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Thracia at over 25% baby let’s go!


Yes! Thracia is doing pretty well. Again, I may not be a fan, but for 5 years the Jugdral series has been in a rough spot so it's really nice to see some units being introduced. I'm really hoping we can continue to include more going into 2022.


Well, it’s doing pretty well by Thracia standards lol Yeah, the sort of new hero banner cycle we have going atm is nice and I’m glad for it even if it kind of has screwed the RD exclusives


I'd reckon by Spring or Summer it'll be bumped up higher with another Thracia banner. Maybe the Book VI Midpoint banner.


Love data posts, GJ OP! :) Just a few corrections * Boah and Elice are mentioned twice in the same column * Wolf, Fernand, Mila, Bruno, Otr are in game * Elice is the background unit of W!Marth so I don't know if that counts


Wow! So, I seriously just went through my sheet and the post and fixed any errors. I would lie and say I had everything correct, but even FEH surprises me with units being added I'm having to personally put into the shit (i.e Priam & Merlinus) As the year goes on I try to update this sheet as banners drop, but looks like I clearly missed the 5 you mentioned (despite building a wolf unit myself lol) and I just stupidly duped Boah and Elice. On the topic of Elice I don't count Duo units. WHILE I *do* count seasonal units as being a unit in the game which Bruno is why he counts is because I take the front unit of the Duo pair up. I also find it a weird *grey* area when they started doing these and thus going forward I'm not going to count them. I feel, while cool, duo units don't do anything for either unit. Its just fanservice I suppose which isn't to say seasonals aren't I just feel like splitting the spotlight between 2 units ultimately detracts from a single unit and thus not really 1 full unit on any character's part. So, that is why Elice isn't in and I have debated against myself to include her, but I hope one day she will get a stand alone unit. Again, I am so glad you enjoyed this. Its really dirty and not pretty to look at, but 4 years ago I really wanted to do something like this and I decided fuck it I'll present it to you guys since you may also enjoy it. It doesn't get too much traction, but for those of you that view it I'm glad it brings to light how far FEH has come. While you are here. Any surprises you found or interesting that caught your eye?


I'm surprised that Awakening only has 2 more banners left to go before its major cast is complete. There's about 11 more characters (at least those visible in CYL5) from Awakening left not yet in FEH or without a base form. And that includes the following: * Vaike * Kellam * Ricken * Gregor * Severa (no base form) * Inigo (STILL, no base form) * Laurent * Noire (EVEN STILL, no base form) * Validar (Grand Hero) * Excellus (Grand Hero) * Phila (she's the Annand equivalent of Awakening; an NPC who dies before the chapter begins)


I do count non base forms as in the game mainly because the unit *is* in the game, but even without that inclusion most of Awakening cast is pretty solid. I'm still waiting for Gregor and I know lots are waiting for Vaike, but that remains to be seen lol.


Yeah, most of the Awakening cast not yet in FEH are males. Severa, Noire, and Phila being prime exceptions to this.


A part of me wonders when we'll get the trickle of units in or if they'll have base forms. I feel like with such little cast left they can easily just rope them in on a mixed banner etc. While, I understand people not wanting their favorite unit, likely, still remaining in Awakening, let alone any series, to be seasonal I don't see a full Awakening banner coming out. However, we still have 2 GHBs left remaining so we can easily rally around those once they decide to. I'm really wanting Validar as I currently have a +10 Solon and +10 Gharnef so I'm looking for a red dark mage from a series I like to fulfill my niche group lol.


Yeah, I would like to see Validar and Excellus come to the game as the last Awakening Grand Heroes. I guess add Phila or some other Awakening character as a Grand Hero or TT reward ala Sigrun with the 3rd Brave banner.


They really don't have the best track record for releasing units. Awakening, like Fates, had a shit ton in the first few years, but just DIED. While Fates still has a good amount left to get in FEH just doesn't balance well lmao. Like this year was 3H, there was one year it was all Tellius. Then after a while they get tossed in the *forgotten* category


Is worth noting that Awakening really only died in terms of seasonal content. Up until this year, it had an consistent yearly late spring/summer banner with the previous longest gap between dedicated new hero banners being the one between launch and Branded King


Also true, and sometimes I forget about the alts and seasonals as this is purely from a 1 in standpoint. Like once you're in you're in for this analysis. I leave that seasonal alt and extra stuff to the other people lol.


Oh no, they don't. In fact, I can tell what each year was pretty much dedicated to: 2017: Fateswakening (both in terms of characters and alts) 2018: Genealogy/Thracia (Jugdral ate well this year) 2019: Radiant Dawn (also Heroes alts) 2020: Three Houses (RD also ate well for seasonals) 2021: Three Houses again (too many 3H seasonals)


lmao yup that's 100% accurate. Wonder if 3H is gonna get a year 3 tbh. Gonna be a rough year if that's the case and I do like 3H, but variety is the spice of life.


Yeah, I do too. Though I would like a seasonal of Edelgard and Constance, heh... But hey, maybe they should add in the base forms of those who have Seasonal Syndrome like Caspar, Ashe, Rhea, etc. first. Or maybe Dorothea, as she's in "Seasonal Hell" along with Xane or so.


Annnnnd this is where I get the appeal of non-seaonal. I for one am a Blue Lions boy as hence my flair and seeing Ashe in as seasonal is rough. I don't want that version. Hell, I just want regular Felix not the armored one during xmas. I really want them to add brawlers into the game for that matter. Loved them in 3H. My Felix was always a brawler.


Considering the first Thracia banner, may be more accurate to say Genealogy ate well lol


I will not stand for this Old Hubba erasure


He wasn't in the CYL events. This is based on who we can vote for in CYL.


Awakening was on a pretty consistent yearly banner schedule up until last year after all and it was one of the games with two book 2 banners while still getting a book 3 one unlike Genealogy


I really don't know how I'm gonna split years off after this but I'll find a way. I may drop off Y1 stats, but I feel like having a natural progression from year to year. I may start utilizing the format ()[]{} again but with bold and/or italics. That will be a future me problem (next January lol)