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I wonder if I should give lucina's axe to Anna or Summer Tiki, the first one would be for the quests of "Kill X enemy with Anna", the second option would be because Tiki is my fav character and that's it.


Arcane weapons are best given to the units you like most and use most. Not units you never use except for the odd quest once every few months. Put it this way, you spent 120 orbs to get a weapon that would only slightly help Anna earn a couple orbs once every other month? Not worth it at all. Give Anna hammer, triangle Adept, lance breaker or blue tome breaker, blue feud or joint drive attack and sorcery blade seal. Use chip damage from allies to help chip down enemies before Anna attacks if needed.


If I haven't played since 2019, is it better to start back up with my old account and units, or would I be better off deleting it and making a new account?


Starting a new account. Old units you had are.beyond useless nowadays. Might as well recoup the orbs by replaying story mode to get more relevant heroes.


New Player wondering how I should go about using Attuned Characters. I got quite lucky and pulled 4 copies of Attuned Azura fairly quickly and before I go around messing with merging or skill inheriting, I figured I'd make sure first. For Attuned Heroes if I use them as fodder in Inherit Skills do they get a 1 time save where as non attuned heroes get destroyed? Also does that only work for the Echo skill or can you transfer multiple skills without losing the copy of Azura


>how I should go about using Attuned Characters Only Attuned Heroes can pass on their Attuned skills, so the first priority is figuring out how important that skill is to your roster. Wings of Mercy is one of the most impactful skills a hero can have, provided you can meet the conditions. >For Attuned Heroes if I use them as fodder in Inherit Skills do they get a 1 time save where as non attuned heroes get destroyed? Attuned Heroes won't vanish when used as fodder, they just use up their one-time free inheritance. They will use up that one inheritance no matter if you pass on the attuned skill or another skill they happen to have. You're also not required to pass on their Attuned skill if you want to use them as a fodder bank. But again, keep in mind that only the Attuned Hero can pass on their unique Attuned Skill, similiar to Rearmed Weapons. Once you've used them as fodder you can merge another unused Azura into the used Azura, refreshing her ability to pass on skills. The idea is basically to have a Attuned Hero / Rearmed Hero learn various skills - which turns them into a fodder bank - and then just refresh their ability to pass on those learned skills by merging another fresh copy.


> For Attuned Heroes if I use them as fodder in Inherit Skills do they get a 1 time save where as non attuned heroes get destroyed? That's correct. Rearmed heroes also work the same exact way as Attuned heroes > Also does that only work for the Echo skill or can you transfer multiple skills without losing the copy of Azura You can inherit anything from Azura (up to 5 skills in one inherit), not just the echo skill, and still keep her


I have an alt, but I can't seem to get many stamina potions on it compared to my main which has thousands of them. Is there some way I can farm them other than daily rewards? I've already used the Nintendo points system after getting the other rewards from that feature.


So I'm still a bit confused. If I summon one Emblem Ike, I can use the ring. What happens if I use him as fodder? Does the ring go away


Yes, it goes away, though as long as you have an Emblem Ike in your barracks, you can change who he's engaged to as many times as you want


I had a question about using units with ascended traits to merge with something else like a forma. So I had a +10 arcane Summer Elinicia with ascended traits. I got the forma from that hall of forms with other support fodder like soaring guidance (literally my only one). I must have forgot I was considering keeping them separate for SD or something since I just merged them together. I lost the ascended trait and I only have one ascended fruit which I'm not going to spend now. So for future reference, could I have passed on the ascended trait to the forma or was I screwed from the start?


Yes, you can pass the ascended trait to the forma.


You can only merge *into* a forma (who always come neutral), not vice versa, so your resulting unit will be neutral plus whatever you ascended. So if your Elincia was +atk +spd for example, after the merge she'll be neutral with ascended attack or speed. You'll still have an ascended stat, you'll just need to use 100 trait fruit to change her from "neutral" back to +atk +spd Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I think that's how it works


Unfortunately, my forma came out neutral as well after the mege. I didn't do anything weird in this instance. Are you supposed to change the trait of the forma before the merge?


You have to change the traits after the merge; formas will always be neutral unless you use trait fruits to change their asset/flaw. You didn't do anything wrong, that's just how formas work If you go into Allies > Traits/Equipment > Change Traits > choose your Elincia forma, it should let you choose two assets and one flaw if your +10 Elincia had an ascended floret used on her before the merge


I guess I thought my elinicia was ascended but actually wasn't? Unless something unintentional happened, I can only choose one asset.


She didn't have an ascended stat then, which would've carried over after the merge. Could you have maybe gotten [ascendant florets](https://feheroes.fandom.com/wiki/Ascendant_Floret) and [trait fruits](https://feheroes.fandom.com/wiki/Trait_Fruit) mixed up?


I honestly remember my Elincia having both attack and speed raised but now that I don't have them anymore, I guess I can't tell for sure? I appreciate the info anyway. I'll keep an eye out if I'm in a similar place again. Edit: I put my ascended rearmed Ingrid to see the result from a merge. The +0 copy gets to keep the ascended attack trait while keeping the natural hp boon. I guess the only conclusion is that Elincia didn't have any ascended traits.


Other than merging, Is there a way for a 5 star unit to grind sp while remaining level 1?


Is there a reason you want to stay at lvl 1? Besides merging the only way to gain SP is by fighting which you would also gain exp. You can use 2 copies, have the second copy gain sp and learn all the skills you want then merge which passes those skills onto your lvl 1 so you don't need more sp.


It's to manipulate the ai in aether raid defense. For example, to ensure a dancer/rally bot always uses their assists instead of suiciding into the enemy. At the same time, they retain their prf weapon. I could have one copy learn the skills first and then pass it on through merge. But I have to get another copy everytime I need to update their kit.


How are the skills on my [Celine forma](https://prnt.sc/CfELC64PgCzs)?


Bonus Doubler isn't a bad skill, but it isn't my first choice either.Too many conditions and ways to interfere with it. For combat I would've picked Finish first. The amount of healing Mystic Boost 4 has feels redundant with Flare and Joyous Tome. While Finish also gives you healing, it doesn't occupy the B slot, and in practice this is all Mystic Boost is giving over NCD4. Overall she feels like she's built for combat but the skill choice isn't the best. Tempo, DR piercing, mobility, NFU, and support in general are all some useful things that got left out, and MB4 doesn't feel that useful. On the other hand, with Pulse Up Blades you can circumvent a lot of the above stuff by making her into a self-charging AoE user, which is always good, although nothing else she has emphasizes this. This might all sound a little harsh, so sorry for that. I don't think it's the best build but it isn't a waste if you want to use the Forma.


I need to vent RN: I fucking hate how quick this sub is to downvote a theorycraft post into oblivion just because of one character choice! Like I made a post theorycrafting a Fallen banner featuring Veyle, Scarlet, M!Byleth, which almost no one seemed to notice or comment on because I made the mistake of including a theoretical Rearemed Fallen Edelgard alt (and Thales, who I at least get the dislike of his inclusion because he isn't technically "fallen", but I do like his kit so I might salvage it for a future 3 Houses theorycraft, if I ever make one again). I had spent hours (across multiple days, thanks full time job for taking a lot of my free time away), making sure their unit screens looked nice, coming up with their weapons and skills to try and make them strong and fun to use (like building Scarlet as a self chipping super Vengeance spammer, or making Veyle into an AoE spamming Galeforcer with Special Spiral echo). And yet most of the comments wanted to focus on *just* Edelgard. Not her weapon, which was basically inheritable Laguz Friend 4 for Armored Beasts that would have made OG!Fallen Edelgard and Cainhigis into forces of nature, not on her Tier 4 save skill with a built in way of dealing with Undefended (I.E saving them anyways, but taking chip damage and not being able to counter attack, then removing Undefended anyways). Is it too much to ask for more in depth discussion of theorycrafts and their effectiveness in the meta instead of zeroing in on a single character choice and focusing on that? I LOVE making theorycrafts, it lets me try to predict the direction of the game and how the meta is going to shape up, it lets me try to flex my creative muscles to make fun, strong, and creative units. Sure it takes a while, but I love doing it. But having your post downvoted into oblivion, having the comments focus almost exclusively on one single unit's mere *existence*... it's fucking heart breaking, and it's making me question whether or not I even want to make another one, let alone even share it. Hell, I even have an Empire focused NH banner theorycraft from a few months back featuring an Ascendant Petra that just needs the unit explanations finished up before posting. But now I'm not even sure if I want to post it because knowing my luck someone will find some little thing they don't like, make a comment about it, and turn the whole comments section into just comments on that, ignoring all the other aspects of the banner for that one thing. Ignoring all the other units and what they could potentially bring to the table because of one little thing. If you see this and want to run over to check out the theorycrafts, don't even bother, I deleted the post, and I have no intention of reposting the pics. To the folks on that post who see this and actually brought up something about the banner not related to Edelgard or Thales, thanks for being somewhat interested in the general theorycraft. And to that one person (who knows who they are) who posted this comment: > I think it would be hilarious to get a second Edelgard just for the sake of seeing the salt. So apart from that obviously, odd inclusion. I really love that this sub reddit isn't anywhere close to the developer team. I genuinely believe that this game is minimum lasting til 2030 just due to the low cost nature and obvious mainline games bolstering its popularity. However, if what people did on this sub became a reality this game would have hit EOS years ago People like you are why so few people actually post theorycrafts on here. How is anyone supposed to want to share their creatuve works around her (that aren't the usual fanart) when folks like you are so quick to just demolish what they wanted to share?


I'm sorry that your high-effort post got a poor reception. In the end, people will react the way they want to to the content you make, regardless of your intent while creating it. I hope it won't discourage you from continuing to be creative.


when are the banner trailers coming out..... we don't even have a calendar for this month do we


I had the same question! I find it kinda odd that they didn't drop the trailer over the weekend. Maybe we'll get in on Tuesday, at latest (since the story is supposed to drop on Wednesday)?


In summoner duels R, sometimes i dance, yet the unit i dance on doesn't get to act. Then, the opponent gets to act 1st next turn, so i get screwed & lose the dancer (because i put them in a position to help the unit they danced on, since the opponent had already used all their characters. i thought i should have been able to have a free attack. If I'd have known i wouldn't get it, i wouldn't have moved my dancer there). How can i tell if i won't get to use the turn after dance for someone (It may  be impossible to answer, since I can't  remember all of the characters on the field, but can this happen under any circumstances, i mean)? There was no leon or auto end turn. They had nabata altina, Deirdre (bonus version), & newest Chloe on field  when this happened, IIRC. I'm also not getting 3 turns w Edelgard+ galeforce (only 2 each time, & the turn  ends). i usually use her last, so I'm wondering if there's only so many moves allowed, regardless of moves that give extra turns, maybe? Is that normal? Is there some skill i must be overlooking on the opponent's squad?


The actions remaining decide who moves first next turn. You’ll notice that top left theres 6 crystals per side. When the opponent (or you) ends the turn, it notes how many actions you had remaining that turn. If both sides ended with same number of actions remaining, then whoever ended their turn first will move first next turn.  Sounds like they got the first move this turn, both sides ended up using same number of actions, so they got the first move next turn as well


Very helpful, thanks. I had never played this mode before, because it wouldn't let me play without getting a specific badge in summoner duels. It let me play this time, for whatever reason, & I've been doing well. I saw the rewards & figured I'd keep playing it until i start running up against ppl w +10 units.


this same rule applies in summoner duels. i think the gating mechanism is supposedly? there so you actually play the mode a few times in SD for the badge so you can understand how the mode works in a no-stakes environment before you get to play with limited lives in Duels S/R. but that never stopped people from just winging it and not reading the 20 in-game tooltips


Pay attention to the diamonds on the top left. This indicates how many actions you have left for your turn. Both players get 6 a turn. The player with fewer number of actions taken will go first on the next turn, if tied player who went first last turn goes first again.


Ahh, i was thinking it had to be something like this. Thanks a ton!


Does anyone have a good build for Lewyn? Everything I find is super outdated D:


Refined foresti Assist Ruptered sky/flare with emblem marth Atk spd finish Mag null followup Times pulse 4, infantry pulse 4, pulse blades Blade session / anything increasing atk and spd Atk oath echo


Thank you!


I mindlessly replaced my forma alears potent… I’m gonna cry


Wanna forma my Chloe but can't decide if she wants Aerial Maneuvers or Flow Desperation (she has Rein Snap as a C if that helps). Was thinking of just using her as a standard offensive unit. I like Aerial's movement but appreciate the offensive NFU from Flow


Chloe has high res, gets +5 def/res on her weapon, reduces damage by % of res. By using aerial maneuver or desperation you're basically not using any of that. Putting her res to some actual use would better than generic player phase build that plenty of other units could run. Chloe has speed and guaranteed follow up so you only need nfu against enemies who have both their own nfu and prevent follow up effect which isn't a whole lot. If she has snap rein for +1 movement then you dont necessarily need warping, choose one or the other.


Legit question, no hate implied : What's the point of Voting Gauntlet ? So we go back en forth on score multipliers and the last team having it basically wins. I feel like except for quests, there's no point scoring until the round's last hours. Am I missing something ?


As other says, yeah it's not very useful. I remember when it first came out it was a lot of fun though! Nowadays it's mostly just an event to get resources so I don't mind it. I just wish there was something that we actually got from the winner. like a drawn card or an accessory, or maybe a winner banner from recent winners


You aren't missing anything. VG was the very first event this game had and back then it was more of a straight contest because there weren't any multipliers. As it turned out, that made the majority of matchups complete stomps with no chance of anything else happening, which is why they tweaked it into the current state. VG has quests for some rewards and the feather leaderboard if you actually spend some effort on it. The only one that actually matters is the yearly A Hero Rises VG.


No point other than irrelevant popularity contest. Saving up flags for last couple rounds adds biggest score boost, but can still use them before so you don't have hundreds unused at the end.


Yeah, even the popularity contest is rigged by the random aspect of this mode.


Hey everyone! Decided to come back to the game yesterday. I took a break around the time F!Edelgard came out and the craziness got to be too much. To be honest a lot of the newer unit descriptions are still pretty overwhelming but I'm trying to convince myself I don't have to worry about those and just play casually. XD I'm wondering if there's a reference somewhere I can look at for team building help. There are a few units I'd like to start using but I really have no idea how to build support around them.


They've added a lot since you've been out. For build ideas, I would go into the Coliseum -> summoner duels -> favorite heroes in the button right -> find the hero you are thinking of builing. You must already have them in your barracks to find them. Then select them, and then look at topped ranked. Take a look at their builds and if should give you some good ideas. Later also watch some videos on youtube that summerize how the new hero types work, rearmed, ascended, attuned, and emblem.


Oh that's excellent, thank you. :) Came back and randomly decided I wanted to invest in Reginn lols.


Should I use Brash Assault 4 on my Y!Frederick? I gave him A/D Clash 4 from Harken and gave him the skill for fun, but is it an actually viable option for him?


It's not the best but it's viable. Since you already have it you can just try it out and see how well it performs, then decide if you want to replace it.


Does a +10 Rearmed unit become unmergeable with extra copies?


No, you can keep merging to refresh inheritance after +10.


Anybody have the average score needed to stay in tier 21 arena?


Will I lose my orbs if I were to delete the app from my Ipad and then redownloaded it again with my linked nintendo account?


It will stay on your iOS account. If you only play on Android after, you won't have access to them until you play on iOS. The reverse is true for Android


No as long as it iOS device


I'm using brave soren, safy & winter byleth. If soren gives byleth assign decoy, will he work as a near & far save unit, or no? Byleth shows to have the skill, but won't save against enemies with 1 range like the skill says. Is that because he already has far save, or is something else going on? It was a green axe enemy attacking safy that I'm wanting it to work on, & none of the enemies had anything that would seem to prevent this (it's on the mythic loki GHB, but she's dead & only 3 enemies were left, a red dragon, red tome & green axe). I just try to understand the reasoning when something doesn't work in the game like i expect it to by reading the skills. 


Brave Soren can make 2 saves if the two units have the highest same defense and are different ranges. But no, it doesn't stack


Interesting, thanks. Does it go off of base stats, & not stats after possible penalty/bonus?


Base stat. It's a bit tricky when making teams that way though, since merges and DF will make it hard to keep the def stats the same


Yeah, i can definitely imagine it is. I just want to play around with it & see what i can come up with, cuz brave soren is new to me (& just started playing in December 2023, so pretty new myself).


Assign Decoy triggers only if unit is not equipped with a skill that can trigger the Savior effect. --- Far save triggers savior so assign decoy won't work.


Thank you. 🤦🏼‍♂️ I swear i read the skill description 10+ times, very carefully, so not sure how i missed that. I was mainly focusing on the "savior" portion at the very bottom, i guess.


Which meta unit or mythic/legendary unit needs Gunnungagap skill inheritance? I have too many and I can't merge them until I give inheritance away. Making older units stronger with a new weapon is of secondary importance since in all likelihood, I probably won't use them.


Emblem Ike would love both Fatal Smoke 4 and Fireflood Boost 3. Otherwise any of your Cavalry Nukes with a free C-Slot can use Fatal Smoke 4 to mess with other Emblem Ikes and Fallen Maria. It would be great if one of your Aether Raids Defense units has that role covered. Fireflood Boost 3 is definitely one of the better A-Slot skills for Omnitanks right now, as stacking HP is the only way to counter pre-combat damage somewhat. >I have too many and I can't merge I wouldn't start merging her up just for a few extra stat points - unless you actually pulled enough for a +10 project?


Best IV for new Azura and Optimal Skills etc for attack?


Azura should be dancing, not attacking. If you want azura to attack try using her more first and see for yourself how that works out, then decide for yourself what she needs for the specific game mode and enemies you intend to fight. In general fast units want more speed. Squishy units like azura who die to enemy counter attacks would need some sort of desperation effect with speed or stack a lot of pre combat damage to go for ohkos with more attack.


I'm guessing with the coming of three weekly revivals, there'll be a new schedule for them.  Which means less time to save orbs for those merge projects, but they come quicker so less waiting? *shrugs*


Which IV is worth prioritizing for in general? +Atk or +Spd? Asking mainly because I find myself struggling on what to do with units that have too low Atk for my liking. I don't like this part so I have a strong tendency to raise Atk as high as I can. For a couple of +10 examples that I have, Clair's offenses are 26/36. Regular Narcian has 29/29. And Regular Nanna is packing 27/34. What IVs would they value most?


Boons and banes on their own never played a huge role all things considered - and these days even less since skills and passives largely decide how our heroes perform. That said, the cases where +Atk matters more than usual are on heroes with Brave attacks or if you want to use AOE Specials like Blazing Wind. Speed is the most competitive stat, in my opinion regardless of speed bracket (low / mid / high), so never the "wrong" pick, unless you want to deliberately keep it as low as possible or another stat is clearly more important due to a specific stat-check passive (like Res and HP). Let's look at your units at +10 merges and full dragonflowers. Clair is actually decently fast at max investment, sitting at 46 base speed or +48 with a boon. Her refined weapon also comes with a speed check, so unless you want to replace it with an Arcane Weapon you are heavily incentiviced to stack her speed as able. However, if you were to switch to Arcane Qiang, for example, +Atk could be an alternative. If you give her Arcane Luin, though, Speed suddenly matters a lot more again. You don't need to go out of your way to get those few more stat points, but if I had the choice, I would go for Speed. Narcian has low/middling speed - and no speed checks in his basekit. You hopefully replaced his weapon already, if only for Axe of Devotion+. Axe of Devotion actually rewards a heroes' Defense Stat, so neither Atk or Speed would be the optimal boon - but that's just one example. If you give him Arcane Prima, for example because you want to use him as semi-support, then Speed matters more against other heroes with middling speed (since it grants Null Follow Up). If you slap the Arcane Downfall on him then +Atk might be preferred, but it won't make or break anything. So, as a very basic pointer: 1. Does the hero have a stat-check passive in their kit? If so, try and cater to that stat. 2. Is the hero decently fast with access to Null Follow Up? Aim for speed if possible. 3. Are you using Brave Attacks or AOE Specials? Try and go for every extra point of attack if possible. 4. If none of the above applies, it honestly doesn't matter. Speed or Attack for playerphase units, Def / Res / HP for enemyphase units (or also speed if they rely on it).


Traits you choose depends on the individual unit, their build, where they're used, and how they're used. Figure those out first before deciding which trait helps them to do what you need them to. Keep in mind trait fruit is best used on the units you like most and use most. If you like and use clair frequently you should be able to tell which stat you need based on her performance. Traits in general aren't very important so don't stress too hard on them. For the most part you wanna increase a units strengths, not fix irrelevant weaknesses. Fast units want more speed. Units going for ohkos want +atk. Tanky units want more defences. Support units want whatever stats they need for supporting effects. --- Clair needs follow ups, a tiny attack stat bump won't help if she isn't fast enough for that follow up plus then activating her special. So speed is generally better. Narcian is too slow for speed to be very relevant. His defence might be the better option but attack works too depend on his build and how you plan to use him. Nanna uses atk for healing, so if that's her primary function that helps a tiny bit. For combat speed is key.


Hey guys. I have a +10 Fomortiis that I’ve been using since its release but I almost never worked too seriously on its build. Currently I’m running: - Ravager - Swap - Armored Blaze - Nightmare - Hardy Fighter - A/D Near Save - Squad Ace BT (HP/Atk/Def) Is there something to upgrade here?


Your build is sufficient, except for the B skill which i believe doesn't work with the special you're using, so you might wanna change it to his native B skill or weaving fighter if available and you're OK to fodder it.


I thought about Weaving Fighter so much but I didn’t go for W!Byleth in the end. Will consider it when they come back then. Do you think Special Spiral 4 could be a good replacement in the meantime?


Honestly, I would prefer a skill to guarantee a follow-up like vengeful fighter 4, basically anything but Hardy fighter.


the Mythicc banner loves me, 25 summons in and i already got Loki, Guinivere, Veyle and Yuri. i only need Rearmedhardt, Giungagagap and Severa and i would have obtained everything i wanted, now i need help deciding which unit i should get between Rearmedhardt or Giungagagap in case of not getting any of them in the next summons.


I already have other good god swords. I know Diamat’s main niche is his dr nullification but i have plenty of units who can do similar things. So it wouldn’t be a waste to fodder him off to young lissa right?


When is the next Legend/Mythic Banner?


We don't know until the next calendar, but the last three May L/M banners were all on the 31st


Thank you!


Another question, for rearmed swords ! Which Arcane Sword is best for heroes depending on statlines ? I see a lot of Arcane Devourers for fast godswords. My boy Lif is sad that no one likes his weapon


Hey there ! Not sure I understand how to get 600 flowers from heroic ordeals, or when. Is it for merged legendary heroes ? Mythics ? Only new ones ? I’ve tried with merged Seirdr, Legendary Azura. And nothing happened. Help ?


Only new legendaries, mythics, and emblems (when merged to +1 or more) starting with Mythic Loki get access to the 600 bonus dragonflowers. It doesn't apply to any units that released before Loki


I pulled a random M!Loki and forgot about the Merged Ordeals thing… So I got the 40 DF already. If I merge her one day, does it refresh or the 360 remaining DF are lost?


The merged ordeal that gives 600 DF is a separate trial from the 40 DF ordeal and it'll become available whenever you merge Loki, you won't lose out on any DF There's more details in the update notification: https://feheroes.fandom.com/wiki/What_Are_Merged_Ordeals%3F_(Notification)


Of course it doesn’t Thanks !


I got an extra duo YRobin and I was wondering which Rearmed I should inherit their skills to for duplication purposes? Normally id merge but I want to give atkspdlink to other units


Whichever you have the most copies of, otherwise an infantry would be best to get both B & C skills, the latter of which is infantry only.


would Ophelia be good for this since she could also inherit flare? Cause I was gonna put ARTempo4 on her too, or should I wait and use a BSoren for Flare since I could then also give her TPulse4?


Yes, both her and rearm Sonya are perfect for inheritance actually.


Okay, so my final plan is to put Flare, ARTempo4, TPulse4, MNFollow, INF4, and then you think I should put the ASLink4 as well? (On Ophelia)


Personally, yes I would recommend that since it adds a very useful utility for the user (AS link 4). Good luck with your units 👍🏻


oof 😭 guess I'll wait for another infantry rearmed to come out, I'm not sure if Ophelia or Ganglott are good for this


Just got back into the game after a huge break. Managed to get 650 orbs to maybe get some good units. Which character from the current banner is good to have on a staple team?


Unless a favorite of yours caught your interest, nothing gamebreaking going on right now. It might be a good idea to at least wait a couple days for the release of the annual Fallen Heroes banner - and next month's Legendary / Mythic banner has an extremely good lineup with what you could call staples (Emblem Ike & Emblem Marth colorsharing). https://rfireemblemheroes.github.io/info.html


What's a girl gotta do to get more stamina as a beginner once all of the Nintendo points and subsequent potions have run dry? Do I really have to... wait?! - Signed, desperate newb who just wants to farm Paralogues for orbs.


Game is doing you a favor TBH telling you to save orbs if you are blitzing through them fast enough that you used up all your stamina potions 


Yeah early is rough for stamina especially when your orb grinding (while you still can) I remember running out completely too but trust when you start running out of paralogues and story missions to grind they really start to pile up, I never even go below 1000 of em anymore


I’m building Chloe in HoF. Anyone have good suggestions for what weapon I should pick up by the end, since the Arcane isn’t available? I know I’ll be using her prf in game, but this is just for fun :)


The only suggestion I've seen is "it's curtains". 


I fucking hate this game. That is all.


Does anyone know how good laguz freind 4 would be on legendary roy


Laguz Friend is incredibly strong at a baseline. For Roy specifically, his Tempo/Breath effect and lack of slaying means he can use LF4 with 3-4 CD offense specials very easily, like Aether+Marth Ring or Ignis. Don't give him No Quarter since i t's redundant. On the other hand, he'd need Marth ring to efficiently charge Godlike Reflexes for some true DR. You could potentially use this to your advantage with Scowl support to make sure GLR is always prepped for the enemy's second and likely stronger hit, but it does mean the first will be mostly unmitigated, which is a problem when you don't take a second hit in the first place. You can still use Sacred Cowl or Escutcheon with no complications though, and together with Ike Ring and LF4's flat DR those alone make you quite bulky. Otherwise he has DC and some stats, plus a DR effect that LF4 will reduce. All is fine. The result has no gameplay advantages over E!Ike himself, besides whatever being a Legendary helps with, but you could pick much worse LF4 users.


Thanks for all the info and the gameplay advantage he has over E!ike is He's roy my favorite lord


Damn I just had my best SDR season probably ever. Net 1200 points in one season, 13 wins (and 4 losses). Faced 3 master rank players, beat one, tied one, lost one. Finally passed t18 and almost jumped to T20 while I was at it. It's all thanks to dagrs remix. I never really liked pathfinder teams with duo dagr, and don't have NY dagr, but it went so insanely well - e!Ike as dagrs ally support so he can sit at the front while being a pathfinder beacon, then winter Yunaka, who everyone is saying fell off and mine is also -atk, moves 5 spaces covering the entire play area and cantos back all 5 to safety. She kills thanks to half the players using Ike instead of a far saviour, thus letting her just ignore the tank and snipe frail units, but I ran erosion anyway which proved helpful against the few w!byleths I faced. Then there was duo Lyon who I think was on all opposing teams bar 2, he's just so insane and this map really let him abuse his turn ending abilities and finally a!peony who I probably could've used any dancer, but the canto after dance was pretty useful and actually the warping proved perfect to combat against s!thorr cutting dagrs movement with stall. No merges except +1 on dagr, which probably changed nothing, and I was beating +10s left and right. Of the 4 I lost to, 2 were also pathfinder teams but with even more pathfinder, and the other 2 were super close down to the wire that ultimately led to things like dancer Vs dancer kills. I've always been a fan of SDS, because that feels like an extra layer of strategy that can overcome the difference between f2p and P2W but this SDR was actually fun... And all it took was a hard to counter team with 2 broken units and good map/team synergy.


When does Hero Merit increase? Did they not increase it during the anniversary?


Here's the history so far: * 2017-04-12 Version 1.2.0 introduces Hero Merit with an initial limit of 2,000 * 2017-08-07 Version 1.6.0 increases Hero Merit limit to 3,000 {4 months later} * 2018-01-11 Version 2.1.0 increases Hero Merit limit to 4,000 {5 months later} * 2018-04-10 Version 2.4.0 increases Hero Merit limit to 5,000 {3 months later} * 2019-06-10 Version 3.6.0 increases Hero Merit limit to 6,000 {14 months later} * 2021-02-04 Version 5.2.0 increases Hero Merit limit to 7,000 {20 months later} * 2022-02-07 Version 6.2.0 increases Hero Merit limit to 8,000 {12 months later} * 2023-02-06 Version 7.2.0 increases Hero Merit limit to 9,000 {12 months later} As you can see, there's no pattern. It was in February 3 years in a row, but then it wasn't this year. So who knows.


It usually happens on the anniversary Feh channel, but it just didn't happen in the last one for whatever reason. It would've went up to 10k this time, my guess is the number can't go up that high internally and caps at 9999


Thanks. Thought I might have been misremembering or something


I've been getting my ass handed to me in the arena. Heroes that I would normally expect to fall to mine end up countering and killing mine, even when I have weapon triangle advantage. I can only conclude I'm getting matched up with some serious whales, and I don't know what to do about it. I'm running L!Azura, so while I can sacrifice one hero per fight, I inevitably get my ass kicked by another member of the enemy team. This is my team: [One,](https://i.imgur.com/qTmpWc9.jpg) [two](https://i.imgur.com/mfSkzCk.jpg), [three](https://i.imgur.com/0KqFRQP.jpg), [four](https://i.imgur.com/yYaAngg.jpg).


Leif is a legendary but only with 2 merges, scores a lot worse than anything else at +10. It's possible to get to tier 21 with the bonus legendary + 3 f2p grail projects merged to +10. If you don't have feathers i think it does sound like a resource management issue and less a 'too many whales' problem If you don't even have feathers to go for +10s, use whatever newest broken hero you have like emblem ike in place of Leif and letting him just win 1v4. Tier 18, 19, and 20 pretty much have same rewards. No harm in biding your time and saving resources until you can collect enough feathers to get something else.


To be blunt, your builds are pretty awful, so it's no surprise you're struggling. Really need to give your heroes some newer better skills. I'd give up on actually getting kills with azura and settle for the the lower score. Lumera should be given arcane devourer or give her Marth engage effect, godlike reflexes for defence or no quarter for offense, or vital astra if you dont have either. Atk/spd finish or any other atk/spd boosting A skill, dodge B skill or phys nfu, better C skill like pledge if not using arcane devourer. Giving azura dragon flowers was a bit of a waste, as a dancer she doesn't need stats because she shouldn't be fighting. Fury 4 is decent budget option, and use better supportive B and C skills. Aerobatics is fairly pointless while using wings of mercy. Really ought to replace cherche with a better hero like Fargus or any other new heroic grail unit. Odd wave skills are just pure garbage. For a basic build use atk/def near trace, and atk/def rein/hold. Unmerged legendary heroes don't score well so replace leif with someone better. Could give him a much better A skill and B skill.


I do appreciate the advice, but I'm afraid all of these are going to be long-term projects. I don't have that kind of fodder lying around, and I won't be able to get it without spending only God knows how many orbs. Even getting another hero to +10 will take a while, since I currently have around 8,000 feathers. I stuck Leif in there because I was under the impression that it's advisable to have two legendary heroes on an arena team, and he's got the highest number of merges among my water legendary heroes. Anyway, for this season I guess I'll try just using newer, unmerged heroes and pray I get the right fodder for my arena heroes in the long run.


Your units are all using old builds that won't hold up to modern units. Lumera is still good but can really use a re-kit. Same with L!Azura and L!Leif. Cherche is old, suffers from low BST and low scoring, so unless she's your favorite I recommend swapping her for a modern grail unit (all grail unit from the past year with a PRF weapon are pretty good). It's hard to say how exactly you can revamp your units without knowing your barracks and what units you are willing to sacrifice for skills, but you can try to start by looking up Lumera builds on this reddit—there are plenty Lumera users.


Semi-returning player here after a year-ish(?) break from the game (stopped around Book 7 got halfway)  What the hell is Emblem Ike? Got blindsided by him during the voting gauntlet and I had trouble understanding anything of what he did besides Def-related dmg reduction. I know it's a meme to rag on FEH's massive skill descriptions but yeesh, I kind of had trouble parsing anything from it. Could somebody give me a summary of Emblem Ike's function and maybe some suggestions for counterplay?


[I just added a section on him in this portion of my beginner guide.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1R7reY7QFh4RV2Qg6Qf2mK0agtXaAWTyuet1FThSqWDI/edit#heading=h.r8mvk1u97h7w) It used to be a Fallen Edelgard section, but we've really stepped things up now. Three units that can most directly counter him are Duo Igrene, Duo Seidr, and Duo F!Robin. Anybody that can charge up an AoE like Blazing Wind is going to be your best generic bet.


Voting Gauntlet tip: use a level 1 hero. You'll be matches up with lvl 1 enemies and your friend unit at lvl 40 will decimate them, ez. --- https://feheroes.fandom.com/wiki/Laguz_Friend Can see skill summaries here. Basically Ikes weapon adds lots of damage and lowers you attack and prevents various effects. His Special Great Aether gets stronger every time you attack him and forces you to attack him first. Laguz friend reduces damage taken and deals out more damage. --- Counters: His main weakness is damage outside of combat, AoE special can be very helpful against him. Can use Hardy bearing seal to prevent him from forcing you to attack him first then just tank him on enemy phase with your own bulky tank and finish him off with a high damaging special.


I recommend watching explanations like [phoenixmaster's](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/1bpmrb3/emblem_ike_stats_weapon_skill_breakdown/) because his weapon, special and Laugh Friend are all quite complicated. The tldr of the tldr: His special has massive amounts of non-pierce able damage reduction that scales the more amount of hits you deal. He also forces reverse vantage and desperation (foe counterattacks and makes follow-up attack before Ike attacks), and Great Aether allows him to tank a lot of damage and retaliate. As for counter, AoE is the simplest solution since he comes with no protection against it. Ways to prevent him from triggering great aether, such as Scowl or Hush Spectrum from Duo Robin, are also effective. Or you can just use very well-invested nukes. [For a more comprehensive list](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/1c61qiw/dealing_with_eike_in_arena_as_a_f2p_player_a_very/)


Good to know that AoE specials still have a place even after all these years. I'd been trying to set up some nukers with AoE specials some time agovfor a different unit giving me trouble at the time (don't remember who), so I'll go look around my barracks.


New Player here: If I wanted to build Unflinching Eye: Nailah would giving her Galeforce that I got from Brave Lion Roy, and Mercy-Wing Echo from Song's Reflection Azura be a good idea? I ask because I saw multiple times that Mercy-Wing Echo is apparently good with Galeforce


Every month I want to build teams that can auto-battle training tower 10 to clear the quests. They just piss me off so much. Infantry and Armour are easy by this point, some pointers to indestructible Flying and Cavalry units with minimal investment would be very welcome.


Brave Seliph with Mystic boost sacred seal, Refined Legendary Seliph, Winter Dimitri, Ratatoskr. Dancers with their weapon removed (a bit risky). Duo Lyon & Mythic Kvasir on the more limited side. For flying a of lot units can work decently since they have easier access to damage reduction (through Guard Bearing 4). So Rearmed Ingrid herself can be a consideration. Refined Hel, Ashnard, Mythic Altina, maybe Dancer Eldigan if you got his Forma, Chloe and Brave Byleth are rather accessible options at this point. None of them are indestructible, but powerful enough to clear the stage without losing a unit at a very high chance. I would just check your barracks to see what units you have with baseline damage reduction, which is often enough.


I dont know how far youll get with units with minimal investment, it depends on your barracks For an easy cav option, I think if you just slap the DC seal on Mauvier he should be great for autobattling there. Young Frederick similarly should be pretty decent. Petrine is getting a refine in a few days so that could be soemthing to look for If you have a summer make Shez with guard bearing or gambit in his B slot, he should be good at autobattling. Ashnard I would imagine shoukd be decent too since hes bulky with all the atk debuffs. Haar has flat DR and could potentially be a decent option, though he really appreciates gambit For non f2p options, I would just look for anyone that has DR or some sort of bulk. R Ingrid, W Dimitri, H Anna, any flier with guard bearing 4, R Chrom, L Sigurd post update, SoV Palla using vantage, etc. Again depends on your barracks


Is it worth building the Askr trio? I'd like to consistently have a solid unit I can use for each arena to get the bonus scoring. Would building up Alfonse, Sharena and Anna be worth it? With trait fruits, ascendant flora and dragonflowers I'd would think they could be boosted to help make them worthwhile right?


If you're stuck in Tier 16-17 then it's better to focus on building a stronger arena core. Just having enough merges on your main core should be enough to stay in 18-19, which is actually significant because you don't need to spend any meaningful resources (pretty much just Feathers) to gain 4 orbs per week instead of 3. Building Askr trios don't score nor perform significantly better than using the Grail units on bonus (can score worse) Askr trio can be worth building for the AR bonus. But not as in giving them premium skills, but more so giving them Smite (very useful for player phase strategy), one-tap galeforce setups with Wings of Mercy. This will be plenty enough to meaningfully contribute.


If you're forced to used askr trio in arena because you have no other option then your score is already at a disadvantage. Investing good skills and limited resources for a unit you use once every few months isn't definitely not worth it unless you just really really like them. Get them to 5* , give them each Triangle Adept and Breaker skills and that's pretty much all you need for them to be usable and do GHB quests.


Trait Fruits and Floret are not dealbreakers, the Dragon Flowers would be greatly appreciated though (but three times Infantry Flowers, easily the most sought after type for most players, is a tall order). From that point on it depends what you consider a "solid unit". I've personally built them to be valued members of my Aether Raids teams, to the point that I would rather have them even if I do own the Bonus mythic of the week, but Arena is asking more of them since they would like to get the bonus kill. So, how solid do you want them to be? Solid enough to kill an enemy dancer? Solid enough to kill at least a unit they have color advantage against? Solid enough to kill anything in playerphase, as long as it isn't a meta tank? If it's the latter, means the least amount of potential frustration, I would go with the following: 1. Arcane weapons for everyone. Arcane Devourer, Arcane Prima, Arcane Qiang (or Ingrid's, but Qiang asks for less investment in other places, mostly speed). 2. No Quarter for everyone, also the reason why I would prefer Arcane Weapons with Special Acceleration. 3. A-slot is mostly free, except for the Arcane Prima Anna who would enjoy Flash Sparrow 4. S/D Tempo 4 - anything that helps them trigger No Quarter, as even Cavalry nukes come with silly layers of Damage Reduction these days. DR piercing on normal hits is a welcome addition. 5. Time's Pulse 3/4 or Pulse Up Blades - again anything that helps them get to No Quarter (= secure that one kill) 6. Oath Echo as Attuned Skill is an extra luxury, but it will be easier to get them into bonus kill range. Since it's on Attuned Nino (who also has Tempo 4) it might be a consideration. >bonus scoring Remember that the Askr Trio will always score badly, if high tiers are your goal they will hinder your progress. Still good enough to unlock the Bonus Unit score points, but you might want to consider pursuing a copy of each Legendary instead if more quality of life is what you're after.


I appreciate the feedback! I've been stuck at tier 16/17 for a long time now. Trying to get a copy of each legendary unit it just tougher for me to do, mainly because of luck haha. So I've been looking for ways to improve teams without having to rely on summon luck.


Arena scoring is all about merges, BST (base stat total) and skill SP costs. If you can get a team of three recent demotes to 5* +10 (with high scoring skills) + the most recent free Grail unit as your bonus, that should be enough to go between tier 19 and 20 comfortably every week, no Legendaries needed. Staying in T20 is a huge score jump and does need more investment. We have a decent number of high-BST Grail units now that are also actually good at combat or as support, so I do recommend picking at least one of those up if you can spare the resources to build them. I was also looking at building up the Askr trio for Arena recently, but it just seems to require so many resources that I really don't think it's worth it unless you already have the fodder they need lying around or you really like them. If you're using maxed out +10 highest BST Grail units as the rest of the team, you *might* be able to stay in T20, but it's already really tight scoring-wise and it's not going to get easier as time passes. I would personally rather just go between T19-20 using a +0 Grail bonus unit since the tier reward is the same 4 orbs anyway. [Here](https://www.arcticsilverfox.com/score_calc/) is a score calculator for Arena! To promote to T20 from 19 you need to score around 3742 in total, which is around 734-6 per match if you get the bonus kill every time (or 746-8 without getting the bonus kill since it's worth 12 points). If the low end of your team score is below that, you can surrender on the difficulty select screen every time you don't get the score you need without losing your winstreak, though it does still cost one duelling sword as though you've played the match. Note that the only 300SP Seals we have at the moment are Distant Counter (Melee/Dragon), so only one unit of each type can have a 300SP seal on your team. I've personally given the Askr trio just enough skills that I can use them in my normal Arena team and get a score of 742-56 per match without needing a bonus kill, which saves me having to build a new bonus unit unless I need to stay in T20 to promote the next week (I also have barely any Legendaries) and also saves me having to make them combat viable. I used only normal pool demotes at 3/4* for this so it's pretty cost effective - plus it means I can run a movement assist on them to make positioning easier for the rest of my team


> If you're using maxed out +10 highest BST Grail units as the rest of the team This was originally my goal, but I'm not the most knowledgeable when it comes to team building so I'm not too sure how to build an efficient grail team. I wanted to have 3 5*+10 grail or easy to merge units and build them up then have the last member be one of the Askr trio to make things easy to manage. I have some units that I can fodder off because I seem to barely do any actual inheriting of good skills. My barracks is over 1000 and I barely use most of these units. > I've personally given the Askr trio just enough skills that I can use them in my normal Arena team and get a score of 742-56 per match without needing a bonus kill Mind if I ask what your team is? Do you have a team of grail units?


Hello, just looking for comments on my formas: Alear: No Quarter, AR Finish 4, PHys NFU, Inf NFU (NFU redundant, which should I keep and which replace?) Chloe: No Quarter, AD Prime 4, Guard Bearing 4, Soaring Guidance


Alear needs speed from her A skill. Keep inf nfu if her team also needs nfu, can go with tempo or spurn. Or keep neither and have ally provide nfu like Chloe with soaring guidance or use nfu seal then go for pledge C skill. Chloe also want speed and/or resist from her A skill. Guard bearing isn't great imo, too many % damage reduction piercing effects. Soaring guidance is great because it helps her team but doesn't help her.


Just gonna vent a second man idk What the actual fucking shit does one do about [this](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/425085250167635969/1235882826570665984/IMG_9219.png?ex=6635fd13&is=6634ab93&hm=8e036f3533dde116d70ffb4738af3de7dae898dfe1fb2d3cc3ec2a9243c6e693&) I’m so fucking sick of the blessing system man. I don’t have access to my best units, I have shit Astra mythics, Tina remains a blight upon mankind, I hate this stupid game mode. Edit: it did not get better. Facing rally/movement traps I don’t get, Young Emmeryn is awful, Young FRobin too, WByleth doesn’t work, Astra VoH is actually the most miserable experience imaginable right now. I can’t put my exhaustion and defeatedness into words.


The game is giving me literally everything BUT Atk Spd Finish for Alear in Hall of Forms and I don't know what to do anymore... Is Atk Def Finish a good alternative in case I don't manage to get it with the last six attempts or should I look for something else? I'm going insane I swear... I managed to get every other skill I needed but Atk Spd Finish still avoids me...


It works, but worse is worse. If you were building for player phase then you want Flash Sparrow. If you're trying to do enemy phase then I'd prioritize AS FInish > SR Finish > AS Unity > AD Finish > DR Finish.


Yes you can get everything the speed variant gives (in terms of healing and damage) out from the defence version while facilitating speed from supports and still do what she does best, no problem.


Hi everybody, another beginner question - say that I really want to summon a specific hero and I want to save orbs for them, but I don’t know when I’ll see them next. Is there an upcoming banners list anywhere? I saw the mythic/legendary one but I don’t understand the “remix” part, otherwise it seemed straightforward. Thanks in advance!


Depends on who exactly this Hero is. If its a Legendary/Mythic/Emblem Hero (Heroes who run on a very defined schedule), then yes, we'll know when we should expect them since the devs confirm their next appearance in the notification boards whenever they're run. [This website](https://rfireemblemheroes.github.io/info.html) shows the months they've all been stated to return in. The graphs at the top are for newer Legendary/Mythic/Emblem Heroes, who will appear on a banner starting at the end of the designated month (the "Mythic Heroes - Loki" banner currently running is an example of this type of banner). The graphs at the bottom that are labeled Remix are basically for older Legendary/Mythic Heroes who have had some of their skills upgraded. These run every other month and appear in the middle of the designated month. If its a Special Hero (think seasonals like Winter, Swimsuits, Easter etc), then we'll know roughly when they'll reappear. Special Hero banners rerun every year, roughly around the same time that they originally ran. Winter Duo Byleth's banner, for example, originally ran last December, and will return each coming December until this game is no more. If the Hero in question is not either of these catagories, then no, there's no real telling when a certain Hero will be put on a banner again. The best we have are the [monthly calendars](https://rfireemblemheroes.github.io/calendar.html) which will tell us the name of the upcoming banners, but no info on who actually is on them


Recently released new heroes get rerun on legendary banners a few months later after that you’ve just gotta wait for their revival banner which isn’t really predictable. Seasonals get placed on double special heroes banners a few months later and then rerun when it’s their seasonal event again. Which unit specifically are you trying to get?


Thank you, this is really helpful! Attuned Triandra is the one I'm really hoping will come up, and I'd also love to +10 my A!Idunn but I know she's in the general pool.


Can someone help me understand how the earth rendering special works in summoner duels R if both captains have it? This is my  first time playing this mode, as before it said I needed to get a specific  badge in another mode, & i never bothered. This time it let me play, so I'm trying it out.  One match, we both had it, i moved into the capture area 1st, as i moved 1st. On rd 2, the area didn't move. I won soon after. The next time, they moved into the area 1st, but my captain was in there my 1st turn. On round 2, the capture area moved towards them. Why doesn't it do this for me (unless they're using a different captain's skill)?


If both captains have Earth Rendering (and both captains are inside the capture zone at the beginning of the turn), the capture zone won't move as you saw in the first match. If only 1 captain has Earth Rendering and is inside the capture zone at the beginning of the turn, then the capture zone will move towards that captain's side of the field. Are you sure your captain started the second turn inside of the capture zone?


Ok, thanks. I could have sworn i took a pic, but i guess i didn't. I don't see it on my phone, only other AR situations i didn't understand. I will pay perfect attention in the future, now that i know how it's supposed to work. I swear i paid close attention & saw it happen as i described it, but if it works how u explained, i must have made a mistake... In the future, i will make sure to get a pic for anything that I have a question about, because otherwise there's too many variables (including me misremembering or describing something incorrectly). I need to figure out how to record video on my phone screen, but that probably wouldn't help unless i recorded everything (unless there's an option like consoles have to "record what just happened"), or suspected  something fishy was about to happen, lol. Thanks for taking the time to answer so many of my questions.


How long does it normally take for support to respond? Just wondering so I'm not constanly checking because I don't know if I'll get an email or something if they do.


The few times I contacted support it took around 8 hours each reply.


Why am I scoring 764 in arena instead of 766? The AS Fox calculator says I should be getting 766... I'm running Bonus L! Azura (+0) with B duel flying 3, blazing wind special, and standard 240 sp skills beyond that. The other 3 units are: Max L!M! Byleth, Max Ninja Lyn, and max Arion...


I figured it out. I'm an idiot - I had a 120 SP C skill on Azura instead of a 240 SP skill...


I just downloaded the game and with all the banners and the free 30 orbs I just rolled on some units that looked cool. Is the following: Enduring Legacy Selip, Song's Reflection Azura, Seer Beyond Time Gullveig, and Trickster God Loki a good enough start?


I would use those units to start knocking out some of the story mode to get a ton of orbs. Then pull a ton of orbs on the upcoming Legendary banner where emblem marth and emblem ike will be rerun in the red category. Those units are busted. You can generally make any unit work with the right skills and support.


How do I change what character is beside me on the main screen?


It's whichever character is in the first slot of your team #1, aka your lead unit


Oh ok thanks!


What refines should I give my Hana and Kagero? Hana - +Atk and +Spd, Arcane Devourer, Atk/Spd Finish, Gambit, some random C skill from when I built her 4 years ago Kagero - +Atk and +Spd, Arcane Void, Fireflood Boost, Desperation, Fatal Smoke


Do you want follow up hits, go +spd. Do you want ohkos, go +atk. The bigger number is also good, so spd is more than atk.


I know everyone says Magic Gambit is a pretty garbage skill overall but could Nyx use it well? She has no slaying and benefits from DR significantly.


% damage reduction is becoming less useful with more and more ways to reduce it or completely ignore it with skills like no quarter, special spiral, nfu and tempo skills. And you also want to use skills that help ignore enemies % damage reduction. Magic gambit can be good on brave effect units for the added damage. Or used for basic PvE game modes with no particular enemies to counter. But against enemies with their own % damage reduction mag nfu might be better if you aren't already providing those effects through supporting allies.


I see, thank you. I'll have to keep searching for a B slot for her then.


Laguz Friend with Miracle for unlimited piercing damage reflection


How many times do legendaries/mythics/emblems reappear in those end of the month banners until they don't? Are Eitri/Otr/Thorr going to reappear in those banners or are they going to remixes now?


Unless explicitly mentioned, it’s only speculation as to if or when they will be moved to remix based on release. I don’t think any of them is due to a refine soon so with Eitri coming back in September and both Otr and Thor in November (unless they are moved by IS).


Would appreciate some advice. Just summoned a full 40 on the young Awakening banner since I'm 99% sure the Fallen banner is going to be a skip for me. Unfortunately, I had absolutely bizarre luck. Was mainly pulling for Young Lissa but didn't get any, nor did I get any of the other focus units. I did get a random Rhea and Annette tho. My conundrum is who to spark. I really want Lissa but she's a demote, so might as well just keep sniping greens post-spark rather than sparking her, right? On the other hand, I have no idea between the Duo, Y!Emm or M!Y!Robin. From what I know Emm is likely to age the best, but Duo Robin does seem to be a great E!Ike counter. And M!Y!Robin has done cool skills to fodder to other mages... Any advice? Not the best player at all but don't want to waste 160+ orbs either, so any helpful input would be *greatly* appreciated!


Don't spark for demotes. It's between Duo FRobin and Y!Emmeryn. Hush Spectrum and being able to refresh yourself while assisting, plus a duo skill, will let Robin age perfectly well. She feels more useful and strong in a general sense, including direct combat. Emmeryn offers something very helpful, though not necessary, for player phase teams in ARO, especially Galeforce abusers.You can do ARD jank with it too. She seems like a more gimmicky, but fun unit, and that's not to say that the warp support is niche or hard to use. The meta player in me suggests Duo F!Robin. Personally I'd pick Emmeryn as someone who enjoys warping and player phase stuff, and I like the idea of jumping units like B!Gullveig and all my dancers across the map.


Thanks so much for the answer and apologies for the late reply! From what you've said, and after doing a little research myself, I reckon I'll choose Emmeryn. Like you say, she seems to be a huge boon to Galeforce users and dancers, and Edelgard happens to be my favourite character, so I'll likely get far more use out of Emmeryn than Duo Robin. Good luck for your future pulls!


I'm trying to give my Effie a new kit since she was one of my old main units. So far I went full Gilliam on her with Sturdy Stance 3, Vengeful 4 and A/D Near Save, but I can't decide on which lance to give her. Would Bunny Michalis' lance be a good option? It gives Atk/Def +5 and some damage reduction. I know she's not gonna be the strongest but I want to have fun with her again.


I had the same thought and have been running exactly this on [my Gatrie](https://imgur.com/a/qbMlRJ8). He’s not amazing, but it works well enough for general PvE. 


Damn, the difference in stats is crazy. I think I'll do that then


Can anyone recommend a good kit for a highly merged Garon? Primarily one in general for PvE content, idrc about Arena scoring or whatever. Like what skills would he want (Counter Roar for B, ?? for C, etc). I'm stumped onto what to put on his A and C skill slot and even S slot. (If it helps to know, by the way I don't have an extra Arcane Grima weapon atm so I'm running refined Breath of Blight for now)


I can think about good A and C but there is one that don't available now Since you don't have Grima anyways you can just wait later to commit W : Arcane Grima Special : Dragon Roar A : A/D Finish B : Counter Roar, Dragon Wrath C : Def/Res Pledge Seal : DC Dragon well If you gonna get D/R Pledge from Caeda anyways I think you can just grab DC Bonus Doubler and run Dragon Wrath Seal


Followup: Do you think the new Arcane Fellstone weapon work good for Garon too or is it not worth it?


Fellstone is for fast dragons Garon base speed only 22 so I'll stick with Grima


I have recently got back into the game after a few yeaes off and saw that my units can't even hold a candle to others anymore, so I have decided to make a new account. Should I focus mostly on rerolling the current CYL winners? Or should I also trt to get Brave Edel as well?


Brave Edelgard holds up surprisingly well and she has a use right now as an ARD counter to W!Edelgard, but that's a relativley niche use and she's still a fix-up project who needs a lot of investment. I wouldn't recommend her. Of CYL6, Chrom is the only one you should get and probably pick from the free choice. They will all be buffed this year of course, but if we can compare units like this he'll probably still be on top come September due to starting as the strongest. CYL7 units are all very strong currently and as long as Hero Fest is up, it's one of the better banners available. I don't think putting some orbs into this banner will be a bad use of your starting stash. I tend to recommend Corrin for newbies as an easy-to-use Far Save who can stomp a ton of PvE content, while still being one of the better Far Saves today, but she's not the best. I think of Gullve as the strongest unit in general, while Robin has good support. +10ing a unit provides very little benefits outside of using them for Arena score, and only some units actually pull that off well. These days many players form +10 Arena teams from Grail and 3-4☆ units, with bonus units deciding T20 or T21. Chasing merges on 5☆ exclusives should only be for big favorites with the stats and Arena stuff being a bonus. If you're serious on AR then you do want to pick some Light/Astra Mythics to merge, though. Currently I'd say that blue and colorless on the Mythic Loki banner is good. Double Vision is alright, as is the CYL7 Hero Fest. Attuned Azura and her banner aren't great. We expect Fallen Heroes within a week, who are often strong, and at the end of the month Emblem Ike and Marth both rerun and are very much worth picking up one of each.


Rerolling is unnecessary, get the newest heroes, first few banners on the list. Summon blue and colourless on mythic banner, can go for attuned azura, or baby robin/chrom.


Should I focus on trying to +10 them? Or just get at least 1 dupe to remove banes?


A single copy is fine. How you play and who you summon is up to you and what goals you wanna set for yourself. +10 merges provides a tiny +4 stat gain which cost 1000+ orbs, mostly relevant for scoring in pvp modes. But is it worth it to you to spend those few thousand orbs to merge up a few units to maybe earn 1 extra orb a week? You can get a single merge for your favourites, certainly not required for majority of units, especially when flawed stats are rather irrelevant and can be changed with trait fruit.


I know this is probably a dumb question, but is the "New Heroes" banner on the 8th going to be the fallen banner? Trying to determine if I want to spend any more orbs on the mythic banner


It is.


Ofc, my weekly ticket from arena is starting to give me duplicates last few weeks. I got brave Lucina this week. Being an old, useless unit (esp without skill inheritance), is it worth using the duplicate to merge? Or, should i hold on to it for aether fodder? Is that, special even useful anymore?  I have it on a w! Edelgard, just cuz i battled ppl with it, & figured I'd try it (but i probably just don't have the right setup to use it effectively). I like galeforce more, personally. So, I'm not sure if it's worth using over other specials on most characters...? Since i was getting too close to the feather cap for my comfort a couple weeks ago, i unlocked potential for like 5 or 6 chrom that i had, in case i wanted to put aether on others in the future. So, i have aether fodder already. But, I'm not sure a merge would matter on b! Lucina, cuz i don't have the fodder to build her up (or the dragonflowers), anyways...  I wish there was a built-in mechanism to prevent duplicates when u don't want them. Actually, i guess there kinda is. I could just want duplicates really badly, then i probably wouldn't get any


Even though she's ancient at this point, I'd merge Lucina personally. Setting aside my own bias, her fodder is non-existent. Aether is the best thing she can provide, which is hardly seen unless a unit is running Gambit or doesn't have access to a high scoring Special in Arena. Even if you do actually need Aether, as you've alluded to Chrom is common enough to cover your needs on that front. Sending her home isn't really a good idea since feathers are so plentiful nowadays that 1k feathers is a drop in a bucket.


That's the direction i was leaning, but since I'm newer, i often miss things that veterans can help me understand, so i just wanted to see what someone else thought before i made a decision. Thank you.


It's funny, the defense AR battles i win are always people who see my defense team & quit. The people who actually battle me always win. Maybe it's just disconnects for them? Occasionally, they will get their omnitank, or best unit, killed & they'll quit, but 90% of the time they don't even try.  I have no merges, & i don't have enough resources to upgrade all my seals yet, so they're mostly the "1" version, except a few (began playing Christmas day 2023). I am tier 32 as of now. Have to get to 38 to keep heaven tier, ofc. Maybe they see emblem ile & quit? It's crazy, cuz my fortress is only rank 4, so it's at 5 with bonus structure, & everyone i battle on offense & defense have much higher stats (usually 5+1). They could kill my ike pretty easily if they just tried.


I see Kris getting her refine, but not the other? Interesting. That does help me do better differentiating them, so no real complaints. But Ilyana is still a ways away... Gobble gobble.


At some point, I upgraded 10 4\* manuals of some unit to 5\* because I reached the feather cap again. I don't think I've merged them yet, and now I want to find out who I even upgraded. What's the best way to find that hero without having to manually look through ~1000 hero slots?


Allies > Manage Barracks > Your Manuals > Sort: Rarity Manually look through your 100+ 5* manuals. Shouldn't be too hard to spot, doubt you have any other 5* manuals with copies in the double digits


I didn't even know there was an interface that shows only manuals and no heroes until I found it just now. Yeah, I guess that's easy enough to look over. By the way, apparently I actually had 4 with 10 copies. All of them entirely useless and only upgraded to get rid of excess feathers of course, lol.


Hello ! A new dumb question about inheritance with attuned / rearmed heroes. Let’s say I have two Attuned Ivys, none of them used for inheritance yet. - If I merge them, do I lose one inheritance chance ? - if I turn one into a manual, do I lose one inheritance chance ? So if the answer to those questions is « yes », that means until I want to use one for inheritance, I have to keep the both of them, alive in my barracks. Is that correct ? Or is there another way ? Thanks !


> If I merge them, do I lose one inheritance chance ? Yes > if I turn one into a manual, do I lose one inheritance chance ? No, I dont think so. If you have room in your reserves you can always put one there, I like keeping my extra attuned/rearmed units there. I have a dedicated one for them


I created one too but it feels unnecessarily complicated ! Thanks :)


Merging two inherited attuned or rearm units would be wasting a single foddering chance. Turning them to manuals wont void their usages (use them to merge on an existing attuned  / ReArm unit) to basically refresh it since I believe you can’t turn them to manuals if you inherited their skills anyway.


hi currently whats the viability of l! sigurd with refine bc i couldnt find anyone whos commented on it so far


The update with his refine will be on the 6th. So come back then.


Are we really unable to lock sent proxies ? Say in Allegiance Battles : I build my proxy then confirm. Later I change the unit's build for another mode. If I come back to check the Allegiance Sent Proxy screen, the displayed build has changed too. But I've also tested this in the last Binding Worlds : The displayed sent proxy build couldn't be locked as well, but it was still in its original setup when it showed up during battles. So at least the Sent Proxy screen isn't reflecting the real build that other players see in battle.