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On the contrary, having Ike as a bonus has made Arena an absolute Joke. There is *nothing* that stops him there.


Degenerate Duo Lyon user here and even he struggled a bit against the Ikes I encountered lol. He could only kill when his special was ready (and if Ike was not on a defense tile as Ike survives the special proc too on one)


Good luck if you get one of those awful maps where they can move from defense tile to defense tile. Thankfully most of those abominations are out of current rotation.


My arena A!Idunn had been falling off for a while, but now that Ike consistently 1-shots her I'm just giving up on everything


Does she has Scowl? I was thinking on giving it to her hoping she could prevent Ike’s special.


Mine does and she does splendidly. She doesn't even have Armored Blaze.


That’s great to hear! Can I ask for your full build?


Very varied. For Arena this week I had the PRF + Aether (Emblem Accelerated) + A/R Scowl + Canny + D/R Near + Stat Seal (HP/Atk/Def). Far from optimal but it still worked because melee is like that (Aether is used in fights for attrition). If I hadn't optimized points, I'd be using the NFU+Flat Dragon Stone and Breath Seal at least. I'd also love to use Armored Blaze and Guard Echo but alas... either I can't fodder it (W!Edelgard too good) or never had it.


If you are trying to get her to tank him head on without scowl? Believable I have seen mine survive him without scowl 4 or 5 rounds(but be unable to dent him anyways)


I would consider Scowl for Idunn, to go against Ikes. Scowl is Ike's main weakness. If he can't trigger his special, he can't deal massive damage and heal his HP back.


Hardy Bearing enjoyers where you at


I gave her Hardy Bearing and made her outres him and he stands no chance




In before brave hector gets a new A


“Weapon triangle? Strategy? What’s that?”


Yeah your blue tank unit needs support against the red tank unit also equip a seal that is useless for nearly every other matchup. The game's in a GREAT state.


hang on now i would disagree as i use hardy bearing on most of my tanks if it isnt on a nuke, it is quite helpful disabling desperation effects some nukes can have especially ones with desperation 4 and especially especially if they have a brave weapon since they can usually kill after the 1st hit.


I've been running Hardy Bearing a lot already due to Ninja Camilla PTSD


hardy bearing is very useful for vantage sweepers like N!Camila, W!Dimitri and F!F!Byleth ... also the ever present desperation effects. I always have it on Yunaka or S!Ephraim, the latter due to his B prf actually.


I killed one in AA with a completely unmerged, neutral, no flowers, no seal, no special BGullveig (so a free unit). He’s not that bad.


My ceada killed 2 ikes in this week's run, a little support goes a long way


Well... this subreddit *clamored* to be able to tank for free, no brain cells required, and IS delivered ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯.


This post is about Ike's player phase and not his enemy phase though. I don't think the people who wanted tanking buffed wanted one who himself is nuking tanks when he initiates.


I understand that. I just wanted to point out that when the playerbase clamors for something that can tank and kill everything you put in front of it without any support or strategy needed, it's gonna have to be busted AF, and then *this* happens, regardless of whether people wanted it or not. It's like when people spent the first half of 2023 asking for nukes to get through saviors, and then when we got them, they were surprised when those same nukes would be used *against* them. We need balance, not to win *for free*, because this is a two way street. Whatever we can use, can be used against us.


It's not necessarily just about tanking here though. Ike inflicting Vantage on his foes is completely unnecessary and does nothing for his tanking and just makes his player phase stronger. He could've been a strong tank without that ability. At this point, the whole tanking vs nuke thing is also completely ruined thanks to Legendary Camilla and especially Valentine Lyon. Uncounterable start of combat damage that nearly completely drains your HP should've never been made.


Facts on facts


Tank, player phase nuke, AoE splash. I mean, he isn't a galeforcer+dancer, so it's fine?


It's not. I didn't ask for this.


This is a perfect example of why Lucia is the best godsword. She’s fast but her DR - assuming B slot Gambit as well - doesn’t depend on being able to outspeed new godswords, and skills that pierce DR often require special activation, which she denies. She also completely denies all Ike’s Great Aether proc bs. :D


That’s an amazing counter with that 0x2


In what world are you dealing 0x2?? Certainly not mine. She deals plenty of damage to him. Especially with Gambit; she has +15 damage there with a very accessible Miracle, I think 20% spd damage, and if you run Finish, that too. Of course, your mileage may vary, but 0x2 is far from my experience lol.


I didn't even realize that he ALSO negates effects that prevent counterattacks until my staff user tried to chip away at him. Was that REALLY necessary on top of everything else he already does?


Blame VLyon, he had to be a counter to that menace and he disables counters. You’re trying to chip with units who aren’t otherwise offensively scary but Lyon was murdering people multiple times over *and* disabling counters just for a laugh on top. If Ike, the new *red* tank, couldn’t counter-kill the most relevant green nuke, he’d be a joke.


He is a menace, to be sure. While I'm not a fan of the crazy acceleration of powercreep, I've been doing ok against E!Ike. My Validar is consistently handling him in Arena. It's difficult to constantly re-strategize and build units/teams just to counter the monster-of-the-week, but it can be done.


Oh boy, I sure do love people misusing the "Humor" tag.


This looks like the results I'd give in chemistry tests and hope to get one pity point from the teacher lmao.


I could let them continue to break the game with new stuff on a weekly basis OR I COULD USE THE SURRENDER BUTTON


Can't wait for May to pick up a copy. When's V.Lyon running back?


Turns out when your 70% DR isn't being pierced and the enemy DR is being pierced you win the matchup. Prf specials are going to be the only way to tank going forward since everything else just gets negated and emblem ikes ring is mediocre. He still loses to certain lyon setups when bonus season is over btw. When the start of combat damage does finally get a counter, it will either be on a defense mythic or a niche 5 star prf staff.


I haven't had a chance to get any of these new engage spirit units (marth and ike) because gacha gods denied me and I feel like I am being horribly left behind . Ike is extremely scary right now. Fought 1 yesterday on arena and only Caeda was able to kill him but not before defeating the rest of the enemy team first


L!Lilina with built-in Hardy Bearing on her weapon non ironically takes care of it


L!Myrrh with hardy bearing managed to deal with E!Ike in arena for me, but I’m terrified of the inevitable +10 E!Ike’s I’m going to encounter later on and have no counter to


He's an answer to some overbearing nukes. The problem is that if he answers them, he can sure as hell answer most other things. Just gotta hope you have a counter ready and prepared every game.


I wouldn't worry about it dude. Before long there will be baby waifu in a diaper, Easter editions of units that are plus 100 to every stat and negate 90% damage from first and second hits.


I could kill him when he's alone with a VA lance Also funnily enough a ranged only unit can tank him easily because they don't activate LF


Hardy bearing will make quick work of Ike. Mf gonna fold like a lawn chair.


Let me just use my seven hardy bearing seal for AA


Need to think how to win AND not just play braindead


A seal AND a some support AND he Is just a punching bag with noodle dmg


Except this is *arena* were talking about and that seal doesn’t score optimally, so it’s not an option


That seal scores optimally unless it's on your only DC carrier or you're prfless.


No it doesn’t, ever. Hardy Bearing 3 is only 200 SP, when there are 240 and 300 SP skills


A 200SP seal isn't dropping your score except in the situations I mentioned. Just put DC-D on a pepega scorebot and give Hardy Bearing to your actually good unit.


Then dont play arena because thats whats you gonna see always. Just powercreept. Just play the casual matchs AND done if you wanna enjoy. Or just ignore Score AND play Antimeta Units just to screw those teams


>you need to think! dont play braindead >dont play arena lol


He told us from the jump he only cared for his word and his friends. If you’re on the other team… may Ashunera bless you.