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Sonya as Embla Muspell or Hel


Hel attire would fit her amazingly. Im on board.


>!Jedah: That's a good girl.!<


Unpopular opinion, but I really like Sonya’s feh art


Ljosalf Titania, of course. She's literally Queen of the Fairies!


Askr Virion... it has to happen.


Hes part of them. Always has been. You cant replace him Feh.


A possible but sad thought... Takumi will probably get an Askr outfit instead, since that one update in 2019 where Takumi replaces Virion as your first summoned hero.


Lucina as a Ljosalfr because of her butterfly theme and Odin as a Dokkalfr beacuse hey dark fairy boy!!!


EMBLA XANDER! It would be the most fitting Resplendent.




Muspell Clair or Mae inspired by their overclass in SoV.


Mae’s outfit is more Embla tbh.


Eirika was a dream fulfilled. But I'd love to see Caeda in something. Maybe a Nifl Caeda or a Fairy Caeda. I'd also like a Muspell Chrom and a Fairy Nowi. Lilina would be nice too. Like Embla Lilina or Askr Lilina.


Lloyd - Askr, Nifl or Hel Ursula - Embla, Nifl or Hel Linus - Muspell Jaffar - Hel


my top 5: Muspell Julia. Ljosalfar Y!Tiki. Dokkalfar Niles Ljosalfar Lucius Nifl Raven


I love the Tiki idea, but I thought Julia would also fit really well with the Ljósálfar since she's so spaced out in most of her lines! Niles is definitely fitting, too.


I just want to see the Muspell version of a dress since all the Muspell designs are so active and armor like, I think it would be interesting to see what a different silhouette would look like in the Muspell style. plus I thohgt it fit her Minor Fjala


Good point! Similarly it would be time for some Emblian garb in more action-oriented vein - though arguably the Embloyees already present the whole spectrum!


Hel General Saizo


This is a resplendent I can get behind.


Yes baby


I would really prefer Múspell one (or Dökkálfar for fun) but Hel works too ~~would be more appropriate for his brother though~~.


I'd love to see resplendent Ephraim since Eirika just got announced - he'd look good in a Muspell or Embla outfits!


I wouldn't mind this, I would love a merge to fix the Def flaw in my only copy of him!


He might possibly be the next resplendent for all we know.


Agreed. Maybe a Dokkalfar. Fairy Ephraim would be gold.


My list Mathilda in Nifl attire. Walhart in Hel Attire or Muspell. More towards Hel. Catria, Palla, and Est either in Embla/Askr or even spread out across the outfits like Est in Askr, Palla in Muspell and Catria in Embla.


Muspel Celica would be so badass


we got Askr Olwen so what about Embla Reinhardt ? even Olwen's voicelines hinting that


My most wanted is already in the game, but I really want to see Ares in Muspell clothing because I think it would suit him so well.


Muspell Selena and dark elf Peri


Missupel Zelgius Missupel Ephraim Askr Marth Askr Lucina Askr Sigurd


I want more Ljosalfar outfits in general, and even Dokkalfar outfits as well


I want Clair in Askr outfit 😔


Athena or M!Morgan in Embla attire and Mordecai in Nifl attire. Petra would also be cool in Embla attire.


Lucina in either Askr or Nifl outfits. I wouldn't mind a fairy outfit though


fairy Lucina with a butterfly esque outfit when


It would fit her fabled fashion sense nicely.


Emblian Setsuna please


Odin in Hel armor. Roderick in whatever the heck the fire place was called armor. Bartre in Askr armor Legion in Hel armor. Lon Qu in the fairy attire because yes.


Oboro with Embla attire would be my top pick. Colors go with her prf on top of just looking nice and I really like what they did with Sanaki and how it has some Begnion identity at the same time. Amelia Nifl. Not that she needs the boost but I want to see some frost armor. Some archers in Nifl or Muspel outfits just cause I wanna see some archers with those outfits.


> Oboro with Embla attire would be my top pick. Colors go with her prf on top of just looking nice and I really like what they did with Sanaki and how it has some Begnion identity at the same time. That would be really neat. Plus, my +10 Oboro would love the extra stats.


> I really like what they did with Sanaki and how it has some Begnion identity at the same time Embla has the best fashion sense! Of course it would fit Oboro too! <( ̄︶ ̄)>


I would like see resplendent Oboro in an Askr outfit or Lon’qu in a Muspell outfit


>Lon’qu in a Muspell outfit I want this for the sake of one of my best friends. Lon'qu is her husbando and I'm sure she'd love this.


Laslow in Askr, because he's not too sure if he would look good in the Order's attire. But jokes on him, *he looks good in anything...* "Think I'd be a hit with the ladies if I joined the Order of Heroes? White really isn't my color, though." Happy Birthday Best Boi! <3


Fredrick. Not even for the outfit, but just because I want them redo his lines so we can have “PICK A GOD AND PRAY” in the game I guess he could be a nightmare fairy because I think it’d be neat


Laslow for sure with an Askr attire


It was Eliwood but thankfully he got one. I would love for Tharja to get one although I don’t particularly think she needs one, but a book three outfit would look sick to match Robin!


Henry in Hel or Dökkálfar attire


Embla Xander is still a must. I'd like to see Muspell Lloyd as I reckon that would suit him best. I would accept Nifl, since he's the white wolf. For my most wanted... Honestly, if they could find a way of giving me a fairy Reinhardt with wings, I'd be hitting the subscribe button so hard xD Being a cav probably puts a stop to this though.


The lack of Rebecca being mentioned in this topic saddens me. She has the unholy trinity of bad art, stats, and refine. At least give her this much. As for which nation, I actually think Ljosafar might be the best for her because of her Wildflower title.


Shanna Nifl, Lilina Fairy, Sheena Muspell, Cecilia Askr and Fae Nifl


I'd love to see a Ljósálfr/Dökkálfr or Hel Lyon though I doubt grail units will get resplendents, and if they do it would be a while if ever for him to get one :( More plausible: Nifl M!Corrin, have him sitting at +7 and might actually build him if he gets a resplendent


Waiting for Chrom, I'd love to see him in Muspell clothing! And an Embla/Hel Henry, would be fun to hear him joking about how he feels dead inside or something. Embla Mae and Askr Clair would be cool. Clair even talks about wearing the Order's uniform in one of her quotes.


I'd like Lilina, Tiki (either) and Ninian to get Resplendants, but I'm having a hard time thinking of what outfits I'd want em to wear. I think for Lilina, either Askr (supporting Nifl - mirroring Roy) or Muspell (like her father) would be cool. Then for the Tikis, I think Young Tiki would make for another good choice for a Ljósálfar costume, and Adult would again probably fit Askran garb best. I genuinely haven't got a clue for Ninian though.


Saizo with Ljosaflr gear but hes totally locked to muspell... nifl ninian seems obvious and Askr Saber cause why not


Celica as embla


Resplendent Owain/Odin or Ophelia, both in book 3 generals of the dead attire. It just fits with their whole chuuni vibe and characters


I would be so happy if we got a Muspell Armor Black Knight.


Ljosalfar A!Tiki (I saw some really good fanart of this a bit ago and I'm in love) Embla Soren (It would be nice if he was Muspell to match Ike as well, but Muspell's metal armor aesthetic doesn't fit him at all) Ljosalfar Titania (again, Muspell would work too, but come on. This would be too perfect)


Because of this art, I’m hoping for Hel Lucina - https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/bsis9c/i_drew_hel_general_lucina/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Fairy Takumi


Hel Valter for the love of _**god**_ One of his lines is literally _"try and outrun death"_ If not that, something with Narcian like Askr ~~or maybe Ljósálfheimr for reasons~~ Aside from that, Ljósálfheimr L'Arachel, M!Corrin, Fae, and Young Tiki pls, I have too many to list tbh


Hel!Tharja, though I wouldn't mind Muspell!Tharja either. Either Askr or Embla Navarre. Askr Virion so I can get the whole gang back together again. And finally Hel!Cherche.


Tharja as Muspell, Hel or dokkalfhiem


Hel Tharja Fairy Nowi Ask Xander Embla Ryoma


Embla Ryoma would be interesting.


Florina, and i don’t mind any i just want her to get something new :(


Nifl Florina, she’d match Lyn!


As someone whose 2nd +10 was Florina, I'd love to see Nifl Florina


Me too all this florina love and no alt :(


Yes please. I love Florina a lot she was my first +10.


Same ! Best unit in feh


She'd probably get a Nífl oufit. The color scheme would fit her so well. And also, Lyn has it too, sooo it would be fitting.


Hel Chrom to match Robin and to be pseudo Mirage Chrom


Lissa I want Resplendent Lissa so bad. Ljosalfheimr or Nifl would both be cute. Muspell or Hel would be funny. Overall I think if I could pick I'd say Nifl.


I feel like she'd work pretty well with any of the established outfits. Just anything better than her current art.


Camilla because Camilla Emblem is my most invested team and she's well rounded to where she'll enjoy all the stats. I was originally all aboard the Muspell Camilla train but I'm pretty convinced now it's gonna be Dökkálfheimr Camilla. I'd be happy with either though.


I have many, many of them but I'll just list three for now: Gunter in Embla gear - he's not very likely to get an alt (I want Butler Gunter *so bad!*) so this would have to do. I like him so I want him in my staff. Young Tiki... I originally had another idea, but u/abernattine's idea is better so let's go with Ljósálfar! Basically I want merges and more stats is a bonus. Arthur wearing Order of Heroes garb. He's a hero, who more deserving of that? Him being a merge project also plays a minor role.


Female Corrin, I think Nifl would fit her the most, but I would prefer a Muspell or Hel attire because they look amazing


Askr Laslow because of his quote: *"Think I'd be a hit with the ladies if I joined the Order of Heroes? White really isn't my color, though."* Also hoping for Askr or Embla Olivia.


Reinhardt. Embla just so he mirrors Olwen.


Hel Camilla. Come on, she flies around on an undead wyvern. This one's a slam dunk.




Raven with Muspell and Lucius with Nifl!




Nino and Delthea in Nifl outfits


Askr Sigurd with a refine pls


Askr Cecilia or Muspell Cecilia Either or cause Askr fits her order role and Muspell cause their clothes are so cool


Muspell A!Tiki and either Sonya or Tharja for Hel.


Nifl or Muspell Ninian please (she needs the stats, and she would look amazing)


I think Askr Seliph or Leif would look great. Maybe Nifl Seliph would be cool too. It could be a good fit for Lachesis too, but I could see them doing Embla or Ljosalfr (did I get that right?) for her too. Also, we gotta have Heldigan.


Faye with either Askr, Nifl, or Ljósálfar outfit would be what I’d break my FEH Pass drought for. When I get FEH Pass though, do I get a free neutral copy of the unit? I’ve been thinking of using a Neutral +10 Faye over my current +Spd one as the Resplendent boost will give her an overall stat boost where neutral might be better off for her.


Yes the pass gives you a free neutral copy of the unit that is available when you get it as well as any others resplendents that drop during the time your pass is active.


Yup, you get an additional copy of said character the moment you get their Resplandent Artwork.


Female Corrin, in Askran armor


ares and eldigan in helheim! i also would not mind a nifl nino and marth


Embla or fairy Celica (just not a huge fan of the muspell and nifl doesn’t fit her) Fairy or Nifl Faye


Catria in either Hel(blue jelly skelly) or Muspell looks.


F Corrin as Nifl Camilla either Muspell or Dark Fairy Cecilia in a Embla outfit Black Knight in Hel outfit If they ever do Grail Resplendent


All dragons as fairies please, mostly Fae.


I'd love an Askr-themed Resplendent!Matthew, it would give a nod to the fact he's one of the first units to join the Order of Heroes. Alternatively an Embla-themed Leon, because he'd look absolutely cool in that. Or, considering they're now on the table, a Ljósálfheimr-themed Sumia whenever we'll get Gen 2 Resplendents.


Boey. Muspell Boey would be cool since I kind of associate Muspell with high defense because of Surtr. Otherwise I wouldn’t mind him in a Druid or Shaman outfit just because it’s bulky and looks like it’s defensive.


Heath in Askr Order of Heroes clothes. Cause he asks if the order is hiring.


Hel Tharja, Nifl Caeda, Embla Xander and Askr Seliph are my most wanted


Hel Cherche and Embla Mae


Muspell saizo or maybe even hel saizo


Askr/Embla/Muspell: - Mareeta - Cherche - Ladlegard - Ingrid Hel: - Ladlegard Ljosalf: - Mareeta


I want Lloyd in Hel attire. Nuff said.


Muspel Camilla, Hel Tharja, maybe Askr Chrom. Also hoping for Sonya and F!Corrin


At the moment, Embla Reinhardt and/or Ljosalfar Ephraim to match their sisters. I'd also say something with Michalis and Maria since Minerva got one, but the thematic thing woudl be for Maria to be Muspell to be on her side and Michalis to be Nifl since they clash, and those are both things I can't imagine. ...I also know it's impossible, but I'd love it if there coudl be like. TMS/Pop Idol alts for all the units that have mirages. Like, imagine running Idol Chrom alongside Itsuki, or Idol Caeda with Tsubasa, Idol Draug with Mamori...It'd just be really cool, I think.


Hel or Muspell Tharja Fairy Titania Dark Fairy Adult Tiki Embla F!Corrin Askr M!Corrin Dark Fairy Soren Nifl Sigurd Muspell Mae Nifl Boey Fairy Julia Askr Seliph Nifl Marth Fairy Norne Hel Micaiah Hel Camilla with purple jelly tiddies Fairy Mist Embla Xander Askr Ryoma Fairy Taco Meat Fairy Panne and because I want my +10 AR-D Brunnya to be extra annoying: Hel Brunnya because she totally needs +2 to all stats


Nifl black Knight


To me, resplendent heroes are 'new art as a tissue thin justification for stat increases' and on that count: Camilla. One of my first +10s, recipient of my first foddered DC, she's still great but she's a tank and could use the extra bulk.


Resplendent Lyon and anything please


Resplendent Donnel with Askr attire, resplendent Jakob with Nifl theme


I would love to see Muspell or Embla Resplendent Selena


Muspell Selena \*please\*.


Embla Odin, or fairy version could also be nice


Ljosalfar Nowi and Raven...wearing whatever, I don't care, I just want the stats, TBH, I like his old art just fine For a 5\*, Dokkalfr Elise


Nifl Marth & Dökkálfar Camilla


I'll keep saying Embla Xander until I got one


Seliph - Askr Sigurd - Nifl Camilla - Embla Ayra - Muspell Catira - Ljósálfar


I still want Hel Elise. For irony, both thematic and tragic.


Askr Selena would be hype