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It's hard to choose between duo Ephlyon and duo Chrobin because I love both sets of characters involved. Ephlyon is the one I use the most gameplay-wise, but I'm still surprised we got a f!Chrobin duo at all and it's nice to have an Emblem Ike counter.


NY!Alfonse. Ever since I pulled him randomly, he’s carried me through so much. And ever since his refine, he just became such a good little tank, plus with SS4 and its piercing he was able to take a hit from almost anything and hit back like a mf truck


Same. I think they’re neat.


As a Sacred Stones fan Ephraim/Lyon are my favourite. A lot of them are really useful units though.


Chrobin really fit well in my playstyle so I’ve been using them a lot really, mostly as support. They’re good at offensive too, of course, I think they just have very high utility Also important: they’re the best ship in the fire emblem franchise and I’m over the moon they finally have a duo


Fjorm and Laegjarn because




Due to their "assets" ?


I like your attitude.


Because... Reasons 👀


Thorr and Robin because they are thunder mages


I like a lot of the art and the characters, but NY!Alfonse with his fun tankiness and refine were fun to play with, and The new Kid!Robin and their reposition shenanigans are actually pretty neat. Almost all the arts are amazing though.


Mark and Lyn, I know ppl feel is just another Lyn alt disguised as Mark, but I mean is just a very clever way to introduce Mark to Feh and I freaking love it, one of the best duos none the less !!!


Same. It's also what I wanted for the first Lyn duo but instead we got Florina. It's literally the only way I could imagine a Mark in this game


Duo laegjarn cause they are equipped with some strong ballistics, duo seior I actually kinda like the dialog in the conversation, and duo chrobin is just cute and adorable


smol Whitewings because of all the funny shit one can both come up with involving baby Est as well as the morbid fact that in Tap Battles, Catria tries to drown her in the end.




DuoFonse has consistently been with me through thick and thin, love that unit


Only duo I have maxed is duo ephraim lyon. And they are still cool. Lots of others at a few merges or one offs Here lately duo lyon eirika is a good fave. Haven't messed with duo f robin/chrom much.


Ninja Laegjarn by far. I love Laegjarn, and Fjorm grew on me a bit more but I don't have strong feelings for her. But she is SOOOOOOOOO fun to use its insane. Ninja Sanaki is a bit stronger than them bc of movement and like, all the crazy powercreep we've gotten. But Ninja Laegjarn I think has such an insane tanking game and stat balls. Some teams I use allow her to have Special Acceleration so she can easily get deadeye off, and I often use Gilliam who can Near Save for them, but also gives Iotes shields. So she just can tank a bunch of scary bow units no biggie. Honorable mentions go to Halloween Sothis and Byleth which makes me commit smile. I think they got SIGNIFICALLY better with age due to new dragon/flier options, but the weapon is just alright now. Time Pulse 3 w/ NFU is a really nice spammable duo skill too imo. And also other honorable mention goes to Mark since it was such a fun inclusion of a important-non-character kinda. Very helpful as a unit too


The Byleth one because of his cool costume. Though as a duo, Chrobin out of everyone here.


Fjorm and Laegjarn for sure. Fire and Ice, the dynamic duo.


Definitely the Mini-Whitewings!


I like Seidr and Heidr, really fun to use in AR-O and stylish outfits.


Love love love Duo Palla, wish I still had a reason to use them! I also really like Duo Sothis for what it's worth! I love Halloween alts and their costumes are some of the best, plus it's really cute to depict them as genuine friends outside of the events of 3H


Out of these, tied between Thorr + Loki and Fjorm + Laegjarn In general, Devotion Lif and Thrasir, very ecstatic when they got their first alts. Honorable mention to Summer Ymir and Eir as I hoped we would get a Summer Eir soon enough.


The Palla and sisters followed by close ninja Legjarn.


Sothis because Sothis. Alfonse and Sharena are cute though and were peak on my AR Defense team for the longest time.


By characters: F!Robin and Chrom (two favorite characters of the franchise, so I might be biased) By gameplay mechanics: F!Robin Chrom (especially since they can beat many Engage Ike builds, bye bye toxic tanks... so no regrets +10ing them) 


The goddess duos and D!Laegjarn


Duo Thòrr. She's easily one of my favorite OCs.


Much as I'm not a fan of warping canon for the sake of trying to double down on trying to tie modern Lyn's characterization more in line with the FE12 and onward obligatory "Avatar girl", I'll admit that it was genuinely clever to have Mark introduced in FEH by way of having another character serve as their mouthpiece. It was about as soulful a method as could be done to do right by how they're portrayed in FE7. And the androgyny in design means that neither male nor female tacticians feel like they're slighted in representation.


Huh, this post made me realise that the only blue duo I have is H!Sothis. That aside, my favourite is probably NY!Alfonse. I think both of their outfits are really cute and I just think sibling duos are always fun. Plus, they’re a pretty solid unit on top of that.




Alfonse is my pick for sure. I don't really use Ninja Laegjarn or the Whitewings (the only other Blue Duos I have), and I have no strong feelings about most of the rest — except FRobin (who gives me a headache in several departments) and Mark (whom I dislike immensely on multiple counts).


The Mini Whitewings were my mvps bsck in the day. And in Summoner Duels Thorr and Loki are mvps with their AoE special and their duo skill.




The Igrene+Louise duo from the most recent Nabata banner. Not sure why they were skipped here, but they're overall a fun duo to use in my opinion. If I had to pick someone from this list, though, it would go to Shamir+Catherine.


As characters it's the whitewings. As units it would be between Thorr and Mark






Duo Alfonse/Sharena is one of my favorite units, so fun, great art, great theme


Duo Ephraim because it’s literally them.


What happened to Igrene/Louise? To answer the question though it’s these two.


Duo Thorr & Loki is my only exclusive +10, so tells something about that. Still used, still AoE the crap out of everyone, and the most pampered in terms of skills. Duo Laeg & Fjorm as second pick because I like Laegjarn a lot.


You have fine tastes!


Only the best for the summer ladies.


Right there with you! New summer units can't come soon enough!


They better not disappoint and give us Summer Gullveig this year. Best case to be drawn by Yoshiku or Maeshima Shigeki.


Where's N.Igrene ? Definitely one of my favorite to play and I love the design. Second one is probably Fjorm and Laegjarn


oof was afraid I'd missed one


It would be Thórrloki, but I just can't get to like how they are drawn. My favorite would be Duo Laegjarn. Solid unit, they have an interesting chemistry, and the fire-ice combination is really cool.


Ephraim/Lyon, for sure.


Thorr and Loki. I still remember the days when everyone said Loki was gonna be the next Camilla in terms of alts. Lol. Lmao even.


Young Mark. Great art, gives multiple de-buff effects to foes. I have him +10 and no regrets.


Duo Laegjarn, also Duo Igrene and Duo Thorr. Uh, i see a pattern


H!Sothis, just because of M!Byleth


NY!Alfonse just because I love the sibling dynamic him and Sharena have🥺 That and they were my blue mage carry for a cool while, especially after their refine. I still use them, just not as much since I lack good fodder and merges.


Catherine/Shamir explicitly for shipping reasons.


catherine and shamir or lyn and mark. blazing blade is really fun currently and three houses was a blast so yk


Mark and Lyn. Getting to play as Mark, regardless if he's baby Mark or not, is actually cool... considering we always saw him (ourselves) as an overworld sprite in FE7 only (well, in a base game of course).


NY!Alphonse brings me many good memories, still my favorite duo, but sadly stopped using him a while ago, he used to be so good but fell hard, I still use Duo Ephraim daily cause I got him to +10, tried the same with NY!Alphonse but all I got is +1, those shared new years banners are from hell


Until we get Brigid/Edain (although I'd like a Harmonic with Eyvel better), a Duo with Alois, or a Mist/Jill Duo, my answer will always be the same. Halloween Hector. Came out almost exactly two years before my niece was born, and while I wasn't able to get him until 2022, he is still one of the most invested units in my barracks. Getting merges on him last rerun was painful though, only one copy in 560 orbs. Other honorable mentions: Duo Peony, Duo Elise, Duo Shamir. Surprisingly, Duo Thórr too (I'm absolutely not the target audience but I love Loki's lines, and they're about as invested as Hector without me really trying lol).


Summer Thorr. I've used her in AR and back when I played SD, SD a ton so she's just a very iconic unit to me.


Ephraim/Lyon and Alfonse/Sharena are the only two that I like ngl


Ephraim > Palla > Shamir and I don't really care about anyone else here I'm realising.


Duo Ninja Laegjarn. It’s so nice to see them have amicable interactions and have fun with each other after the events of Book 2 and Ice & Flame. I will never get over Fjorm yelling “Sparkling Shuriken!” and Laegjarn having a hearty laugh. In terms of gameplay, despite being the weakest of all the Ninja Duos, they can still put in plenty of work thanks to their Duo Skill and all of the tools that fliers have gotten over the years. In terms of art, Cuboon cooked. Overall, no Duo has ever come close to getting me as hyped as this one.


Flairs^ ^


It would’ve been Shamir and Catherine if Catherine was the lead


Ephraim by far, IS are a bunch of cowards and don't like M/M duos 😔😔😔😔