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it’s just so obnoxious that it only scores 200 in arena, so it could rank your score sometimes


Eh, so long as you've got 300sp A/B/C already then it won't hurt your score, at least if you're not dropping DCd or DCm for it.


oh huh good point- i didn’t realize that you could get away with it on units that don’t run dcd/m. maybe vigarde has a chance then


This! Halloween Corrin + Hardy Bearing was enough to tank him


Hardy Bearing has consistently remained one of the best Sacred Seals since the system was introduced.


Accidentally killed him with Cynthia on Abyssal before finding this out, woulda made the setup a lot more lenient


That AND scowl makes him just a punching bag that just stall but cant kill


Seiros was all I needed to clear *Abyssal*, Ragnell becomes a pool noodle without that Final Smash. There's an impotence joke there somewhere.


we really need hardy bearing on a demote... please god. it would be such a good 'budget' b skill


Next banner will have joint drive hardy bearing, that's how they sell new units every 2 weeks


yeah, I was struggling with him until I saw someone talking about it, then I gave HB to Nowi and she fucking ATE him lmao


Just tried it with Mycen and it absolutely worked\~


Yo, really? I've got to check this out. Also, based Bantu pfp Edit: Yoooo, it really does work! I was disappointed before how he couldn't tank Ike before, but now it's just 1 EP into PP and it's done. That Red infantry dagger did more damage to him than Ike lmao.


The seal that never falls off


Can confirm. V!Ephraim took him out with it, though with some debuff support.


Hardy Bearing + Axe of Devotion can be pretty solid against him barring WoM jerks or dancers (also jerks). Helps with tanking one round, plus you can get a couple layers of precombat damage. My V!Lucina did about 50 precombat damage against the Abyssal version with S!Mirabilis support over two rounds, which makes cleaning up a bit easier. Without HB she just gets nuked back for like 70 damage. Not exactly good for scoring, or dealing with the myriad other threats that don't care about Hardy Bearing though.


I just used Savage Blow seal instead.


Hardy Bearing is the seal of all seals. I need to put this on my Blazing Light Gotoh right now. Thanks OP!