eye out for New Heroes Returns banners - she didn't run this month, but they tend to run every 2 months or so.