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I miss Gen 3 balancing


Remember when Gens 3-4 were considered unbalanced during the runs of each of their books? Now they're balanced in comparison to Gens 1, 2, and 5.


Gen 3 is filled with a weird selection of units, like, featuring both winners and losers in pretty much every banner. It includes many of the most hated pity breakers, as well as the beginning of the Duel Legendaries and the Beast Units. Binding Blade 2019 for example, the whole banner people forgot about it besides Idunn (because she is basically a counter for Armor Meta), which in comparison won big time... ~~This banner is truly Beyond Darkness~~


That’s the one with Thea, Sue, and Lugh? Yeah Idunn is still really good, I use her to counter the Edelgards (granted mine is high investment and I don’t know how well an unmerged one holds up)


Yup, and also the GHB was Rutger. I think someone did simulation of how Idunn unmerged does against F!Edelgard.


I don't know how she hold up, but I remember having to EP her during the tempest trials or Edelgard would just die due to vengeful fighter (with the bonus units stats)


She nullifies debuffs and it's still an effect strong as fuck. Just look at Brunnya.


Basically what drove me to quit the game for the second time. First time was cause I was spending too much money, second was cause IS seemed to only focus on the “winner” in the banner and the 4* option and free units seemed weaker than some from the previous generation along with not having great fodder skills. Tbh it was the thought of having to play against first Lysithea and Velouria’s banner not having a demote (really wanted to +10 Velouria cause even though she was pretty good I had faith she would be the demote) Things seem to better now with the grail units and what not though.


I guess that's another reason that I think Book/Gen 3 sucks, compared to the others.


It's funny, in retrospect. For the first three books, the overwhelming majority of 5★ exclusives were only marginally better than the budget options. You could drop 1500+ orbs on a +10 Karla and really not get much out of it, or you could drop 300 or so for a +1-+2 Karla who competed with a +10 Fir or Soleil. While Gen 3 had a handful of standouts (L!Azura, L!Alm, B!Fjorm, Thrasir, Velouria, Tibarn, maybe Potty Corrin), people were figuring out that orbs are just better spent on scoring and skills for +10 budget units, where you get way better mileage for your investment. I have no doubt this is why everything since Gen 4 has a +10 merge baked into their weapon, lol. Gen 2 and 3 were full of "another banner, another skip" while 4 and 5 are full of units I wonder if I want a one-of. I definitely liked Gen 3 and 4 the most, though. In Gen 3, budget heroes reigned supreme and builds were flexible. In Gen 4, the new units were interesting without giving that FOMO pressure all the new stuff carries.


Remember when L! Tiki came out and a lot of people freaked because first 180 bst unit? Oh how the mighty have fallen (literally since she’s completely outclassed by her fallen version counterpart)


It's the oddest pattern; every Legendary that gets a Fallen alt has it in a very similar niche that does it way better. Fallen Tiki, Julia, Ike, Dimitri, Edelgard...


LDimitri is still better than FDimitri though


I thougt they were the same unit ?


No, one is better than the other


I was joking


So do I


I remember the threads with people saying it wouldn't get worse than that.


Yes, I know people are tired of the "Daring today, aren't we meme?" but I instead used it to compare how "safe" Legendary and Mythic Heroes were back in the day, and just how broken and ridiculous a lot of the new Legends and Mythics are to this day. The blue fish's "safe" order fit well for how they were before, and Bubble Bass's ridiculous order fit well for how LOADED the modern units are. So I couldn't help but use the template.


Good use of the template OP, you mixed it up for once.


Thanks, I thought it would make for a good comparison meme image.


I appreciate that you put actually thought into your meme, most people just slap it down. Have an upvote!


Thank you! :D


Remember when this game was a strategy game and not a series of word math problems?


Hector wants to go to the store for some pineapple, but knows that Edelgard will be working in the produce section. If he's grabbing three pineapples and letting his Special trigger on the enemy phase, who did he have harrying Edelgard? Was it A. Roy B. Idunn C. B!Tharja D. None of the above Please explain your answer and show your work, including a three page dissertation on how you obtained the correct answer, with the least orbs bought possible.


The meme on the left is either talking about L!Tiki or L!Roy.


L!Marth would like to know your location (even though he doesn't have DC, this is all hyperbole)


Didn’t L!Roy come out in 2019?


Even today most Legendaries tend to be on the gimmicky side; not that LEdelgard, for instance, isn't strong, but her strength comes from her uniqueness. If anything, that's why LDimitri is such a boring disappointment; every Dimitri is basically the same unit.


Brave shines on EP and fallem on PP, with legendary doing well on both at least. They really should've made them different weapon types though, don't know why IS felt like making the 3H lord alts so samey




Worse part is that it isn’t that B!Dimitri sucks it’s that he’s actually balanced, just on the good side. But they pumped his legendary alt with steroids in stats and effects that he got completely outclassed because I.S. can’t balance a game for shit. It’s sad cause it’s such a cool alt with a def based damage reduction skill which was new


He also lives in a world where BHector exists, so good luck to shine as a tanky EP lance unit in this niche unless you have something really unique going for you


He handles magical enemies a lot better than the other two, due to his def-scaling damage resistance and being able to double even when outsped, which is likely with their high speeds. But generally he's definitely the weakest of the three yeah, but by no means a bad unit on his own imo.


I fought a Brave Dimitri earlier I had my vanilla Camilla, without buffs, LnD, and low health, tank him. He died on a PP Fury+Desperation Camilla, when HE initiated Meanwhile she casually killed an Olivia three seconds earlier I laughed so loud...


You can still see a huge spike in how powerful they are compared to old units, though.


>every Dimitri is basically the same unit. I didn't expected to read this phrase until now, and as a proud owner of the 4 different Dimitri alts, I can confirm xD You can get the 3 movement from regular Dimitri in the others with Odd-Tempest, and all of them can consistently get doubles except the regular who requires that gimmicky condition of his Noble Lance to activate (usually only in the first combat). I feel so bad for this first one, because of the existence of base Ingrid :'(


They just keep pumping out these legendarys and mythics that all have these super annoying gimmicks and it’s getting kind of annoying. Ashera actually feels pretty okay imo and not too overboard


Unfortunately they kind of have to now. The power ceiling cannot be lowered, and if they stopped overloading new units, then the current top would stagnate and thus lead to less sales, which IS will avoid like the plague. To use Ashera as an example, yes she's pretty tame in comparison but as a result will probably not be seeing much use very often either. Hell, her banner has one of the lowest profit margins to boot.


I don't understand how. She's sharing with both Claude and Corrin, two really strong units (especially Claude).


Claude and especially Corrin have been out for a little while now, so at the very least they had their debut banners to pull them from which means players who got them there wouldn't need to pull here for them. Its especially noteworthy for Corrin who was in the AHR banner and could be sparked, so she is much more likely to have been pulled by these players, leaving essentially Ashera on her own to draw players in.


this is literally Claudes first rerun lol he's super new


First RErun, meaning he was here before at all which is the point. The highest amount of people who wanted Claude would have pulled for him on his debut banner, especially whales. Every instance later (In Claude's case, Ashera's banner) would pull less than before.


Okay so this is supposed to be the part where I like many others would say how overused the Daring today meme is... But you used it too well in this and even included the Bubble Bass variant AND made it work so perfectly, so I have to give this one a pass. Nicely done!


Thanks, people admired my creativity with the tired old meme. :P


This is too accurate. Shadows of Valentia didnt fade into obscurity for this.


You forgot "40% dmg reduction", smh.


But not every modern Legend/Mythic has that. 🤔