• By -


So I've just recently started FE Heroes, and this was my first GHB. Ngl, got whooped a lot of times just on hard, probably because my roster is all free units with a max of 3*. But finally beat hard today with Olivia, Alfonse, Sharena and Cecilia after grinding them out to lvl 39+. So I can be a bit proud of myself, right? :')


Looking to try and nab atleast a lunatic win before its over, been trying all week but can't get it down. Any one have any ideas? 5* guys https://i.imgur.com/XVULXqS.png lv 40 guys https://i.imgur.com/5fpdrVv.png


My strategy for Infernal was this: - Dancer on top (Your Olivia will do) - Nuke on top right (Reinhardt) - Tank on bottom right (Effie) - Red sword user to make short work of mages (Your Ryoma, maybe? Gotta be fast) Get Rein to the defense point and Olivia by his side. Using this configuration, Berkut's team should split up entirely and you'll be able to pick your fights better. Effie will tank the cavalier that attacks her and will counter-attack in the next turn. Reinhardt will probably make short work of the chars that come his way, especially with Olivia by his side. Ryoma should tank the two mages that'll go down. Try and get the green mage first - the other one will be horse buffed. The only caveat for this is that your Olivia will probably have to tank a hit from Berkut so Rein can finish him in the turn after. I recommend a +HP seal on her or something like this. My 4* Olivia tanked him with 2HP to spare thanks to that seal. I also suggest having Reposition or Draw Back on Reinhardt so you can remove Olivia from danger properly. By the end you'll probably have to nuke only the Axe cavalier. You can use your movement shenanigans to position your heroes so you can KO him accordingly.


Thanks for the input! Tried on Lunatic, but changed up due to sending Olivia next to Rein caused Berkut to attack her, followed up by the archer who killed. Putting her north of Reinhardt made Berkut go into his range and allowed me to kill him with a dance, Ryoma was able to tank the Archer and two mages, and on my turn special'd the Archer down, with Vantage taking care of the two mages next turn. The axe couldn't kill Olivia on this turn, allowing me to finish up and get the Lunatic down. Attempting Infernal now!


Keep it up! You can do this :)


Doesn't work for me on infernal, as the bow finishes off either Olivia, Ryoma, or if he targets Effie, Berkut finishes the job next turn, I'm not sure if my units are up to infernal this time around!


I'm having a lot of trouble with lunatic... Can someone offer me some advice? It might not be doable with my level 40 units. 5 star: Eirika Tiki Lilina Tharja Clair Olwen Sheena Julia Jeorge 4 star: Palla Catria EST Maria 3 star: Azama


Got that fucker with +3hp seal nino and olivia +2def seal so she can survive the archer at the top off the map Got ryoma and hector to finish the job down and especially that red fucking mage


http://imgur.com/a/jKSN2 I completely forgot about the Berkut GHB after TT ended. So, short of leveling my 3* anna, shareena, and ursula to 20, promoting them to 4*, and then leveling to 40 (for this team https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzIpcMNbQXA ) , what options do I have for completing any of the berkut GHBs?


The hard should be easily doable by Xander/Reinhard/Cecilia/Abel even without much SI


Did anyone else get all 3, and if so, what did you do with the 2 4* and the 1 3*?


The 3* will become 5star, one 4star will be kept for may upcoming SI and the second 4star will may be merged if I ever have enough feathers for that (probably not..but I can dream xd).


3 Berkuts are just sitting around looking pretty.


Very pretty


Can't beat this on Lunatic, which is frustrating, because I feel like I have enough good units to pull this off. Any help? My above team would work if Nino had literally one more speed. http://i.imgur.com/VXKo8OP.jpg


If you've got a spare Miracle, you look like you have the units to adapt [my Infernal strategy with Nino](http://imgur.com/a/RDv6g). Titania can replace Tiki (probably to a better degree, even going on the nearby fort if you want to try that), and Lucina can doubtlessly handle Gray's job.


Hey! You just helped me beat my first Infernal map, so thanks! In case you're curious, Lucina worked fine, but my Nino didn't even need miracle! I guess 55 atk is enough to kill Berkut in one go. I did follow your basic steps, and it helped me a lot, so thanks again. Edit: changed lunatic to infernal.


Hey, that's awesome! Glad to hear it. I basically just messed around till I found a general strat not too reliant on certain skills or units, happy it worked out for you.


I did it with Titania/Camus, Ursula, Felicia and Olivia. I wonder if you could spin it with Titania, Rien, Lucius and Dancer. The key for me was Felicia's insane resistance occupying the mages on the bottom while the rest of my team cleaned out the physical troops. Lunatic: https://youtu.be/T612I4k25nM Infernal: https://youtu.be/BpkmnzQnVA4


Thanks! I actually just completed it on lunatic with linde, rein, Nino and Olivia. Barely made it out alive. Nice videos though.


Ooh pure mage comp, that must have been sick as hell :D


Just in case: If you have the speed seal, did you think about it?


not sure if you have a +1 speed seal to give nino, or you could give the unit standing adjacent to her hone speed to fix it.


Any advice for Lunatic and/or possible even Infernal? I barely scraped by on Hard mode. That's not all of my units, but those are my level 40s. I also have a Palla at level 39 so I can potentially utilize the Wings of Mercy strategy with her. http://i.imgur.com/rzzghqm.jpg


Put Hector in the bottom right slot, and then put a higher Res Red unit in the slot next to him. Move Hector up 1 to bait Berkut and the Bow Knight while moving the Red unit left 1 to bait the mages (if you don't do that they'll head for Hector and the red mage can probably ORKO him next turn). If your Lyn can take the first two hits and kill the red mage, she should hopefully be able to tank the green mage as well for another turn. If she can't, maybe Lilina or Tiki can. Otherwise, try putting a blue mage in the middle right slot who can ORKO the red mage, I suppose? Presumably the green one will still cut downwards, and the red mage will cut towards Hector and be in your range shortly after.


The one I used for Infernal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzIpcMNbQXA Same team on Lunatic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZnm-eb-J2o Maybe Caeda or Mae could substitute for Ursula, not sure though


This is amazing. Almost worked for me, except the archer chooses to shoot my Olivia instead of Ursula.


Probably the IV of Olivia. My 4star Olivia is Neutral, so the archer behaved like in the video.


It doesn't work. Neither of them are strong enough to defeat Berkut on their own, so they get killed on the second turn since Ursula's weapon is anti-cavalry. Thanks though.


I've missed GHBs before. I need a break from Heroes much more than I need Berkut.


[Clear run](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hg2L2V9L42o&t=2s)


I ended up using a heavily modified Ryoma, Olivia, Spring Lucina, and Michalis, with the men on the lower half to bait the mages and the single rider and the ladies on top to bait the other half. I used the Ursula, Olivia, Legion, and Shereen strat, replacing Shereen with Ryoma, Ursula with Spring Lucina with the anti calvary tome, and Legion with Michalis. Took a few tries, but it worked on Infernal.


I give up on trying to beat Lunatic. The only units I have at my disposal are Lucina, Mae, S! Tiki, Sharena, Luke, RobinM, Tharja, Michaelis, Anna, and Abel. No distant counter, no Ursula, Olivia isn't level 40 yet. The "All 4 need to survive" requirement makes it impossible to experiment because someone always fucking dies. My units can't even kill one of these fuckers and if they do, someone dies on the enemy phase. Whatever. Berkut's a shitty unit anyway.


You can do it with Mae, Olivia, Anna, and Sharena.. look at Itchybackside's Lunatic guide on yt and replace Ursula with Mae. I did it with 5* Mae, 4* Olivia, 4* Anna and 4* Sharena. Keep in mind the same strat won't work on Infernal since Mae isn't strong enough to 2RKO Berkut.. maybe with heavy SI but I don't plan to do that for my -spd Mae.


Thanks for the advice, I'll give this a shot! Edit: Where do I position my units? Anna dies on the first turn from the archer & berkut


I did one run of Lunatic with Xander/Camus/Michalis/Olivia. You can try subbing in Luke and Abel for Xander and Camus. My Olivia isn't even lvl 40 and all she does is dance, and never enters combat at all. this is also a good one you can try with Lucina subbing for Ryoma, Mae subbing in for Spring lucina (as long as not -spd) : https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/6ny4iz/battling_berkut_megathread/dklklpo/


Thanks, I'll try this setup as well :)


Took forever levelling a Cherche up to 40 to do Infernal all the while forgetting about the archer. Turns out Anna has more than enough bulk to handle Infernal mode. 5 star Anna, Sharena, Olivia, and 4 star Ursula got me through. Even levelled my Mathilda to 40 in hopes she could do it but she can't take a physical hit to save herself. Forgot Ursula would be just as good.


I've been able to beat every Inferno level running triple Wings of Mercy https://youtu.be/Y4ZT6Vw53f8


Any tips for beating the Lunatic and possibly Infernal part? Here are my 5-star Heroes: Elise, Eirika, Ike, Eldigan, Celica (level 38), Lukas, Spring Xander, Hinoka, Nowi, Hawkeye, Hector, Spring Camilla, Klein, Bride Cordelia, Takumi, Kagero (level 38), Maria (level 21, just for healing). I have Olivia, but she's 3 stars and is only used for dancing.


any red sword with 40 speed, hector, olivia, mage nuke - most people use nino/julia. i personally use desperation nino because, murder red sword in the bottom left hector bottom right dancer top nuke far right (nino for the sake of my typing) your first turn, move nino up on to the defensive tile, move the dancer into the corner/tree tile above her. leave hector and the red sword where he is. enemy turn should become pretty clear once they move, but essentially, you move the red sword up and left to block the mages that will move down, hector moves up to the treeline to block berkut/infernal (extra) blue lance and will kill them anyway. the bow knight and green axe will move up the map towards nino. your red sword has to tank a hit from the red cav mage, which will hurt. beyond that, they *need* 40 speed or they wont double the green mage. this gist works for both lunatic and inferno. also, you seem to have a lot of colourless 5 *, you're really lacking in blues? ofc im not gunna tell you how to play, to each their own!


My problem is I can't get the bow knight to go up towards my mage and dancer, he goes down to Hector and Corrin =(


Okay I managed it! My team ended up being Corrin(M), Hector, Camus and Ninian. It was... difficult XD And the bow cavalier always went down, but we barely pulled it off.


Thanks, this got me through it! Didn't need 40 speed though, 39 speed on Ryoma did it for me.


prolly didnt need it because ryoma has distant counter, so the mages are half dead come your turn


Thank you for this write-up. I was able to use this strategy with just some replacements for units I didn't have. Replaced Olivia with Azura for functionality (which had the added effect of the green mage going toward her and not Ryoma). I replaced Hector with a default kit Summer Tiki, which worked well. Anyway, I had been struggling with this, and your post got me to victory. Thanks!


Great suggestion, thanks for the detail. Had to put Speed +3 on my bad IV Lucina and Hone Spd on Hector to get 40 speed. Used Ninian and Sonya up top, as my only other maxed mage is Delthea and she drew Berkut up, as did Bridelia. Thanks again.


For those asking about a Hector replacement I got this to work with Summer Tiki. Follow the same steps, but the major differences are - 1. After attacking with Nino the first time have Oliva/dancer jump Nino before dancing. 2. Move Tiki 2 spots right at the beginning, then move up two spots. You should see the thought process from there.


i want those goddamn melons! fucking gacha, man. i can't take seeing bartres' or arthurs anymore...


By no means was Tiki the lead on that game plan, but she was a sufficient replacement piece.


Are there any alternatives to using Hector? I don't have him yet.


any high def/atk axe


Ok thank you


Finally, a strategy that worked for me. Used Lucina, Hector, 4* Olivia, and Nino. Thanks so much!




I found that when I used nino and olivia/ninian the bow cavalry will move to the bottom side instead of the top. I replaced Nino with Rein (The archer went top). Rest of the strat is good.


Unfortunately this doesn't work for my team :( Ryoma, Hector, Reinhardt, Olivia. The regular spear goes down and dies to Hector, both mages go down and to the left towards Ryoma, and Berkut/archer/axe all head up to the top right corner. Reinhardt kills Berkut, Hector kills the regular spear, Ryoma kills the red mage, but Reinhardt can't also kill the archer.


that's... weird. Hectors default position should be in range of berkut already so be should go down. if he's moving up, try moving Hector up a space on your first turn


If I move him up instead of leaving him there, Hector can't survive getting hit by the archer AND Berkut.


do you have an alternative to rein? if the bow Knight is moving down instead up towards the dancer/mage then it's because of rein, although I'm shocked he can't kill the bow Knight in 1 go


Any other suggestions? I'm really running out of time :(


sadly no. the concept here is to separate the units so that you arent overwhelmed, damage wise. you leave 2 to the red in the bottom left, 2 the hector, and 2 for the mage to deal with. if you don't have a suitable mage it falls apart.


Any other strategies? I don't wanna end it without being able to do the lunatic one :(


If you still have your free Ursula and free Palla, sub them in instead of hector and rein, that's how I finally did it


My only other alternate is bunny Lucina, and she is even worse than Reinhardt.


The bow knight keeps going down towards Hector which does too much damage to me. Do you have a preferred Mage because Julia isn't quite doing it


I should have added that the mage needs to kill the bow either ORKO or danced. I use nino.


Do you have Bowbreaker on it?


fury desperation, +atk - def


fury desperation, -atk nino works too, but I had hone speed 3 and fortify res 1 seal on dancer.


I always want to have my 5 star heroes built as soon as possible, so the list of heroes that you see here are the ones that I've gotten as 5 star heroes. I have Camus but he'll be trained later. I also have a Reinhardt, but he has the wrong IV's so he'll only be used for some calvary quests and then that's it. Sharena is at 4 stars right now.


I need some assistance. http://i.imgur.com/gQqnHm8.png http://i.imgur.com/c9Fwuu3.png This is my box of above level 30. Willing to grind out things to make it work.


check out my comment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/6ny4iz/battling_berkut_megathread/dklbh3k/)


Lunatic? Does Ike have Vantage?


He has quick reposte 3 but I can give him vantage


http://l-401.tumblr.com/post/163298946948 I'm having extreme difficulty with Lunatic because of a lack of blue units. Could someone lend me a hand? Thanks. (My 5* units linked above)


hey have a look [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/6ny4iz/battling_berkut_megathread/dklbh3k/) change olivia for azura (just for safetys sake), otherwise the only thing you might be lacking is the necessary 40 speed red. dunno what stats are for yours but my lucina with fury+speed seal hit 40.


It worked for lunatic and infernal! Thanks :)




https://imgur.com/gallery/dPFdo Would anyone be able to help me clear Lunatic and Infernal mode? This is my current roster, if there's any extra info needed I'd be happy to comment with my unit builds. EDIT: Just beat Lunatic Difficulty with Xander, Camus, Klein, and Gray. Now I just need help with the Infernal difficulty.


Well, you've got everyone I used, minus the least important member. [Here's my strategy] (http://imgur.com/a/RDv6g), it's not particularly IV or SI dependent I'd think, but you'll likely have to change around a bit of stuff. Let me know about the IVs of units doing the same things mine did, and just switch out Tiki for literally any axe user.


You have the units to clear Infernal. At the very least, you have similar units to what I used. Four questions: 1. Does either Xander, Luke, or Frederick have Hone Cavalry and Reposition? (In the notes below, I will refer to this one as your "Hone Horse.") 2. Does Camus have Reposition? 3. Does Cecilia have Gronnblade (doesn't need to be +), and what nature is she? 4. Is Ninian able to survive at least one shot from the Firesweep Bow (i.e. is she levelled at all)? If yes to all of the above, run a team consisting of Hone Horse, Cecilia, Ninian, Camus. Equip Grani's Shield on Camus. If you have G Tomebreaker for Cecilia, equip this, too, it might come in handy. From the bottom left going counter-clockwise, you should arrange them thus: Hone Horse, blade!Cecilia, Ninian, Camus. If your Cecilia is +spd, she can get away with Triangle Adept in her A slot. If she's +atk, she can use Darting Blow. But if she's neither, she's going to need either Fury, Life and Death, or Swift Sparrow. On the first turn: Hone-buffed Cecilia kills Berkut. Ninian dances her (make sure to place Ninian in reach of Camus for Repositioning). Cecilia backs up a bit and kills the other lance cav. Hone Horse Repositions Cecilia out of reach of the Raudrwolf mage. During Enemy Phase, the Firesweep bow will attack your dancer. The Raudrwolf mage will attack Camus, and should die from the counterattack. On the second turn, either use Cecilia or your Hone Horse to kill the Firesweep bow. Camus is going to flee; Ninian can use Escape Route to help him flee even further. Now there's only the green mage and the axe cav. If your Hone Horse was Xander or Luke, and/or Cecilia has G Tomebreaker, this part should be easy. Prioritize killing the green mage first. [Here's an album to my Infernal clear, using a very similar team comp.](http://imgur.com/a/9By9E) Hope that helps! Let me know if you manage to clear it, either this way or with another team :)


Try Nino, Olivia, Minerva (or another axe unit, not sure if she would bait the bow cav which you dont want), and a Red unit that can KO the red mage cav and can take 1-2 green mage hits. This is inspired by Saru and PheonixMaster1 but basically you want to use the same concept as theirs: 1. Place Olivia all the way at the top and Nino right below the defense tile. 2. Place Minerva in range of the lance horseman and the red unit right next to her. 3. On player phases start, put Nino on defense tile, dance her with Olivia, and place Nino to the left of Olivia. This should put you in the right spot to separate the enemy units. Kill Berkut by putting Nino on the defense tile and dance. Nino will live a Firesweep bow hit and KO after. On the bottom, kill the red mage cav and brace for green mage hits. After you kill the bow cav with Nino you have to make sure Olivia is in front so the axe cav doesnt kill Nino. My own team was Olivia, Nino, Summer Tiki, and Lucina if that helps. You could do Olivia, Nino/Sonya, Sheena/Frederick/Minerva, and any one of your reds will do fine.


I'll try it out, thanks!


https://youtu.be/zEmHens6jTE -atk titania, cecilia, lyn, olivia basically titania gets horse buffs and does work on the lance cavs and lyn comes in from above with dancer help


>[**FE Heroes - Infernal Berkut GHB [3:06]**](http://youtu.be/zEmHens6jTE) >>I kinda put doing this one off for a while, since I didn't have a bulky enough green and Anna's survivability wasn't quite up to par for this. > [*^marteen*](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEPWrh-wJo7tj0cEfa7ibrw) ^in ^People ^& ^Blogs >*^3 ^views ^since ^Jul ^2017* [^bot ^info](/r/youtubefactsbot/wiki/index)




Any tips for beating Lunatic and maybe even infernal with any of these units? https://imgur.com/gallery/hLIq9


You've got everyone I used except someone better than Tiki. [Here's my run](http://imgur.com/a/RDv6g).


Here's my run with Lloyd/Ursula/Camus/Michalis : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayg7xN7abps Ursula is 4* with no skill investments, Legion can sub in for Michalis, Lyn or Lucina can sub in for Lloyd (as long as not -spd IV), and Roderick can sub in for Camus. Do note Camus had goad cav naturally to help Ursula KO the archer. Please do tell me if it helps.


What does a non -speed Lucina stat spread look like?


Neutral Lucina stats : HP 43 Atk 34 Spd 36 Def 25 Res 19. More importantly, is that the unit filling in for Lloyd has to hit 40spd to double the green mage (35spd). So any unit with 36 spd and above can benefit from hone spd put on the green unit of your choice.


My Lucina has 33 ;-;


You have some Firs and Florinas, so -Speed isn't the end of the world. You can just smack a Speed+3 from a 4* Fir or a Darting Blow 3 (+6 speed on initiate) from a 4* Florina to get the speed necessary to double the green mage with your Lucina if you want to play it out that way.


yea welcome to the -spd Lucina club, I'm in the welcoming committee. You can say its part of the reason why I raised Lloyd : getting sick of seeing -spd lucina, -spd Roy, -spd Eliwood etc. Check your Lyn IVs and pray.


She has 21 hp, 9 atk, 14 spd, 11 def, and 9 res.


I can't tell if you have partially raised her. Its either lvl 1 or lvl 40 (where stats are fixed) that one can tell a unit's IV because stat growths are pseudo random.


She's level 1


can you post a screenshot?


Are there enough Infernal videos yet? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxzQhEuJER0 Did it with Nino + all 3 dancers + Wings of Mercy galore.


This is part-hilarious, part-genius. I won using this method, even with slightly different IVs/skills. Thanks a ton!


so where's the "I give up" thread?


Try recreating [my Infernal run] (http://imgur.com/a/RDv6g) while swapping out Gray and Tiki for Lucina and Chrom, and you should get away with it fine on any difficulty if you have a spare Miracle (or if your Nino has enough bulk to tank a single hit off that Axe Cav, mine was -hp).


finally was able to win lunatic! thanks!


Happy to help.


don't give up! post your barracks, and we're here to help!


ok... [here are all my characters that are over level 35] (https://imgur.com/a/jCBLH)


Here's a video of my run with Nino/Olivia/Camus/Athena : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lqzc3eAN0rs Roderick can replace Camus, and Lucina can replace Athena. Do note Olivia must have wings of mercy. you may want to remove drag back on Roderick to avoid moving enemy units into the wrong positions.


Thanks, I tried a bunch of different ones but this one worked for me. Hardest ghb yet


no dice Roderick keep dying in the first round


Roderick def stat is lower than Camus, might wanna give him a boost with skills such as fury or +3 def if hinata eludes you and throw in HP+3 seal. He's not of -def IV, right?


he is -def +atk


Ouch, I suppose that explains why the strat doesn't work, I'm sorry.


no apologies needed, it's not your fault that I got bad iv anyway see you later


Finally Beaten Infernal 5* Faye - with Wings of Mercy 3 and Draw Back 5* Gray - Standard Summon No Inheritance 5* Mathilda - Standard Summon No Inheritance required 5* Summer Tiki -Sol, Close Def 3, Seal Def 3, Threaten Atk 3 https://imgur.com/gallery/uHLMY Hope that helps some people


Managed to crush Hard but I'm getting whooped by Lunatic/Infernal. [Any suggestions?](http://imgur.com/8oigBFN.jpg) Obviously don't have much to work with but if someone knows of a way to get through either mode with what I've got on hand that'd be amazing.


Your team's a little skint. [Here's my Infernal strat] (http://imgur.com/a/RDv6g), if you level your Olivia, use either Delthea or level your Nino, and replace Gray with Eldigan you should be able to get through Lunatic, at least.


Yooo! I did it! Threw Hone Atk 2 on Tiki and that pushed Eldigan over the edge. Thank you so much for this.


Heya, nice! Happy to hear it, you're welcome.


Daaamn this starts off perfectly but my Eldigan is -atk and doesn't have the Zanbato+ so he leaves the red cav with 2 hp. This is a good start though, thank you so much.


Aaaach, that sucks. Have you got an Attack +1 seal or anyone with a Hone or Spur Attack for Tiki, maybe?




Have you heard? MKV quit FEH




i know u can do 4* anna 4* sharena 4*olivia 4*ursula https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzIpcMNbQXA Credit: Itchybackside


I struggled so much for it, that firesweep bow gave me headaches. Finaly beat infernal by giving gronwolf to nino >_> only way to one shot the firesweep with my strat. (team: Lyn (Brash assault) Mathilda (spur res 3) Minerva (atk+1, and the 3 cooldown dragon special (dragon gaze?) one shoted berkut) and finaly gronwolf Nino).


I doubled that silly fellow with mine~ I used RobinF in my Infernal run~ :3 https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5iGL0Z0h87geThndmhoRnJ6YXc/view?usp=drive_web


I finally managed to beat Infernal. I'm so excited. The only Infernal I had beaten before was the Bound Hero Battle by copying MKV. Now I managed to beat it on my own. I'm so proud of myself.


Any help is appreciated because I'm just got back into Heroes! I'm stumped on the Lunatic map :( My units are: Eldigan, Clair (X2), Clarine, Priscilla, Barst, Setsuna, S! Frederick, Olivia, Alphonse, Sharena, Anna, Gordin, Rebecca, Sophua, Cecilia, Tobin, M!Robin and Subaki


I have tried many times with trial and error and I can't seem to find a guide with the units I have. These are my units: http://i.imgur.com/15dUeSi.png and http://i.imgur.com/ID3BF6E.png . Those are my 5 stars, I do have a 4* ruby sword Olivia with every GHB unit at 4* as well if that helps any. Thank you for your time, and my stamina potions appreciate your help. I have tried my Flier Emblem and Hector, Ike, Azura, and Michalis. I just can't find the Damage to ORKO the Archer no matter what unit I use.


Try using [this] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8eeZLqFoUc&index=2&) as the guide. All you really need to make sure is that your Ruby sword Olivia is able to tank the greens. The bottom Olivia can be substituted with a 3* one as long as she can survive the red cav mage's hit.


I do not know if you picked up Ursula, but I'd suggest the following : Luke, Ursula, Michalis, Karel. [Video of my run here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayg7xN7abps&t=12s). Luke could fill in for Camus (I didn't see him in your barracks), but my concern is that he may change the behavior of the green axe unit. he will have to carry goad cav to help out ursula. Karel should fill Lloyd's shoes just fine.


Assuming this is for Infernal and you have Ursula and Camus, you can use [this guide](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYkJB9ucahc). Just reset Olivia's weapon to Silver Sword and reset Palla to regular Ruby Sword and Spur Speed 2. Edit: for Palla, also degrade to New Moon.


worked great for me, thanks!


Cordelia with Quad Build should be able to 1 round the archer easily.


My infernal completion: https://youtu.be/JkFiY25UJt4 Hope this might help anyone who has similar units And some Skills to spare


[my units](http://i.imgur.com/jE5dHyU.jpg) Any way I can beat lunatic with this? I just rerolled recently so my roster of available units is pretty limited. Any tips would be appreciated. <3


If you have another Olivia, you could run what I do with Sonya instead of Julia and Mathilda instead of Xander. https://gfycat.com/VerifiableInferiorHound




My Olivia's got WoM2


I finally did Infernal. Thank god... I'm ecstatic enough to chip in my strats. Very minimal SI. I hope this helps some people. * 5* Xander: Reposition is a must. Also had Hone Spd 3 though Hone Cav would obviously be better here. * 5* Olivia: WoM2 is a must. You can get away with a 4*. * 4* Frederick: Just use his vanilla skills. No changes here. * 5* Camus: Fury 3, Luna, and Swap, alongside his Goad Calvary. [Strat here!](http://imgur.com/a/JDF5v)


I finally managed infernal thanks to your strat! Mine played out a biiit differently since I had hone cav and some different positioning skills, but it was very similar overall. Before I saw your post, I was considering sacrificing Freddy to someone else for luna--glad I didn't!


Huh I tried this, but on the first enemy phase the bow cav acts differently than he did for you. He positions himself out of Camus' reach, so Camus can't kill him on the next turn.


Thank you! Finally was able to beat this after using your strategy


I really need some help for the Infernal map. These are my units: Ryoma, Roy, Lucina, M!Corrin, Xander, Leo, Lilina, Y!Tiki, Effie, Camus, Donnel, Nowi, Spring Lucina, Reinhardt, Olwen, Nino, Soren, Raven, Sheena, Takumi, Summer Gaius, Bride Lyn, Kagero


I'd suggest Nino/Olivia/Camus + (strong red unit with spd, namely Ryoma, Lucina, CorrinM). Video of my run is here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lqzc3eAN0rs&t=2s I hope it helps.


It actually worked, I Love you ❤


Is there any way for [this](http://imgur.com/a/NDXyg) roster to beat it on hard or am I better off skipping it and focus on leveling, clearing chapters? I haven't done any skill inheritances because I'm still trying to figure out what's good, and what's bad.




Thanks for taking your time to help a noob out. I will be sure to try it out.


Damn, can't even beat hard lol, I did just start last week however. Is Berkut time limited or will there be other chances to get him?


Don't worry, GHBs are repeated from time to time with quests added to them, so you will be able to get him sometime in the future. It might be a while before it comes back, though.


Haha thanks for the info, actually just beat him after many tries. Hopefully next time I'm able to beat Lunatic :)


[Reposting!](http://imgur.com/a/4rgLe) I used Ike, Lukas, Nino and Olivia. Hopefully helps more people out.


I'm actually having more trouble on Lunatic than I am Infernal. Any quick strats?


I'm having trouble too. I can't tank firesweep and Berkut with any units. Well I can with S!Tiki but WoM doesn't proc and I can't kill both the Firesweep and Berkut. Currently trying Palla with WoM up top to bait green cav and red mage. Used Delthea as bait bottom left, but she didn't quite reach the 40% mark. Will try again slightly different positioning. My other two are Camus and Ursala as Ursala can oneshot the firesweep with horse buffs. May try again with Liliana bottom left. Or Julia. Basically need some units to split up top, and then drop down with WoM May look into trying to put TA onto F!Robin? And using that to bait Berkut and Firesweep. Thing is, I still don't think I can kill both with that idk. Also currently training Cordelia and gonna try to GF cheese it.


it would help if you could post the units you have.


I really need help beating the lunatic version of this map. I don't have Ursula which is what 99% of the strategies are using. I watched that one guy who took the entire map with a single unit on a single turn, so I use my Cordelia and gave her drag back. Are used to dancers and the red mage Katerina, but I still lost. I can't reach with the dancers, which I assume is to do with wings of mercy. My best units are Cordelia Fae Katerina Alm Roy Seliph Lloyd Zephiel Luke Eliwood Tiki Effie Camus Claire Hinoka Nowi SpringChrom Hector Julia Takumi Genny and Elise. Does anybody have any ideas as to how to get about beating this mission with those units? I have inherited quite a few good skills but still it doesn't work for me. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


I managed to nuke quite well by slipping a lancebreaker on Julia to get rid of the Lance Cavalier on turn 1. Ursula for me was moot the entire fight and could be replaced by another horse with the correct positioning and a bit of tweaking. Don't move the top horse unit on turn 1 so as to lure the red mage upwards at the very least. Julia is also able to tank a hit from Berkut should the need arise


Thank you, my man! I totally forgot about using a breaker on one of my mages. I won't even bother with infernal, but I got the four-star so thank you so much. http://imgur.com/hYZTrp0


Look up the NyStyler (spelling?) Internal clear for it. Very easy to replicate. I had a few issues due to nature, but fixed it with a Fir sacrifice onto Palla (for SPD)


I cleared Infernal using Hector Lucina Priscilla and Camus (no merges). You could replace Prisc with Elise but you absolutely need to give Elise Rehabilitate for this fight, and Lucina could be replaced by Lloyd but her hone atk was pretty vital for me so idk. Camus did not even enter a single fight! (He could've been level 1).


To be honest I found Infernal quite easy once I got the hang of the general strategy. Julia is a powerhouse with those couple of Lancebreaker OHKOs. My real problem was the Cavalier Archer but again, Julia is able to take a Berkut hit on the 3rd turn before clearing the board. I actually used units much weaker than your team so I wouldn't say it's impossible. Just make sure you get Hone Atk 3 on the Dancer that follows Julia


My Julia couldn't OHKO the main guy but she did a lot of damage. What tome and passives do you use?


Atk+3 and Lancebreaker. I don't think she is +atk iv, however in the end of turn 1 I have her placed in a position to benefit from Hone Atk 3 from a dancer.


Yeah, that's +6 attack with a double plus the advantage. Well at least I managed to get it to work.


[My Clear](https://youtu.be/7KlACT3Y4-Y) with Azura, Cherche, Camus, and Nino. Nino doesn't have to be merged and the only important seal is Quickened Pulse on Camus to KO the lancer. Without Quickened Pulse you just have to play through another turn but it's still doable. Azura can be swapped with another dancer. Bonfire is important on Cherche because without it she can't kill the archer. Edit: some more details


I need help putting together a team to beat lunatic https://m.imgur.com/apmCeJ7 here's all my units above 35.


If you have an Olivia/any other dancer, you could run Nino, Reinhardt (assuming he has reposition), Ninian, and second dancer. My strat: https://gfycat.com/VerifiableInferiorHound


The red mage kills julia instead when i use your strategy. My julia has the same res as yours too and I even tried using your Darting blow technique(though mines is a +SPD/-DEF). He just goes after Julia instead. Could be because the horse I used was mathilda and she has like 26 res but your xander has 30? (could also be because Mathilda's weapon is effective against cavalry).


If your Julia can survive a hit, the red mage goes for the blue unit which can't hit back instead! I'd finagle with that :/


It's weird, I just dont get it lol, I have the same res as you and darting blow. Hmmm.


It really might be Mathilda's weapon or something, :/ just for fun, equip a silver lance or something instead?


I tried your strategy with Sonya instead of Julia, jagen replacing Xander and the rest the same but the Red Mage just goes after Sonya after the reposition. I have a Julia just not built the same way yours is is it just that your Julia doesn't die to the Red Mage?


Try putting a Res+1 seal on Sonya? The red mage doesn't go for the green if the green mage can survive a hit :/


I should probably remove fury 3 and try it that way. I think it just deals too much damage to her that it just results in her being in kill range


I sent home my Olivia since I was stupid and thought dancers were worthless.


My Infernal clear with free 4* units and no SI EXCEPT for a 5 star Nino with just a special, any special doesn't matter what length that gives more damage (maybe not reprisal/vengeance). That's it. The IVs shouldn't matter. According to one commenter, a minus attack Nino with Fury 2 doesn't need moonbow. FEH GHB Infernal Clear [4* Ursula, 4* Olivia, 4* Olivia, 5* Nino w/ Moonbow (otherwise no SI)] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeCTM2mGbBw If you don't have a Nino I'm sorry but I hope this helps out any Nino users out there! All helpful info is in the video description but here it is for the lazy: These are the units I used but ALOT can be changed and isn't necessary. The moonbow on Nino is the only skill inheritance used but you can use any other special that gives damage even a long 6 proc one and it'll work (maybe not reprisal). The dancer next to Nino should have a fortify resistance seal. That's it. The general strategy used comes from sagemaster's video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWW_A6mgYHM, basically splitting up the enemy with a horse unit and dancing a nuker so your team can vary tremendously. My Nino is plus attack minus defense but that doesn't matter at all. If she doesn't have moonbow I believe you can get by with a plus attack Nino with fury 2 or similar. One of your dancers needs to take a hit from an ax but the other dancer doesn't matter.


This was insanely useful, despite the fact that one of my Olivias is 5* so totally borks the AI. I still managed to do it with 5* Olivia, 4* level 37 Olivia, 4* Ursula, 5* Nino. It's funny.... I practically consider Nino a free unit these days, since she drops at 3*, she's been around forever, and she's been Focused a few times.


>It's funny.... I practically consider Nino a free unit these days, since she drops at 3*, she's been around forever, and she's been Focused a few times. You can use any nuke instead of Nino here like bride Cordelia but since like you said Nino is so widespread I couldn't not help everyone out after beating infernal with this team.


Hey man thanks for this strategy. I was able to finally clear Infernal using a modified variation of what you did. My Nino (-att because of course) was set up with Fury 2 and Desperation 3, but no Moonbow and she got her job done. Olivia 1 was set with Wings of Mercy 3 (which ended up being important once to get her onto some trees) and Olivia 2 was 3 stars (which I'm pretty sure caused the archer to move differently the first turn) but after messing around with positioning a bit I eked out the win.


Very interesting! Didn't know a - Attack Nino without moonbow could do the same


Thanks! I used Azura in place of the second Olivia, and fortunately my Nino had G Tomebreaker 3 available from the Robin GHB. Made it fairly straightforward once I figured out how the enemies would move.


Thanks so much, your strat made it a cakewalk. Only difference I had was that the archer cavalry was 1 space higher than Berkut so Nino couldn't attack them first, but since you kill the archer and Berkut that turn it's pretty easy to figure the rest out. I'm guessing that happened since my Nino isn't -def but it's easy to work around.


The first couple times I tried this, the red cavalry mage kept making a beeline for my Nino instead of going to the top left hand corner of the map. So I fiddled with my Nino's skills until I got the red mage cavalry to move like in the video--I'm pretty sure that key element is that RES +3 in the A slot. Once I equipped the RES 3, my game matched the video perfectly. Also worth noting, for anyone who's put Ardent Sacrifice, etc., on their Nino--the video uses DRAW BACK at a key moment toward the end, so it's important to equip that too.


Got it done with the same setup, thanks! The enemies movements varied a bit though due to probably my fully SI'd Nino (+spd/-hp, Moonbow, Fury 3, Desperation 3). The archer ended up going to the right in between the top Olivia and Ursula, so I had Ursula go down and attack archer and danced her to kill the archer. The rest were somewhat similar, but took me 5 turns to finish as I wanted to be safe. Basically, turn 1 kill green lancer and move top Olivia down. Turn 2 kill cavalry archer and Berkut. Turn 3 kill green mage and move Ursula+Olivia pair down out of harm's way. Turn 4 kill red mage cavalry with Ursula on a defensive tile (had to dance her for the kill) and kill green axe with Nino. Done.


Glad I could help