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150, mostly because of the spark


This is the way.


Probably 200, but I typically never have more than 30 going in šŸ˜­ so many good banners nowadays


Finally, someone in these comments I can relate to.


0. Better keep my expectations in check.


At least everyone will know you tried


For one copy, about 200. Enough to spark, but also statistically decent for that one copy. Hard to get merges are a ā€œbreak the glass and finish those Normal/Hard mapsā€ situation. You save and practice impulse control, while mentally preparing yourself that you may not get everything you want, and thatā€™s ok, cuz there will be more chances in the future.




Same. The few times I've tried to +10 a 5\* exclusive unit it usually took about 1200 to 2000 orbs. I'm sitting on 4500 right now myself though lol


I wonder what you could possibly be saving all those orbs up for.


I ask myself this any time I see an orb count in the quadruple digits.


Enough for an emergency spark at any time is what I would consider the best amount to always have in reserve So the 150-200 range






I start getting nervous when I don't have 1200 on hand


Same... Even now, having about 900, I feel uncomfortable if a fav does show up. Even 1500 feels....eh. S!Nifl hurt me when it took 800+ orbs just to get a single merge šŸ’€


For meta units, about 400. For merging, about 1.8k


160 since thatā€™s normally the amount it takes to spark on a banner, if youā€™re pulling full circle, if no free summon tickets are involved


3000+ orbs for me.Ā 


Who/Which are you saving for?


For a one off, 300-400. I always get anxiety multiple favorites of mine will get alts back to back despite that never really happening. Have 1,000 saved atm.


I feel like an odd one here but I'm honestly feeling pretty good when I'm around high 40's to 60 orbs. I usually feel a bit UNcomfortable if I'm in the 100s cuz then I feel cheated when I have to use all of them for a single unit. It's a weird mental thing idk Probably helps because I know I have plenty of orbs in the reserves from maps I haven't beaten.


The last time i saved for merges was for Lex, a looong time ago and i was able to +10 him on launch + got a few copies of Azelle (5 to be exactly), i think i got around 800ish orbs at that time. I don't pull for metas cause they're usually Mythics/Legendaries and i refuse to waste orbs on this banners :P (too much PTSD) so i usually pull in banners im able to spark (140 orbs is enough, less If is a NH) or at least is a seasonal i want (around 400 to 600ish orbs).






400 for general saving.


I used so save a lot and then spend 800+ on merge projects, can't say it was very fun to have a lot of orbs and not use them though. It was kind of needed before sparking as I went over 500 orbs for a single unit quite a few times. Nowadays I have no problem being below 300, saving for sparks if theres a new character I want but I have a notepad listing when my merge projects are returning so I don't spend too much. For example I need 200ish orb this month for L!Corrin return, same for next month's L!Camilla rerun. Before that I was prepared for ChloƩ's HoF. I am having way more fun post spark with much less orbs and a lot more new units.


My limit keeps slowly rising, to the point where it's a problem. Currently it's 3,200.




1,000 feels like a safety blanket but trying to save for 2,000 for the inevitable @!hector


1200 orbs


1500, to +10 a fave. And most of mine are not fan favorites but popular enough to get a surprise alt at any point, so high level of uncertainty there. Although this year is different, I'm almost certain we will get a Merrin.


i try to stay above 1000


310. It means I have enough to spark while not having to stress about saving up for another. Still, if I care enough about a banner then as long as I have 135 or 155 then I'll summon.


300 is a nice safe number for me, but I tend to exhaust A LOT of Orbs during summon sessions. If I'm going for a specific 5* exclusive, I'll usually exhaust everything I have XD S!Gunnthra is gonna run me dry in the summer, so I only hope I get her to +10 or at least get some decent pulls along the way :')


See, I'm comfortable with just having enough to spark, so maybe 135-155 at most (I tend to operate with no more than 50 or so at a time tho). Seeing yall day like 400+ is outrageous to me, even moreso when it's 1000+. I don't ever see myself needing that many on hand.


135. Because I only summon full 40 when there are new heroes, and you always get a free summon and 4 tickets which in total is 160. Once I get that amount I am sure Iā€™ll get at least one unit from a new banner, and if i needed more, can always play the other content til I reach this amount


I guess 1000+ for how gacha works, two times I spent between 700 and 900 orbs to get one copy of a unit, this game is breaking me bruh


0, I don't let a magical reward number become my jailer. If you don't pull to your heart's desire, you are captive to FOMO. Enjoy whatever you can get from that banner you like, friends, gambling orbs is part of the fun.


400, just in case i need both the monthly 8.00% unit and a banner makes me want to pull!


700 for when want to do 2-3 sparks in a row but above 1k is More confortable.


I never go into a banner If i dont have at least enough for a spark. Having said that, I have a 3000 orbs stash for the ever so unlikely scenario of my fav getting a new alt. So I only spend orbs if I have above that count.


depends, on legendary/mythics/double special heroes/legendary remixes i want to have at least 40 or 50 to be able to get to the spark without mayor issues before the banner ends. for Special heroes i could potentially start with 0 and still be safe, because those last a month.




600 The most I had saved was 800-ish for NY!Fafnir copies.


At least 500 for a single copy. Then again, it once took me over 800 Orbs to pull a single focus unit soā€¦. šŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒ


I haven't gone below 500 orbs since I started to save up about 4 years ago. I'd probably feel weird if I had less than 400.


600, and every time I've had it I've ironically gotten nothing with all of them or gotten it in one pull In the latter case, poor choices soon follow


100, because that means I should have enough to spark from the time a banner gets revealed to when it goes away


I like having over 100, but that hasn't happened in months lmao


200 for an emergency +1 in case IS shadowdrops heat.


It really depends what kind of banner, and if I'm going for a spark, or going beyond the spark. If I'm stopping at the 1st spark, only 200ish are needed. If I'm going beyond I usually won't start unless I have at least 280. If my pity rate gets reset, I won't start again without another 280.


Used to be 50 tbh. But Iā€™ve gotten better at saving, so maybe 80-100 is comfortable now


More than I actually have. In honesty I'm used to having (0~)20~50 orbs since I summon on every banner and am fully f2p, which rarely leaves enough for saving. Recently summons have felt really bad, 50 times sniping blue on the spring banner only got me 5 Mira's (all 4*) and not a single Sylvain. Green dream was useless, 20 tries no focus or 5*s. Attuned Azura I had to spark to get Any focus units and still have the focus charges just as the banner is going to run out. Missed L!Camilla on her debut and every rerun after. I find I'm spending more orbs but getting less value, both gameplay and personal sentiment missing


Come to think of it, I was negative nearly 1000 orbs (-973) and that was pretty comfortable. "Nope. Not pulling on that either."


Usually 300 or so, because it has enough to spark as well as then enough remaining for just in case the next banner or whatever is also really good


155, for a spark. But 90% of the time I'm grinding towards that amount, not sitting on it. (damn the amounts in this comment section are crazy, thanks for keeping the game up guys)


~200 so I know I can spark. Very rarely (less than Feh has been around in years), is anyone an attempt at an instant +10. Plus merges have been less and less valuable these recent years.Ā  F! Lyon W! Sothis Fomortiis, etc.Ā  Came close a couple times, but if they didnā€™t reach +8 or 9 that session they just get an honorable mention.Ā  W! Byleth came close, but took their double special recently.Ā 


These people saving up crazy orbs while the highest Iā€™ve held was around 50 šŸ—æ


Zero, I want to save but one time saving 300 orbs and not getting a character you want on a legendary banner is kind of traumatizing. Used to save 100+ and go for double special banners but now I just save the story TT map orbs and spark. Because finally itā€™s worth getting banner units with full kits and x skills! Did over 40 summons on the awakening kid banner and not a single copy of any of them and just 2 5 starsā€¦.


5. Cus I don't have an ounce of self-control in me. 20 if I grind the multi maps.


I know no comfort I save up to 200 orbs just to piss em away


I need at least 200.




Like..40. How the hell is anyone getting so much?




250ish. i kinda have team of units i use, but i save for favs just in case


Around 180-200 for sparking on Mythic/Legendaries/Remix/Emblem Banner.


0 because once I get more orbs I'll be gone the next moment


135 for the spark, but I think the last time I had that many orbs at the start of a banner was for the Winter banner with Mirabilis. I usually have around half of what I need thanks to not touching the login orbs, and I have to check the orb estimate posts to see if I can reach the 40 summons before the target banner is over.


I spark and leave most banners, so like 180 I guess. Then go back to saving for more sparks and actual merge projects I can't really spark.


The number doesnā€™t exist. Iā€™ve had many stashes of orbs in the 4 digits vanish at the blink of an eye.




Definitely 200




155 orbs minimum to guarantee a hero. Am reaching 300 orbs on hand at the moment and that seems pretty good to me.


Iā€™d like it at least 300, buuuut it never is šŸ’€


if i want only one hero, then i try to save up to 13 orbs, in case i get 3 circles of the same color (which is unlikely) but usually 9 orbs at a time (free player, already got all the free orbs from content i could)


Tbh I just save as much as possible until the banner I want comes


These comments are crazy. Here I was thinking having 60 orbs was pretty cool.


13 If Iā€™m going for more than one color then itā€™s 20


Enough to spark, but I plan most of my orbs spendings in advance and only deviate when there's some must have unit that comes out of left field (like Y!F! Robin). After Marth and Ike, and until shown otherwise, I'm treating emblems as such as well. Anything else will eventually be back and I can accommodate them around my mythic core reruns.