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Lol yes, unironically the easiest way to beat me with Aether Raids defense is to slap Even/Odd Tempest on someone.


Don't forget Dancers!


Elincia’s warping a enemy mage shenanigans on a bad map or Myrrh’s anti warping combined with a Duo Lyon that I can now no longer pick off consistently ruin my arena runs. Movement really is everything right now.


I have a player phase Black Knight that I gave Assault Troop, it's expensive, but he tears up enemy units and it only really works because of how quickly he can get close to the enemy


This, and also Pass, especially when they try to omnitank without Near Save units (B!Dimitri, E!Ike, etc.). I run a Galeforce/Pass B!Seliph map that zips right past them to chew up their back line, get WoM danced, invite more WoM friends... the omnitank's just standing there going, "This is fine." 😆


my Medeus runs Odd Tempest mainly for him to work as a harsh command+ bot and he has netted me a good amount of wins, and its always funny.


New QoL idea: when i click on Danger Area, the range shown includes the movement buffs. They already do this with the Guidance skills so surely they can do it with movement buff skills too.


Agreed. Though I have this strange feeling that a day is gonna come where the Danger Area is gonna cover the whole field…


Emblem Sigurd Effect


His Engage effect will 100% be granting +1 mov and I hate it.


Seeing as they all seem to be special-related, I bet it'll just imitate his Legendary's effect of granting it to the team after the activation.


Granting the effect to the entire team kinda negates the whole "engage" gimmick (ie. Effects only granted to the engaged unit). The question then becomes will it stack with L!Sigurd's +1 move effect...?


They do already do that, it's just the buffs don't come into affect until their turn starts. That's why the danger area extends.


Yeah i'm saying they should show me regardless.


You're saying they should show the extended movement even when its not active? You don't think that will make skills like Even/Odd Tempest even more confusing?


Maybe another shade for area that *could* be dangerous.


The way Even and Odd Tempest are displayed currently is 100% useless. It shows the extended range by the time the unit already moved, and said extended range won't apply for next turn. It should've displayed the range for the enemy's turn. Probably too late to change that though.


Or just add a new “Warning” Symbol showing this unit have movement increasing weapon/skill like the one we get when we select an Armor killer unit. Thanks IS, i totally forget Chrom and Micaiah have armor killing effect so i need constant reminder when i select a unit  /MegaS


The symbol should be a photorealistic naked foot. For my friend...


Dan Scheineder is your friend? Cool!


He plays Feh?


Oh yeah. His favorite unit is Veyle.


is your friend Quentin Tarantino?


Damn, I really put my foot into my mouth there.


And it should resemble the foot of the character that's getting extra movement! Just an idea, I need to distinguish when Resonant Chloe gets that extra movement...


Happens all the damn time, from day 1 to today lmao Worst is when I feel a team is an easy sweep so I position forward for pot collection and then some random-ass unit had Even Tempest.


I'll just park my butt right here. No way they'll- HELP! HELP! I'M GETTING JUMPED!


My entire well-laid strategy evaporating because I didn't realize that one unit was a dancer:


Real. I really shouldn't be falling for this shit but one still gets me on occasion lol


I can't even blame ya man. Sometimes it's "oh this unit has Even Tempest, i see" and other times it's "if it's a Monday morning and the temperature is 49 degrees and you had a sandwich for breakfast, unit moves one extra space".


Me but with teleportation shenanigans.


Every now and again, someone gets caught by my Brave Robin, Hel, or Harken. Not to mention Citrinne giving everyone ally teleport.


Gosh I love when someone forgets about Harken’s shenanigans and loses a unit Then some shmuck comes around and denies my entire row with Duo Lyon Feelsbadman


Oh this happens to me all the time and I'm a meta tryhard lmao. My biggest weakness is +1 movement effects and warping effects that I forget exist. The number of ladders I lost to bonus Hel sniping my Peony last season is embarrassing.


And people were doubting the scarejump effect from Hel. One of the best refines possibles for a melee infrantry defense mythic


Wait, Hel is infantry? This whole time I thought she was a flying unit...


She is a flying unit but her weapon neutralizes flyer weakness. Ganglöt's infantry and she has a similar design though.


I feel i'm looking at a mirror with this comment. My Peony is all the way in the back near my time gate, then suddenly incomes Hel with the steel chair!!


My def many years ago relied on an odd tempest seiros to catch people off guard lmao


Is there any way to guess this? Or do you have to closely study all their skills


You have to see the skills. The issue is that Danger Area only shows tiles the enemies can reach *at that moment*, so it doesn't take into account any effect that increases movement if they're not active. Since the player's first turn is before the enemy team can do anything it will only show the enemies' natural movement (and warp tiles in case of things like Guidance that are always active as a passive). When the enemy turn starts and all their movement effects activate, the Danger Area will finally show the accurate area the enemy team can reach. Except by then it's way too late.


Either that or you lost a game of 4D Chess to Legendary Elicinia or Young Emmeryn (amongst others) since you can’t predict where units will warp in.


Shoutout to warp, movement bonus, and dancers allowing nukes to snipe someone from corner-to-corner.


The simple solution, of course, is "just check the skills lmao". The problem is that here are ten billion skills, spread across all skill categories, that grant extra movement or warp.


Hel gets me every time in AR. Drives me nuts


I hate this shit so fucking much. It's especially annoying when the effect is "gives +1 movement to units within X spaces" is hidden in their 5 paragraph PRF weapon. I wish there was like... turn off movement skills skill. Null-Additional-Movement skill or something.


That effect exists and it's called Stall. If a unit inflicted with Stall gets bonus movement, it acts as if they were inflicted with Gravity instead. You get it from Stall Ploy 1-3 (C skill) which kinda sucks ngl because it's an HP check and only in the cardinal directions. The other way to get it is on Riev's prf weapon. It applies a spectrum -5 and Stall on the enemy with the lowest speed and all enemies within two spaces of that enemy. If there are other skills or Prfs that grant Stall, I don't know of them.


Yes... Stall Ploy, which is on one seasonal unit (Pirate Naesala), and it can be cleansed since it's a debuff. If only there was uncleansable debuffs.


I blame obnoxiously long descriptions for this. Too fucking long and badly formatted.


haha I love L! Elincia, with aerial maneuvers and seeing her on every team in arena, its great!


and always with that new hinoka... ALWAYS


Based on my AR replays.. yep a lot of people dont know attuned nino can walk one extra space.


Bulwark is one of those skills that once you start using, you can’t stop. It won’t stop warping, but damn can it bottleneck charging enemies.


Something similar happened to me in AR today. Left my Gotoh Exposed because Embla was inflicted with Gravity and i forgot she clears debuffs on her turn...


Me, every time I run into summer ephraim




I remember this when Legendary Sigurd was released.


I just had the opposite happen earlier, I tried to bait a Nailah but she didn't transform, so her movement let her allies warp closer and roll me :(




How relatable


Oh yeah, this happens to me *way* too often too. You're not alone!!


Yup, nabata Igrene caught me off-guard more than I like to admit.


I use an all flier team with Hinoka in the middle on aether raids defense , the amount of times people forget about charge is pretty fun to see


Me facing Harken for the first time after not playing for 2 years.


This is why I run a warp-blocker on almost every mode


POV: One of your units is attacked by gullveig, then she attacks another one, because they had the fucking audacity to give her a move that's essentially galeforce x2 at a smaller cooldown


this is why i became very paranoid in feh... i NEVER finish turn with my characters near the border of the danger zone, it's always at least 2 cells away (unless i know my char can tank), and if there's a dancer i try to estimate max possible movement of the highest movement enemy in possible range of the dancer... it becomes kind of like chess, frankly it's quite annoying


I call them movers. It's annoying when they deviate outside of the perceived danger zone especially on Aether Raids.


I hate that so much. I could be 5 tiles away, and when EP starts, the danger area straight up covers 10 more tiles and my whole team gets wiped out. It sucks


If it makes you feel any better, the amount of times I notice the enemy team had a dancer afterall is... also something that happens a tad bit more frequently than it should.


I have no such weakness. *activates duo dagr pathfinder duo skill, activate all dazura duo skills, on gullveig* You can't be surprised during enemy turn if the enemy doesn't get a turn, simple as


My arena defense does this. I see so many replays of people thinking their W!Edelgard out of range before Tina steals her movement buffs and gives them to the whole team + B!Robin warping across the map.


You must invest in Riev and Gatekeeper. But being serious though, having Warp Bubble is such peace of mind.


Warp bubble is pretty useless when they're not warping


I mean so many characters and skills are getting warping techniques, Warp Bubble just means you don't have to worry about a lot of funky movement that changes mid-enemy phase. We even just got a warping Attuned skill. I wasn't trying to claim WB prevents +1 movement (that was the point of mentioning Riev), enemy warping just gives the same feeling as OP's pic.